ILLIT (아일릿) ‘Magnetic’ Official MV

25 Mar 202403:08


TLDRThe script captures the magnetic attraction and undeniable chemistry between two individuals, highlighting the protagonist's crush and their desire to overcome their differences. The lyrics express the heart's powerful beat and the overwhelming feeling of being drawn to someone, likening it to a giant magnet. Despite being polar opposites, the protagonist is determined to pursue their feelings, embracing the 'push and pull' of their relationship, and is ready to take the leap into this exciting and intense connection.


  • 💓 Strong Attraction: The script conveys a strong, magnetic attraction towards a crush.
  • 🎶 Heartbeats and Magnetism: The lyrics use the metaphor of a heart beating 'lub-dub' and magnets to describe the pull between two people.
  • 🤩 Instant Connection: The song emphasizes the immediate and undeniable connection felt even from a distance.
  • 🔽 Pulling Close: There's a desire to be physically close to the crush, highlighting the intensity of the feelings.
  • 💌 Admitting Feelings: The lyrics openly admit the attraction and the desire to be with the person of interest.
  • 🔄 Magnetization: The repeated phrase 'We're magnetized' suggests an irresistible and mutual pull.
  • 🚫 Polar Opposites: The song mentions being 'completely opposite' but suggests that this only enhances the attraction.
  • 💪 Taking Initiative: The lyrics encourage taking action and not being afraid to express one's feelings.
  • 🏃‍♀️ Pursuit: There's a sense of urgency and a willingness to actively chase after the crush.
  • 🚫 No Regrets: The song promotes a philosophy of no regrets, with a determination to fully commit to the pursuit of the crush.
  • 🎉 Chemistry and Attraction: The final message is about the undeniable chemistry and super attractive qualities of the crush.

Q & A

  • What is the central theme of the song?

    -The central theme of the song is the strong attraction and feelings of love towards a crush, likened to a magnetic force.

  • How does the singer describe their heart's reaction to seeing their crush?

    -The singer describes their heart's reaction as going 'lub-dub' and continuously pounding, even from a distance.

  • What metaphor is used to describe the relationship between the singer and their crush?

    -The metaphor used is that of a giant magnet, with everything about the crush sticking to the singer's heart.

  • What does the phrase 'We're magnetized' signify in the context of the song?

    -The phrase 'We're magnetized' signifies the undeniable and powerful attraction between the singer and their crush.

  • How does the singer express their desire to pursue their crush?

    -The singer expresses their desire by stating 'This time I want, You You You You like it’s magnetic' and 'Don’t wanna hide it, the magnet in my heart, Gonna follow my feelings and get with you, boy'.

  • What does the term 'polar opposites' refer to in the song?

    -The term 'polar opposites' refers to the singer and their crush being completely different from each other, yet this difference is what pulls them together.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'Girls gotta have guts!' in the song?

    -The phrase 'Girls gotta have guts!' signifies the singer's determination and courage to pursue their feelings despite any potential obstacles.

  • How does the song convey the idea of not wanting to hold back?

    -The song conveys this idea through lyrics like 'No push and pull, No regrets, gonna zero in on you' and 'Never holding back, Straight ahead, yeah'.

  • What is the meaning behind the repeated use of 'super attractive' in the song?

    -The repeated use of 'super attractive' emphasizes the singer's intense attraction and admiration for their crush.

  • What does the phrase 'I’m in too deep now' imply about the singer's feelings?

    -The phrase 'I’m in too deep now' implies that the singer's feelings for their crush are profound and overwhelming.



💘 Magnetic Attraction and Admitting Feelings

The paragraph describes the overwhelming experience of falling for someone and the undeniable attraction towards them. The speaker is trying to play it cool but finds it impossible to hide their feelings. The heart's intense beating is likened to a giant magnet, symbolizing the strong pull towards their crush. The lyrics express the desire to be with the person and the acknowledgment of a mutual, irresistible connection. Despite being 'polar opposites', the differences only serve to strengthen the bond. The speaker is determined to pursue their feelings without hesitation, embracing the 'magnet in my heart' and the chemistry that has deepened, leading to a sense of urgency to act on these feelings.




The term 'crush' in this context refers to a strong, often temporary, romantic attraction towards someone. It's a feeling of desire or infatuation that can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. In the script, the singer expresses their crush on someone, which is the central theme of the song, as seen in lines like 'Pulling me close—you’re my crush!' and 'Baby, I’m just trying to play it cool, But I just can’t hide that, I want you.'


In the context of the script, 'magnetized' is used metaphorically to describe the irresistible and powerful attraction between two people. It suggests that the singer feels an almost magnetic pull towards their crush, as if they are drawn together by an unseen force. This metaphor is used to emphasize the strength and inevitability of their connection, as seen in lines like 'We’re magnetized, I admit it' and 'My heart feels like a giant magnet.'


The term 'attractive' refers to the quality of being appealing or drawing interest, often in a romantic or physical sense. In the script, it is used to describe the singer's perception of their crush as someone who is overwhelmingly appealing, to the point where it feels 'super attractive'. This term is used to convey the intensity of the singer's feelings and the allure of their crush, as seen in the repeated phrases 'You You You You like it’s magnetic, U U U U U U U U super attractive'.

💡Polar Opposites

The phrase 'polar opposites' is used to describe two things or people that are completely different from each other, often in a way that makes them interesting or complementary when together. In the script, the singer uses this term to highlight the contrast between themselves and their crush, suggesting that their differences are part of what makes their connection special. The use of 'J and I’m so P, S and N' is an example of this concept, where 'J' and 'P' likely stand for different personality types or traits.


