Developer Update | Hero Releases, Mythics, and More

19 Mar 202405:17


TLDRIn the first Developer Update of 2024 for Overwatch, Aaron announces that the upcoming hero, Venture, and all future heroes will be free for all players at launch. The Battle Pass will no longer unlock heroes or Mythic skins, replaced by the new Mythic Shop. Season 10 will debut the Mythic Shop and Season 11 will introduce a new Push map, Runasapi, set in Peru. The team is committed to evolving the game, including reworking Colosseo and focusing a season on map reworks. The Overwatch community is nearing 100 million players, and the team will continue to address player feedback and disruptive behavior in future updates.


  • 🎉 **New Hero Announcement**: The Overwatch Team is excited to introduce Venture, a new hero coming in Season 10 with unique abilities, including underground digging.
  • 🆓 **Free Access to Heroes**: Starting with Venture, all future heroes will be available for free to all players upon release, and previous Overwatch 2 heroes will no longer be locked behind the Battle Pass.
  • 🌟 **Mythic Skin Unlocking**: A new system for unlocking and upgrading Mythic skins will be introduced, giving players more choice and control over which skins to pursue.
  • 🛍️ **Mythic Shop**: A new feature, the Mythic Shop, will debut in Season 10, allowing players to acquire missed Mythic skins from previous seasons.
  • 🎮 **Gameplay Updates**: The team is committed to evolving the core game mechanics, with continuous balance changes and improvements to the Competitive system.
  • 🗓️ **Regular Updates**: The goal is to maintain a regular update schedule with new systems, PvP shake-ups, rank resets, and rewards to keep the game fresh and engaging.
  • 🗺️ **Map Expansion**: Several new maps are planned for release in upcoming seasons, including a Push map named Runasapi set in Peru for Season 11.
  • 🔄 **Map Reworks**: In response to player feedback, the team will focus on reworking existing maps like Colosseo in Season 11 and possibly dedicating an entire season to map reworks.
  • 📈 **Community Growth**: The Overwatch community is approaching 100 million players, and the team is dedicated to developing the game alongside player feedback.
  • 📢 **Upcoming Developer Updates**: More detailed information about the Mythic Shop, disruptive player behavior, grouping restrictions, and player anonymity will be shared in future Developer Updates.
  • 💻 **Follow for Updates**: Players are encouraged to follow Overwatch on Twitter and YouTube for the latest announcements and updates.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the first Developer Update of 2024 for Overwatch?

    -The main topic of the first Developer Update of 2024 for Overwatch is the announcement of new changes regarding hero releases, a new way of unlocking Mythic skins, and some gameplay updates.

  • When will the new hero, Venture, be joining the game?

    -Venture will be joining the game in Season 10.

  • How will Venture and future heroes be unlocked for players when they are released?

    -Venture and all future heroes will be free for all players when they launch, and they will no longer be unlocked through the Battle Pass.

  • What is the new system for unlocking Mythic skins in Overwatch?

    -The new system for unlocking Mythic skins is the Mythic Shop, which will allow players to acquire Mythic skins from previous seasons they may have missed.

  • What is the purpose of the Mythic Shop?

    -The purpose of the Mythic Shop is to give players more choice and power over which Mythic skin they would like to work towards and upgrade.

  • What changes have been made to the Competitive system in Overwatch Season 9?

    -The Competitive system in Overwatch Season 9 has been updated, and some core mechanics of Overwatch combat have been changed to keep the game fresh and maintain a regular heartbeat for updates.

  • How often does the Overwatch team plan to make balance changes and updates?

    -The Overwatch team plans to make balance changes and updates on an ongoing basis, and they are still looking at how often these should happen while listening to player feedback.

  • What new maps are planned for release in the upcoming seasons?

    -A new Push map, Runasapi, set in Peru, is planned for Season 11. Additionally, two new maps for the new mode, Clash, will be released later in the year, and a limited-time Clash playtest on Hanaoka will start Season 10.

  • How is the Overwatch team responding to feedback about existing maps?

    -Based on feedback, the Overwatch team plans to rework Colosseo in Season 11 and is considering a season focused on map reworks after Season 12 to make existing maps more fun.

  • Which maps are being closely looked at for potential rework based on player feedback?

    -Dorado, Circuit Royal, Havana, and Numbani are the maps being closely looked at for potential rework.

  • What is the Overwatch community milestone expected to be reached next season?

    -The Overwatch community is expected to reach 100 million players next season.



