JJ and Mikey Became an POLICE OFFICER in Minecraft Challenge Maizen
- 😱 主角们在一列火车上醒来,发现周围的乘客都在睡觉,而Mikey也在场。
- 👻 主角们遇到了一个恐怖的生物,它攻击并杀死了一个村民,并开始追逐他们。
- 🚪 他们发现自己被困在一节被铁栅栏封住的车厢里,无法逃脱。
- 🔍 主角们在车厢内寻找逃生的方法,但只找到了一些面包,并没有找到有用的物品。
- 🏠 他们意外地回到了自己的家中,怀疑之前的事件只是一场梦。
- 🛠️ 主角们试图用木材封堵破碎的窗户以抵御外来的威胁。
- 🚨 门铃响起,他们发现一个木偶般的生物在门外潜伏,情况变得更加危急。
- 💡 主角们想出了各种逃生计划,包括使用狙击步枪和黑客技术。
- 🔥 最终,他们通过挖掘隧道的方式成功救出了Mikey,并逃离了危险。
- 👮♂️ 他们遭遇了更多的障碍,包括警察和强大的安全系统,但仍然坚持寻找逃生之路。
- 💣 主角们利用炸药和其他资源,克服重重困难,最终找到了逃离监狱的方法。
Q & A
😱 惊魂一夜:火车上的恶梦与逃亡
🔍 失踪之谜:家中的绑架案
🚧 救援行动:挖掘隧道与逃脱
🏰 村庄的灾难:囚禁与僵尸入侵
🚿 意外的避难所:厕所中的困境
🎉 胜利大逃亡:最终逃脱与新发现
🎊 自由的喜悦:逃脱成功
huh how long was I out and where am I
this looks like a train and the other
passengers they're asleep
huh oh Mikey's here too hey
Mikey wait what was that
huh he just killed a villager this is
bad he's coming this way we need to get
out of here and fast come on Mikey wake
up he's not waking up what do I do I
don't have much time I may have to wake
him up by force Mikey come on you have
to wake
up hey what was that for o you're so
mean JJ I was having such a nice dream
now's not the time Mikey we have to get
out of here what are you talking about
look what is that thing let's get out of
here now all right hurry run
away oh no the door is sealed off with
iron bars there's nowhere to run
seriously what are we going to do uh uh
oh there's a chest maybe this will help
us oh it's just some loaves of bread
it's no good Mikey there was nothing
useful in there at all
all uh-oh we're out of
time what it's all over for us we can't
give up come on
think wait what we're back in our home
this must have been a dream but it felt
real oh no stop
it sounds like Mikey's having a
nightmare I'll wake up
up go
away huh h Huh what's that
huh the glass windows all
shattered oh
no Mikey this is bad the windows are all
broken quickly we need to block them all
off before it gets inside hey Mikey grab
wood use the wood to fill in the windows
lock them
off hurry
up oh nice phew is this
enough I think we should be okay now
they're all blocked up I'm scared it
didn't get inside the house right all
clear Mikey that person definitely
intends to attack us I'm scared let's
stay put we can keep quiet for now let's
make a run for it in the morning mhm
sounds like a
plan hold up huh the doorbell rang no
way oh no no way the puppet is
here let's check the
camera no
it's the puppet and it's lurking in the
shadows if we go out there it'll jump
out and eat
us hold on
Mikey it's here it's right
there he wants to eat us oh wait oh
no it won't stop ringing the
doorbell what now hang in there Mikey
it's too dangerous here let's take
shelter in my secret basement let's hide
there over here just flick this to open
it all right hurry Mikey hurry right
here let's wait here until morning Mikey
it's just too
dangerous hey Mikey why were you
sh hang
on this is bad this is
no what do I do what do I do oh it's
pounding on the
door I got to find a place to hide a
place to hide uh no not there or there
oh that's right I put a secret door here
phew somehow I managed to hide this is
terrible that strange person broke into
our house and then Mikey disappeared
that strange person must have kidnapped
him oh what am I supposed to do
now huh
huh this is bad did he break in let's
check the security camera save me this
guy's crazy just do what he says please
why are you doing
this hey stop that that hurts please not
the cookies anything but my snacks oh
that's just cruel why are you doing this
oh it's worse than I thought Mikey's
being tor Ted in there I need to act
fast huh let's
see so if I can take him out with a
sniper rifle then problem
solved okay I just need to sneak up oh
there's a window I'll use it to line up
shot I can't let the criminal see me out
here let's get set up among the trees
nice and stealthy and find the perfect
okay I think this is my best
bet there he is I can covertly take out
the criminal from
carefully line up the
shot okay he's in my sights I can do
this I just have to huh no Mikey get out
of the way that was way too close come
on buddy move just a bit
more okay here we go
yeah hold on this time for sure please
don't get in the way
again there I've got you this time 3 2
Mikey this is really stressful Mikey is
moving around way too much I don't know
which one of them I'd hit it's way too
risky I need to find another way to save
him I'm going to need my laptop for this
if I can get get the computer close
enough to the house I may be able to
hack into the explosives and disarm them
but to get that close without being seen
