Trump lawyer ARRESTED, SLAPS camera

David Pakman Show
22 May 202406:47


TLDRFormer Trump lawyer Christina Bobb, who led the voter integrity project for the Republican Party in Arizona, has been arrested and indicted for election interference and involvement in a fake electors scheme. The arrest has sparked controversy, especially given her role in promoting election integrity. A confrontation with a local reporter from Fox 10 Phoenix, where Bobb is seen swiping at a camera, further illustrates the tension surrounding the case. Critics argue that the incident highlights the hypocrisy of those claiming to uphold election integrity while facing legal troubles related to election fraud.


  • šŸ‘® Christina Bobb, Donald Trump's former lawyer, has been arrested for her alleged involvement in election interference and the fake electors scheme.
  • šŸ“ø Christina Bobb attempted a defiant and principled look in her mugshot, similar to Trump's own mugshot attempt.
  • šŸ¤” The irony is highlighted by Bobb leading the voter integrity project for the Republican Party in Arizona while being indicted for election interference.
  • šŸ“¹ A video shows a tense encounter between Christina Bobb and a local news reporter, where she swipes at his camera, raising questions about respect for the free press.
  • šŸ—£ļø There's a stark contrast between Bobb's role as a guardian of election integrity and her legal troubles related to election fraud.
  • šŸ“¢ The script suggests that half of the right-wing media is either not talking about or downplaying Bobb's arrest, which contrasts with the hypothetical reaction if a Democrat were arrested for election fraud.
  • šŸ¤Ø The arrest raises questions about the Republican Party's claims of working towards election integrity and their various election-related initiatives.
  • šŸš« The script criticizes attempts to intimidate voters, manipulate polling places, and restrict early voting, suggesting these are politically motivated strategies.
  • šŸ§ It points out the hypocrisy within Trump's circle and those who claim to uphold the law but are accused of breaking it.
  • šŸ” The case is presented as part of a larger unraveling of efforts to undermine the democratic process, with implications for those who might gain power in future elections.
  • šŸšØ The script calls for skepticism towards election integrity efforts and a critical look at those who claim to be working to uphold the law.

Q & A

  • Who is Christina Bobb and what is her connection to Donald Trump?

    -Christina Bobb is Donald Trump's former lawyer. She was leading the voter integrity project for the Republican Party in Arizona.

  • What charges has Christina Bobb been arrested for?

    -Christina Bobb has been arrested and indicted for election interference and her alleged involvement in a fake electors scheme.

  • What was Christina Bobb's reaction to her arrest and how did it reflect in her mugshot?

    -Christina Bobb was not pleased with her arrest. Her mugshot shows her attempting to adopt a defiant and principled, serious look, similar to what Trump did in his mugshot.

  • What incident occurred between Christina Bobb and a local news reporter from Fox ten, Phenix?

    -Christina Bobb got into a tangle with a local news reporter from Fox ten, Phenix, during which she took a swipe at his camera.

  • How did the reporter react to Christina Bobb's actions towards him?

    -The reporter warned Christina Bobb about assault battery, indicating that her actions were inappropriate and potentially illegal.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the Republican Party's response to Christina Bobb's arrest?

    -The speaker suggests that the Republican Party and right-wing media are downplaying Christina Bobb's arrest and indictment for election fraud.

  • What hypothetical scenario does the speaker propose to highlight media bias?

    -The speaker proposes a hypothetical scenario where if the person running election integrity for the Democratic Party was arrested for election fraud, there would be extensive media coverage, contrasting the current situation.

  • What is the speaker's view on the Republican claims of working towards election integrity?

    -The speaker is skeptical of the Republican claims of working towards election integrity, especially in light of Christina Bobb's arrest for election fraud.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the actions of those who claim to uphold the law?

    -The speaker suggests that those who claim to uphold the law, particularly within Trump's inner circle, are often the ones accused of breaking it.

