Super Tuesday: Donald Trump speaks at rally
- 🌟 此次发言强调了超级星期二的重要性,认为这是历史上前所未有的关键时刻。
- 📉 提到过去三年美国经历了严重的打击,特别是在通货膨胀方面,认为这对中产阶级和国家产生了破坏性影响。
- 🌍 在国际关系方面,批评了美国在乌克兰和以色列的政策,同时指出伊朗在其执政期间经济状况糟糕。
- 📊 股市的表现被提及为唯一的亮点,认为这是因为其民调数字高于拜登总统。
- 🗽 关于移民问题,批评了目前的移民政策,特别是涉及到大量移民被运送进入美国的情况。
- 🛑 强调了边境安全的重要性,认为没有边境和公平的选举,国家将面临崩溃。
- 👥 此次演讲中提到了许多名人和政治人物的支持,并感谢了他们的帮助。
- 🏛 在政策方面,回顾了自己执政时期的成就,包括税收减免、减少管制和重建军事。
- 🌐 在国际政策方面,提到了与塔利班的交涉,朝鲜的关系,以及与中国的贸易协议。
- 🇺🇸 对于未来的计划,表达了让美国恢复到以前的强大地位的愿望,包括处理移民问题、降低通货膨胀,以及提升国家能源独立。
Q & A
🎉 超级星期二的胜利与展望
🌟 统一与共和党的未来
🌍 国际政策与国内挑战
🇺🇸 重塑美国的愿景
Super Tuesday marks a historic and conclusive moment, emphasizing a unique period in U.S. history.
Acknowledgment of the country's challenges and a vision for inspiring change through unprecedented actions.
Critique of the current administration's handling of inflation, foreign policy, and border security.
Claims of superior economic management and national security during the speaker's tenure.
Assertion that the U.S. was respected globally and energy independent before the current administration.
Blame placed on the current administration for the state of the nation, including immigration issues and crime.
Vision for unity and success through Republican leadership, emphasizing a need for fair elections and press freedom.
Recollection of past successes in foreign policy, military strength, and economic growth.
Criticism of the withdrawal from Afghanistan and its consequences on U.S. foreign policy credibility.
Claims of a significant impact on global dynamics, including relationships with China and North Korea.
Emphasis on achievements in tax cuts, deregulation, and military investment.
Critique of current energy policies and a vision for regaining energy dominance.
A call to action for the Republican party to unite and restore the country to its former glory.
Concerns over the integrity of U.S. borders and the impact of immigration on crime rates.
A promise to make America great again by addressing current challenges with swift and decisive action.
well thank you very much they call it
super Tuesday for a reason this is a big
one and they tell me the pundits and
otherwise that there's never been one
like this there's never been anything so
conclusive this was an amazing an
amazing night an amazing day it's been
an incredible period of time in our
country's history it's been sad in so
many ways but I think it's going to be
inspiring because we're going to do
something that frankly nobody's been
able to do for a long time
we've we've watched our country take a
great beating over the last three years
and nobody thought a thing like this
would be possible we wouldn't have
Russia attacking Ukraine we wouldn't
have Israel being attacked Iran as you
know was broke when I was running things
they were broke they didn't have money
for Hamas they didn't have money for
Hezbollah we had no inflation inflation
is destroying the middle class it's
destroying everything inflation if you
look back over the history hundreds of
years back it's called inflation it's
called a country Buster and that's what
it's doing to our country what's
happened with inflation has been
unbelievable a lot of people say a lot
of experts have said the stock markets
the only thing that's doing well and
that's doing well because our poll
numbers are so much higher than Joe
Biden's he's the worst president in the
history of our
country there's never been anything like
what's happening to our country today it
was announced
325,000 people were flown in from Parts
Unknown migrants were flown in Airplane
not going through borders not going
through that great Texas barrier that I
was with the governor of Texas Greg
arbert the other day and we were looking
at the job they're doing but in the
meantime they're pouring into California
and they're pouring into Arizona because
those governors aren't doing anything
they're doing nothing but today was just
announced before I came out it was
unbelievable I said that must be a
mistake they flew 325,000 migrants flew
them in over the borders in into our
country so that really tells you where
they're coming from they want open
borders and open borders are going to
destroy our country we need borders and
we need free and fair elections that we
don't have a country uh this is an
incredible group of people so many
celebrities that I'm not going to
introduce any because I'm just going to
get myself in trouble if I do that
because I'll leave out most of you but
we we have this is a room chalk full of
incredible talented people like some of
the guys standing right in front of me
right big big futures big fat beautiful
Futures oh I'd love to be your age I'd
pay you a lot of money to be your
age but we have uh we have some
tremendously talented people in this
room including tremendously talented
political people that have helped me
right from the beginning we had the
safest Border in the history of our
country we built 571 miles of wall we
had Mexico Supply us with 28,000
soldiers because we we wanted them
that's why and they said we won't do
that I said yes you will you will and in
the end they did it was an easy
negotiation but we had the safest border
the best numbers we've ever had and now
we have the worst numbers probably
probably in the history of the world
it's uh sad to see what's happening to
our cities our cities are being over run
with migrant crime and that's Biden
migrant crime but it's a new category of
crime and it's violent where they'll
stand in the middle of a street and have
fist fights with police officers and if
they did that in their countries from
where they came they'd be killed
instantly instantly they wouldn't do
that so the world is laughing at us the
world is taking advantage of
us 3 years ago we were at a level we
were energy independent we're going to
be very shortly energy dominant and
today we're getting oil from Venezuela
can you believe it and
we're doing numbers on that oil you know
what we're doing we're refining the oil
