TLDRفي هذا النص المكتوب للفيديو، يُعد الجمهور لقناة الفيديوهات على الإنترنت بانتظار مفاجأة من قبل بيلا التي ستُجرِّها على جوش. تبدأ بيلا بصراخ مفرط أمام جوش، وهو ما يثير اهتمام الجمهور. يُعد هذا النص مقدمة لسلسلة من الأحداث التي تشمل ممارسة لعبة بيكلبال، والحصول على الطعام، ومشاهدة برنامج التلفاز. يُشار إلى أن بيلا ستُجرِّ مزحة أخرى على جوش بعد العشاء، وستكون هذه المزحة مبنية على أن تبدأ بيلا بصراخ مفرط بدون سبب ما يُعتبر من الأحداث المشوقة في الفيديو. يُشير إلى أن جوش قد أُعجب بالمزحة، ومع ذلك، يُعد توبر هو الشخص الوحيد الذي قد يكون قد أُجرِّ مزحة حقيقية.
- 🎬 **视频内容**: Bella计划在视频中对Josh进行恶作剧。
- 😂 **幽默元素**: Bella假装在Josh面前歇斯底里地哭泣,以引起他的反应。
- 📺 **观众互动**: 视频提到观众曾要求进行此类恶作剧,表明内容与观众互动有关。
- 🏆 **竞赛活动**: 视频中提到了pickleball比赛,增加了娱乐性。
- 🎁 **观众福利**: 提到了正在进行的抽奖活动,奖品是iPhone 12或iPhone 11。
- 👨👩👧👦 **团队互动**: 视频展示了团队成员之间的互动,包括Troy、Katie、Dallas和Bella。
- 🏠 **日常生活**: 视频中展示了团队成员的日常生活,如在家中的互动和活动。
- 🍽️ **共享餐点**: 视频提到了团队成员一起外出用餐的计划。
- 🚿 **日常准备**: 描述了成员们准备晚餐和进行个人卫生活动的场景。
- 🎉 **恶作剧实施**: Bella实施了她的恶作剧计划,而其他成员则协助或反应。
- 📹 **幕后花絮**: 视频还包含了一些幕后花絮,让观众了解拍摄过程。
Q & A
-视频中提到的giveaway是一个抽奖活动,将赠送一部iPhone 12或iPhone 11,具体型号由评论下方的观众决定。
😄 Pranks and Pickleball: A Fun Day Ahead
The video script introduces a day filled with excitement as Bella plans to pull a prank on Josh by pretending to cry hysterically. The audience is informed about an upcoming prank segment and are encouraged to stay tuned for it. Additionally, viewers are urged to subscribe to the channel and participate in a giveaway for an iPhone 12 or 11. The script also mentions a game of pickleball that the group will play, and the video transitions into a behind-the-scenes look at their activities. The segment ends with a plan to execute the prank after dinner, with the help of Katie and Alan, and a setup involving a shower routine.
😢 The Prank Execution and Emotional Relief
This paragraph details the execution of the prank where Bella pretends to cry, causing Josh to be concerned and offer support. The prank is successful, leading to a humorous interaction between Bella and Josh. The video then shifts to a discussion about watching a show and the prank's aftermath, where it's revealed that Topper was the one who was actually pranked. The segment concludes with a light-hearted moment featuring Topper's nephew and a final prank reveal, followed by the group's plans to take showers and check on Dallin.
💡hysterically crying
💡fake cry
Bella plans to pull a prank on Josh by hysterically crying in front of him.
The group is excited for a day of fun activities, including playing pickleball.
A giveaway is announced for an iPhone 12 or 11, with viewers encouraged to comment their preference.
Bella and the group engage in a game of pickleball, with a friendly competitive spirit.
The video provides a behind-the-scenes look at the vlog, adding an element of authenticity.
Bella and Katie strategize to execute the prank on Josh while he is in the shower.
Josh is pranked by Bella's fake crying, showing his genuine concern for her well-being.
Topper, another character in the video, is also pranked but shows he cares by his reaction.
The prank on Josh is revealed to be a success, with Bella's acting skills convincing him.
The group's dynamic is showcased through their interactions and reactions to the prank.
Banks, presumably a pet, is shown to be a good boy and part of the family, adding a heartwarming touch.
The video ends with the group planning to watch a show together, emphasizing their bond.
Throughout the video, there's a focus on creating new memories and enjoying each other's company.
The transcript reveals a light-hearted and humorous approach to content creation.
The video includes a call-to-action for viewers to subscribe to the channel and participate in the giveaway.
The use of music and sound effects adds to the entertainment value of the video.
The group's activities are interspersed with planning and executing the prank, building suspense.
