TOTS Messi 🐐 is here in FC MOBILE!
TLDRفي هذا النص المكتوب، يُظهر الشخص الشخصية الشخصية لـ EA Sports عن كارت ليونيل ميسي مع تقييم 98، التي تعتبر من أغلى اللاعبين في لعبة FC Mobile. يبدأ الشخص في تجميع فريق حول ميسي باستخدام ملعب ماد فوت درافت، ويشرح القواعد، ويشتري ميسي بسعر 480 مليون عملة، ويرفع تقييم ميسي إلى 99. بعد ذلك، يفشل في ترقية ميسي عدة مرات قبل النجاح في النهائية، ويعرض إحصائيات ميسي التي تتضمن سرعته 142، وتصويره 128، وتوصيله 119، ولعبه 141، وجسديته 93. يستخدم نقاط المهارات لتحسين مهارات ميسي. ثم يبدأ في اختيار اللاعبين الآخرين لفريقه، مع التركيز على أن يكون لديه لا يقل عن أربعة لاعبين من بارسلونا في الماضي أو الحاضر. وينتهي باللعب في مباراة رأساً-رأساً مع هدفين، وفشل في الأهداف التي وضعها، مما يؤدي إلى تلقي ثلاث تذاكر من النجوم.
- 😲 يحتوي النص على تصريف للعب家的 'EA' حول البطاقة الجديدة لـ 'Lone Messi' بتقييم 98، التي تعتبر من أغلى اللاعبين في 'FC Mobile'.
- 💰 تم شراء بطاقة 'Messi' بسعر 480 مليون عملة في اللعبة.
- 🔝 تم تصريف مسار ترقيتي 'Messi' في اللعبة، مع تلقي الفشل في محاولة ترقية معدل 50%، واستخدام 'Master Ranos' لتحقيق التقدم.
- 📊 تم إظهار إحصائيات 'Messi' التي تتضمن سرعته 142، إطلاق 128، تمريرة 119، تلاعب 141، وجسدانية 93، بإضافة نقاط مهارات لتحسينه.
- 🌟 يتميز 'Messi' بخمسة نجوم في القدم الضعيف وأربعة نجوم في القوة والحركة، ومهارات اللعب.
- 🤔 تم وصف قواعد 'Mad Fut Draft' ومتطلبات اختيار اللاعبين، بما في ذلك الشرط الضروري لاختيار لا يقل عن أربعة لاعبي 'Barcelona' من الماضي أو الحاضر.
- 📈 تم اختيار اللاعبين لفريق 'Messi'، بما في ذلك لاعبي مثل 'Mbappe' و'Salah' و'Griezmann'، مع التركيز على تلبية المتطلبات.
- 💡 تم اختيار التشكيلة '4-4-2' لفريق 'Messi'، مع توضيح الخطوات لاختيار اللاعبين من الاحتياطي والبدلاء.
- 🏆 تم إعداد أهداف للمباراة الرأسمالية، بما في ذلك مشاركتين أهداف من 'Messi'، والحفاظ على صفوف نظيفة، وتسجيل هدف قوي من 'Messi'، وفوز المباراه.
- 🎁 سيتم توزيع 'three star passes' في حالة فشل في الأهداف، مع تعليمات للاعبين لمشاركة فرصة الفوز.
- 🎮 تم تسجيل أداء اللاعب في مباراة الرأسمالية، مع التركيز على أداء 'Messi' وتحقيق هدفين، لكن فشل في تحقيق الأهداف الأساسية.
Q & A
ما هي البطاقة الجديدة للاعب لونيلي ميسي في لعبة FC Mobile؟
-البطاقة الجديدة للونيلي ميسي هي بطاقة تصنيف 98 للموسم.
ما هو الثمن المطلوب لشراء بطاقة ميسي في لعبة FC Mobile؟
-الثمن المطلوب لشراء بطاقة ميسي هو 480 مليون عملة في الإصدار الصفري.
ما هي الخطوات التي يتبعها اللاعب لترتيب ميسي في فريقه؟
-اللاعب يبدأ بشراء بطاقة ميسي، ثم يحاول ترقيتها، ويظهر إحصائياته، ويبدأ بعد ذلك في إنشاء فريق حوله.