a camouflage suit would come in handy a
set of leather armor and some green Dy
should do the trick there that's a full
suit let's see how the camouflage looks
m not bad now I can lie down and blend
in seamlessly with the grass
see I'm basically invisible let's give
this a
try first I have to sneak past the
police all right the green Dy matches
the grass nicely so I'm well hidden even
if he looks outside I doubt he'll even
me I need to get really close to hack
explosives just a little closer
yikes I didn't think he'd come outside
it seems he hasn't noticed me still I
won't move when he looks my way just a
closer oh he's so
close I'm almost within hacking
range I'm still hidden this is so tense
but I think it'll work come
on oh no I've been seen abort he's
shooting at me I have to get out of here
get to cover tactical Retreat sheesh
a oh what's going on now the criminal is
on top of the
house my demands are clear $1 million
within 5 minutes or boom huh did I just
hear that right I have 5 minutes to save
Mikey or he'll be caught in the
explosion along with the criminal what
well what am I going to
do oh I've got it an idea just came to
me we're going to try a new approach
check this out it's a drill I can use
this drill to dig a tunnel all the way
to Mike's house and get him out of there
before it's too late the criminal won't
notice it from the roof it's
genius I'll start behind the house all
right let's use this drill to save
Mikey now we're getting
somewhere man this thing is
heavy there now to leave a ladder so I
can get back
out perfect at this depth I should be
able to dig my way over without getting
the criminals attention hold tight Mikey
I'm coming for
you I think it's this way
who that's not good now what do I do I
managed to dig straight into a lava pool
this wasn't in my my plan I guess I'll
block it off and try digging around
it we'll just make a slight
detour H I think that should be far
enough good now let's get back on course
next stop Mikey's
house I'm pretty sure this is the right
spot there's not much time so let's
check the surface going
up I'll just make a pillar with
Cobblestone that that's good
enough there is that that's the house
all right but I'm not quite in the right
spot I guess I drilled a little too far
clock's ticking yikes there's the
criminal you have 2 minutes to provide
the money this is bad he's going to see
me what do I do I got to hide back into
tunnel that was way too close I can't
believe it he almost saw me that would
have been bad well I guess the tunnel
should be actually in this
okay these wood blocks are the
wall which means I should Tunnel right
here I've got it this time just a little
bit longer
Mikey hopefully he isn't standing
directly in the path of my drill I
should be careful luckily this drill can
go one block at a time
there's the surface I can see the inside
of Mikey's house yes I think this is
going to
work here's a ladder so Mikey doesn't
have to
jump let's do this okay where's Mikey
he's not on the bed
huh there he
is it's all over I don't have a million
dollars I'm Too Young To Die hi I hope
JJ lives a long happy life for both of
oh hey
Mikey hey keep it
down sh you scared me he's going to hear
you you've come to rescue me thank you
JJ of course I did buddy come on I dug
us a tunnel Let's Escape yeah come on
right down here coming today is not my
day to die let's get out of here mm H
which way there's only one way come
what it's behind me watch out oh no go
just keep running master you okay it's
fast it's coming wait that's poison
watch out
careful the ghost it's coming around
no it's coming
run run come on hurry go it'll catch us
this leads back to the surface go go go
hurry hey that's our house come on Mikey
faster get
inside the door yes that was closed
phew okay let's go up to the second
floor all
right we're
safe huh it's the ghost h
no way huh it keeps ringing the doorbell
it won't
stop it's still after
us but whatever happens don't answer mhm
it's getting dark yeah we'll survive
you're right the ghost is persistent
seriously it's morning the Sun is
up huh
huhuh huh it's
leaving did it give
up oh I wonder
weird oh huh huh it's gone it went back
to the cave it's
gone that's good it gave up on
us wait it's too soon to relax huh well
the ghost might come for us again
tonight you might be right let's set up
anti- ghost security good
idea huh hold up something's wrong with
the village The Village it's been
wrecked it's all messed up what what
happened here huh uh how wait Mikey what
