Another 97 Rated Striker? Heroes Voller!
TLDRفي هذا النص، يُعد اللاعب الإلكتروني Rudy Waller هو الشخصية الرئيسية، حيث يُظهر أنه لديه إحصائيات ممتازة ويُعتبر قيمة الشراء بسعر 223 مليون عملة. يُعد الهدف من السلسلة التعليمية هي بناء فريق حول Waller باستخدام أفضل تبادلات في اللعبة، وممارسة مباراة رأسًا لرأس مع إكمال مجموعة من الأهداف. يُعد الهدف النهائي في الفيديو الفوز في المباراه وإنجاز الأهداف مع استبعاد لاعب عشوائي من ال11 الأساسية في حال فشل في أي هدف. يُظهر النص أن Waller لديه إحصائيات قوية بعد التدريب، بما في ذلك السرعة والتصوير والتحكم، ويُعتبر لديه مهارات جيدة. يُستخدم في النهاية لتسجيل هدفين على الأقل، وهدف رأس واحد، ويُحقق الهدف النهائي وهو تسجيل حاتريك مع هدف قوي جدًا. يُعتبر النتيجة النهائي هو فوزه بنتيجة ستة أهداف مقابل واحدة، مما يُظهر الأداء المتميز للبطاقة الجديدة.
- 💰 EA 发布了新的 978 Striker 英雄球员 Rudy Waller,其卡片价格为 223 百万硬币。
- 📈 Rudy Waller 的基础卡片看起来非常出色,拥有 110 的速度和出色的身体素质。
- 🔥 经过训练,Rudy Waller 的速度达到了 140,射门 127,盘带 135,传球 93,身体 108,整体表现非常强劲。
- 💡 Rudy Waller 拥有四星技能动作和四星弱脚,以及五星耐力,能够在比赛中持续发挥。
- 🔄 通过交换,获得了包括 Zaka、Lao Martinez、Mosto 和 Rodri 在内的球员,构建了一支强大的队伍。
- 🚨 队伍构建过程中,如果未能达到目标 OVR(92),则必须在比赛开始时自进一球。
- 🤔 在交换过程中,需要至少使用一个来自每个交换的球员,以确保队伍的多样性。
- 🎯 在比赛中,Rudy Waller 完成了帽子戏法,包括两个普通的进球和一个头球。
- 🏆 最终,比赛以 6-1 的比分获胜,Rudy Waller 独中六元,表现出色。
- 🔄 队伍最终阵容包括了攻击型球员和一些中场球员,但还需要补充门将和后卫。
- 📉 尽管未能达到 92 的 OVR,但 Rudy Waller 的表现证明了他的价值,值得投资。
Q & A
EA لديها إصدار جديد من 978 Striker، من بين الشخصيات الجديدة مهاجم رودي والر، ما هي إحصائياته؟
-رودي والر له إحصائيات جيدة جدا، يتميز بسرعة 140، إطلاق 127، تمريرة 93، تلاعب 135، وجسد 108، بجانب مهاراته الأربعة نجوم في الحركات التقنية والقدم الضعيف.
ماذا تعني العبارة 'his stats look very good guys' في النص؟
-هذا يعني أن إحصائيات رودي والر ممتازة وتحمل التوقعات الإيجابية من قبل اللاعب.
ماذا يشير إلى 'Target OVR' في النص؟
-يشير 'Target OVR' إلى الهدف الإجمالي لمجموعة اللاعبين في اللعبة، وهو 92 في هذا المثال.
ماذا تعني العبارة 'I'm supposed to detect the rating that I get from the rank UPS'؟
-هذا يعني أنه إذا استخدم لاعب مرتبة، يجب عليه خصم التقييم الذي يحصل عليه من الترتيبات.
ماذا تعني العبارة 'we have to play a head-to-head match'؟
-هذا يعني أنه يجب على اللاعب الذهاب إلى مباراة مباشرة ضد لاعب آخر لإنجاز الأهداف المحدده.
