"Going After Hillary" - Stephen A. ROASTS Hillary Clinton's "Get Over Yourself" Message To Voters
TLDRESPN明星Stephen A Smith在节目中回应了Hillary Clinton对选民的评论。他强调,现在最不需要做的是激怒潜在选民,而应该关注选民的想法和生活。Smith认为,尽管他个人不会投票给Trump,但他也对Biden持有保留态度。他指出,尽管Hillary赢得了普选,但她的言行可能会对民主党的选举造成负面影响。Smith建议,应该让像Michelle Obama这样的人来代表民主党,而不是Hillary Clinton。
- 🗣️ Stephen A Smith 对希拉里·克林顿关于选民的评论进行了回击。
- 🎥 视频片段中提到了希拉里对选民的一些看法,以及Stephen A Smith对此的批评。
- 🤔 Stephen A Smith 认为,希拉里的评论可能会激怒潜在选民,这对选举不利。
- 🚫 他强调在选举中最重要的是不要做出可能激怒选民的行为。
- 🌟 希拉里·克林顿在评论中提到了两位候选人的年龄和经历,以及其中一位候选人面临的法律问题。
- 👥 Stephen A Smith 认为,选民更关心的是他们的生活,而不是候选人的法律问题。
- 🤷♂️ 他指出,尽管希拉里的评论在媒体上被广泛报道,但许多选民并不关心她的观点。
- 👩💼 希拉里·克林顿在选举中的作用受到质疑,有人认为她可能对民主党的选情产生负面影响。
- 📉 讨论中提到了希拉里·克林顿在2016年总统选举中的一些失误。
- 📈 视频中还讨论了媒体和名人对选民观点的影响,以及他们在选举中的角色。
- 🌐 讨论了如何通过有效的沟通和行动来影响选民,而不仅仅是发表意见。
Q & A
Stephen A Smith 对希拉里·克林顿的评论有何看法?
-Stephen A Smith 认为希拉里·克林顿的评论不明智,可能会激怒潜在选民,这对选举是不利的。
Hillary Clinton 在视频中提到了哪两位候选人?
-Hillary Clinton 提到了乔·拜登和唐纳德·特朗普。
Stephen A Smith 认为选民应该如何应对两个不理想的候选人?
-Stephen A Smith 认为选民应该超越对候选人的个人看法,更多地关注他们的生活和实际问题。
Stephen A Smith 如何评价希拉里·克林顿在2016年的竞选策略?
Stephen A Smith 对希拉里·克林顿的哪些观点表示了支持?
-Stephen A Smith 支持希拉里·克林顿关于特朗普面临91项指控的观点,他自己也多次提到这一点。
Stephen A Smith 认为希拉里·克林顿的评论对民主党有何影响?
Stephen A Smith 对于如何赢得选举有何看法?
Stephen A Smith 对于米歇尔·奥巴马有何评价?
Stephen A Smith 认为民主党如何能赢得女性的选票?
Stephen A Smith 对于自己在节目中的角色有何看法?
Stephen A Smith 如何看待自己在节目中提出的批评?
🗣️ 斯蒂芬·A·史密斯回击希拉里·克林顿关于选民的评论
📊 女性选民对选举的影响
🤔 斯蒂芬·A·史密斯的影响力和改变
🤷♂️ 斯蒂芬·A·史密斯的信息目的和行动呼吁
💡Stephen A Smith
💡Hillary Clinton
Stephen A Smith回应了希拉里·克林顿关于选民的评论。
Stephen A Smith认为,希拉里的评论并不明智,可能会影响选举结果。
Stephen A Smith强调,选民更关心自己的生活而不是候选人的罪行。
Stephen A Smith认为,政治家应该更多地关注选民的感受和想法。
Stephen A Smith提出,民主党需要女性选民的支持才能赢得选举。
Stephen A Smith批评希拉里·克林顿在此时发表言论,认为她应该保持沉默。
Stephen A Smith认为,希拉里·克林顿的言论对民主党没有帮助。
ESPN star Stephen A Smith fires back at
Hillary Clinton over remarks about
voters last thing you need to do Rob can
you play the clip of him saying this if
you have the clip of uh uh Stephen A
Smith on him going after uh uh Hillary
Clinton's comments here I'll read it and
then if you can find it because it says
yellow here which means you have a video
of it I do I also have Hillary's
comments if you want to play Hillary
first play Hillary first first and then
we go to his oh what the hell here come
the deplorables Biden versus Trump we
know that it is it is what do you what
do you say to voters who are upset that
those are the two
choices get over yourself those are the
two choices love that and and you
know it's kind of like look at her neck
one is old and effective and
compassionate has a heart and really
cares about people and one is old and
has been charged with 91
yeah I I don't I don't understand why
this is even a hard Choice really I
don't understand it but we have to go
through the election and hopefully
people will realize what's at stake
because it's an existential uh I what
kind of country we're going to have what
kind of democracy we're going to have
you think Jimmy Fallon payen what do you
think do you think Jimmy Fallon likes
anybody that says anything that sits
next to him he I agree with Adam he's
just going to Pander whoever just one of
those laughing goofy funny he has no
I don't know if deep down inside you you
can have certain people that even you
agree with that you don't like I don't
know if he like I don't I don't know if
he sits there saying oh my God Hillary
Clinton's on next week I can't wait babe
yeah I I agree with you Fallon is not
Kimmel yeah I don't I don't I don't I
don't see okay let's now let's see
Stephen A Kimmel is unwatchable and he
would be shining her shoes and just here
Stephen A Smith go
forward I don't think it was a very wise
statement on her part how did that work
out for her 2016 I think that's
something that we have to recognize yes
she won a popular vote but at the end of
the day she wasn't the president of the
United States it was him you can look at
her not campaigning in Wisconsin in the
last days not campaigning in
Pennsylvania in the last days you can
look at some of the stuff that they were
saying about her that sort of distracted
things from where it should have been in
terms of Comey and his report uh from
the FBI you can bring up a whole bunch
of things but at the end of the day the
last thing you need to do is to do
anything that could agitate a potential
voter in this particular election what
do you make about the actual argument
that she's making I mean she's basically
saying two old people yes but there're
substantively different I mean 91 counts
against him nobody's brought that up
more than me uh for you know four
indictments 91 counts impeached twice
I'm not voting for him I've said that to
a lot of people I've said that to you
but at the end of the day what I'm
saying is that at some point in time you
got to take into account what the voters
thinking about the voters a lot of them
out there tens of Millions of them out
there by the way don't care what he's
going through right now they don't care