we have our Refinery for that oil it's
really I call it tar it's not oil it's
terrible we have real stuff but we're
refining it in Houston so for all of the
environmentalist you ought to look at
that because all of that tar is going
right up into the atmosphere you just
ought to take a look it's the only plant
that can do it we have the only plants
that can take tar and make it into oil
and that's what it is it's a shame but
we were energy independent we were going
to be energy dominant we were going to
be supplying oil to Europe all over the
world and then a tragic thing happened
during the election it was a tragedy
because you wouldn't have think of it
all of the problems that you have today
I don't think you would have had any of
them you'd only have success and that's
what's all ultimately going to unify
this country and
unify this party we have a great
Republican party with tremendous talent
and we want to have unity and we're
going to have unity and it's going to
happen very quickly and I have been
saying lately success will bring Unity
to our country and it happened before we
had the best economy our country's ever
had and people were calling me that I
would have said will never happen it'll
never happen they wanted to get get
together africanamerican Asian-American
Hispanic ameran women men people with
diplomas from the best schools in the
world and people that didn't graduate
from high school every single group was
doing better than ever before and it was
a beautiful thing our country was coming
together our country was coming
together and now we have a very divided
country we have a country that a
political person uses weaponization
against his political opponent never
happened here it happens in other
countries but they're third world
countries and in some ways we're a third
world country we're a third world
country at our borders and we're a third
world country at our elections and we
have to stop that we need a fair and
Free Press the Press has not been Fair
nor has it been free but maybe someday
they will be they're being beaten up
pretty badly people aren't trusting them
they're not believing them and really
it's a very important factor the press
used to be the policeman it used to
police our country now nobody has
confidence in them and we have to get
that confidence back it's so important
for the success of our country so
important so this has been a day that we
uh we've been waiting for I want to
thank my family for being here it's a
great family I have a great
family they've had it very easy since I
decided to run for politics they say
thanks a lot Dad we appreciate it but
they're strong and they're very capable
people and they they love the country
they really do love the country and we
appreciate it and I want to thank
everybody at my staff uh Susan Chris
incredible job incredible job you're
doing I read an article yesterday where
it said this is one of the finest run
campaigns that anybody has ever seen
that's pretty good
right that's pretty good it's really a
statement and we have no choice because
November 5th it's right around the
corner November 5th is going to go down
as the single most important day in the
history of our
country we're going to take it and we're
going to make
it like it should be respected right now
and not respected right now now our
country is known as a joke it's a joke
other leaders who I speak to other
leaders can't believe what happened to
us because three years ago we were the
most respected country anywhere in the
world by far we were doing things that
nobody could believe China was paying us
billions and billions of
dollars in 25 years they paid us nothing
zero not 10 cents I was getting billions
of dollars and they were happy about it
as happy as you can be of course maybe
there's reasons for things having
happened but they were not uh they were
not so happy with certain things I guess
based on things that took place but they
were we were getting along with
everybody we were getting along and we
were respected by everybody we had no
Wars remember when I had the debate with
Hillary Clinton she said look look at
him look at that personality he's going
to cause Wars wars I said no my
personality is going to keep us out of
wars and that's what happened
for 20 years they were fighting Isis I
defeated Isis in four weeks I got rid of
100% 100% of the Isis
caliphate and we had no Wars and we
stopped Wars we weren't getting along
with a lot of countries all of a sudden
North Korea which is a serious nuclear
power but North Korea came along Kim
Jong-un we got along very well we got
along very well with China until Co that
was a little bit too much as far as I
was concerned that was too much couldn't
take that one but we made a trade deal
with China that I don't even talk about
$50 billion a year in product they
bought from our Farmers our
manufacturers they used to buy 10 I got
50 and it was great but co uh I I don't
even talk about that because Co was such
a horrible thing it started in the Wuhan
La Labs just as I said the woan labs and
it came out I believe through
incompetence I believe it was
incompetence some people think it wasn't
but I believe it was but regardless it
ca $60 trillion worth of damage and
death all over the world all over the
world and we did a fantastic job on that
we never got credit for that
unbelievable job on that we came up with
things that nobody thought was possible
don't forget when it came in nobody had
an idea what it was they didn't even use
the word pandemic nobody had an idea but
we did a fantastic job and we got a lot
of credit for the economy a lot of
credit for our foreign policy I think
credit like nobody very few people have
gotten and the Press was very honest
about it they give us very high marks on
foreign policy the Abraham Accord so
many different things we did but we uh
we never got the kind of of do that we
should have for the covid or as I call
