Microsoft sinks even lower
TLDR本次视频讨论了Windows 11用户使用第三方应用程序可能遇到的问题,如StartAllBack工具的用户无法更新操作系统。同时,提到了微软可能阻止某些高崩溃率软件更新,以及用户无法通过修改注册表来更改默认浏览器的问题。此外,还涉及了英特尔13和14代芯片在韩国的退货问题,以及谷歌和苹果合作的未知追踪器警报标准,Nvidia即将推出的RTX 50系列GPU,微软声称的Windows AIP PCS的性能优势,以及Spotify推出的AI生成播放列表的测试版。
- 🔧 Windows 11 用户使用第三方应用可能会遇到操作系统更新问题。
- 🛠️ 使用 StartAllBack 等第三方工具的用户无法安装 Windows 11 的最新预览版。
- 🔄 遇到更新问题的简单解决方法是卸载 StartAllBack 并重命名其可执行文件。
- 🚫 微软可能在阻止那些对操作系统变化非常敏感的高崩溃率软件。
- 🤖 微软甚至阻止了一些自家发布的应用程序的更新。
- 🔒 Windows 10 和 11 现在不允许通过修改注册表来手动更改默认浏览器。
- 🧀 微软可能在响应欧盟数字市场法案,限制在欧洲经济区的默认浏览器政策。
- 📈 英特尔 13 和 14 代芯片在韩国被大量退回,引发调查。
- 🎮 游戏玩家报告称,在 13 和 14 代芯片上玩游戏时出现崩溃问题。
- 🌐 谷歌正在扩展其“查找我的设备”网络,并测试在 Pixel 手机上查找未知号码的新功能。
- 💽 预计 Nvidia 将在今年晚些时候推出至少一款 RTX 50 系列 GPU。
- 🎵 Spotify 推出了 AI 播放列表的测试版本,允许用户根据文本提示生成个性化播放列表。
Q & A
Windows 11用户使用第三方应用可能会遇到什么问题?
-使用第三方应用来改善Windows 11用户体验的用户可能会在更新操作系统时遇到困难。特别是使用StartAllBack这类工具的用户,可能会被阻止安装Windows 11的最新预览版,原因是可能存在的安全或性能问题。
StartAllBack是什么,它如何影响Windows 11更新?
-StartAllBack是一款第三方工具,它能恢复Windows 7和10的用户界面和功能元素。使用该工具的用户在尝试安装Windows 11最新预览版时可能会遇到阻碍,但这个问题可以通过简单地卸载StartAllBack,将其可执行文件重命名为不含“StartAllBack”的任何名称,然后重新安装来解决。
-根据Windows开发MVP Raphael Rivera的说法,Microsoft可能阻止那些对操作系统变化极其敏感且崩溃率高的不可靠软件。
-Microsoft在Windows 10和11的二月更新中添加了一个名为“用户选择保护”的驱动程序,该驱动程序阻止编辑用于HTTP和HTTPS URL关联以及PDF文件关联的注册表键。尽管如此,用户仍然可以通过传统的Windows设置更改默认浏览器。
-据报道,Intel的13代和14代处理器在 Korea 被大量退回。用户报告在使用Raptor Lake CPU 1到3个月后,游戏过程中会出现崩溃问题,特别是在着色器编译期间。有猜测认为这可能是硅退化问题,因为这些处理器给予了大量电力并且过热,导致它们随时间自我破坏。
-Intel已经向ZDNet Korea发表声明,表示他们已经意识到这些问题,并正在进行调查。
SE Sonic的Prime tx1000瓦电源有什么特点?
-SE Sonic的Prime tx1000瓦电源是一个高性能系统的优选。它具有80 PLUS钛金评级,意味着在电源转换过程中浪费的电力更少。此外,该电源是完全模块化的,具有混合风扇控制和流体动态轴承,以减少整体风扇噪音。它还提供了长达12年的保修。
Google在Find My Device网络方面采取了哪些新措施?
-Google正在扩展其Find My Device网络,允许Android的蓝牙标签检测未知的AirTags,反之亦然。这是为了预防跟踪,因为Google和Apple宣布了一个联合标准,使得Android的蓝牙标签不能用来跟踪iPhone用户,反之亦然。
Nvidia预计何时推出新的RTX 50系列GPU?
-根据与台湾新闻媒体United Daily News交谈的显卡制造商的说法,Nvidia预计在今年晚些时候推出至少一款RTX 50系列GPU。
Windows AIP PCS使用高通的Snapdragon X Elite处理器有哪些优势?
