PESO COMPLETO (Video Oficial) - Peso Pluma, Arcángel

Peso Pluma
12 Apr 202403:14


TLDRThe transcript appears to be lyrics from a Spanish-language song, rich in colloquial expressions and street slang. It narrates the story of an individual who, despite being an artist, lives a life akin to a 'capo ranchero,' a term possibly referring to a leader in a criminal or rural setting. The lyrics are filled with vivid imagery, discussing themes of money, power, and street life. The individual talks about their influence, the respect they command, and their long-term vision, alluding to a life of both struggle and success. The song seems to be a blend of personal narrative and cultural commentary, delivered with a strong, assertive tone.


  • 🎵 The script seems to be lyrics from a song, featuring a musical element with mentions of music and artistry.
  • 💰 A recurring theme is the discussion about money, wealth, and its impact on people and their behavior.
  • 🚀 The speaker mentions aspirations of success and longevity in their career, aiming for a 20-year journey.
  • 🎾 There's a reference to a sports metaphor, comparing oneself to a baseball player, indicating a competitive spirit.
  • 🌍 The lyrics touch upon the concept of influence and reach, suggesting a global presence or ambition.
  • 🎭 The speaker identifies as an artist but lives like a 'capo ranchero,' blending artistic pursuits with a more rugged lifestyle.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family is mentioned, indicating the importance of family values and the motivation to provide for them.
  • 💼 The script includes a mention of changing one's last name to 'Smith', possibly symbolizing a transformation or new identity.
  • 🏦 A count of money is referenced, suggesting a preoccupation with financial success and the tangible proof of it.
  • 🎤 The lyrics pay homage to other artists, specifically mentioning 'Santos' and 'Arcángel,' showing respect and admiration for peers.
  • 🚨 There's a mention of overcoming challenges and not being deterred by obstacles, indicating resilience and determination.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the script?

    -The main theme of the script revolves around the life of an artist who lives like a ranchero capo, dealing with money, power, and the challenges that come with it.

  • What does the term 'La Chuleta' refer to in this context?

    -In this context, 'La Chuleta' is not explicitly defined in the script. However, it could be a metaphor or a slang term related to the subject's lifestyle or business.

  • How does the artist view money in relation to people's personalities?

    -The artist suggests that money does not change people, but rather, it seems to imply that people's true nature or desires become more evident when money is involved.

  • What is the significance of '20 years' in the script?

    -The '20 years' mentioned in the script likely refers to a significant period of time that the artist has been involved in their current lifestyle or business.

  • What is the artist's attitude towards their adversaries?

    -The artist displays a strong and defiant attitude towards their adversaries, indicating that they have power over them and are not intimidated by opposition.

  • What does the phrase 'parquero desde Jalisco' mean?

    -The phrase 'parquero desde Jalisco' could be a reference to the artist's roots or origin, possibly indicating that they started their journey in the state of Jalisco, Mexico.

  • What is the significance of the name change to 'Austin Smith'?

    -The name change to 'Austin Smith' might symbolize a transformation or a new phase in the artist's life or career, possibly indicating a shift in identity or strategy.

  • What does the artist imply about their work ethic?

    -The artist implies a strong work ethic, having worked for many hours and not giving up, even in the face of challenges and adversity.

  • Who is 'Sant dulce' mentioned in the script?

    -The script does not provide enough context to determine who 'Sant dulce' is. It could be a person, a place, or a metaphorical reference.

  • How does the artist describe their influence on others?

    -The artist describes having a significant influence on others, with people learning from them and even sending their children to them for guidance or training.

  • What is the artist's stance on the music of 'Santos'?

    -The artist expresses admiration for 'Santos', referring to him as an idol and acknowledging his impact on the trap music genre.



🎶 Artistic Expression and Life Philosophy

The paragraph introduces a character who is deeply immersed in the world of music and street life. The individual, possibly an artist, discusses their belief that money doesn't change people but instead reveals their true nature. They express a strong work ethic, emphasizing their dedication to their craft and their ambition to succeed for the next 20 years. The character also talks about their roots in Jalisco and their desire to stay true to their origins while achieving global recognition. The paragraph is rich with colloquial language and cultural references, highlighting the character's identity and aspirations within their community.