about the villagers let's check to see
if they're safe
yeah where is everyone oh hold
on huh no one's here or
anywhere no way what happened
like how what did this let's check on
the chief great let's go Farms are all
huh huh there's no one here either why
the chief's gone what happened
huh how and why where is everyone let's
go back home Mikey is our house still
this is what our house looks like now
our house is wrecked and everyone is
gone what just happened right what
happened our village Why
Us du
huh what huh what's that sound holy cow
zombies zombies what seriously how
there's no way how can this be there's
so many of them
Mikey we're in trouble an evil
organization has locked us up that's
awful but let's take our time to figure
out how we escape we'll be okay in the
end no
worries H wait Mikey huh no that sound
means what execution
look that villager is about to be
executed quick run away hey no what's
going to happen
now who's
that what that's him the
Executioner wa no way the Villager hey
hang in there there you have to survive
oh he's been the Villager eaten alive
that's horrible poor
guy it's so
awful Mikey we're next in
line hey let's break out of here right
now huh I don't want to be Gator food me
neither but how do we escape it's
impossible come on there has to be a way
there must be something we can use in
here there's nothing H hey what look
yeah Vines but JJ those Vines are too
far away I still want to try if I can
reach them then we can climb out no you
can't reach them there's no way for us
to break out we're going to be
executed no don't cry there must be a
way you're crazy wait I have an idea see
this bed here yeah what if we put it
over here oh
now H oh I'm up wow you really did it
right oh oh thank you we escaped yes now
that we've made it out of our cells we
need to break out of this prison before
we're executed let's go
I don't want to die all right let's do
this ready open yeah huh huh what's that
what is this place that is some heavy
duty security yep lava and lasers this
is going to be tricky mhm let's do it
nowhere to go but forward right there's
no room for
error this is hard don't touch the
you okay Mikey I'm doing it nice almost
there okay wo it lefted me I'm okay but
that was close all right we made it we
better hurry
hm what's this the sign it's meat looks
pretty yummy too I bet there's goodies
inside but we're breaking out of here I
don't trust a door marked with meat what
if there's something dangerous behind it
I'm sure it's fine whatever's through
there is better than execution right you
make a good point let's
go what's in
here this is different huh
H it's a maze hey that isn't so
bad if it's a maze then it can't be
fatal now that's
reassuring I guess so let's clear this
maze yeah let's go this will be so easy
no wait a sec what's up there's
something in here with us back up it's
an alligator what do we do this is bad
what now oh man no one said anything
about alligators it's a dead end we have
to rush it what hey ouch man we have to
use Force it's following
you let's go Mikey
hurry look huh a chest is it a trap H is
it safe open whoo diamond and golden
armor uh take your pick Mikey H I'll
choose the gold really I'll take the
diamond armor there we go yeah okay nice
now that we're equipped I think we can
fight the Gators totally this will be
easy let's go y take it out
yeah let's get
it it's kind of tough make a break for
it it's strong go it bit me let's focus
on the maze I want to get out of here
where's the
end huh we've come this far for a dead
end there's no exit really do we have to
go back now no hang on
Mikey there's no way out it's hopeless
see look really carefully there's
nothing no higher huh there's a button
here you're right let's push it
okay oh did you see that a secet
entrance let's move go wo yes I made
it um oh hm check it out oh a hole it's
in there yeah it's really well hidden
definitely you ready open it here it
goes is it a trap or a Treasure 3 2 1
open well wo h
it's good really look huh we found
dynamites wo yeah sweet it's perfect we
can break through the wall with the
cracks in it yeah so let's blow it up
we're breaking out definitely before our
execution yes what's
this let's see what's going on here wo
huh huh look all of these poor villagers
are locked up why are they going to be
executed that's awful let's save them
get out of here go run away quick get
out of here you're
free everyone's
gone H is that an alarm do they know
we've escaped
oh no wao watch out it's the Executioner