about his guilt or innocence his
perceived guilt or innocence they don't
care about the 91 counts they're
thinking about their lives and a lot of
times we see politicians taking the
positions that they're taking and while
we can respect their candidate and their
honesty they do seem a bit detached that
time from what the voters are actually
feeling and what the voters are actually
thinking nobody wants to hear that from
Hillary Roden Clinton at this particular
moment in time because especially if
you're Joe Biden
you a question why do they like is it
just me or who gives a sorry for my
language about what Hillary thinks or
what she's doing or I understand it's
election season but who is anybody is
she I'll answer your question okay it's
women women are persuaded by that human
being that corrupt evil person speaking
you think so you think a woman I'm with
her is going to sit home and go you know
what I'm I'm going to double vote for
Biden it's like I'm sick and if I was in
the Democratic party or I was a voter
people in Chicago do well I'd be like
Hillary just get just shut up bro move
on from this person like like by way and
who makes that phone call and goes yeah
you know Fallon we're going to have
Hillary on why she's not swing she's
obviously doing more damage than good
she's a known freaking cheater you know
what I mean her husband's a 52 time
going to Epstein alley like these people
there that that's the cancer of the
democratic party and I think that does
more damage than good Tom it means it's
season Vinnie and they're sending out
the proxies and she is a proxy and she
got look at the fact we may not agree
with it I mean we may not have voted
this way but she got she won the popular
vote so there's a lot of people out
there voted for her so the DNC and the
Machine and the establishment is sending
her out there on tour to see if she can
sway that's the last person that I would
have out there I would just have
Michelle Obama every single day I'd have
Michelle Obama going hi I'm Michelle
Obama my husband's Barack Obama yay she
she's doing nothing for the people I'm
telling you right now I know hardcore
liberals from California that every time
that she comes on TV they're like
Hillary shut up nobody wants to hear you
nobody wants to hear Bill Clint they
come out there and they wave you're not
doing anything yeah you're not doing
anything from from a from a dude's
perspective I'm with you I'm not with
her I'm with you good play like there's
nothing uh that resonates with an
average person when Hillary shows up
when it's like dude get him Hillary bro
like yeah no but the reality is she's
being marketed to females because it's
the the movable middle It's a Lady's Rob
if you show the stat right there dude
she's not swaying men right we've we've
done this stat before where who votes
Republican versus Democrats married men
overwhelmingly vote Republican married
women women vote Republican unmarried
men tend to wrote Republican unmarried
liberal women for the most part
are with Hillary and it's not even close
bro so that's the only by the way is
that the view the views audience clip
this right here yeah the only way Joe
Biden and the Democrats win this
election is if they get the female vote
so you're going to see women's rights
abortion my body my choice that is their
play number one and number two Trump is
a threat to democracy 100% but but do
you think that they could pick hold on I
I get Adam I'm with you 1,00% but
there's nobody better than the pick than
somebody that okay the Benghazi she
ruined that whole thing got in trouble
for her her servers in the in her
basement okay Russian collusion her
husband how much what do you mean what
do you mean pick anyone better like who
who else in the Democratic what's a
better female that has tenure like her
that you can have speak instead of
Hillary Clinton well I mean it's not
she's on Jimmy Fallon not like it's not
like she's speaking at the DNC she's a
freaking late night talk show no but not
a big deal that's what do you mean
that's not a big deal she's not Fallon
you know people are watching my buddy
Marcelo Hernandez was just on the F the
other day like guess every week by the
way here's the real question yeah when
are they going to freaking have some
Republicans on there when are they going
to have Trump on there when they going
have a STIs on there it's just all Lefty
and this is why GRE Gutfeld respect to
you buddy the least talented guy in late
night is the number one show Tom by way
back to back to the point here Stephen A
is taking some heat but that was a very
smart strategic thing strategic point
stepen a was making he said the last
thing you want to be doing right now is
agitating a voter block and Stephen A is
taking heat for that but I I think he's
correct he's being strategically correct
and he's taking heat because he won't
wave the flag with with the
establishment on the Democratic side and