The video concludes with a sense of camaraderie and a hint of what's to come in future content.
bella is going to be pulling a prank on
josh i'm just going to start
hysterically crying in front of josh
i've seen a lot of you guys requesting
this so hopefully i can get my actual
skills on this dude's about to like
freak out
oh you're okay
and memories new memories over and over
over and over again
good morning fam it's dallin bella and
today we are super excited because it's
just gonna be a good day yo you guys
it's gonna be a really good day
bella is going to be pulling a prank on
josh later on in this video you guys so
stay tuned for that stay tuned we'll
tell you guys about that in a little bit
but yeah if you guys are not already
subscribed to the channel what are you
doing subscribe to the channel right now
also you guys give this video a like
right now just hit that like button
because we're doing a giveaway we're
giving away an iphone 12 or an iphone 11
we haven't decided
to comment down below which one you guys
want um and join the dell fam you guys
but josh and katie are actually waiting
for us we're gonna go play somebody
we're gonna play pickleball right now
let's just let's just go ready three two
one all right you guys we made it here
we were at the pickleball court right
now bella hey uh bella are you here
where katie have you seen bella josh
have you seen bella bella bella
ah it's time okay guys it's time first
of all you can get out of here because
it's uh
katie and i versus josh and bella right
now you guys troy
katie and dallas
katie come here right now let's go you
ready for this all right here we go guys
we're moving into topper's house bts
right here
bts of the behind the scenes of the jd
um all right guys we will see you
i'm super excited tomorrow so topper is
excited too yeah make sure you
subscribe this is cute ellie's asleep
again i aspire to be this comfy one day
that's a mood right there all right josh
you were talking a little smack on your
vlog over there pickleball recap of the
night how'd you
bella do we lost you know fair square
how many games how many games you lose
two right yeah two out of three
you try what is that what's that called
when they do that
snails now oh turkey turkey that's the
one that's the one
because it looks like a turkey like
get it bro get it
snail seriously we pound it
jellyfish i knew that i was gonna do it
yeah i'd do it
all right you guys we're about to go get
some bomb food right now
oh belle's got another one
that one's solid all right you guys all
right bella's got another one what's up
pound it lock it rock it
all right that one was a little i don't
know why we ended on that one
all right guys josh is in the shower
right now and i'm gonna tell katie
she says oh wait i'll be right back oh
so i'm going to tell katie the game plan
for what is going on i don't even think
she knows like what i'm planning to do
shut up dude dude he's like slapping
that bell okay so
um we're about to go to dinner hold on
oh my gosh down is locked out
i'm trying to tell katie what's going on
while josh's in the shower josh takes
quick showers too by the way so okay
what's going on is we're about to go to
dinner and after we get back from dinner
i'm just going to start
hysterically crying in front of jeff but
i need your help because i need you
and alan to like leave the room so it's
like kind of awkward because i'll i know
i'll go take a shower
okay oh yeah that's probably the shirt i
need yeah you should probably go take a
i wanted to but we're supposed to let's
go take a shower
you and me yeah me and you okay
yeah okay okay that sounded wrong but
anyway so you two go take a shower
and then bella you know darlin and katie
are gonna take separate showers
okay they're gonna go take a shower i'm
gonna go in this way separately
and then it's like i call it a wing
that's cool you're winging of the house
this is my favorite and then it's gonna
just be me and josh and i'm just gonna
start hysterically crying with no reason
i've seen a lot of you guys requesting
this so hopefully i can get my actual
skills on this dude's about to like
freak out
don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry
don't cry don't cry
literally all right watch out we gotta
be quiet before it comes out all right
guys it's gonna be good
all right we hit the camera we set it up
it's go time
katie's actually already in the shower
darling josh should come out any minute
i'm gonna sit out here and wait though
for him to come and then so it's not as
yeah so it's not just awkward i think
this looks good right here
we gotta finish the show or what bro
wait let's watch the bachelorette when
you're done showering
that is all you want to watch huh let's
put on a show for the pups
yeah i'm gonna go in the shower and then
we'll watch afterwards
what are we supposed to do just hit
what's up thanks you crying
uh you okay
bella what's wrong
you okay oh you all right
i cry sometimes too what's wrong it's
better if you talk about it
can i help with anything okay are you
are you down again yeah you want me to
get down
for you no you sure the copper make it
oh boy
is because banks doesn't care though
what happened
that's nothing that's happening oh again
what's wrong sorry i don't want to be
like awkward what's wrong
it's fine okay you said you're stopping
her earlier that way
i can't even take myself seriously if
you lost some type of wall
what's the matter that did hurt
come on man
this is my man right here no come here
boy no look he doesn't want to come here
hey bankster you were fake
thank you thank you so much don't you
wish me for that
he's a good boy you're annoying
you're overlapped with that all right
guys we officially pranked josh today
you didn't impress wait did topper just
press play who reads play on the tv
wait let's watch the bachelorette let's
watch the feathers wait did you actually
not press play
oh you sat on the remote a little too
thick okay
did i get you at all though for real did
you actually believe me that i was
yeah i know you're like did something
we lost some pickleball why'd you have
to bring that up
we gotta we gotta be better yo the real
one that got pranked though was topper
hey no
this is my nephew let's see if it works
see if it works but yeah fake cry ready
he really is the sweetest oh a topper
he does care so where's that one
actually he's actually taking a shower
because he's stinky all right well i'll
leave you i'm gonna go take a shower
or check on dallin you know what i mean
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)


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