ماذا تعني العبارة 'for every failed objective we got to be discarding one player randomly from the starting 11'؟
-هذا يعني أنه إذا فشل اللاعب في استكمال الهدف المطلوب، فإنه سيفقد لاعبًا عشوائيًا من القائمة الأساسية最开始的 11 لاعب.
ما النتيجة النهائية في المباراه التي تمت في الفيديو؟
-النتيجة النهائية كانت 6-1 في فضل الفريق الذي يحتفل به الفوز.
كم عدد الأهداف التي سجلها رودي والر في المباراه؟
-رودي والر سجل ستة أهداف في المباراه.
ماذا تعني العبارة 'he feels so good' بخصوص رودي والر؟
-هذا يعني أن اللاعب يشعر بالرضا والمتعة في استخدام كارت رودي والر، وأنه يعطي تجربه جيدة في اللعبة.
ماذا تعني العبارة 'so that's the end of the match'؟
-هذا يعني أن المباراه قد انتهت، وأن اللاعب يبدأ في تقديم التحليلات والاستنتاجات بعد النهاية.
ماذا تعني العبارة 'let me know in the comment section below'؟
-هذا يدعو الجمهور للتعليق والمشاركة في النقاش حول رودي والر وتقييمه مقارنة بلاعبين آخرين مثل usabo أو R9.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية لـ 'Target OVR' التي تم الوصول إليها في النهاية؟
-النتيجة النهائية لـ 'Target OVR' التي تم الوصول إليها بعد ترتيب الفريق كان 91، ولكن بعد تخفيض التقييم الذي يحصل على رودي والر من الترتيب، تراجع إلى 90.
😀 Introduction to Rudy Waller and Team Building Strategy
The video begins with EA releasing a new 978 Striker, Rudy Waller, and the presenter expresses excitement about his impressive stats. The plan is to evaluate if Rudy is worth the investment, build a team around him using the best exchanges, and play a head-to-head match with specific objectives. The presenter mentions a Target OVR of 92 and the rule of not using ranked up players without adjusting the team's rating accordingly. Rudy Waller is acquired for 223 million coins, and his stats are discussed in detail, including his pace, shooting, passing, dribbling, physicality, skill moves, and stamina. The presenter then outlines the process of completing various exchanges to build the team, emphasizing the need to reach the target OVR and the consequences of failure.
😮 Team Composition and Exchange Outcomes
The presenter continues with the team-building process, starting with the 87 to 97 exchanges and expressing disappointment with the initial outcome. However, they manage to add players like Zaka and Lordo Martinez to the team. The 95 exchange follows, resulting in the acquisition of Winter Wild Card Player Lordo Martinez, who is placed in the right forward position. The presenter then attempts the 93 to 97 untradeable Heroes exchange, successfully packing Mosto to play in the camp position. The 80 to 90 exchange brings Quarona into the team, and the presenter expresses satisfaction with the team's strength. Despite the lack of defenders, the presenter optimistically continues with further exchanges, successfully adding Rodri to the midfield. The formation is adjusted to a 4-2-2-2, and the presenter strategizes about the team's structure and the remaining exchanges to fill the defense positions.
😃 Match Play and Rudy Waller's Performance
The video concludes with a match where the presenter has to start with a one-goal disadvantage due to not reaching the 92 OVR target. The objectives for the match are to score a brace with Rudy Waller, win the match, and score at least one header goal with him. Despite the initial setback, the presenter successfully completes all objectives with Rudy Waller scoring all the goals, including a hat-trick and a powerful shot. The match ends with a 6-1 victory, and the presenter praises Rudy Waller's performance, particularly his shooting and dribbling skills. The video ends with a call to action for viewers to share their thoughts on Rudy Waller's performance in the comments.