he's just objectively laying everything
out there and I guess you can't be
objective smart and strategic and
without taking Heat can I say one thing
about Stephen A and then obviously pbd
I'm going to let you do your thing
Stephen A is like he's there it's kind
of like where I'm at he just is
unwilling to even consider voting for
Trump like meaning he's not a trump guy
that's we we had this conversation a
million times policy versus
personality he's just not willing to
take that leap because as he said on the
pbd podcast right here goes the guy just
don't act right can't vot and but but
but most people understand that and
would but I don't but again he's going
after Hillary basically saying like by
way she does this all the time this
isn't the first time good for giving her
flag but for Stephen A Smith he sat
right here to say without a doubt I I'm
a Joe Biden on Joe Biden how can you
what has Joe Biden done to make somebody
of that stature and that education to
say I'm going for Biden name one is he
scared scar I just think no but he's not
saying I'll vote for he would vote for
RFK I no no no no he just said Biden
times did he say he's voting for Biden
in did you not pay attention to it three
times said that in the clip I'm voting
for Biden I heard him say he's not
voting for Trump no he said Biden's name
three times but what my point is is he
scared because Joe Biden said if you
don't vote for him you ain't black is he
afraid of losing his Blackness no wait
wait hold on I'm being kind of funny but
the same token how can you say that name
me one thing that you're going to say
I'm voting I'm voting for Jo because of
what I don't want to hear infrastructure
of that go ahead give me one thing what
how could name one goad put the Jeopardy
song on nothing nothing is going right
and when people go well we had inflation
to six now it's down to three it's still
a show nothing is going right if
you can name me one give me one thank
you go ahead Tom take it
away right I think you're doing pretty
well on your own there on on that one
and I think the point was the point was
about Stephen A and I made the point
that I thought he was making very let
let me ask this question do you think do
you think Ste a you know given the
argument that he does there what kind of
change are you making meaning you okay
you made your argument about Hillary you
made your argument Biden's a bad choice
you made your argument no problem
everyone's voting the same way yep there
is no change blacks are still going to
be owned by the Democratic party they're
going to keep that vote and they're
going to keep abusing it and they're
going to keep giving entitlements to
make sure they keep the community the
way they have and Roland G frier who was
here last week studying to see the
effects of Hip Hop and that's his next
study he did where you know do does does
race play a role in poli police
brutality no police were actually
rougher with whites than they were with
blacks and they were actually more you
know cautious with blacks than whites
according to a Harvard Professor who was
a Time Magazine 2009 top 100% top 100
most influential men in the world who
claing gay wanted to fire after the
report came up to take his tenure away
because their study showed something
that it didn't and now he's doing a
study on hip hop you know some people I
said there's a c you know scop with what
do you call it with the CIA the CIA
using hipop gangster gang rap you know
after police and all this stuff Ice Cube
talked about this briefly and he's the
guy that wrote the song you know had the
song You Know F the police but the point
is he says the the studies of hip-hop
isn't the fact that it did anything to
the to the you know communities uh that
were troubled communities hip hop hurt
kids that were from good communities to
make them think they were gangster I
can't wait for that study to come out by
the way but here's the point Stephen a
brother what change are you making
though they're going to vote the same
way there's not really a change it's not
like it's you're protesting no
there is no protesting it's just here's
what's going on I think if there is a a
person that could make a shift at him
but you you got to also realize you know
in in in your career uh um when did
George Carlin start talk about stuff the
way he did when did Geor start like when
did he when did he get into the I don't
give a mode great question seven
words say no no no no great that's a
great question well into his career
where he had success in a platform he
could protect himself car I I would say
right around there cuz remember guys he
started radio he was the hippie he was
the weed and then I don't that's a great
question I think you know Reagan and all
that Administration he from the late '
80s yep onwards the seven words you
can't Sayes focused on social cultural
criticism of American Societies in the
80s and then that was it he often