The term 'Chuleta' in the context of the script seems to be a colloquial expression or a nickname, possibly referring to the speaker or a character in the narrative. It is used to establish a personal connection with the audience, indicating a sense of identity or reputation. The use of 'Chuleta' at the beginning of the script suggests that it is a significant element of the speaker's self-presentation or a central figure in the story being told.


The word 'Dinero' translates to 'money' in English and is a recurring theme in the script. It represents a powerful force in the narrative, driving actions and decisions of the characters. The term is often associated with wealth, influence, and the ability to control one's circumstances. In the context of the video, 'dinero' seems to be a symbol of success and power, as well as a potential source of conflict or moral dilemma.


The term 'Alca' is colloquially used to refer to 'alcachofa,' which is 'artichoke' in English. In the context of the script, it is likely a metaphor or slang term. Given its use alongside 'dinero,' it could symbolize a coveted resource or commodity that is highly valued and sought after. The mention of 'alca' in relation to money suggests that it represents something desirable or a goal to be achieved.


The word 'Pesado' translates to 'heavy' in English. In the context of the script, it could have multiple meanings. It might refer to the literal weight of an object, but more likely, it is used metaphorically to describe a person's influence, the seriousness of a situation, or the intensity of an emotion. The term suggests a significant impact or presence, and in the narrative, it could be associated with the characters' experiences or their perceptions of the world around them.


The term 'Roncan' is derived from the verb 'roncar,' which means 'to snore' in Spanish. In the context of the script, it may be used figuratively to describe people who are oblivious or unresponsive to their surroundings. It could also imply a lack of engagement or awareness, and in the narrative, it might be used to contrast the speaker's active and influential presence with those who are passive or disconnected.

💡Capo Ranchero

The term 'Capo Ranchero' seems to be a combination of two elements: 'Capo,' which is a term used in Italian-American organized crime to refer to a boss or leader, and 'Ranchero,' which suggests a rural or cowboy-like lifestyle. In the context of the script, it appears to describe the speaker's lifestyle or identity, combining elements of leadership with a rough, possibly rebellious or unconventional way of life. This term adds a layer of complexity to the character, suggesting a blend of power and a certain rugged individualism.


The term 'Tin' in the script is not clearly defined, but it could be a slang term or a colloquial expression. Given the context, it might refer to a type of currency, a measure of wealth, or a symbol of status. The use of 'Tin' in the narrative suggests that it is something valuable or significant to the characters, and it could be associated with the themes of wealth, power, and success.


Jalisco is a state in Mexico, known for its rich cultural heritage and as the birthplace of many famous Mexican figures and traditions. In the context of the script, mentioning Jalisco could be a way of establishing a cultural or geographical identity for the speaker or characters. It might also be used to evoke a sense of pride or belonging, as well as to situate the narrative within a specific cultural or social context.


The term 'Artista' translates to 'artist' in English. In the context of the script, it signifies someone who creates art, whether in the form of music, visual arts, or other creative expressions. The speaker identifies themselves as an 'artista,' which could imply a dedication to their craft, a pursuit of self-expression, or a profession in the arts. This term adds a layer of complexity to the character, suggesting that beneath the rough exterior or the pursuit of wealth and power, there is a creative and expressive side.


Arcángel is a name that could refer to an actual person, a character in the narrative, or a symbolic figure. In Spanish, 'arcángel' translates to 'archangel,' which is a celestial being in various religious traditions. If used symbolically in the script, it could represent purity, protection, or guidance. Alternatively, if referring to a person, it could be a name that carries certain connotations or associations, possibly related to the themes of the narrative or the character's role within it.


Trap is a genre of music that originated in the Southern United States, characterized by its use of 808 bass, fast hi-hats, and often dark or gritty themes. In the context of the script, the mention of 'trap' could be a reference to the musical style or culture associated with it. This term might be used to establish the artistic or cultural backdrop against which the narrative unfolds, and it could also reflect the speaker's personal tastes or affiliations.