it affectionately the Chinese virus the
China virus which is a much more
term and despite that the stock
market when we turned it over the stock
market was higher than it was prior to
covid coming in it was an amazing thing
we did an amazing job and we have so
many people that worked on that so many
of the doctors so many of the scientists
that worked with us on that it it was
really really something but there's
never been an Administration that had
more success in so many different
elements we got the largest tax cuts in
history we have the largest regulation
Cuts in history we rebuilt our
military and what happened we rebuilt
our entire military and uh beautiful we
had Jets jet fighters that were 53 years
old and we had all brand new jet
fighters and then uh
after this other group of people that
didn't know what they were doing they
took over and we had that
horrible uh surrender in Afghanistan I
call it a surrender we took the soldiers
out first you know I dealt with the
leaders of the Taliban in Afghanistan
they were the ones that were causing the
trouble the Press was very angry because
they said why are you calling them I
said because that's where the problem is
I say often times I say they asked Jesse
James Jesse why do you rob banks he said
because that's where the money
is and I said that's where the problem
is with the Taliban and I spoke to Abdul
he's still the leader believe it or not
he's really the leader of Afghanistan
but he's the leader of the Taliban a
rough group I say don't ever shoot our
soldiers again don't ever do it very
interesting what happened is that uh you
know we were having during the Obama
previously uh they were shooting a lot
of our soldiers and I let them know I
said don't ever ever let that happen I
said very in a rather nasty fashion we
don't have to go into it tonight for 18
months we lost nobody in Afghanistan and
then we had that horrible horrible
withdrawal where we lost 13 soldiers 38
wounded left Americans behind you know
you have Americans right now still
behind call them hostages if you like it
was a terrible moment we left 85 billion
dollars worth of brand new beautiful
equipment behind Jets and tanks and
everything you couldn't think of goggles
night goggles they didn't used to fight
they're good Fighters they didn't used
to fight at night but now they do
because they have goggles they have
better goggles than we have so I just
want to uh tell tell you that led to a
lot of bad things and now the worst
things are happening the things that are
happening now are Unthinkable and
they're Unthinkable at the border we
have millions of people invading our
country this is an an invasion this is
the worst Invasion probably we've never
had anything like it no country has ever
had anything like it the number today
could be 15 million
people and they're coming from rough
places and dangerous places and we had
that shut down we had everything going
so beautifully when Joe Biden goes to
the beach because somebody on his staff
thinks he looks very good in a bathing
suit until he can't get his feet out of
the sand or lift the chair which weighs
about 9 ounces Joe Biden if he would
have just left everything alone he could
have gone to the beach he would have had
a tremendous success at the border and
elsewhere so we're going to take back
our country we're going to make
sure we
are we are going to do it right we're
going to have the greatest economy ever
in the history of our country we're
going to top what we
did we're going to become an energy
center of the world we're ready to
become energy dominant and they sto that
they stopped that but we are going to
become energ dominant we're going to pay
off debt we're going to do things that
nobody thought was possible you know we
hadn't done our second phase of the tax
cuts when we did the tax cuts the
Democrats fought us very hard and now
they say well I guess that was pretty
good because we took in much more
revenues after we cut taxes and then we
did all of those regulation cuts and
people were working and everybody was
happy and we were all proud of our
country but we're going to win this
election because we have no choice if we
lose the election we're not going to
have a country
left and we're going to do something
thank you very much love you we love you
too and we love our country and we can't
let this
magnificent some people call it an
experiment I don't call it an experiment
I just say this is a
magnificent place a magnificent country
and it's so sad to see how far it's come
and gone when you look at when you look
at the depths of of where it's gone we
can't let that happen we're going to
straighten it out we're going to close
our borders we're going to drill baby
drill we're going to get the inflation
down and we are going to make our
country greater than ever before and
we're going to do it quickly we're going
to do it quickly it's going to go fast
we have to get the criminals out we have
many many criminals that have entered
our country we have people coming in
from such such bad places and we're
going to have to get them out we have
murderers that are being deposited into
our country we have drug dealers at the
biggest and highest levels that coming
into our
country we have people coming into our
country that just shouldn't be here but
many and I say many large percentages
they come in through the Caravans they
come in many different ways now we find
out again they come in through airplanes
we send them in this is crazy but they
come into our country we're going to
stop them we're going to close our
borders we're going to have to deport a
lot of people a lot of bad people
because our countries can't live like
this our cities our cities are choking
to death our states are dying and
frankly our country is dying and we're
going to make America great again
greater than ever before thank you very
much it's been a big night thank you
very much thank
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