  • What broader implications does the speaker see in Christina Bobb's case?

    -The speaker sees Christina Bobb's case as part of an unraveling coordinated effort to undermine the democratic process in the country.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the future of those involved in undermining the democratic process?

    -The speaker believes that those involved in undermining the democratic process, like Christina Bobb and others, should never have any kind of power again.



šŸ›ļø Arrest of Trump's Former Lawyer Christina Bobb

Christina Bobb, former lawyer for Donald Trump and leader of the voter integrity project for the Republican Party in Arizona, has been arrested. The arrest is connected to her alleged involvement in the fake electors scheme, an act of election interference. Despite attempting a serious and defiant look in her mugshot, the situation did not go smoothly for Bobb. During her surrender, she had a contentious encounter with a local news reporter from Fox ten, Phenix, where she was seen swiping at his camera, which raises questions about respect for the free press and law and order. The incident underscores the irony of her being indicted for undermining the very election integrity she was supposed to be protecting.


šŸ“‰ Hypocrisy in Election Integrity Claims

The narrative of the video script shifts to discuss the broader implications of Christina Bobb's arrest on the Republican Party's claims of working towards election integrity. It highlights the hypocrisy of individuals who loudly advocate for law and order and due process being the ones accused of breaking the law. The script suggests that Bobb's arrest, along with other similar cases, points to an unraveling of efforts to undermine the democratic process. It warns viewers of the potential consequences if such individuals regain power and emphasizes the need for vigilance in the upcoming elections. The script also implies a stark contrast between the supposed role of election integrity guardians and their involvement in fraudulent activities.



šŸ’”Christina Bobb

Christina Bobb is a former lawyer for Donald Trump and has been arrested in the context of the video. She is associated with the Republican Party's voter integrity project in Arizona. Her arrest is significant as it relates to allegations of election interference and involvement in a scheme involving fake electors. This is central to the video's theme, highlighting the irony and potential hypocrisy within the claims of election integrity by certain political figures.

šŸ’”Donald Trump

Donald Trump is the former president of the United States and is mentioned in the script as having a connection with Christina Bobb, his former lawyer. His mention is relevant as it contextualizes the political background and the controversy surrounding the arrest of his former associate, Christina Bobb, and the broader implications for the Republican Party and its claims of election integrity.

šŸ’”Election interference

Election interference refers to any illegal actions taken to disrupt or manipulate an electoral process. In the video, Christina Bobb is indicted for this reason, specifically for her alleged involvement in a scheme involving fake electors. This is a key concept as it ties into the overarching theme of the video, which critiques the credibility of election integrity claims made by certain political groups.

šŸ’”Fake electors scheme

The fake electors scheme is an alleged plot to undermine the legitimacy of an election by submitting false slates of electors to the Electoral College. Christina Bobb's arrest is connected to her involvement in this scheme, which is a critical point in the video's narrative, illustrating the potential for political figures to engage in the very actions they claim to be combating.

šŸ’”Republican Party

The Republican Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States. In the video, it is highlighted as the party that Christina Bobb was working for in leading the voter integrity project. The video suggests a contrast between the party's claims of promoting election integrity and the actions of individuals associated with it, such as Bobb's arrest.

šŸ’”Voter integrity project

The voter integrity project is an initiative aimed at ensuring the fairness and accuracy of elections. Christina Bobb was leading this project for the Republican Party in Arizona. The video uses this term to underscore the irony of her arrest on charges related to election interference, questioning the sincerity of such projects and their claims to uphold election integrity.


The term 'arrest' refers to the act of taking someone into custody by the authorities. In the video, Christina Bobb's arrest is a focal point, illustrating the legal consequences she faces for her alleged actions. It is used to highlight the disconnect between her professional role and the charges against her.


A mugshot is a photograph of a person's face taken by police when they are booked into jail. The video mentions Christina Bobb's mugshot and compares it to Donald Trump's, suggesting a defiant stance. The term is used to emphasize the gravity of her legal situation and the public nature of her arrest.

