Israeli missile hits Iran, US officials say | BBC News
- 🚨 有担忧中东冲突可能升级,伊朗伊斯法罕市附近一个军用基地和机场发生大爆炸,激活了当地的防空系统。
- 🗣️ 两名美国官员向CBS新闻确认,这是以色列发动的攻击。
- 🔍 伊朗国家电视台报道了伊斯法罕市附近发生的爆炸,同时社交媒体上流传着伊朗防空导弹发射的视频。
- ✈️ 商业航班曾一度改道绕过伊朗领空,但伊朗媒体称所有限制现已解除。
- ⛔ 国际原子能机构确认伊朗核设施没有遭到破坏,该机构总干事拉斐尔·马里亚诺·格莱呼吁各方保持极端克制。
- 🏢 伊朗半官方塔斯尼姆通讯社发布视频,声称伊斯法罕核技术中心是安全的。
- 🔥 叙利亚南部、伊拉克首都巴格达和南部的巴比伦省也报告了爆炸,似乎是针对雷达站点的导弹袭击。
- 🤝 以色列承诺回应伊朗上周六晚上的导弹攻击,美国官员表示以色列事先警告了华盛顿,但华盛顿并未批准这一行动。
- 🚨 美国出于谨慎考虑,限制了在以色列的使馆人员旅行,并发布了安全环境可能迅速变化的声明。
- 📉 伊朗媒体似乎在淡化此次事件的影响,伊朗官员声称没有造成损害,只是几架无人机在伊斯法罕上空。
- 🌐 国际社会对伊朗和以色列之间的紧张局势反应谨慎,以色列媒体和美国媒体均引用匿名官员的话称这是以色列对伊朗的打击。
Q & A
💥 中东冲突升级担忧:以色列对伊朗发动攻击
🛡️ 伊朗和以色列之间的紧张局势与威慑力的恢复
🌐 国际社会对伊朗爆炸事件的反应
🇺🇸 G7外长会议关注中东局势
🇺🇦 G7外长会议讨论乌克兰战争
there are fears of an escalation in the
Middle East conflict after explosions
were heard in Iran two US officials have
confirmed to our broadcast partner CBS
news that it was an attack from Israel
State television in Iran has reported
big explosions near an army base and
airport in the Central City of Isfahan
activating local air defense systems
blasts have also been reported in the
country's Northwest video online shows
Iranian defense missiles being fired
into the air commercial flights were
were diverted around Iranian airspace
but Iranian media say all restrictions
have now been lifted the international
atomic energy agency has confirmed that
there is no damage to Iran's nuclear
facilities Raphael Mariano gry director
general of the agency said on social
media he continues to call for extreme
restraint from everybody and reiterates
that nuclear facilities should never be
a Target in military conflicts Iran's
semi-official tasnim news agency which
is close to the Islamic revolution guard
Corp posted a video with a caption
saying is if is for hands nuclear site
is completely safe a man near the
Isfahan nuclear Technology Center is
seen in a video that we will show you
very shortly and in this video that's
com in from the semiofficial
tazim news agency you can see there a
man holding a watch the camera which
indicates the time and date we can then
see several troops standing around what
looks like an air defense
battery explosions have also been
reported in southern Syria apparently
from missiles targeting radar sites
explosions to in Iraq in the capital
Baghdad and babil Province to the South
Israel has promised to respond to Iran's
drawing missile attack on Saturday night
both NBC and CNN have reported unnamed
officials saying that Israel warned
Washington but that Washington did not
endorse the
action the US has restricted travel for
its Embassy staff in Israel out of an
abundance of
caution the US Embassy issued this
statement the security environment
remains complex and can change quickly
depending on the political situ
situation and recent events well for
more on this I'm now joined by Majid AFA
senior reporter with BBC Persian thank
you for joining us just bring us up to
date on the information we're getting
from Iran but also other countries who
are watching developments on the ground
um what we're getting from Iranian media
is quite limited because at the moment
there there there seems to be an effort
from by the Iranian media to downplay
the incident we were as you said we had
reports of explosions loud explosions in
the city of esfahan we now know that the
the explosions were heard from a an area
called kja Varan which is east of the
city of eswan where one of the main air
bases uh missile defense systems of Iran
is located very close to the
international airport in Sahan um and
there were also reports of explosions in
the city of tabis in the north west of
the country where another uh air defense
system is based and now at the moment we
are hearing from the governor of uh
aaban uh East aaban Province that uh
they they they there were a number of
drones there and they tried to down them
there so um we are now getting conf
information that explosions were had
also near another Air Base in the city
of um tab um as as you said the the
nuclear facilities seem to be safe um
but but the the situation is quite
changing every every minute as we
getting reports there are um video
footage there there's footage on social
media showing um fire inside a and and
an air base in in Isfahan but we cannot
confirm it at the moment my colleagues
at BBC pan are trying to to to validate
that to see if this is today or not but
all we're getting is the air defense
system was activated in the city of
esphahan and now in the city of tabis to
down a number of drones just tell us
about the reaction from Iranian
officials because so far the assessment
is that they're trying to downplay what
has happened we've heard from uh some
officials saying that no damage has been
done and it was just a few drones that
were in Disguise over Isfahan exactly um
