Fallout - Official Trailer | Prime Video

Prime Video
7 Mar 202403:17


TLDRThe script portrays an encounter between a Vault Dweller and a Wasteland survivor in a post-apocalyptic world. Initially, the Vault Dweller is introduced to the harsh realities of the surface, where survival is a constant struggle against violence and lawlessness. However, the Wasteland survivor offers a different perspective, revealing that beneath the chaos lies a complex web of factions striving to rebuild society in their own ways. The script explores themes of morality, ideological conflicts, and the contrasting worldviews of those sheltered in the Vaults versus those exposed to the unforgiving Wasteland.


  • 😃 The script is promoting Vault-Tec Vaults as a safe haven in case of a nuclear apocalypse, promising a chance to restart civilization after emerging from the Vault.
  • 😮 The Vault Dweller (the protagonist) is surprised to find that the outside world is a dangerous wasteland, with people trying to kill them and harvest their organs.
  • 🤔 The script suggests that the world outside the Vault is chaotic, but there is always someone in control behind the scenes.
  • 💪 The Vault Dweller has joined the Brotherhood, presumably to seek revenge against those who have wronged them.
  • ⚠️ The script warns the Vault Dweller that people will come after them, and that the outside world is unkind and unclean.
  • 🌍 The script implies that different factions in the wasteland have different ideas on how to "save the world," leading to conflicts.
  • 💉 The script mentions the prevalence of drugs in the wasteland, suggesting a bleak and unforgiving environment.
  • 🔫 Violence seems to be a common occurrence in the wasteland, with the Vault Dweller being referred to as a "little killer."
  • 🏰 The Vault-Tec Vaults are presented as a "Camelot of the nuclear age," built by the working class rather than God.
  • 🌄 The script highlights the importance of the Vault's mission to resurface and restart civilization one day.

Q & A

  • What is a Vault-Tec Vault, and what is its purpose?

    -A Vault-Tec Vault is an underground fallout shelter designed to protect individuals from nuclear war and other catastrophic events. Its mission is to preserve human life and eventually repopulate the surface once it is safe to do so.

  • What is the significance of being a Vault Dweller in this world?

    -Vault Dwellers are considered a rare sight in the post-apocalyptic world because most people assumed they were all dead. They come from a highly regulated environment with rules and laws, which contrasts with the chaotic world outside the Vault.

  • What challenges did the Vault Dweller face upon emerging from the Vault?

    -The Vault Dweller faced a harsh and violent world where nearly everyone they encountered tried to kill them. The world outside the Vault is described as a dangerous and lawless wasteland.

  • What is the reason behind the Vault Dweller's decision to join the Brotherhood?

    -The Vault Dweller joined the Brotherhood to hurt the people who had hurt them, implying a desire for revenge or justice against those who had wronged them in the harsh wasteland.

  • How is the Wasteland described in the script?

    -The Wasteland is portrayed as a chaotic place on the surface, but the script suggests that there is always someone behind the wheel, implying that there are organized forces or groups controlling various aspects of the Wasteland.

  • What is the common goal shared by different groups or factions in the Wasteland?

    -According to the script, everyone in the Wasteland wants to save the world, but they disagree on how to achieve that goal, suggesting different ideologies and approaches among the various factions.

  • What is the significance of the line, "Well, now that is a very small drop, in a very, very large bucket of drugs"?

    -This line implies that drugs and substance abuse are prevalent and widespread in the Wasteland, and the situation described is just a small part of a much larger drug-related problem.

  • What does the script suggest about the presence of rules and laws in the Wasteland?

    -The script contrasts the regulated environment of the Vault with the lawless and chaotic nature of the Wasteland, implying that there are few, if any, established rules or laws governing the world outside the Vault.

  • What can be inferred about the character the Vault Dweller encounters at the end of the script?

    -The script refers to the character as a "little killer," suggesting that this individual is a dangerous or violent person, possibly someone the Vault Dweller has encountered before or someone who poses a threat to them.

  • What is the overall tone and atmosphere portrayed in the script?

    -The script conveys a dark, violent, and chaotic tone, depicting a post-apocalyptic world filled with danger, lawlessness, and competing factions vying for control or survival. It presents a stark contrast between the regulated environment of the Vault and the harsh realities of the Wasteland.



🏘️ Vault-Tec Vault Promotion

This paragraph promotes purchasing a residence in a Vault-Tec Vault as a means of survival and being a hero in the event of a catastrophic event. It emphasizes the importance of the Vaults' mission to rebuild civilization after emerging from the Vault. The tone is persuasive, portraying the Vaults as a safe haven and a chance for a better future.

😨 Rude Awakening in the Wasteland

This paragraph depicts the harsh realities of the post-apocalyptic Wasteland outside the Vault. A Vault Dweller is met with hostility and threats of violence from someone who believes all Vault Dwellers are dead. The Wasteland is described as chaotic and dangerous, with almost everyone trying to kill the Vault Dweller. The stark contrast between the safety of the Vault and the lawlessness of the Wasteland is emphasized.

🧪 The Chaotic Nature of the Wasteland

This paragraph further explores the chaotic and drug-filled nature of the Wasteland. While it may appear chaotic on the surface, there is an underlying order and control exerted by unknown forces. It also touches upon the different factions and their differing ideologies for saving the world, highlighting the complexities and conflicts in the post-apocalyptic society.