ما هي الاحتمالات النجاح في ترقية بطاقة ميسي؟
-الترتيب الأول له نجاح 100%، والترتيب الثاني هو أيضا 100%، لكن الترتيب الثالث له احتمال 50%.
ماذا يحدث عندما يفشل اللاعب في ترقية بطاقة ميسي؟
-في حالة فشل الترقية، يستخدم اللاعب ماستر رانوس لزيادة الترتيب، وقد استخدم خمس ماستر رانوس لزيادة الترتيب بواحد.
ما هي إحصائيات بطاقة ميسي بعد الترتيب؟
-إحصائيات بطاقة ميسي هي: سرعة 142، إطلاق 128، تمريرة 119، تلاعب 141، وجسدانية 93.
ما هي القواعد للعب في Mad Fut Draft؟
-يجب أن يختار اللاعب من ال11 البدائي لا يقل عن ستة لاعبين، وจาก الاحتياطيين يختار اثنين، ويجب أن يختار لاعبين من باريس جون غير.
ماذا يحدث إذا لم ينجح اللاعب في الوصول إلى الهدف المطلوب في Mad Fut Draft؟
-إذا لم ينجح اللاعب في الوصول إلى الهدف المطلوب، فسيسجل هدفًا واحد في مباراته المباشرة.
ما هي الأهداف التي يجب على اللاعب إكمالها في لعبة head-to-head؟
-الأهداف هي: مشاركة ميسي في هدفين على الأقل، الحفاظ على الشبكة نظيفة، تسجيل هدف قوي من ميسي، وفوز بالمباراة.
ماذا يحصل إذا فشل اللاعب في الأهداف؟
-في حالة فشل في الأهداف، سيحصل اللاعب على تلقي ثلاث مكافأة من النجوم.
😀 لونيل ميسي البطاقة الجديدة وتجربة تجميع فريق حوله
يحتوي النص الأول على ملخص لتجربة مستخدم في تجميع فريق حول لونيل ميسي البطاقة الجديدة التي حصلت على تقييم 98. يتضمن النص الخطوات لشراء ميسي وترتيبه وعرض إحصائياته، بما في ذلك سرعته وقوة الシュooting والمرور والAlchemy. كما يتضمن النص تحديات الترتيب واستخدام ماد فوت درافت لاختيار 10 زملائ لـ ميسي، مع الشروط التي يجب اتباعها مثل اختيار لا يقل عن أربعة لاعبين من بارسلونا في الماضي أو الحاضر. وينتهي النص باختيار التشكيلة التي يختارها المستخدم.
😎 تجميع الفريق النهائي وتحقيق الأهداف الأساسية
يتضمن النص الثاني متابعة تجربة المستخدم في تجميع فريقه النهائي، مع التركيز على اختيار اللاعبين من الاحتياطيين والنائبين لاستكمال التشكيلة المطلوبة. ويتضمن النص التفاصيل حول اللاعبين الذين تم اختيارهم وأسعارهم، وكيفية تحقيق الهدف الأدنى لعدد لاعبي بارسلونا. وينتهي النص بتأكيد على أن الفريق الذي تم تجميعه يحقق الهدف المطلوب من التقييم الإجمالي، وتحديد الأهداف التي يجب على المستخدم اجتيازها في المباراة الرأسمالية لتجنب منح المكافآت.
😓 فشل في الأهداف وتأثيره على الأداء في المباراة الرأسمالية
في النص الثالث، ي narra المستخدم قصة فشل في المباراة الرأسمالية بعد أن تمكن من إحراز هدفين فقط من أهداف الأربعة التي وضعها. ويصف النص الأحداث الرئيسية في المباراة، بما في ذلك المحاولات المفقودة لتسجيل الأهداف واستغلال الأخطاء في الدفاع للخصم. وينتهي النص بإعلان عن النتائج النهائية للفريق وتأكيد على أن المستخدم سيقدم عروضًا للعملاء إذا فشل في الأهداف، مما يعكس ال承诺 الذي وضعه في النص الثاني.
💡FC Mobile
💡Mad Fut Draft
💡Rank Up
💡Master Rano
💡Target Over
💡Head-to-Head Match
💡Skill Moves
💡Barcelona Players
💡Star Pass
Introduction of a new 98 rated team of the season Lionel Messi card.