the the question is uh Iranian side when
they attacked Israel on on Saturday
night and over the weekend they they
have they had tried to say this was a
successful attack and that's what you
see in the Iranian media landscape that
that's what they did if they managed to
downplay what happened today then the
seems to be this seems to be an effort
to somehow convince their Hardline
supporters inside the country that um
nothing has happened there's no need for
a response because the Iranian side has
always been saying that if there is an
air sight they they will reply to that
there there will be a Counterattack now
the main question here is what is this
an attack from outside the country or
are are these drones just U took off
from from inside the country the Iranian
side is definitely trying to restore
deterrence as the Israelis are trying to
do and if they manage to downplay this
incident maybe they can restore that
maybe they can achieve the goal of
restoring uh deterant inside the country
what do you think Iran would want to
achieve because obviously there calls
for an end to the tit forat strikes that
we've seen um over the past few weeks
what would be let's call it a win a way
to get out of this situation for Iran
it's already um at least from what we
see from the Iranian official statements
a win for Iran even if they don't reply
to this Jerusalem Post minutes ago
published a a a report citing an Israeli
official that there was an air strike
and this was a message to the Iranian
side that if they want they can they can
strike inside Iran Iranian officials if
they manag to to say that there was no
damage nothing has happened no harm has
been done maybe they can they can see
this as as a win at the same time
getting the message and and stop this
tit fortat um attacks as you said the
Iranian side obviously does not want to
to to to escalate this because they know
that if if it comes to a military direct
military conflict they're not in in any
way um comparable to what uh Israel
Israelis are capable of doing Iranian
air defense system is also quite weak
and um and and also um we know that is
really air air um like fighter jets and
stuff they can do damage to the Iranian
side and there is precedence of um like
Israeli um clandestine operations inside
Iran thank you very much Majid for that
update and Analysis that's Majid AFA
from the BBC Persian service we joining
me now on the line is Adnan tabat Iran
analyst and CEO of capro Kao a think
tank focusing on Iran and the Middle
East in Germany thank you for joining us
on the program first of all what's your
assessment of the reports that we've
been getting over the past few
hours in my in my view what we are
currently seeing is as your colleague
has um very well elaborated on um that
the Iranian side is trying to portray
this as something really um minimal as
something that basically lays to rest
the whole the whole tit fortat situation
and that this was basically nothing um
and we will obviously have to wait uh
for more accurate information to come
out about what exactly happened but at
this stage I think it's important to
just acknowledge the fact that um there
seems to be no will to escalate this
further there appears to be no will to
escalate this further there would be
also considerations within um Iran
hardliners within the government there
who want perhaps tougher action against
Israel do you think if Iran was to not
carry out another strike and was to say
well the strike wasn't that bad that
would be enough to please the
hardliners I believe so I think that the
the overall appetite to to launch
another attack um in spite of what was
said publicly I think the TI has not
been um that big um so it's actually I
believe right now also to the benefit of
officials in Iran to be able to downplay
what happened or to really just say that
what happened is not significant enough
for us to to retaliate at this stage
what's your assessment of how we got
here because both sides have been clear
that they do not want a wider war in the
region they do not want to escalate
tensions but we found oursel in these
positions well we've seen these you know
large strikes or strikes um over the
past few
weeks yeah indeed I think the the the
dangerous situation here is the constant
pushing of of red lines um they Iran has
always acted in a way that was plausibly
deniable it went through its aligned
groups in the region um but that red
line was obviously crossed on on Sunday
um the Israelis by attacking an Iranian
Consular building in Damascus and
killing irgc um commanders was another
form of Crossing red lines so that that
is the dangerous situation we're seeing
but when these red lines are pushed we
may also be able to move within a range
of of actions which means that there