šŸ’”Media coverage

Media coverage refers to how news outlets report on events or individuals. The video contrasts the level of media attention that would be given to a similar event involving a member of the Democratic Party versus a Republican, suggesting a bias in the way such events are covered. This concept is used to critique the perceived double standards in media reporting on political scandals.


Hypocrisy is the act of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. The video uses this term to describe the situation where individuals who publicly advocate for law and order and election integrity are themselves accused of breaking the law and engaging in fraudulent activities. It is a central theme in critiquing the actions of certain political figures.

šŸ’”Law and order

Law and order is a political slogan often used to advocate for strict adherence to laws and the maintenance of public order. The video points out the discrepancy between the rhetoric of those who proclaim to support law and order and their alleged involvement in illegal activities, such as Christina Bobb's case. It is used to highlight the perceived inconsistency between stated values and actual behavior.


Christina Bobb, Donald Trump's former lawyer, has been arrested.

She attempted a defiant and principled look in her mugshot, similar to Trump's.

Bobb was indicted in Arizona for election interference and involvement in a fake electors scheme.

She surrendered and was arrested, with the incident captured on video.

Christina Bobb had a confrontation with a local news reporter, swiping at his camera.

The incident raises questions about respect for the free press and law and order.

Christina Bobb was leading the voter integrity project for the Republican Party in Arizona.

The arrest highlights the irony of being indicted for what she was supposed to prevent.

The media's reaction to the arrest is contrasted with a hypothetical Democratic equivalent.

The arrest calls into question the Republican claims of working towards election integrity.

The incident is seen as hypocritical given Bobb's role as a guardian of election integrity.

The arrest is part of a broader pattern of those claiming to uphold the law being accused of breaking it.

The case exemplifies the hypocrisy within Trump's inner circle.

The incident is part of an unraveling coordinated effort to undermine the democratic process.

The arrest suggests that those who claim to be for law and order are often the ones breaking the law.

The case of Christina Bobb and others is seen as a test of election integrity.



get out of my hey hey back off just like youĀ  I'm in a public place you're in a public placeĀ Ā 


assaulting my client get out of the way outĀ  of my talking about assault Speaker 1: It isĀ Ā 


a really dangerous thing to be a lawyer forĀ  the failed former president Donald Trump. IĀ Ā 


think you're going to like this. DonaldĀ  Trump's former lawyer, Christina Bobb,Ā Ā 


has been arrested and she is not pleased. FirstĀ  and foremost, the mugshot she tried to go withĀ Ā 


the defiant and principled, serious look thatĀ  Trump also attempted to adopt in his mugshot.Ā Ā 


We have the mugshot up on the screen. I don'tĀ  think it really worked for Christina Bobb,Ā Ā 


but think of how absurd and ironic it is in theĀ  worst sense of the word that the lawyer leadingĀ Ā 


the voter integrity project for the RepublicanĀ  Party in Arizona has been indicted in Arizona forĀ Ā 


election interference and her alleged involvementĀ  in this fake electors scheme. So she was indicted.Ā Ā 


We talked about that two weeks ago. She has nowĀ  surrendered. She has been arrested and mugshot.Ā Ā 


And it really didn't go very well for her. HereĀ  is video of Elena Bobb. It got testy after lawyerĀ Ā 


Elena a lawyer Christina Bobb not Alina Haba.Ā  Christina Bobb. Surrendered. She got wrapped upĀ Ā 


in a bit of a tangle with a local news reporterĀ  from Fox ten, Phenix, and she ends up taking aĀ Ā 


swipe at his camera. Not exactly respect forĀ  the free press. Not exactly law and order,Ā Ā 


not exactly any of the things that these peopleĀ  claim to subscribe to. Check this out. And there'sĀ Ā 


a visual component. I think you'll hear a noiseĀ  when she slaps the camera. I don't know that, itĀ Ā 


will be totally obvious what's going on, but sheĀ  is knocking the camera and it's pretty wild stuff.Ā 