Chemistry, in the context of the script, refers to the emotional and interpersonal connection between two people, often implying a romantic or potential romantic attraction. It is used to describe the dynamic and the unspoken understanding or compatibility between the singer and their crush. The phrase 'Our chemistry' is used to convey that there is a natural and powerful bond that is hard to resist, as seen in the lyrics 'Our chemistry, Yeah I’m in too deep now'.


The term 'guts' is often used to describe courage or bravery, especially in the face of challenges or fears. In the script, the singer encourages girls to 'have guts', which means to be bold and take action despite any potential risks or fears. This is a call to embrace one's feelings and pursue what one desires, as illustrated in the line 'Girls gotta have guts!'.


A 'magnet' is an object that produces a magnetic field and can attract certain metals, such as iron, nickel, or cobalt. In the metaphorical sense used in the script, the heart is likened to a giant magnet, suggesting that the singer's feelings for their crush are so strong that they draw them in irresistibly. This metaphor is used to convey the overwhelming and undeniable nature of the singer's attraction, as seen in the lines 'My heart feels like a giant magnet' and 'We’re magnetized, I admit it'.


The phrase 'Dash-da-da' is a musical onomatopoeia that mimics the sound of a heartbeat or the rhythm of running, adding a playful and energetic element to the song. It is used to create a catchy and memorable rhythmic pattern that complements the theme of attraction and pursuit. The repetition of this phrase throughout the song reinforces the idea of a racing heart and the urgency of the singer's feelings towards their crush.

💡Green Light

In the script, 'green light' is used metaphorically to signify a go-ahead or permission to proceed with an action. It suggests that the singer is ready to move forward with their pursuit of their crush, overcoming any hesitation or uncertainty. The phrase 'I’ll make it a green light' indicates the singer's determination to take the initiative and act on their feelings.


The term 'superpower' typically refers to exceptional abilities beyond the capabilities of ordinary people, often used to describe the abilities of superheroes. In the context of the script, it is used metaphorically to describe the powerful and almost magical attraction the singer feels towards their crush. By likening their feelings to a superpower, the singer emphasizes the extraordinary and overwhelming nature of their emotions, as seen in the line 'Like a superpower, My heart feels like a giant magnet'.

💡No Regrets

The phrase 'no regrets' implies a sense of acceptance and satisfaction with one's past actions, indicating that there is no desire to change anything that has happened. In the script, this concept is used to express the singer's commitment to pursuing their feelings without hesitation or fear of potential negative outcomes. The line 'No regrets, gonna zero in on you' conveys a determination to fully embrace the pursuit of their crush without looking back or second-guessing their decision.

💡Zero In

The phrase 'zero in' means to focus or concentrate on something or someone with precision and determination. In the context of the script, it is used to describe the singer's focused intention to pursue their crush without distractions or delays. The line 'No regrets, gonna zero in on you' illustrates the singer's unwavering commitment to their pursuit, emphasizing their single-minded focus on the object of their affection.


The theme of playing it cool while being unable to hide one's feelings of attraction.

The heart's rhythm described as 'lub-dub', emphasizing the physical sensation of love.

The use of a magnet metaphor to describe the irresistible pull towards a crush.

The admission of being 'magnetized', highlighting the mutual attraction.

The repetition of 'You You You You' to emphasize the strong desire and focus on the crush.

The playful use of 'superpower' to describe the heart's magnetic attraction.

The catchy and rhythmic phrase 'Dash-da-da Dash-da-da Dash-da' adding to the song's memorability.

The contrast of personalities being a source of attraction, with 'J and P', 'S and N' representing different types.

The encouragement for girls to be bold and take initiative in pursuing their feelings.

The phrase 'green light' symbolizing the go-ahead to pursue a romantic interest.

The determination to follow one's feelings despite the potential risks.

The use of 'R.U.N' as an acronym for being in a rush to get to the crush.

The acknowledgment of being 'in too deep', indicating a deep emotional connection.

The commitment to not hold back and to be straightforward in expressing one's feelings.

The repetition of 'super attractive' to emphasize the overwhelming charm of the crush.

The plea 'Baby don’t say no', showing a desire for acceptance and a positive response.





I’m just trying to play it cool


But I just can’t hide that


I want you


Wait a minute, what is this?


My heart’s going lub-dub


Just keeps on pounding


Even from afar—oh my gosh!


Pulling me close—you’re my crush!


Like a superpower


My heart feels like a giant magnet


Everything about you sticks to my heart, boy


We’re magnetized, I admit it


This time I want


You You You You like it’s magnetic


U U U U U U U U super attractive


You You You You like it’s magnetic


U U U U U U U U super attractive


Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae


Dash-da-da Dash-da-da Dash-da


Like it’s magnetic


Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae


Dash-da-da Dash-da-da


Baby don’t say no


Completely opposite, our type


You’re J and I’m so P


S and N, polar opposites


But that’s what pulls us in


I’ll make it a green light


Girls gotta have guts!


So let’s go let’s go


Let’s go let’s go


Don’t wanna hide it, the magnet in my heart


Gonna follow my feelings and get with you, boy


We're magnetized, I admit it


This time I want


You You You You like it’s magnetic


U U U U U U U U super attractive


You You You You like it’s magnetic


U U U U U U U U super attractive


No push and pull


Gonna R.U.N to you


(In a rush in a rush)


Our chemistry


Yeah I’m in too deep now (Baby you’re my crush you’re my crush)


No push and pull


No regrets, gonna zero in on you


(Gonna dash gonna dash)


Never holding back


Straight ahead, yeah


This time I want


You You You You like it’s magnetic


U U U U U U U U super attractive


You You You You like it’s magnetic


U U U U U U U U super attractive


Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae


Dash-da-da Dash-da-da Dash-da


Like it’s magnetic


Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae


Dash-da-da Dash-da-da


Baby don’t say no

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