will no no further escalation be on the
horizon one word that has been spoken
often has been deterrence so both
countries wanting to deter the other
from attacking them the one to feel
secure in what perhaps can be you know
quite a dangerous neighborhood how would
International Partners go about making
Israel and Iran feel secure that they
won't be
attacked and you're pointing to a very
very relevant issue here and that is um
the the the face saving deterrence game
that is necessary on on both sides and I
really believe third parties have a role
to play here and what I miss
particularly from European countries is
to really effectively call for restraint
and try to give both sides a sense of
you have in restored your deterrence um
we can see that you can do each other
serious harm um and now please for the
sake of of peace and no further
escalation call for restraint on both
sides we I haven't seen that in a way
that that I would have hoped from
particularly European countries and
let's see whether today's event or last
night's event uh changed that
thank you very much that's Adnan tabai
CEO of
carpo we can now speak to our Middle
East correspondent yoland n and yoland
were getting reaction International
reaction to this attack these explosions
in Iran country still trying to figure
out what happened what are we hearing
from Israeli
officials so the Israeli military has
not had any comment on whether this was
an Israeli offensive in side Iran um but
the Israeli media is clearly presenting
it as such and you've also got the US
media quoting unnamed Israeli and US
officials saying that this was um an
Israeli strike on Iran that took place
now the information that's kind of
coming out is mainly from Iran where of
course there is not a a free press you
have had um overnight uh these reports
first from the the semi-official fast
news agency where it talked about three
explosions being heard in Isfahan right
in the center of the country um close to
a key airport close to an important uh
military base um then the the state TV
was saying in Iran that um these were
Ground explosions that took place there
had been air defense systems that have
been activated um in response to drones
which you can apparently see in some
footage uh that is circulating on social
media and uh really trying very much on
on the Iranian side to downplay what
happened here we're not hearing anything
about uh significant damage at all um
that said in Israel this morning I mean
of course this has been a very tense
week as everyone waited to see um how
the country would respond um it was
really made clear that the country felt
it had to respond to that unprecedented
attack by Iran last weekend with more
than 300 attack drones and missiles
being launched at the country um this is
a country is about to have uh the Jewish
Passover holiday many schools have
broken up people have been preparing to
travel there's been this kind of
continuing state of uncertainty and it's
telling this morning uh that the Israeli
military has not uh updated its advice
it said there's no change in
instructions to the Israeli public um
about the state of alert that the
country is now on uh suggesting it is
not bracing itself for retaliation from
Iran the Reuters news agency
interestingly quoting an unnamed uh
senior Iranian official who they say
says that no retaliation is planned um
and presenting this as more of a case of
infiltration rather than an attack on
Iran and yoland we're just seeing
reports um from the from Iranian media
this is on the BBC live page and an
Iranian official is quoted as saying
Iran has no plan for immediate action
soorry this was a comment to the Reuters
news agency so falling in line with
comments that we we've been seeing that
Iran also has no appetite to escalate
the tensions there in the Middle East um
just talk us through what's likely to
happen over the next few days obviously
at the moment the focus is on what's
happening between Iran and um Israel but
also eyes are focused on what's
happening in
Gaza indeed and I think there's uh so
much happening uh diplomatically behind
the scenes at the moment to try to calm
things down
we have seen this morning also these uh
reports um of uh an attack by Israel in
Syria according to the UK based Syrian
Observatory for human rights on on a
Syrian Army base we've also had rocket
Sirens um going off warning of a
potential incoming fire in the North of
Israel where there has been this
increase in recent days in uh cross B
fire uh between Israeli forces and hez
balah the powerful uh iran-backed
Lebanese group um so really a lot of
fears that um Iran's proxies could also
uh get involved in retaliation and
attacks even if we don't have that
coming from Iran
directly thank you very much uh that's
