TLDRفي هذا النص المكتوب، يشجع شخص ما على الجمهور للانضمام إليه في مغامرة شهية. يبدأ النص باستقبال مكالمة هاتفية ورسالة نصية من شخص يعمل لـ "Mr Beast"، يشير إلى أن الشخص قد فاز بجائزة في سباق السحب. يصل إلى البيت قandbox يحتوي على شريطات شوكولاتة، ولكن ما يثير الأهمية هو أن أحد الصناديق قد تم فتحها مسبقًا. يكتشف الشخص أنه هو أحد عشرة الفائزين العظماء في السباق، والذي سيحصل على فرصة السفر وإقامة الفندق من قبل Mr Beast. سيشارك في مسابقة تصوير فيديو حيث ينافس مع تسعة آخرين ل.Factory الشوكولاتة. يشعر الشخص بالذهول والقلق من الظهور أمام ملايين المشاهدين، ولكن يشعر بالحماس والرغبة في الفوز لصالح عائلته وجمهوره. يشير النص إلى أن الشخص متحمس بشكل كبير ويتطلع إلى المشاركة في الفيديو والحصول على الجائزة.
- 📞主角接到了来自Mr Beast团队的电话和短信。
- 🏆他们赢得了一个巧克力工厂的参观机会,这是一次难得的大奖。
- 🎉这个大奖是从一个大规模的抽奖活动中获得的,仅有10个获奖者。
- 📦他们收到了一个包含巧克力的包裹,里面有一个巧克力工厂的入场券。
- 🤔包裹里只有7条巧克力,而不是预期的10条,这让他们感到困惑。
- 🎥他们将会在Mr Beast的视频里与其他9个人竞争巧克力工厂。
- 🚨这是一个非常难得的机会,他们感到非常兴奋和紧张。
- 👨👩👦他们计划与家人一起分享这个经历,并得到了家人的支持。
- 🍫主角表达了对Mr Beast巧克力的喜爱,尤其是藜麦脆片口味。
- 🎉他们自称为“幸运的Lamberts”,并相信自己会赢得比赛。
- 💪主角呼吁粉丝在评论区给予支持,他决心要为粉丝赢得比赛。
- 📝他们收到了一张在巴黎订婚的照片,这增加了他们对这次经历的期待。
Q & A
-视频中提到的“巧克力工厂”是Mr Beast举办的一个活动,参与者有机会赢得参观Mr Beast的巧克力工厂的机会,并在视频中与其他人竞争。
-主人公是通过接到一个电话和收到一条短信得知自己赢得了巧克力工厂的门票的,电话和短信都是来自为Mr Beast工作的某个人。
-主人公在视频中感到非常激动和兴奋,甚至有些紧张和压力,因为他意识到自己即将在Mr Beast的视频中出现,并且有数百万人会看到他。
主人公为什么会提到“Willy Wonka”?
-主人公提到自己小时候曾参与过“Willy Wonka”音乐剧的演出,这可能是他表达自己对即将参与Mr Beast巧克力工厂活动的兴奋和期待的一种方式。
视频中提到的“Mr B's bar chocolate factory admit one”是什么意思?
-这是指Mr Beast的巧克力工厂门票,意味着持有这张票的人可以进入Mr Beast的巧克力工厂。
-主人公提到了他特别喜欢的Mr B's bar chocolate中的“quinoa crunch”口味,他每天都会吃一块。
-主人公计划参加Mr Beast的巧克力工厂活动,并决心要赢得比赛,为他的家人和粉丝群体赢得巧克力工厂。
😲 Unexpected Call and Chocolate Factory Ticket
The speaker expresses excitement and disbelief after receiving a phone call and text from someone associated with Mr. Beast, a popular YouTuber. They recount a story of receiving a mysterious package, which they initially thought was chocolate. Upon opening it, they discover it contains a ticket to a chocolate factory and learn they are one of ten grand prize winners. The excitement escalates as they are told they will be flown out, stay in a hotel, and compete with nine others in a video for the chance to own Mr. Beast's chocolate factory. The speaker is overwhelmed by the opportunity and the odds of winning, and they express a desire to prepare for the competition and to represent their fan base, the 'delafam'.
🎉 The Audition and Support for the Competition
The speaker continues to express their astonishment and gratitude for being chosen for the competition. They describe the ticket as an 'audition' for Jimmy (possibly another YouTuber or a person of significance) and state their intention to keep the ticket close, viewing it as a source of motivation. They call for support from their fan base, referring to themselves as a 'family' and a 'team.' The speaker also shares that they have received a picture from their engagement in Paris and connects this personal milestone with the surprise opportunity. They mention their favorite chocolate from Mr. Beast's brand and their excitement about the competition, referring to themselves as the 'Lucky Lamberts.' The speaker ends with a determination to win and a call for encouragement from their fans.
💡Chocolate Factory
💡Feasible Sweepstakes
💡Mr. Beast
💡Grand Prize
💡Willy Wonka
💡Oompa Loompa
Received a phone call and text from someone working for Mr. Beast.
A package arrived, initially thought to be chocolate.
The package contained a mysterious ticket to a chocolate factory.
Only 10 such tickets exist in the world.
The ticket grants entry to a competition at Mr. Beast's chocolate factory.
Mr. Beast will fly the winner out, cover hotel costs, and feature them in a video.
The competition involves 10 people competing for the chocolate factory.
The odds of winning were extremely low, highlighting the rarity of the opportunity.
The individual expresses excitement and pressure about being in a video seen by millions.
The individual has a personal connection to the Willy Wonka story, having been in a musical adaptation.
The individual is determined to win for their 'delafan' community.
The individual's wife expresses support and excitement for the opportunity.
The couple has a personal connection to Paris, where they got engaged.