💡Striker Rudy Waller
💡Skill Points
💡Target OVR
💡Head-to-Head Match
💡Ranking Up
EA has released a new Striker Rudy Waller card with impressive stats
Rudy Waller's 1-rated card costs 223 million coins
Target OVR for the team is 92, cannot use ranked up players
Rudy Waller has 140 Pace, 127 Shooting, 135 Dribbling, 108 Physical after training
Rudy Waller has 4-star skill moves, 4-star weak foot, 5-star stamina
Finish Shot Power Hited trade makes Rudy Waller a cross spammer card
Need to complete exchanges to build a team around Rudy Waller
If fail to reach Target OVR, start match with one own goal
Packed Lao Martinez in 95 exchange, adds another Striker to the team
Packed Quarona in 807-907 exchange, strengthens the team
Packed Rodri 95 rated card in 95 exchange, adds a CDM to the midfield
Packed Coal 95 rated card, adds a strong right winger
Packed Danan 9 rated card, adds a right back
Packed Grimaldo in left back exchange, completes the defense
Florian words packed in CAM exchange, adds depth to the midfield
Packed David Lopez in final exchange, adds another center back
Failed to reach 92 OVR, start head-to-head match with one goal down
Three match objectives: Rudy Waller scores a brace, match is won, Rudy Waller scores a header
Rudy Waller scores a hat-trick on debut, including a header, winning the match 6-1
Rudy Waller's power shots, shooting, and dribbling stand out in the match
EA has released another 978 Striker this
time it's a hero Striker Rudy Waller so
his stats look very good guys let's see
if it's worth the price and also we're
going to be making a team around Rudy
Waller guys with the help of the best
exchanges in the game right now and
after we make a team we have to play a
head-to-head match and complete a set of
objectives and for every failed
objective we got to be discarding one
player randomly from the starting 11
which I don't want happening anyways
guys let's begin by getting Rudy Waller
so I'm going to be getting his one one
rated card for 223 million coins so
let's go get him his card looks crazy
good not going to lie first let's buy
him and you know let's just trade him up
and let's have a look at his stats real
quick all right the purchase of Rudy
Waller is done and also guys I forgot to
tell you we have a Target OVR to reach
and today's Target OVR is 92 and I'm not
supposed to use any ranked up players if
I use any ranked up player I'm supposed
to detect the rating that I get from the
rank UPS so yeah let's go and put Rudy
wall in the striker position guys and
that's done so now it's time to use his
skill points and also let's train him up
guys I'm excited to use this card and
I'm going to go with dexterity obviously
and I'm going to increase the counter
and here we go let's have a look so he's
already got 110 Pace without without
ranking him up imagine if I rank him I
mean if I train him up guys it's going
to be an absolute beast that's for sure
great physical as well great shooting
and the passing could be a little bit
better but you know what I don't really
pass a lot with my Striker so that
doesn't really matter so let's go train
him guys here we go we have trained him
to 25 levels now it's time to have a
look at a stats so he's got 140 Pace 127
shooting 93 passing 135 dribbling and
108 physical not going to lie his stats
look very solid guys so he's got four
star skill moves and four star weak foot
five star stamina so yeah he's going to
last the whole match and coming to the
trades he's got finish shot power hited
trade so I think it's going to be a
cross spammer card as well looks like a
great card not going to lie anyways now
let's go and complete the exchanges guys
and also guys if I fail to reach the
target over here I'm supposed to start
the match with one own goal guys so yeah
let's go and hopefully we reach 902 over
here somehow guys so I'm going to begin
with the 87 to 97 exchanges so let's go
complete this one so yeah I've got
enough f for this so this is going to be
the first exchange of the day and let's
have a look guys one good pull is enough
so England all right cam okay that's a
that's bad I'm skipping this so we got
zaka and Bley no way guys I got to use
at least one player from each exchange
so I think I going to stick to 800
player for this exchange or probably I'm
just going to go use zaka guys welcome
to the team gr jaka so he's going to be
the first player guys now let's go and
do the next exchange so the second
exchange is going to be the 95 exchange
guys so I got to purchase some players
for this so let me just purchase the
players and I'm going to complete the
exchange real soon all right here we go
the first 95 exchanges here hopefully uh
a right wing Messi or mbappe or left
wing mbappe would be great so let's go
have a look at this pack and it's a
winter wild card no way I thought that