🎮 Overwatch Developer Update 2024: New Heroes and Skins

The first Developer Update of 2024 introduces Venture, a new hero with unique abilities, who will be free for all players upon release. The update also announces a new method for unlocking Mythic skins through the Mythic Shop, starting in Season 10. This shop will allow players to acquire skins from previous seasons. Additionally, the update covers ongoing changes to the game's core mechanics, competitive system, and balance adjustments, aiming to keep the game fresh and engaging.


🗺️ Upcoming Overwatch Maps and Game Updates

The script discusses the upcoming maps and game modes for Overwatch. It mentions the introduction of a new Push map, Runasapi, set in Peru for Season 11, and a new mode, Clash, with two new maps releasing later in the year. A limited-time playtest for Clash on Hanaoka is also planned. The developers are committed to reworking existing maps based on player feedback, with Colosseo being reworked in Season 11 and plans for a season focused on map reworks after Season 12. The community's feedback on maps like Dorado, Circuit Royal, Havana, and Numbani is being closely considered.



💡Developer Update

A Developer Update refers to a communication from the game development team to the players, typically sharing news, updates, and future plans for the game. In the context of the video, it is the format of the announcement where Aaron from the Overwatch Team is providing information about upcoming changes and features in the game.


Venture is the name of the next hero character introduced in the game Overwatch. Described as an eccentric and daring adventurer, Venture has a unique kit that includes the ability to dig underground. The character is set to join the game in Season 10 and will be available for free to all players upon release.

💡Mythic skins

Mythic skins are special, high-quality cosmetic items in Overwatch that allow players to change the appearance of their heroes. These skins are often highly sought after and can be challenging to acquire. The video discusses a new way of unlocking these skins, giving players more choice and control over which Mythic skins they pursue.

💡Mythic Shop

The Mythic Shop is a new feature in Overwatch that will allow players to acquire Mythic skins from previous seasons they may have missed. This shop is part of the game's efforts to give players more agency over their cosmetic items and to make desirable skins more accessible.

💡Season 10

Season 10 refers to an upcoming content cycle in Overwatch, which will introduce new features, updates, and the hero Venture. The term 'season' in this context is used to denote a period of time during which certain content and events are available to players.

💡Competitive system

The Competitive system in Overwatch is a game mode where players compete against each other in ranked matches, aiming for higher rankings and rewards. The video discusses changes made to this system in Season 9 and the developers' vision for future updates to keep the game fresh and engaging.

💡Map reworks

Map reworks involve updating and improving existing maps in the game to enhance player experience. The video mentions that instead of releasing new maps every other season, the developers are focusing on making existing maps more enjoyable based on player feedback.

💡Push map

A Push map is a type of game map in Overwatch where two teams compete to move a payload across the map. The term is used in the video to describe a new map called Runasapi, which will be introduced in Season 11 and is set in Peru.


Clash is a new game mode mentioned in the video that will feature two new maps. It is part of the game's efforts to introduce new ways to play and keep the experience fresh for the community. A limited-time playtest for this mode is announced to take place on Hanaoka at the start of Season 10.

💡Community feedback

Community feedback refers to the input and suggestions provided by the game's player base. The video emphasizes the importance of listening to the community and making changes to the game based on their preferences and experiences. This feedback is crucial for the ongoing development and improvement of the game.

💡Overwatch Team

The Overwatch Team is the group of developers responsible for creating and maintaining the game Overwatch. They are the ones who make decisions about game updates, new content, and address player concerns. In the video, Aaron represents this team and shares their plans and vision for the game's future.


Aaron from the Overwatch Team introduces the first Developer Update of 2024.

A new way of releasing heroes is announced, with Venture and all future heroes being free for all players at launch.

Heroes will no longer be unlocked through the Battle Pass, including all previous Overwatch 2 heroes.

A new method for unlocking Mythic skins is introduced, offering more choice and control over which skins to work towards.

The Mythic Shop is announced, allowing players to acquire Mythic skins from previous seasons.

Season 10 will see changes to the core of the game to keep it fresh, following updates to the Competitive system and Overwatch combat mechanics in Season 9.

The goal is to give the game a regular heartbeat with updates including new systems, PvP shake-ups, rank resets, and new rewards.

Several balance changes have been made in Season 9, with a commitment to continue making the game fair, fun, and competitive.

New maps are planned for release in the next few seasons, including a Push map Runasapi in Season 11.

Runasapi is set in Peru and features the Solar Warriors and Illari.

A new mode, Clash, with two new maps is set to release later in the year, starting with a limited-time playtest on Hanaoka in Season 10.

The original plan of releasing three new maps every year is being adjusted based on player feedback, focusing on improving existing maps.

Colosseo will be reworked in Season 11, and a season focused on map reworks is planned after Season 12.

The Overwatch community is expected to reach 100 million players next season.

