Trump implodes in sick speech in front of fake crowd, brain misfires

David Pakman Show
28 May 202408:46


TLDRThe video script discusses a Trump event in the Bronx, which was criticized for its stage management and misleading crowd size claims. Trump allegedly exaggerated attendance numbers, with a permit for 3,500 but claiming over 25,000 attendees, primarily white in a diverse borough. The speech included controversial statements about January 6th and the endorsement of accused criminals, which raised eyebrows. The script also highlights Trump's claims of winning New York and improving minority unemployment rates, which are contested as better under Biden's administration. The overall tone suggests skepticism towards Trump's statements and intentions.


  • šŸ“ The transcript is a satirical take on a Trump rally, highlighting the discrepancies in the reported crowd size and the choice of speakers.
  • šŸ¤Ø Trump's claim of 25,000+ people attending his rally in the Bronx is contradicted by the actual permit limit of 3,500, and the reality of the predominantly white crowd.
  • šŸ˜… The rally's portrayal as a success by right-wing media, including Fox News, is criticized for being stage-managed and not reflecting the actual attendance.
  • šŸ“‰ The discussion of the January 6th 'criminals' being held hostage is criticized for its implications, and the conversation about the hostages' fate is morbid.
  • šŸŽ¤ Trump's speech is described as 'ridiculous,' with references to 'alleged indicted murderers' being brought on stage to endorse him.
  • šŸŽ­ The transcript suggests that the rally's atmosphere and Trump's rhetoric are more focused on spectacle than substance, with a focus on Trump's self-proclaimed achievements.
  • šŸ¤” There is confusion about Trump's references to 'the J6 supposed hostages' and the comparison to the situation in Hamas negotiations, indicating a lack of clarity in his message.
  • šŸŽ¤ Trump's attempt to discuss 'law and order' is undermined by the presence of indicted individuals on stage, which is seen as a paradox.
  • šŸ˜… Trump's struggle with speaking and the 'shoulder glitch' during the rally are highlighted, adding to the satirical tone.
  • šŸš« The transcript criticizes Trump's claims about winning New York, suggesting skepticism about his chances and the possibility of him not winning the state.

Q & A

  • What was the main topic of the event in the Bronx?

    -The main topic of the event in the Bronx was a political rally for Donald Trump, where he spoke about his policies and the crowd's reaction.

  • How did the crowd size at Trump's rally in the Bronx compare to the permit limit?

    -The crowd size at Trump's rally in the Bronx was significantly smaller than the permit limit, which was for 3,500 people.

  • What was the demographic composition of the crowd at the rally?

    -The crowd at the rally was almost entirely white, which was surprising given that the Bronx population is 92% not white.

  • What was Trump's claim about the crowd's composition?

    -Trump claimed that the crowd was predominantly composed of white people, which he said was a sign of the Bronx supporting him, despite the Bronx's actual demographic being 92% not white.

  • How did the media, particularly Fox News, report on the rally?

    -The media, including Fox News, reported that over 25,000 people attended the rally, which was a significant exaggeration of the actual crowd size.

  • What controversial statements were made during the rally?

    -During the rally, Trump made several controversial statements, including referring to the alleged January 6th 'criminals' as hostages and suggesting that the election was 'rigged'.

  • Who were the individuals Trump brought on stage to endorse him?

    -Trump brought on stage individuals who were accused of serious crimes, including alleged indicted murderers, to endorse him at the rally.

  • What was the reaction of the speakers to Trump's claims about the crowd size?

    -The speakers were skeptical of Trump's claims about the crowd size, pointing out that the actual number of attendees was far less than what Trump claimed.

  • What was Trump's strategy for winning the state of New York according to the speakers?

    -Trump's strategy for winning New York, as mentioned by the speakers, was to appeal to the African-American community and to claim that he would win the state, although the speakers were skeptical of this claim.

  • What were the speakers' opinions on Trump's bragging about the African-American unemployment rate?

    -The speakers pointed out that the African-American unemployment rate was lower during Joe Biden's administration, suggesting that it was Biden, rather than Trump, who should be credited for this achievement.

  • What was the overall tone of the discussion about Trump's rally?

    -The overall tone of the discussion was critical and skeptical, with the speakers questioning the authenticity and implications of Trump's claims and actions during the rally.