was messy for a second all I got was Lao
Martinez guys and also I think uh Rudy
Waller probably played for a sera club
I'm not sure which club he played for
but yeah here we go this is going to be
the winter Wild Card Player lordo
Martinez so we have another Striker guys
so for now I'm just going to put lordo
Martinez in the right F position so
let's go put in there welcome to the
team Lao Martinez so yep we've got two
players so far let's go and complete the
next section now all right it's time to
complete the 93 to 97 untradeable Heroes
predictions if I pack Rudy Waller again
I can use any player of my choice guys
that's for sure I mean yeah let's go do
it you know what I don't even know what
to expect from this it's going to be
mosto guys nah that is kind of bad not
going to lie that is a bad bad pack I
packed him like a thousand times already
anyways let's go and use mosto in the
camp position and here we go welcome to
the team mosto so we've got another hero
not bad so far the team is shaping up
good because we are we did the best
exchanges so far let's go and complete
the 807 to 907 exchange now all right
here we go guys 807 to 907 exchange so
that's going to be the next one I'm
going to be picking let's see what we're
going to park it's a team off there all
right oh that's quarona guys that is
quarona that is a DB for sure uh is this
the moment Sadona oh my God no way that
is movement Sadona that was unexpected
not going to lie this is crazy guys he's
definitely going into the team obviously
welcome to the team quarona so our team
is turning out to be very strong guys so
we still got a defense to be sorted we
haven't put in a single defender in the
team hopefully we get good Defenders
from now on so now I'm going to be doing
this 95 exchange again so hopefully a
Defender guys that's what they ask for
let's go it's a winter Wild Card all
right Spain okay oh that's a CDM all
right that's rodry 95 rated rodry so
that's the next player that we packed
okay I'm not sure what to do guys we've
got lots of cdms right now anyways let's
go and place rodry in the Midfield
welcome to the team rodry so that's
going to be the next player so far we
reached 87 rating without putting the
defense we need Defenders that's it or
else I I I think it's going to be hard
reaching 9 to overr guys because if you
put players out of position they're
going to lose a lot of rating anyways
let's go and complete the next exchange
so the next one is going to be a 93 to
97 over player if you get a duplicate I
don't know what to do to be honest okay
Russia it's a duplicate guys so probably
I can just rank him up so this is a
waste exchange all right let me just
complete this 95 exchanges guys with
that all the big exchanges are done we
got to try getting good players on the
small exchanges anyways here we go so
England this is going to be coal guys so
that is not at all a bad pull so yeah 95
rated coal I'll take that and that is
did his price stabilize no not yet guys
he's still dropping a lot so yeah let's
go and place him in the right wing
position now so I think I got to change
the formation guys so I'm going to stick
to 4222 formation for now and quadon is
play as my cam oh my God he's horrible
at cam guys let me just put him in the
striker and lro Martinez is going to
play as the cam so yeah let's go and
come to the next exchanges now so this
is going to be the final big exchange so
80 to 90ed exchange guys so let's go and
see what we're going to get from the
final one hopefully a good walk out no
it's a normal walk out guys okay Endo no
it's right mid uh this is I I don't know
this gu him yeah danan 9 rated danan
that's not bad for sure we got a
duplicate Gran Chaka and we got Jan B uh
I don't know what to do guys I'm not
sure what formation I should go with so
anyways yeah let's go so I think I'm
going to play as danan in the right back
position let's have a look how much
rating is going to be okay that's not
bad him at right pack is not a bad idea
so we reach 88 over we still need a
goalkeeper two center backs and a left
pack you know what let's go guys I don't
know what to do right now I'm out of
plans so guys I have done the 85 to 90
team of their exchange and I got a
center back finally so yeah I'm going to
go with this 85 Center back so let's go
put him there finally we got our first
center back guys so yeah it's all
attackers team so far not no proper
defense but hopefully yeah in the next
few exchanges we pack someone good you
know what guys I can probably complete
this left back exchange so we have this
Grimaldo exchange and he's in the exch
exchange stab so I can do this exchange
guys so let's could do it I have
successfully completed the 90 rated Galo
exchange but guys I think we are not in
track back to reaching 92 OVR all right
so let's go place this left pack so yep