Lionel Messi is one of the most expensive players in FC Mobile.
The plan to create a team around Lionel Messi using the Mad Fut Draft.
Purchasing the Zero D version of Messi for 480 million coins.
Ranking up Messi to 99 and facing challenges in further ranking up.
Using five Master Ranos for one rank up after back-to-back failures.
Final stats of Lon Messi: 142 Pace, 128 Shooting, 119 Passing, 141 Dribbling, 93 Physical.
Choosing a formation for the team, opting for a 4-4-2.
Selecting teammates for Messi, focusing on past and present Barcelona players.
Choosing players like Mbappe, Salah, and Griezmann for the team.
The requirement to have at least six players from the starting 11, two from the substitute, and two from the reserves.
The importance of reaching a target overrun of 93 in the draft.
The strategy to avoid a minus one on the final OVR in FC Mobile.
The selection process for the final team, including players like Cancelo, Varane, and Donaruma.
The cost of assembling the team and the importance of managing the budget.
Setting up objectives for the head-to-head match with Messi.
The head-to-head match outcome and the disappointment of not meeting the set objectives.
Giving away three star passes as a result of not meeting the objectives.
EA has is a brand new 98 rated team of
the season lonel Messi card and he looks
unreal and not just that he's one of the
most expensive players in FC mobile
right now so guys today I'm going to be
making a team at lonel Messi with the
help of mad fut draft so I'm going to
explain you the rules later but before
that let's go and purchase Messi rank
him up and then I'm going to show you
the stat let's go and get lonel Messi
who is going for 480 million coins for
Zero D version we've got no other option
but to get him for 480 million coins so
let's go get him so let's start with
ranking up Messi somehow we can manage
to rank them up for cheaper so let's go
the first rank up is always 100% success
Messi reaches 99 the next one is also
100% success guys so let's go complete
this one this time it's going to be 50%
probability and I'm going to take the
risk come on Messi please that's a
failure guys come on 50% probability oh
my God that's back to back failures no
way oh wow what is happening I'm in
shock right now four back to back times
failure I sense failure 2.0 not going to
lie finally I have to use five Master
Ranos for one rank up three Master Ranos
wasted there and hopefully I can save it
here let's go and thank God so in total
I only wasted one Masano so let me show
you the stats of Lon Messi 142 Pace 128
shooting 119 passing 141 dribbling 93
physical so I use dexterity and also ROM
deor in the skill points so he's got
five star weak foot four and a half star
stamina four star skill moves and one
out4 strength guys is so strong for the
right wing player rul as main skill move
finish short long short taker playmaker
outside foot shot trates so decent
trates as well I mean very good trades
as well so now guys I'm going to be
doing the Mad FY draft and not just that
we have a Target overr today and today's
Target over is 93 overr guys and if I
fail to reach the target over here there
is going to be one own goal scored in
the head to-head match and also remember
we have some head to objectives to
complete so yeah we better reach the
target over here and also in this mad if
you draft from the starting 11 I got to
choose at least six players from the
substitute I got to choose two and from
the reserves I got to choose two so yeah
this is how I choose a 10 teammates of
Messi and not just that I got to choose
at least four past or present Barcelona
players guys that's also important so
yeah if I fail to do so there is going
to be a minus one on the final Ard guys
that we make in FC mobile so that's
something I don't want to see happening
guys so anyways let's go and choose the
formation and this is a tricky one
probably I'm going to go with 4 to4
formation uh so yeah let's begin so
we're going to begin with mbappe leing
mbappe that's a great choice guys so
mbappe that is a solid teammate for
Messi already and the right wing we've
got Hansen who is a fantastic Barcelona
player even in even in fc24 I have this
97 team off their card but you know this
is not really the greatest pick so I'm
just going to go with Mo Salah uh so the
next one the striker uh we've got Di
Maria who is the teammate of Messi in
Argentina so probably harrie is the one
I'm going to be choosing and the next
one is Balotelli we've got Victor bonf
rashford Griezmann oh Griezmann is a
past pleas Barcelona player so maybe I'm
going to choose Griezmann guys so yeah
he's played for Barcelona by the way so
yeah he counts so one Barcelona player
done so I got to use Griezmann in my
team as well guys and the next one we've
got Real Madrid madness here you know