the BBC's your land now there with
analysis and reaction from Jerusalem
well G7 foreign ministers are meeting in
Italy these are live pictures from that
meeting in Capri they've been reacting
to the news we can actually go live live
now to our correspondent Jess Parker
who's in Capri for us so we've been
getting reaction from ministers there
just talk us through what they've been
saying yeah good morning to you in the
last hour or so hearing from some of
those foreign ministers who as you say
are here in Capri for the G7 foreign
ministers meeting they had discussed the
situation in the Middle East yesterday
and then moved on to other issues
including the war in Ukraine but it now
seems as though the Middle East very
much back on the agenda just to bring
you some of that reaction first of all
Italy's foreign minister Antonio Tani
who's chairing proceedings here he has
said on the social media platform X I
have just spoken with our ambassador to
Iran I'm following developments
following the nighttime explosions in
Isfahan we will talk about it with the
foreign ministers at the G7 session in
Capri uh this morning he goes on to say
there are no critical issues uh for
Italians living in Iran and then
Canada's foreign minister Melanie Jolie
says she's been briefed by global
Affairs Canada officials about the
overnight explosions again monitoring
the situation closely and reiterating
that the situation will be addressed uh
at the session of the G7 foreign
ministers uh this morning so that's the
reaction that we have so far we are
expecting to hear from other foreign
ministers later on today as this G7 uh
foreign ministers meeting is due to wrap
up so we should expect reactions here on
the Italian island of Capri throughout
the day and over the past uh couple of
days Jess we've seen some countries
there meeting in uh Capri putting
sanctions further sanctions on Iran
following its uh strike on Israel do we
expect any other announcements um during
meeting I haven't had any indications
that we'll get further announcements of
that kind so what happened uh following
attacked by Iran which of course was in
itself a response to a strike on an
Iranian Embassy in or Consulate in Syria
um following that there were some very
uh Advanced broadcast messages that
there would be further sanctions and
yesterday we heard from the US and the
UK who said they'd come up with a
coordinated package to sanction
individuals and Industry bodies linked
to Iran's missile and drone program the
European Union as well well during a
summit in Brussels said they would be
looking uh at further restrictive
measures going forward against Iran as
well this just adds to sanctions that
are already applied to tan so the UK for
example said that it had sanctioned 13
individuals and entities adding to 400
existing sanctions already in place but
I think they were trying to do a couple
of things send a message to Iran in
response to what had happened on
Saturday also as part of this effort to
try and deescalate tensions in the
region we've heard this message from
Western leaders to Israel to try and
show restraint or even not retaliate at
all and I think it was part of that
effort to sell uh to Israel this message
of take the win as President Biden uh
put it following the events of the last
week of course we're still getting a
very emerging picture this morning in
terms of what is actually uh happened in
Iran but uh it will very much be up for
discussion here H at the closing session
of G7 foreign ministers today and Jess
briefly just talk us through some of the
other issues that have been discussed
there in
Capri yeah I mean the other main item on
the agenda has been the war in Ukraine
so Demitri CBA Ukraine's foreign
minister has been here on the island of
Capri again asking for further
assistance particularly air defense
systems missiles Yen stoltenberg the
Secretary General of the NATO military
Alliance is here as well um we were at a
press conference with him yesterday and
he was saying there is an urgent
critical need for more air defense uh
systems to go to Ukraine as soon as
possible really at the moment it's not
quite clear where those air defense
systems might come from Germany recently
uh pledged an additional battery uh to
Ukraine Yen stoltenberg said
conversations were ongoing but with
partner countries about whether there
could be a further assistance uh there
is some hope uh because the US Aid
package that has been so long stalled in
Congress worth $60 billion uh for
Ukraine uh Congress is moving towards a
vote on that so that caused a little bit
of optimism here but actually overall
officials that I've been speaking to say
the mood on this issue has been quite
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