commented on American political issues
and saiz American culture his seven
dirty words routine was Central to the
1978 Supreme Court wow 54 decision and
government's power to censor indecent
material on public Airways which by the
way that's a republican position today
that's a conservative position today but
why did he do it it's it's very it's
it's very hard to say it guys will ask
me a question they say Pat you you've
made the money already what you know why
why what do you like just why are you
doing this to yourself just kind of set
aside and don't do any of this stuff why
are you doing this I I you know I I I've
seen what happened to other great
countries and I don't want to see it
happening here I think Stephen A if he
wants to really make actual change it
has to be with CTA and CTA is call to
action there is no CTA that he's done
him before where there is CTA but he
gets in trouble when he does CTA a a a
great sermon without a CTA means nothing
a great sermon with a call to give your
life up and walk up right and your sins
will be forgiven but it's a CTA you know
Dudley one time told me the story about
the fact that when he first went to the
church I don't know what the church was
Kansas or whatever iow was iow where he
started rookie Pastor I've heard have I
told the story to you before rookie
Pastor gets up he gives the most
incredible sermon he's been preparing
for everybody stands up going crazy he
comes afterwards and he says the senior
profor of the neut says so how did you
see that everybody was standing up how
how do I do says you didn't do well says
what do you mean he says you were a
great motivational speaker but how many
people walked up nobody there was no CTA
CTA is you I would rather have a person
give a terrible speech sermon but have
50 people walk up then come and get a
guy that gives an incredible sermon but
nobody gives her life to anything there
is no baptism or any kind of things
taking place CTA is is what matters call
to action when you're able to convert if
you're not you're just going around
trying to give your opinions but you're
afraid of the actual CTA I'm curious
what is the CTA Stephen A he's going to
see this what is the CTA so let's just
say I'm a black voter and I've been
voting Democrat my entire life okay what
should I do differently when I come to
vote this year tell me 202 I'm curious
what should I do differently
what can I do differently I'll still
vote Democrat okay so listen then what's
the purpose of the message nothing
there's not a purpose of the message
because you're like well we need better
candidates well you don't pick them the
does you don't pick them anyways they
eventually tell them hey Elizabeth
Warren Bernie Sanders you're about to
beat Hillary you know this hey you know
what no everybody drop out everybody get
behind Biden one Biden was number four
in what Iowa or New hampsh Carina in one
of those he's like all of a sudden wait
a minute yeah let's all get behind we're
all getting behind them yes where is the
CTA I'm interested in the CTA if you
gonna give me a message like that if I'm
giving a message like that to Dylan you
know how you're supposed to finish it up
CTA what are you to do what do you no
here's what I would do if I were you not
what are you going to do here's what I
would do if I were you go then the
individual has to sit there and say what
make a decision let me think about it y
let me think about it maybe maybe not
that's the CTA where to me it's you're
just giving a message there is no CTA
that's a r this is a random question uh
so Stephen A's with the ESPN correct
yeah is he under is has he signed the
deal yet or what do does anybody know
anything with ESPN has to pay him
anything he asks for guys earned the
right to make be the highest paid guy in
sports at ESPN who who owns ESPN Disney
Disney okay here's my question to you
how much of this is pressure or not
pressure or just knowing that the CE the
Bob Iger is obvious is he Democrat for
sure oh okay then so let let's put this
together in that contract or obviously
he knows who this guy is is there
anything written in there where let's
just say Stephen A gets a $20 million a
year contract okay and it happens he
signs the deal the next day he goes hey
guys guess what I'm voting for Donald J
Trump what happens to Stephen A Smith is
there anything in the contract that says
you can't publicly try to go after one
candidate there's one thing you'll know
about Stephen A yeah is
he he's he's a he's a character guy yeah
two people that were having lunch at the
house with us he's known him for 20
years he took care of them same people I
mean this this is a very good human
being oh I agree Stephen is a very good
human being but he's he's in a
conflicted situation so if you like this
clip and you want to watch another one
click right here and if you want to
watch the entire podcast click right
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