-据报道,Windows AIP PCS使用高通的Snapdragon X Elite处理器将比Rosetta 2有更好的x86到ARM的转换效率,这意味着Windows过渡将比Apple从Intel到M1的过渡更顺畅。此外,AIP PCS还将配备一个AI Explorer工具,可以搜索用户在电脑上做过的任何事情。
💻 微软Windows 11更新问题与解决方案
该段落主要讨论了Windows 11操作系统更新时遇到的问题,特别是第三方应用程序如StartAllBack和Explorer Patcher对更新的影响。这些应用程序恢复了Windows 7和10的用户界面和功能,但最近在安装最新的Windows 11预览版时遇到了障碍,原因是安全或性能问题。尽管如此,有一个简单的解决方法,即卸载StartAllBack,重命名其可执行文件,然后重新安装。此外,段落还提到了微软可能在阻止那些对操作系统变化非常敏感的不稳定、高崩溃率软件。同时,还讨论了微软如何通过修改注册表来限制用户更改默认浏览器的能力,这是对欧盟数字市场法案的一种回应。最后,段落提到了关于英特尔13和14代芯片在韩国大量退回的问题,以及这些问题可能与硅质退化有关。
🔋 科技新闻速递:谷歌设备网络扩展与Nvidia新显卡
该段落主要报道了谷歌在设备网络方面的最新动态,包括其'Find My Device'网络的扩展,这是在原计划一年后才开始实施的。同时,谷歌和苹果宣布了一个联合标准,以防止跨平台的跟踪。此外,谷歌还在Pixel手机上测试了一项名为'Lookup'的新功能,允许用户直接从通话记录中查询未知号码。段落还提到了Nvidia预计将在今年晚些时候发布至少一款RTX 50系列显卡,这表明Nvidia没有忘记其产品最初是用于游戏的。最后,段落讨论了微软声称其即将推出的Windows AIP PCS将比苹果的Rosetta 2有更好的应用仿真性能,并提到了Spotify推出的AI播放列表功能,该功能允许用户通过文本提示生成个性化播放列表。
💡Windows 11
💡start all back
💡Explorer Patcher
💡Intel 13th and 14th gen chips
💡Shader compilation
💡Adobe Premiere Pro
💡Google 查找我的设备
💡AI 播放列表
Windows 11用户使用第三方应用程序可能会遇到操作系统更新问题。
第三方工具StartAll Back导致Windows 11用户无法安装最新的预览版。
另一款UI自定义应用程序Explorer Patcher也遇到了相同的问题。
Windows 10和11不允许通过修改注册表来手动更改默认浏览器。
Windows的更新增加了一个驱动程序,防止编辑HTTP和HTTPS URL关联的注册表键。
用户报告在使用Raptor Lake CPU 1到3个月后开始出现崩溃问题。
微软声称Windows AIP PCS在应用仿真方面比Apple的Rosetta 2更快。
Windows 11将推出AI Explorer工具,可以搜索用户在电脑上做过的任何事情。
what who when where why how these are
the questions we answer here on TechLink
because as far as we're aware there's no
more question words unless you count HST
Windows 11 users who use a third-party
app to make Windows 11 less bad may have
trouble updating their operating system
users of start all back a thirdparty
tool that adds back elements of the
Windows 7 and 10 UI and functionality
are being blocked from installing the
newest preview build of Windows 11 due
to security or performance issues this
is significant since this preview build
is allegedly the release to
manufacturing version of the major
upcoming 2 for H2 update for Windows 11
but the supposed security issues must
not concern Microsoft too much since the
problem has an easy workaround simply
uninstall start all back upgrade Windows
then rename start all back's exe file to
literally anything that doesn't contain
start all back before reinstalling it
right click enter hacking
mode in fact fellow UI customization app
Explorer Patcher is having the same
issue with the exact same workaround as
for why Microsoft is doing this Windows
development MVP Raphael Rivera tweeted
that the company is probably blocking
unreliable High crash rate software that
is extremely sensitive to OS changes
person personally I would be more
open-minded to Rivera's point if Windows
wasn't being fooled by the world's
laziest fake
ID didn't even have to print it out or
anything to be fair it's not like these
are the only apps that may block the
upgrade according to multiple sources a
list of blocked apps even contains
programs published by Microsoft itself
these days not even Microsoft trusts
Microsoft Microsoft also doesn't trust
you to manually change your default
browser by modifying the registry in
Windows 10 and 11 this was first noticed
by it consultant Kristoff kbit after two
of his programs that let Windows admins
alter file associations to change
default apps stopped working turns out
windows February update added a driver
ironically called user Choice protection
driver that prevents the editing of
registry keys for HTTP and https URL
associations as well as the key for PDF
file Association we're trying to protect
you from your own
choices some of you may recognize those
as the three things Edge likes to open
the most now it's important to note that
you can still change your default
browser in the plain old windows
settings which may explain why colit
thinks this is a response by Microsoft
to the EU digital markets act by adding
this driver Windows 10 and 11 can't
override default browser policies for
PCS in the European economic area but
the new driver is also present on
Windows machines in the US presumably so
we can get a little taste of what life
is like over there they fancy fancy
cheese lock down computers long long why
their their bread is so long it must be
nice Intel 13th and 14th gen chips are
reportedly being returned in significant
numbers in Korea this has apparently LED
team blue to investigate the issues
according to ZDNet Korea this all kicked
off in the country when Tekken 8
launched more globally however
complaints about gaming instability on
13th gen chips go back to 2022 when they
first launched but complaints about both
13th and 14th gen processors have become
commonplace over the past few months
there are multiple reports of crashes
from different users playing different
games all with the same story during