The team is dedicated to developing the game alongside the community, listening to feedback and planning to share more updates ahead of Season 10.

Upcoming Developer Update will address disruptive player behavior, grouping restrictions in Competitive, and player anonymity.

Follow the Overwatch Team on Twitter and YouTube for upcoming announcements.



-[crew member 1] Oh, wait! Wait a second! -[chuckles]


-[crew member 1] Beautiful. -Looks good.


I'm getting excited. Good?


-[crew member 1] Good. -Yeah? Ready for this.


-Can I just go? Oh. -[crew member 2] Quiet on set.


Take one.


[crew member 1] Action.


Hello, everyone.


This is Aaron from the Overwatch Team,


and welcome


to our first Developer Update of 2024.


We have some news that we're excited to share with all of you.


Today, I'm going to talk to you about how we release heroes,


a new way of unlocking Mythic skins,


as well as some gameplay updates.


So, let's start with heroes.


Last year, at BlizzCon, we gave you a look at our next hero,




They're an eccentric and daring adventurer


with a unique kit that includes the ability to dig underground.


We can't wait for them to join the lineup in Season 10,


and we want all of you to have the opportunity to play Venture


as soon as they are released.


Heroes are one of the most exciting additions to the game,


and we want all of our players to have immediate access to them when they launch.


Which is why I'm thrilled to share that Venture and all future heroes


will be free for all players when they launch.


Starting with Venture,


heroes will no longer be unlocked through the Battle Pass.


This includes all previous Overwatch 2 heroes.


In addition to this,


we're introducing a new way to unlock Mythic skins in Overwatch.


We'd like to give everyone more choice in how they unlock


and upgrade Mythic skins.


Our goal is to give you more power


over which Mythic skin you would like to work towards.


And starting in Season 10,


we will debut our Mythic Shop.


This will enable you to acquire Mythic skins


from previous seasons you may have missed.


So, if you've been eyeing that Cyber Demon Genji skin,


this is your chance to get it.


We'll have more details to share about the Mythic Shop


and how it works


as we get a little closer to Season 10.


Alongside these changes, we will also continue to evolve


and add to the core of the game to keep things fresh.


The changes we made to our Competitive system


and some of the core mechanics of Overwatch combat in Season 9


are all great examples of this,


and it's something we want to continue doing.


Part of our vision for these big updates to Competitive


is to give the game a regular heartbeat.


Newer, updated systems,


shaking up PvP,


rank resets, and new rewards


are all examples of the sorts of updates we'd like to continue doing.


How often this happens is something that we're still looking at,


as well as listening to all of you about.




we've already made several sets of balance changes in Season 9,


and are committed to continuing to make the game as fair,


fun, and competitive as we can.


Let's talk about maps.


We're going to be releasing several maps in the next few seasons.


We have a new Push map, Runasapi, coming in Season 11.


Runasapi is set in Peru,


and it gives players a glimpse at the Solar Warriors,


as well as Illari.


And it's also gorgeous and a blast to play.


We also have a new mode,


Clash, with two new maps releasing later this year.


And we're excited to announce that we're going to be running


a limited-time Clash playtest on Hanaoka at the start of Season 10.


When we first launched Overwatch 2,


we set out to create at least three new maps every year,


with the intention of releasing one every other season.


But as we've added more and more maps to the game,


we heard from you that you'd like us to put as much time into our live maps


as we do into making new ones.


Based on this feedback,


we'd like to continue to make existing maps as fun as possible.


We're going to be reworking Colosseo in Season 11.


And even more exciting, sometime after Season 12,


we're looking at creating a season that will be focused on map reworks


rather than a new map.


This final map list is still being discussed,


but you have given us a lot of feedback about Dorado,


Circuit Royal, Havana, and Numbani,


so we're closely looking at those maps.


The most important part of these plans is you.


The Overwatch community is on track to reach 100 million players next season,


and our team is dedicated to developing this game alongside you.


We've been listening closely to your feedback,


and ahead of Season 10,


we'll be back with another Developer Update


to share even more upcoming changes.


You'll hear from different developers at Blizzard and Team 4


to share how we're addressing disruptive player behavior,


grouping restrictions in Competitive, and player anonymity.


So, keep an eye out,


and make sure to follow us on Twitter and YouTube for upcoming announcements.


Thank you so much for watching.


And let's make a great game.


[crew member 1] Do you want to say the Twitter again?




-[crew member 2] Sorry about the airplane. -[crew member 3] It was just the tail.


Seriously? Okay. Here we go.


The final Mei… map list is still being discussed.


We've been listening-ing... Listening.


-Cool. -[cheering and applause]

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