🔪 Confrontation with a Killer

This short paragraph depicts a confrontation with an unknown individual who refers to the Vault Dweller as a 'little killer.' The tone is ominous and threatening, suggesting potential danger or conflict.



💡Vault-Tec Vault

A Vault-Tec Vault is a massive underground fallout shelter created by the Vault-Tec Corporation to protect people from nuclear war and its aftermath. In the script, the narrator advertises these vaults as 'a Camelot of the nuclear age' and urges people to purchase residences there to survive an impending apocalypse and eventually 'restart civilization' on the surface. Vaults are central to the post-apocalyptic setting depicted in the script.

💡Vault Dweller

A Vault Dweller is a person born and raised in one of the Vault-Tec Vaults, sheltered from the devastated world outside. In the script, one of the characters is surprised to encounter an 'actual Vault Dweller,' implying their rarity and the assumption that most are dead. The Vault Dweller represents a link to the pre-apocalyptic world and the hope of rebuilding society.


The Wasteland refers to the desolate, post-apocalyptic landscape outside the vaults, ravaged by nuclear war. One character describes it as chaotic, yet hints at some underlying order, saying 'there's always somebody behind the wheel.' The Wasteland represents the harsh, lawless reality the Vault Dwellers must face when emerging from their shelters.


The Brotherhood is a reference to the Brotherhood of Steel, a major faction in the post-apocalyptic world. One character asks the Vault Dweller why they joined the Brotherhood, suggesting it is a significant organization. In the broader context, the Brotherhood is often portrayed as a powerful military order dedicated to preserving and controlling advanced technology.


Drugs are mentioned in the script when one character dismissively says, 'Well, now that is a very small drop, in a very, very large bucket of drugs.' This implies that drug use and trafficking are commonplace in the Wasteland, likely as a means of escape or coping with the harsh conditions.


One character refers to the Vault Dweller as 'you little killer,' suggesting that violence and taking lives are necessary for survival in the Wasteland. This aligns with the overall grim and ruthless tone of the post-apocalyptic setting, where morality and ethics may be compromised for self-preservation.

💡Save the world

The phrase 'save the world' is used when one character states, 'Everyone wants to save the world, they just... They disagree on how.' This implies that various factions or groups in the Wasteland have different ideologies and methods for rebuilding or restoring order to the devastated world, but they all share the common goal of 'saving' it.


One character tells the Vault Dweller, 'You come from a world of rules, of laws,' contrasting the orderly existence within the vaults with the lawless nature of the Wasteland. This highlights the culture shock and adjustment required for Vault Dwellers emerging into a world without the structure and governance they are accustomed to.

💡Organ Harvesting

A character ominously states, 'I'm simply going to harvest your organs,' which is a reference to the grim practice of extracting and trading organs from living or deceased individuals. This shocking statement emphasizes the brutal, unethical lengths some may go to for survival or profit in the unforgiving Wasteland.


When asked why they joined the Brotherhood, one character responds, 'To hurt the people who hurt me.' This sentiment implies a desire for revenge or retaliation against those who have wronged them, suggesting a cycle of violence and retribution in the harsh conditions of the Wasteland.


You could be a hero by purchasing a residence in a Vault-Tec Vault today.

The mission of the Vaults should be important to everyone.

To come up to the surface one day and restart civilization.

Holy shit. You're an actual Vault Dweller.

I thought all you dipshits were dead.

What you're doing is insane.

It isn't like the Vault out there. It's big.

Practically every person I've met out here has tried to kill me.

I'm simply going to harvest your organs.

You need to go home. You come from a world of rules, of laws.

You should not be alone.

Why did you join the Brotherhood?

To hurt the people who hurt me.

People are going to come after you.

Ain't much stays clean up here, Vaultie.



Hello there.


I'm here to show you a… wonderful place.


A veritable Camelot of the nuclear age…


not made by God Almighty, but the working man.


You could be a hero by purchasing a residence in a Vault-Tec Vault today.


Because if the worst should happen tomorrow,


the world is gonna need you to build a better day after.


The mission of the Vaults should be important to everyone.


To come up to the surface one day and restart civilization.


Can you tell me what's happened in the last 200 years?


Holy shit.


You're an actual Vault Dweller.


I am.


I thought all you dipshits were dead.


What you're doing is insane.


It isn't like the Vault out there. It's big.


I've had a rough week.


Practically every person I've met out here has tried to kill me.


I'm simply going to harvest your organs.




You need to go home.


You come from a world of rules, of laws.


You should not be alone.


Why did you join the Brotherhood?


To hurt the people who hurt me.


People are going to come after you.


Ain't much stays clean up here, Vaultie.


Well, now that is a very small drop


in a very, very large bucket of drugs.


You look out at this Wasteland…


Looks like chaos


but there's always somebody behind the wheel.


What is happening here?


Everyone wants to save the world, they just…


They disagree on how.


There you are…


you little killer.

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Post-ApocalypticWastelandSurvivalMoral DilemmaConflictVault DwellerBrotherhoodNuclear AgeCivilization RestartChaos