we got to run I don't want to die what's
on it burns this floor shoots fire oh no
the exit is blocked oh it's all over
what now no we're goners hey Mikey what
now there's a door over there come on
wait for me
wo h
that was
close wo
okay what is this place it's so small
where are
we this is a toilet we ran into the
bathroom what I'm glad we're safe but
the Executioner is right at the door
blocking it I guess we're stuck in the
bathroom for the rest of our lives no JJ
sucks he might be waiting there for a
long time really is there another way
out what now uh let me think oh man well
there's that H it's a bit of a gamble
what look um it's a toilet right
yeah it must flush into the sewers
oh right sure let's go through the
toilet into the sewer is that possible
let's go let's try all
right hang on are we underwater what we
can't make it through that we'll drown
what now look over there I think I see a
door on the other side unfortunately if
we try to make our way through the water
we'll run out of air and drown so we're
stuck is there no way out of here H hang
on a chest opening in 3 2 1 oh wood wood
planks won't help us now hold on monkey
I figured it out watch what check it out
this now we have doors we can use the
doors to make it across the underwater
room seriously how are doors supposed to
help you'll see how they help just watch
I'm following you sure come on it's fine
yeah it's fine wow it's kind of scary
when you're this this deep underwater
I'm scared hurry our Oxygen Bar is
almost empty but when we stop behind the
door for a moment it'll go back to full
oxygen and we can breathe through the
door okay amazing we'll just place the
doors as we go there nice nice nice can
you breathe like this yeah I can let's
go hurry up wao what's this wall the
whole thing is completely made out of
Bedrock I want to see what's inside is
this the exit show me the sky huh JJ
we're not outside why yeah you're right
we're inside plus it looks like we're
surrounded by bed rock which happens to
be the strongest block in Minecraft it's
impossible to break so we're trapped
what's the sand for sand huh wait a sec
there's a chest over here sand is
useless hopefully there's something good
in that chest we can use open oh huh is
that a diamond shovel a lever gunpowder
will never Escape with that stuff H is
there anything else we can use h Huh huh
look over here Mikey what look huh this
wall is the only part of the entire room
that's made out of cobblestone instead
of Bedrock really yeah crazy hang on I
think I figured it out I think I know
what we can craft to bust out of here
what first we need to dig up all this
great all right that's enough sand now
let's use the crafting table mhm I just
need to arrange it like
this okay oh I just made five blocks of
TNT nice and
then do you know what happens when we
pull this lever Mikey it'll activate the
TNT wait don't we need Flint or steel
it's okay ready oh wow
huh oh
the way out I can finally go outside
well we definitely haven't broken out of
the prison yet but I feel like we must
be getting close I wonder how the
world's changed out there I checked but
it's too dark to see outside the bars
what's in the chest let's open it oh
what's that this is no way it's a
flamethrower huh wo it's powerful it's
practically Unstoppable so strong I
can't believe we found our own
flamethrower nice nice nice wo
cool Mikey let's move on we might find
our way out of here if we go through
this door I bet you're right I want to
get out 3 2 1 open
what wait a sec huh what's going on here
help me are these enemies maybe OU oh
they're attacking ouchy let's take him
down nice job use the
flamethrower wo go
away keep fighting this is amazing oops
I set you on Fire w ouch it burned this
is bad that was a close one I almost
up my dad all right one left nice attack
yes we got him oh we won huh wow Victory
awesome what now we're finished we beat
the final boss really that was the boss
of the prison hang on a sec right an
exit an exit it's our way out for real
this time is it we'll find out in 3 2
1 are we free wo maybe not what's this
we're still not outside yet huh huh
that's it up
there huh it looks like some kind of
door that's the exit right let's go
let's go what are we going to find up
are we
free open we're escaping here we
W woohoo we made it out yeah we escaped
woohoo this means we finally escaped
from that weird place if you enjoyed
watching us please subscribe to our
Channel and like this video bye bye
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