💡Sant dulce

The term 'Sant dulce' is not clearly defined within the script, but it appears to be a name or a specific reference. Given the context, it could be a nickname, a brand, or a cultural reference. The use of this term might be to establish a connection with a particular community, to pay homage to a figure or entity, or to add a layer of cultural richness to the narrative. The term 'Sant dulce' could also be a metaphor or symbol within the story, representing某种特定的情感或价值观。


The mention of 'La Chuleta' as a significant phrase.

The assertion that 'money doesn't change people', but rather, people are not making money.

The high value placed on money, as indicated by the phrase 'dinero anda muy en alta'.

The reference to 'alca' and its association with weight, possibly indicating a metaphorical use.

The mention of '20 años' as a significant time period, possibly related to a career or life milestone.

The metaphor of 'dándole palo como un pelotero', suggesting a strong and forceful action.

The phrase 'retiro le dejo tinito', which could imply leaving a legacy or inheritance.

The mention of 'parquero desde Jalisco', indicating a possible profession or origin.

The claim of being an 'artista' while living 'como un capo ranchero', showing a contrast between public persona and lifestyle.

The reference to 'Pablo y Gustavo' and their activity of counting money on a ranch.

The mention of a 'primo de peso pluma cabrón', possibly a significant character or figure.

The assertion of being 'pesado para los que roncan', indicating a powerful presence or influence.

The phrase 'tengo una su encontrada', which could suggest a unique or special situation or item.

The mention of 'Chicago' and its significance, possibly indicating a place of importance or operation.

The statement about changing one's last name to 'Austin Smith', indicating a possible transformation or new identity.

The mention of 'tres caletas', which could refer to a quantity or a specific context.

The phrase 'el dinero seig de maleta', suggesting a large amount of money or wealth.

The reference to 'Arcángel' and the assertion that he is 'en alta el peso con alca', possibly indicating a high status or influence.





papi Oy lo que te voy a decir tú dices


que tengo La Chuleta Pero si tú dices


que el dinero no cambia las personas


Simplemente no está haciendo


dinero anda muy en alta el peso con alca


huela dinero estos cabrones los tengo


chupando parecen juero voy para 20 años


dándole palo como un pelotero y si me


retiro le dejo tinito y también quiero


and bu alto el peso con arca V dinero


estos cabrones los tengo mamando


parquero desde Jalisco me estoy quedando


con el mundo entero Yo soy artista pero


vivo como un capo ranchero se jun tu


Pablo y Gustavo en una finca contando


los chavos el primo de peso pluma cabrón


Yo soy peso pesado para los que roncan


de Bravo Yo me los como y los cago tengo


una su encontrados cuatro [ __ ] que me


clavo en Sant dulce soy en Chicago para


mis hijos las comis son Kid k ronca y te


dejamos sin fronti a mí siempre se me va


la mano voy a cambiar mi apellido Austin


Smith tengo llena como tres caletas el


dinero seig de maleta tú me odias a mis


tres puñetas qui t lo mamas a mí me


respeta andamos en alta el peso con alca


huela dinero estos cabrones los tengo


chupando parecen juero voy para 20 años


dándole palo como un pelotero y si me


retiro les dejo Tin




desde Jalisco me estoy quedando con el


mundo entero Yo soy artista pero vivo


como un capo ranchero El primero funda


tona nunca tuve pecas trabajé Mil horas


que sigan buscando pero no tuvieron la


escuela de grandes personas que se navea


45 llora el que pegó su propia banda


sonora ahora varios ya me aprenden


veladoras la cuenta la mandan a la


contadora la cadena de infinito y nunca


se me traba la que traigo el cinto


superone 45 de Houston hasta Puerto Rico


de México es un chamaquito y aquí sigo


firme cuento billetitos Por eso yo nunca


me agüito ni sufro por ningún


culito sa si


ustedes les gusta la música del señor


Santos el que empezó a ha serer trap


primero que


todos este cabrón es un ídolo para mí


que se escuche fuerte grito para


Arcángel anda muy en alta el peso con


alca huela dinero estos cabrones los


tengo chupando parecen


años d pal como un pelotero y






siab Oy te este





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Music IndustryArtistic ExpressionStreet LifeCultural IdentityDefianceJourneyResilienceUnderground SceneEmotional IntensityControversial Themes