Shader compilation an error claims
there's not enough video memory and
their game crashes interestingly all of
these reviews and reports claim that the
crashing issues start occurring after 1
to 3 months of using Raptor Lake CPUs
now some suggest the issue may be
silicon degradation the 13th and 14th
gen I9 CPUs are given so much power and
get so hot that they basically destroy
themselves over time kind of like
celebrities and professional athletes
it's not even a
joke whatever the case is these issues
are so prevalent in Korea that an
official for one of the three Korean
companies that distribute and support
Intel chips says more than 10 Raptor
Lake chips are being returned daily
Intel issued a statement to ZDNet Korea
saying they are aware of and
investigating these problems so perhaps
they'll figure out how to release a
processor that is slightly more stable
than Adobe Premiere Pro what did the
editor get in the script speaking of
stability today's episode is brought to
you by SE Sonic their Prime tx1000 watt
power supply is a great choice if you're
building a high performance system it
features an 80 plus titanium rating
which means less power gets wasted
during power conversion the prime tx1000
is also fully modular and features both
hybrid fan control and fluid Dynamic fan
bearings to reduce overall fan noise
they don't usually let you have both of
those Plus on top of that it comes with
a 12year warranty you're going to be
gaming into your senior years learn more
at uction to reflect their
brevity I mean can you imagine what it
would be like if I just kept talking
before we even got to the qu Google is
finally rolling out the expansion to
their find my device Network a year
after they initially planned apparently
thank goodness it's Apple's fault to
prevent stalking Google and apple
announced a joint standard for unknown
tracker alerts so Android's Bluetooth
tags couldn't be used to stock iPhone
users and vice versa while Google took a
month to get their Network to detect
mysterious air tags Tim Cook and the
copertino crew took a year to add their
half of the standard to iOS and this is
why everyone hates group projects is
that like Josie and the
Pussycats Google is also testing lookup
a new feature on Pixel phones which will
allow users to look up unknown numbers
straight from their call log rather than
copying the number and pasting it into
an external phone number search tool
this might seem like just a handy
quality of life measure for the average
person but it's potentially an extremely
useful safety tool for Less techsavvy
users who will be able to get more
information with the click of a button
before they continue talking to their
new friend spam
likely Nvidia is expected to launch at
least one RTX 50 Series GPU by the end
of this year according to graphics card
manufacturers who spoke to Taiwanese
news Outlet United Daily News in a
reassuring sign that team green has not
in fact forgotten that people once used
their products to play games apparently
Gamers can anticipate that Nvidia will
save just enough Blackwell chips from
the AI accelerator Factory to give us an
RTX 590 and maybe even an RTX 580
complete with gddr 7 memory and a heavy
survivorship bias Microsoft has
reportedly claimed in internal documents
that upcoming Windows AIP PCS with
qualcomm's arm powerered Snapdragon X
Elite processors will have faster app
emulation than Rosetta 2 the x86 to arm
translation layer that helped Apple's
Intel to M1 transition go smoother than
the smoothest thing in existence a
baby's bottom if Microsoft is correct
though this Windows transition will go
even smoother than a baby's bottom but
that's impossible so logically they must
be talking out of their baby's bottoms
does that make sense said aips will also
reportedly feature an AI Explorer tool
that can search for anything you've ever
done on your computer and if you get the
premium subscription hold it against you
it weighs your browser history on a on a
scale against a
feather and Spotify launched a beta
version of AI playlist allowing premium
users to generate personalized playlists
with text prompts the tool will first be
available in the UK and Australia where
users will be able to generate playlists
with real prompt examples like sad music
for painting dying flowers and then
further refine those playlists with
addition prompts if you're uncomfortable
with the thought of AI being everywhere
might I suggest generating playlists
with prompts like Indie Bops for when AI
takes my job or music to be hunted by
to It's A vibe and if you're hunting for
more Tech news just stop okay just just
come back on Wednesday and we'll have it
ready for you so I don't know why
you're why do we do this
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