šŸŽ­ Staged Trump Rally and Misrepresentation

The first paragraph discusses a Trump event in the Bronx, which was apparently chosen for its proximity to a criminal court where Trump was sitting. It is implied that Trump exaggerated the size of the crowd, claiming 25,000 attendees despite a permit for only 3500, and that the crowd was predominantly white, which is not representative of the Bronx's demographic. The paragraph also criticizes the right-wing media for accepting these claims without question. Trump's speech is described as 'ridiculous' and 'totally deranged,' with references to alleged criminals of January 6th being held as hostages due to a 'rigged election.' The paragraph concludes with Trump bringing up accused murderers, who are also musical artists, to endorse him on stage, which is seen as a contradiction to his 'law and order' image.


šŸ—½ Trump's Unrealistic Claims and Glitches

The second paragraph continues the critique of Trump's event, highlighting his claim of winning the state of New York, which the speaker deems unlikely. The speaker also points out that Trump's statements about improving African-American unemployment rates during his administration are inaccurate, as these rates reached a lower point under President Joe Biden. The paragraph includes a discussion about Trump's appeal to the black community and his prediction that New York City will turn Republican 'very, very quickly,' which the speaker disputes. Additionally, there is mention of technical glitches during Trump's speech, which seem to affect his ability to communicate effectively. The paragraph ends with a summary of the event as being filled with 'nonsensical lies' and 'propaganda media coverage,' and a final assertion that Trump will not win in New York or New Jersey.



šŸ’”Staged event

A staged event refers to a planned or orchestrated gathering that is designed to create a specific impression or outcome. In the context of the video, it is used to describe how Trump allegedly manipulated the event in the Bronx for his political advantage. The script mentions that Trump 'staged an event in the Bronx' and 'totally stage managed propaganda', indicating a deliberate attempt to misrepresent the level of support he has in the area.

šŸ’”Physical convenience

Physical convenience pertains to the ease or suitability of a location based on its physical attributes or proximity to other places. The script refers to the event's location being chosen for 'physical convenience', suggesting that the venue was picked for its accessibility or strategic positioning rather than for genuine support from the local community.

šŸ’”Criminal court

Criminal court is a legal institution where criminal cases are heard and decided. The script mentions Trump being 'in criminal court', which sets the scene for the political and legal backdrop against which the event is taking place, implying that Trump's actions are under scrutiny or that he is facing legal challenges.


Propaganda is information, often biased or misleading, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. In the video's narrative, the term is used to criticize the portrayal of the event's attendance and support, with the script stating 'total stage managed propaganda', highlighting the perceived dishonesty in the way the event was presented to the public.

šŸ’”Rigged election

A rigged election implies an election that has been manipulated or tampered with to produce a predetermined result. The script includes Trump's claim that 'if it weren't for the rigged election, none of them would be held as hostages right now', reflecting his ongoing narrative about the legitimacy of past election outcomes and its relevance to current events.

šŸ’”Alleged criminals

Alleged criminals are individuals who are accused but not yet proven guilty of a crime. The video discusses Trump referring to 'the alleged criminals of January 6th', using this term to describe participants in a controversial event, which is central to the political discourse surrounding accountability and justice.


Endorsement in a political context is when a person or group publicly supports a candidate or policy. The script mentions 'accused murderers to endorse him on stage', indicating a controversial move by Trump to gain support from individuals with questionable backgrounds, which is part of the critique of his character and campaign tactics.


Patriots generally refer to individuals who show a strong love for and devotion to their country. In the script, there is a moment where Trump seems to struggle with his words, and 'patriots' is suggested as a term he might have been trying to use. This could be an attempt to connect with his audience by appealing to a sense of national pride and loyalty.

šŸ’”Unemployment rate

The unemployment rate is a measure of the percentage of the labor force that is without jobs and actively seeking work. The video script includes a discussion about the African-American unemployment rate, with Trump claiming credit for its improvement during his administration. However, the script points out that the rate 'actually hit a lower point while Joe Biden was president', challenging the accuracy of Trump's boast.


In the context of the video, glitches refer to technical malfunctions or speech errors. The script describes 'terrible glitches' in Trump's speech, suggesting moments of confusion or difficulty in communication, which may impact the audience's perception of his message and credibility.

šŸ’”Law and order

Law and order is a political slogan often used to emphasize the importance of maintaining social order through the enforcement of laws. The script critiques Trump's self-portrayal as the 'man of law and order' by pointing out the incongruity between this image and his actions, such as celebrating individuals with criminal indictments.


Trump staged an event in the Bronx for convenience to his criminal court location.

Trump lied about the crowd size, claiming 25,000 attendees when the permit was for 3,500.

The Bronx event had an almost entirely white crowd despite the Bronx being 92% non-white.

Fox News falsely reported the crowd size as over 25,000.