what I'm going to choose valard guys
next one we got Bernardo Sila who might
be a future Barcelona player maybe he's
been rumored to Baron several times but
you know what for this team yeah I'm
just going to choose him and the right
back Canelo problem solve we can use
cancel that's a second Barcelona player
guys and the left back okay this is a
very trash pick and I'm going to go with
David Dr the center back we got Varan
Ruben Diaz you know what K we got kund
guys so I'm going to just go with kund
it's not taking a lot of time and the
next Center back William saliva and the
goalkeeper we've got naer ederson
donaruma you know what let's just go
pick donaruma guys so this is the
starting 11 and from the starting 11 we
got to to six players so mbappe is going
to be the first one and Don Ruma the
second one kund the Third one Griezmann
the fourth one Canelo the fifth one and
we need one more player I can choose
between Saliba or Kane you know what I'm
going to go with Saliba Saliba sixth one
so these are the players that we're
going to be picking so let's go get them
to the team guys so the left thing is
going to be the mbapp card left thing
Max card I've got I me 25 ranks card so
that's going to be the first one and the
second one is goalkeeper donaruma so
welcome to the team donaruma and we need
the center back and right back in K and
also Canelo so those two are the next
players so canel he's going to come to
the team 79.7 million coins not cheap
card for sure and we need kund card oh
my God I thought he's got a special card
or something I was wrong no way guys
where is co oh my God 87 is the best
card he's got okay let's just get it and
we got to go for a center back in
William Saliba guys 97 card is got so
98.5 million coins as well so very
expensive so let's go get Saliba and the
next card we're going to be going for is
grean if I'm not wrong you know what I'm
just going to go with the center forward
card guys 7.4 million coins not at all
bad we are putting on a solid 11 it's
time to bring them all into the team the
center backs are sorted one is Saliba
and the other is kund I know one of them
is a very low rated player but that's
absolutely fine and the right back we
have is cancelo five players choos and
so far and yeah we forgot about the
center forward guys so let me just get
Griezmann and he's going to be a center
forward and here we go the purchase of
Griezmann is done he's going to be a
center forward welcome to the team
Griezmann and we have four more potions
to sort out so yeah we got to get this
players from two from substitutes and
two for so let's go here we go he to our
kobal you know I'm just going to go with
kobal our goalkeeper is sorted anyways
left pack so there is Tapo uh okay you
know what let's just choose the pack
udol guy you know why not the next
choice is between marinos Naas laa vany
we have a center back sorted so yeah
there's not even a single Barcelona
player here but you know what let's just
get vany why not the next one Mel Marino
oh we got G guys G is going to suit well
in the center M portion and we got
Frankie dong and Neymar as well but
Neymar doesn't suit our team so I'm
going to go with Frankie dong guys yep I
think we got two more substitutes so
Alvarez Saka we need midfielders now so
anyways anything is fine here I'm just
going to choose Alvarez and we got Ramos
we need a left pack guys we need a good
left pack so I'm just going to choose
Ramos yeah so from the substitutes I'm
going to choose cavy and Frankie D young
maybe you know I'm going to get my
Midfield sorted so those two are the
players I'm going to be choosing and
also with that minimum of four Barcelona
players objective is done so Gabi has
got a nice 96 rated card for 45.7
million coins and Frankie dong is also
got a 1990 rated card for 19.3 million
coins so let's go now all we need is a
CDM and a left back from the reserves so
let's go all right now it's time to go
to the reserves guys so we need a CDM
and a left pack so Mainland knes we got
Ria LS you know what anything is fine
here we need a left pack here Zakaria
might be a good choice maybe or maybe
goreta I think gorka's got a CDM card so
I'm going to go with goreta the next one
come on we need left back all we have is
Right backs here but you know what I'm
going to pick T Alexander or ar and
maybe play him in the left back position
the next one is Rafa I'm going to go
with rafina and the next one once again
I'm just going to go with Kimi oh that's
it we have a reserve sorted guys so we
got to use two players and my two
players are going to be goreta and Trent
Alexander arold so those two are going
to be my players so let's go do it and
the two purchases of Gabi and Dong is
done now we need to get goret car so
this is the Trent Alexander Arnold card
so 43.3 million coins let's go get it
and then we need a gitka card as well