The individual plans to wear the ticket as a good luck charm.
The individual's favorite chocolate is the quinoa crunch from Mr. Beast's brand.
The individual is referred to as one of the 'Lucky Lamberts'.
The individual is overwhelmed and has not fully processed the situation.
The individual calls for support from their community in the comments section.
oh this is crazy
let's go we're going to the chocolate
all right we're freaking out right now
oh my gosh let me explain what just
happened i got a phone call and a text
from somebody
i'm not gonna mention a name that works
for mr beast
let me let me just see here oh my gosh
hold on hold on hold on hold on freak it
out tell us we were on a walk with face
and then we he goes home he goes hey
dallin my name is blank trying to get in
touch with you related to the feasible
sweepstakes you entered give me a call
thanks a box came to our house today and
i just thought it was that chocolate so
i got it he put in the pantry and i said
i put in the pantry i was just like
it's more chocolate and i get this text
so i call the guy
and he goes hey um did you get a package
today and i'm like uh i'm not home right
now he's like when you get home check
your porch for a package
further instructions are inside
what are the further and then give it
let's open it i'm dying wait can i open
it let me open it yeah you can do that
no no i'm gonna hold it i'm gonna hold
it you're gonna rip my hand cut my hand
go that way go that way let's be
gentle here
okay i'm so confused
it's 10 pack bar it's ten bars that's
what i thought it was this has been
yeah this has been open okay so there's
one two three there's five bars in here
i don't know this is weird let's open
all the boxes
no there's seven bars
what's weird is this this was open this
was just tape it was taped
no freaking way
and knit one to the chocolate factory
no way
you're lying though wait you're kidding
you're lying you're lying
let me open these
no way
what do they say
no way
i don't know bella i don't know what is
that there's only 10 of these in the
world there's only 10 of these i gotta
call this guy back i have to call it up
this is crazy
let's go we're going to the chocolate
let's go baby
i don't know what this means but i just
mr beast goes
let me skype
can i hold it
mr b's bar chocolate factory admit one
feast the bulls
oh i'm shaking i gotta call this guy
back okay we gotta go we'll talk to you
in a minute
this is pretty crazy
yeah you got it oh my gosh yeah we got
it i'm here with my wife too
there we go
what in the world
nice yeah so uh
yeah you obviously got the uh chocolate
factory ticket you're like one of ten
grand prize winners oh my gosh so mr
beast is gonna fly you out pick up a
and you'll be like in a video they're
gonna shoot it in like
you versus ten other people
uh computer you versus nine other people
competing for uh
mr beast chocolate factory in a video
wow that is pretty wild
so it is like really like total chance
obviously like you're one of like
hundreds of thousands of names
uh drawn
so all right well congrats i appreciate
it man thank you so much
yeah see you have a good one bye-bye
you're gonna be in the video man
you're gonna be competing
oh my god
this is crazy
oh my gosh
oh i'm shaking
you're gonna be in the video now i feel
so much pressure millions of people are
going to see me
pacing around this house i'm sweating
oh i don't even know how to react you
guys i don't even know this a normal
sunday just went absolutely wild one of
10 people out of hundreds of thousands
that entered in hundreds of thousands i
don't know why i don't even know what
the percentage that you can win the odds
are dance
fellas baby
i was in the willy wonka musical when i
was in kindergarten wait jimmy do you
need a cheerleader i'll be um
i could be an oopalumpa wait i could
reenact myself being all right let's see
what you got this is your this is your
your audition for jimmy
i'm sleeping with this tonight i'm going
to look at it every single day
i feel like i'm just repeating myself
over and over this is the same clip this
is probably the most boring youtube
video we've ever posted it's just us
freaking out but how could you not
all right i need you guys all you guys
better rally behind me i need support
i'm gonna i'm gonna do this for the dell
fam i'm coming home i'm i'm winning the
chocolate factory and all you delafan
members are going to be there with me
we're we're a family we're a team this
is going to be epic oh my gosh i feel
like i could cry i seriously feel like i
could cry this is crazy this girl just
got a frame forget this engagement
picture of ours we just got where is
this we just this is where we got
engaged in paris perfectly and she's
like nah
talk to jimmy bell what do you got to
say this jimmy thank you for picking us
no he didn't it was random i know but
thank you thank you for giving us the
opportunity he created i'm glad that he
is our favorite youtuber it's actually
kind of funny because we watch every
single one of mr beast's videos like
right when they come out
look at that
hey that actually kind of looks low-key
good i know we're gonna put it by the
youtube plaque
that's more like i'm literally wearing
this every single like a beast he's like
a beast baby
i'm wearing this every single day i
don't know what to say
thank you very much for putting us in
your video
we're very i mean we're very excited
our little boy
benjamin is very proud of his dad for
being in mr peace i'm just eating
chocolate i'm literally just
and honestly okay you know what since
we're on the subject
mr b chocolate hits different my
favorite is the quinoa crunch i eat one
like every day
so good we're just so excited this is
such a cool opportunity
and this is unreal they don't call us
the lucky lamberts for nothing babe
we're the lucky lamberts
i guess we are i don't even
i don't know this is crazy it hasn't
even hit me i haven't even processed it
we're going to process this i'm
literally freaking that of course of all
the days i just did a hair mask i put
like this like greasy no one cares about
your hair we just won the chocolate
ticket the chocolate factory and met one
i love you guys i know the same i love
you i'm going to do it for the delicious
train up time to drink i'm going to win
this for the dollar fam i need all of
you guys to comment below
encourage me
i will win i will win i'm telling you
right now i'm a winner and i will win
he's winning this for us
i don't know what the heck i have to do
but i will win he's doing it i'm
determined mo like
oh this is crazy
let's go let's go
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