Trump's speech was described as deranged, referring to January 6th alleged criminals as hostages.

Trump appeared unclear whether he was talking about January 6th or Hamas hostages.

Trump brought alleged murderers Sleepy Hollow and Sheff G on stage to endorse him.

Trump's endorsement of alleged criminals contradicts his law-and-order stance.

Trump struggled to articulate his thoughts, particularly on putting on pants and patriotism.

Trump claimed he could win New York despite the city's historical voting patterns.

Trump incorrectly bragged about African-American unemployment rates during his administration.

The African-American unemployment rate actually hit a lower point during Joe Biden's presidency.

Trump's event was heavily stage-managed with extensive propaganda.

Media coverage of Trump's event perpetuated his false claims.

Despite Trump's claims, it is highly unlikely he will win New York in any upcoming election.



how do you get up in the morning and put yourĀ  pants on why do you put the pants on I'll explainĀ Ā 


it to you someday how do you do it how do youĀ  get up how do you do it Speaker 1: Trump stagedĀ Ā 


an event in the Bronx, apparently because of itsĀ  physical convenience to where Trump is sittingĀ Ā 


in criminal court. He obviously lied about theĀ  size of his crowd, and right wing media fellĀ Ā 


for it. The speech was ridiculous. He broughtĀ  on accused murderers to endorse him on stage.Ā Ā 


Everything about this sounds like it would beĀ  a satirical segment for SNL, but it is real.Ā Ā 


So Trump claimed that 25,000 or more people wereĀ  at the speech. The reality is they had a permitĀ Ā 


for 3500 people there. Okay, the Bronx populationĀ  is 8% white. The crowd was almost entirely white,Ā Ā 


which there's nothing wrong with. There's nothingĀ  wrong with white people. But the idea was theĀ Ā 


Bronx supports Trump. Well, the Bronx is 92% notĀ  white. And when the cameras would pan around, itĀ Ā 


was an almost exclusively all white crowd. TotalĀ  stage managed propaganda. Fox fell for it. Okay,Ā Ā 


Fox put up a headline that said Trump campaignĀ  says over 25,000 attended the Bronx rally. AndĀ Ā 


Jesse Watters says that it was absolutely 25,000Ā  or even more people who were there was loose.Ā 


Speaker 3: It was crazy. Speaker 4: Yep, yep. IĀ Ā 


think I think they're regretting keepingĀ  him in that Manhattan courtroom. He endsĀ Ā 


up in the Bronx with 25, 30,000 people. Speaker 1: So that's actually Ned Ryan,Ā Ā 


who's been a guest on this program, NedĀ  Ryan saying, hey, listen, he ended up withĀ Ā 


25 or 30,000 people there. And then, of course,Ā  that is, that is very, very much not the case.Ā Ā 


And as you can see here, I'm even if you'reĀ  terrible at estimating the size of a crowd,Ā Ā 


there is very much not a crowd of 25,000 peopleĀ  there. I struggle to believe that that's even theĀ Ā 


3500 they had a permit for. And we have anotherĀ  shot from further overhead that is very much,Ā Ā 


very, very much not 25,000 people. Trump as farĀ  as the content of the speech, totally, totallyĀ Ā 


deranged. Trump, again referring to the allegedĀ  criminals of January 6th as hostages. And heĀ Ā 


says that if it weren't for the rigged election,Ā  none of them would be held as hostages right now.Ā 


Speaker 2: Terrible thing to say, but I believeĀ  it. Many of the hostages that you're waiting for,Ā Ā 


and everybody's waiting for those hostages.Ā  Many of them are dead. Many of them are dead.Ā Ā 


And it's a horrible thing. It's a horribleĀ  thing. But many of those hostages are dead.Ā 


Speaker 3: And that's why when youĀ  see these negotiations where Hamas is.Ā 


Speaker 2: Like, not getting back thisĀ  arm, man, we could make a good deal. ButĀ Ā 


these people are no longer alive. Speaker 3: When I saw the way theyĀ Ā 


were treated, when I saw the way they. Speaker 2: Were thrown into the cars andĀ Ā 


how horribly they were treated, there's no wayĀ  that those hostages at some will be alive. ButĀ Ā 


many of those hostages are dead. It's a very. Speaker 3: It's a very serious, horrible thing.Ā Ā 


It would have never happened if the electionĀ  weren't rigged. It would have never happened.Ā 


Speaker 1: Now, I have to be honest, I actuallyĀ  am unsure here whether Trump is talking aboutĀ Ā 


the J6 supposed hostages, or he's actuallyĀ  talking about the Hamas and the the IsraeliĀ Ā 


hostages held by Hamas. None of what Trump isĀ  talking about is ever completely clear to me.Ā Ā 