okay he's got a 92 rated card for 4.75
million coins so let's go get him and
with that our team is sorted guys the
PES of goet guys done we're still
waiting for rent you know what I'm going
to get his ranked up version Oh my God
his ranked up version is cheaper I'm
just going to get his two rank card for
41.8 million coins and don't worry guys
we can't consider rank UPS ratings
anyways let's go put in our Midfield gab
and then Frankie dong so Frankie dong is
here and then the CDM which is going to
be gedar and yep we only have left back
to be sorted and we already reached 95
over but you know what we've got rank
UPS we got to DED the rating that we get
from the rank UPS the purchase of Trent
Alexander arold is done so he's going to
be our right back actually cancel is
going to be the left back because he can
he plays in both the positions so
welcome to the team Tren Alexander
arnard and let's have a look guys so 97
over are guys so that is crazy good team
that we just made let's count how much
raing are we getting from the rank UPS
so there are four rank UPS on mbappe
four on Messi eight rank UPS there four
on donaruma that's 12 and next we've got
TR Alexander Arnold on three ranks on
two ranks so 14 so we are getting two
rating guys so that means we reach 95
which is more than the Target overa that
we set so since we put the target over
quite low the head-to-head objectives
I'm going to make them a little bit
harder so the first H objective is have
at least two goal involvements with
Messi the second one is maintain a clean
sheet and the third one is score a power
shot with Messi fourth one is win the
match guys so these are the four
objectives and for every failed
objective there is going to be one one
star pass giveaway guys and if you want
to get a chance all you got to do is
subscribe to my channel like this video
and in the comment section below let me
know your Discord or Instagram or
Twitter ID and also mention what
platform it is for example if I'm if I'm
commenting I'm going to say RK YT on
Discord so like that you have to comment
so and not just that on the screen right
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you get a message from someone else
they're just fake accounts so please be
aware of fake accounts guys and the
scammers out there anyways now let's go
and play the head match all right guys
let's go we found an open and he's got
96 attack 99 Midfield and 97 defense so
woo okay that's a decent team for sure
and he's got lots of Bundesliga players
in his team so let's go guys and goeta
to Messi once
again Messi oh my God Don Ruma one
handed save okay Messi still has the
now and that is nice from Messi come on
Messi oh Patrick we are out finally I
could have easily scored there but I was
just trying to pass it to Messi okay
that's nice salba well
done okay can Messi use the space no he
can't okay he's just oh no no no no no
that was nice pressure
goet oh no why have easily scored one or
two goals but you know what I'm being
too overconfident and now I can't see
the goal guys feel so bad honestly and
harricane with a nice powerful L despite
Don Ruma getting a touch on it he just
couldn't save it it was too good for him
anyways let's go we got four more
minutes before the halftime can we get
something here and we go into the second
half with one goal down guys that is bad
performance I should just take the
chances I get guys honestly mbappe to
gab gab to Messi Messi oh no Messi what
have we done there Messi gets it
now and once again Messi tries to finish
shot but Don Ruma saves it easily
oh what a Miss from Victor Bon
face gav to Messi Messi let's go
Messi Messi come on Messi this time he
gets the goal finally I've tried the
same type of goal for 100 times and
finally you know we were able to score
one all now
once again he tries oh my god did he
just score from a kickoff glitch once
again so disappointed today guys
honestly look at that look at that
straight away from the kickoff he did
the trigger run and then he did the law
pass and he scored that is bad for me
should have done better in defending
there okay that is nice for Messi and
Messi scores this one Messi gets two
goal involvements we did a kickoff
glitch as well but not in his way you
know we we did anari type of goal it's
not really anari but still yeah SOLO run
from Messi from kickoff to the goal so
I'll take it I'll take it two goals to
two goals we are going to end in a draw
and it's a draw guys very disappointed
to be honest I could have definitely
played better but you know what I
completed only one objective out of the
four objectives that PR puted that means
I'm going to be giving away three star
passes so that's it I hope you all have
enjoyed this video if you did make sure
to subscribe to my channel and go watch
this video next
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