Speaker 3: Hey hey, hey, back off. Just like you.Ā  I'm in a public place. You're in public place,Ā Ā 


assaulting my client. I'm talkingĀ  about assault battery. Oh, boy.Ā 


Speaker 1: Couldn't happen to a nicer person. Speaker 3: You don't want to touch me back.Ā 


Speaker 4: If you want a shot, you can have.Ā  I love everybody. Take a shot. Back up! GetĀ Ā 


out of my face! Christina. Unidentified: How did youĀ Ā 


think it was so hard to open up? Excuse me. Speaker 1: All right, so, theatrics aside,Ā Ā 


imagine for a second for everybody downplayingĀ  this from the Republican Party. Half of right wingĀ Ā 


media isn't even talking about the fact that theĀ  woman supposedly in charge of election integrityĀ Ā 


has been indicted and arrested for her role inĀ  trying to defraud an election for everybody,Ā Ā 


downplaying it. Half of the right wing media won'tĀ  talk about it half or downplaying it. Imagine forĀ Ā 


a second what the environment on media would beĀ  like right now if the person running electionĀ Ā 


integrity for the Democratic Party was arrestedĀ  for election fraud. Think for one second theĀ Ā 


24 over seven breathless, apoplectic coverageĀ  that we'd be seeing on Fox News and hearingĀ Ā 


on right wing radio and all over the place. ItĀ  would be endless. But when it is a Republican,Ā Ā 


you go, it's all political, it's all bias.Ā  There's nothing there. This is, in a sense,Ā Ā 


quite literally, the notion of election integrityĀ  on trial and to any sane and normal person, whichĀ Ā 


I believe most people in my audience are. WhenĀ  you see the Republican claims of we're workingĀ Ā 


towards elections that have integrity, which theyĀ  didn't in 2020, but we are trying to do it. AndĀ Ā 


then all of a sudden, the people claiming to haveĀ  election integrity on their side get arrested forĀ Ā 


election fraud and manipulation. It should putĀ  into question every single one of these supposedlyĀ Ā 


election integrity efforts, the fact that theyĀ  want more poll watchers, which of course, areĀ Ā 


just attempt to intimidate voters, all of their,Ā  manipulation of where can you vote early andĀ Ā 


where can't you in trying to strategically make itĀ  more limited for those who are statistically moreĀ Ā 


likely to vote for Democrats than Republicans?Ā  The polling monitors the culling and purging of,Ā Ā 


voter rolls. All of these things we if we weren'tĀ  already endlessly skeptical of those initiatives,Ā Ā 


we should really be skeptical now. And there is aĀ  very stark contrast between the supposed role ofĀ Ā 


Christina Bobb as a guardian of election integrityĀ  and her own legal troubles, which go directly toĀ Ā 


her interference and fraudulent involvement inĀ  elections. There's a direct conflict there, andĀ Ā 


it exemplifies the hypocrisy within Trump's innerĀ  inner circle. More generally, those that they tellĀ Ā 


us are going to be working to uphold the law.Ā  Are often the ones accused of breaking it. ThoseĀ Ā 


who shout loudly about we are for law and order,Ā  and it is Democrats who don't care about law andĀ Ā 


order and due process and doing the right thing.Ā  They are the ones that ultimately are gettingĀ Ā 


accused of breaking the law and not wantingĀ  due process and wanting to circumvent it. SoĀ Ā 


the Christina Bob case, the Giuliani indictment.Ā  Talk about the others. This is an unraveling ofĀ Ā 


the coordinated effort to undermine the democraticĀ  process in the country. These people deserve toĀ Ā 


never have any kind of power again. They mightĀ  get power back in November, depending on whatĀ Ā 


we do. So that's Christina. Bob, let's notĀ  now talk about the Rudy Giuliani component.