But then it really got wacky. The guy who isĀ  supposedly the man of law and order broughtĀ Ā 


up alleged indicted murderers Sleepy Hollow andĀ  Sheff G. I believe these are musical artists.Ā Ā 


They were indicted last May with 30 other gangĀ  members on a 140 count criminal indictment thatĀ Ā 


included a dozen shootings. Sheff G recentlyĀ  posted a million and a half dollar cash bond,Ā Ā 


and he's brought up and celebrated by Trump. Wow. Unidentified: Oh, I like that. Want to getĀ Ā 


that done. What is the. Speaker 3: Choice for oneĀ Ā 


thing? One thing I want to say. And one thingĀ  I want to say. They always going to whisperĀ Ā 


your accomplishments and shout your failures.Ā  Trump going to shout the wins for all of us.Ā Ā 


Make America great again. All right. Speaker 1: So there is Trump,Ā Ā 


apparently reveling in the, spotlight ofĀ  having alleged indicted murderers up onĀ Ā 


stage with. It's all crazy, considering the lawĀ  and order a claim that Trump makes about himself,Ā Ā 


Trump tries to talk about putting his pants onĀ  and, starting to really struggle to speak here.Ā 


Speaker 3: How do you get up in the morningĀ  and put your pants on? But you put the pantsĀ Ā 


on. I'll explain it to you someday. How do youĀ  do it? How do you get up? How do you do it?Ā Ā 


How can you want to do with what you do? TheyĀ  after you, they're after you. These horribleĀ Ā 


human beings are after you all the time. Speaker 1: So there it is. Just really,Ā Ā 


really tough to do the pants in the morning andĀ  then Trump glitches on. I guess he's trying toĀ Ā 


say patriots is the word here. Speaker 3: And it isĀ Ā 


hardworking patriots take and this is. Speaker 1: Some patriotic lick. It's hardĀ Ā 


working, Patrick. Like I think he says. Speaker 3: And it is hard workingĀ Ā 


Patriots drink. And this is something you canĀ  say it and you can say it a million times.Ā 


Speaker 1: All right. So again with that shoulderĀ  glitch really terrible glitches. He then toldĀ Ā 


a Fox News interviewer at the at the event thatĀ  he is going to be winning the state of New York.Ā 


Speaker 3: You're pulling something out there.Ā  I've been begging Republicans come to the blackĀ Ā 


community, come to this community. MoreĀ  people that were here today more likelyĀ Ā 


than you. Why did you come here? Well,Ā  because I've done very well with theĀ Ā 


vote. I love the people. They're incredible,Ā  they're energetic, they're entrepreneurial,Ā Ā 


and they're going to save New York, and we'reĀ  going to win New York. And if we win New York, theĀ Ā 


election's over. We take over the country and weĀ  take over the country. We're going to win. Yeah,Ā Ā 


I think we have a chance to win New York. Speaker 1: And Trump says he's going toĀ Ā 


win New York. He is not going to winĀ  New York. And he tried telling theĀ Ā 


crowd basically the exact same thing. Speaker 3: You live in a blue city,Ā Ā 


but it's going read very, very quickly. Speaker 1: It is not. New York City is not goingĀ Ā 


red very, very quickly. And then lastly, DonaldĀ  Trump did try bragging about the African-AmericanĀ Ā 


unemployment rate during his administration,Ā  which it turns out actually hit a lower point,Ā Ā 


while Joe Biden was president. SoĀ  if this is something to brag about,Ā Ā 


then it's really Biden who should be bragging. Speaker 3: African American jobs were the bestĀ Ā 


in history. Asian American,Ā  the best in history. HispanicĀ Ā 


the best in history. Women, people with it. Speaker 1: So anyway, those numbers actuallyĀ Ā 


better during Joe Biden's administration. SoĀ  the entire event stage managed up the wazoo.Ā Ā 


Nonsensical lies, propaganda media coverage. AndĀ  I don't know if Trump genuinely thinks he's got aĀ Ā 


shot in New York. Maybe these events make himĀ  even think he has a shot, and he's not lyingĀ Ā 


when he says it. But if I were a betting man, IĀ  am not. If I were a betting man, Trump will notĀ Ā 


win New York. Trump will not win new Jersey, as heĀ  has said over the last couple of weeks. So let'sĀ Ā 


take a very quick break. We'll hear from aĀ  sponsor or two. And then so much more coming up.