here we go we got Grimaldo in the left
park position so with that we reach 90
over we still got a goalkeeper and a
center back to be sorted so guys now I
got a brilliant idea so I'm going to
play quarona in the left back position
I'm going to put a grimal in the center
back and Martinez in the striker
position and I can probably go and
complete a cam exchange so I can
probably come to this Florian words
exchange guys so let's go do it so yeah
that's going to be the next player uh
hopefully the doesn't really impact our
OVR by a lot all right let's go guys we
have the cam finally Florian wordss
welcome to the team and with that we
reach 91 OVR but remember guys we're
getting one rating from Rudy Waller rank
so yeah we actually reached only 90 OVR
guys now we got a goalkeeper potion to
be sorted and I haven't packed a single
goalkeeper guys so you know what I'm
just going to try this 80 to 907
exchange if I don't pack any goalkeeper
I'm just going to go with the silver
goalkeeper I have right now hopefully a
gold goalkeeper in the section so let's
go and yeah there we go the final
exchange of the day and it's a walk out
guys it's a winter Wild Card walk out
Spain Center back okay we got another
Center back from Jona all right yeah
this David Lopez and no goalkeeper guys
that means you know what we haven't
reached 92 overr so now I got to start
the head to match with one goal down and
we have a few head to objectives to be
completed so the first objective is I
have to score a brace with Rudy Waller
the second objective is win the match
and the third objective is score at
least one header goal with Rudy Waller
so out are the two goals of Rudy wall
one should be a header so yeah let's go
and hopefully I complete all the three
objectives and for every failed
objective it's going to be one random
discard from the starting 11 all right
guys so let's go Begin by giving the own
goal to my opponent so here we go so
that's one own goal done so now we can
start our come back guys hopefully I
complete all the objectives this time
yeah scoring the header goal will be
tough guys because I'm not a guy who
really crosses a lot anyways let's go
try our best Rudy Waller come on yes he
getss past vanand quite easily and Rudy
Waller scores guys guys that was the
easy goal for him floran Wass to lro
Martinez and lro Martinez passes to Rudy
Waller and open up fake shot just stuns
van and yep here we go we scor the first
goal so now all I got to do is just
score a brace the second goal if it's a
header we are done with all three
objectives okay do one let's go I think
rud is score is's going to score ah
header now come on I'm going to cross
he's got ACR of space now oh no yes
bonov saves it guys that was a good
header though I'm going to try Crossing
it to Rudy Waller
itself and come on rud wallo okay that's
a very bad volley from him look at that
that ball probably hit someone in the
crowd but
yeah and Rudy wallo can he score a
second yep he does score the brace but
you know what so far we are winning the
match and also brace with Rudy Waller is
done all I need is a head goal that's it
I'm just going to start cross ping from
now on and hopefully I score a you know
header with Rudy Waller but look at the
Power Shot guys it was
all right rodri and Rudy wallo come
on and hatrick he finishes it off with a
header so and he scores a hatrick as
well on his debut match so not at all
bad guys so three goals as of now we are
tiing all three objectives hopefully we
just win this match from now on all
right Rudy Wall come
on look at the Power Shot guys no
freaking way what a power shot that was
from Ludy Waller lovely power shot and
guess it Bon didn't even try to dive
guys because he's he he knows he can't
save that so let's
go and that's the fifth goal of the day
we are cooking today we are definitely
cooking today guys so five goals to one
so that's a score line so far and Rudy
Waller is just
and sixth goal no way guys what is
happening today six goals to the same
player as well look at that Rudy Waller
his dribbling is probably one of the
best for his Striker he feels so good
guys I'm loving this card so far so yeah
that's the end of the match so we won it
with six goals to one probably one of my
highest scoring matches in the recent
times and Rudy Waller scored all those
goals guys his power shots are good his
shooting is heading everything looks
perfect guys so that's it guys I hope
you all have enjoyed this video in the
comment section below let me know how
good is Rudy Waller guys you let me know
if you think he he ISS has good as usabo
or R9 or you think you know he's a
little bit below uh their level let me
know in the comment section below uh so
that's it thank you so much for watching
make sure to go watch this video next
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