FULL CARD HIGHLIGHTS | Salt Papi vs. Amadeusz Ferrari (Misfits x DAZN X Series 014)
TLDR在威廉希尔赞助的Zone系列14中,英国拳迷们迎来了一场激动人心的拳击盛宴。重量级冠军Tempo Arts首次卫冕,迎战X系列新晋选手Ben Knights。Tempo Arts以第二轮击倒对手的方式成功卫冕,展现了他高超的拳击技巧。随后,Argentinian King在经历了四位对手的退出后,终于在最后一刻由Pulier替补上场,最终以一致判定获胜。接着,Ryan Taylor与老朋友转对手的对决中,Ryan Taylor以惊人的力量和决心,击败了对手。此外,不败的轻重量级冠军Julie Poco与挑战者Barbie的对决同样精彩,最终Poco以一致判定成功卫冕。最后,Sal Pappy与Ferrari的对决中,Pappy以出色的表现和战术,迫使Ferrari在比赛后半段放弃比赛,赢得了比赛。整个赛事充满了激情与悬念,为观众呈现了一场场精彩绝伦的拳击对决。
- 🥊 这是一场在英国举办的大型拳击比赛,由William Hill赞助,吸引了众多热情的观众。
- 🏆 重量级冠军Tempo Arts首次卫冕,对手是X系列赛新选手Ben Knights。
- 🗣️ 评论员预测Tempo Arts将在第二回合以击倒对手获胜,最终预测成真。
- 👊 Tempo Arts展示了高水平的拳击技巧,特别是他的直拳,让对手难以招架。
- 😞 Ben Knights的斗志似乎不高,身体语言显示出放弃的迹象。
- 🥴 比赛中,Tempo Arts被认为需要提高防守,而Ben Knights则需要更加多样化的攻击策略。
- ⏰ 第二回合,Tempo Arts成功击倒对手两次,最终赢得了比赛。
- 🤛 Argentinian King在经历了四次对手退出后,终于在最后一刻找到了对手Pulier。
- 🥳 经过激烈的对决,Argentinian King通过一致判定赢得了比赛,裁判的评分显示了明显的优势。
- 👑 Ryan Taylor与对手的对决中,他展现出了极强的抗击打能力和勇气,尽管最终未能获胜。
- 🥴 在一场备受期待的比赛中,不败的巡洋舰级冠军Julie Poco与挑战者Barbie进行了一场激烈的较量,最终Julie Poco成功卫冕。
- 😤 在一场充满争议的比赛中,Sal Pupy与Ferrari对决,Ferrari因多次使用头部攻击而被扣分,最终Pupy以技术性击倒获胜。
Q & A
在这场拳击比赛中,Tempo Arts是作为什么身份出场的?
-Tempo Arts是作为重量级冠军出场的,这是他首次进行卫冕战。
Ben Knights在这场比赛中的表现如何?
-Ben Knights在这场比赛中表现不佳,他的身体语言显示出他并不想继续比赛,最终在第二轮被Tempo Arts击倒。
Tempo Arts在比赛前对Ben Knights说了什么挑衅的话?
-Tempo Arts在比赛前对Ben Knights说,他将在第二回合将Ben击倒。
在比赛过程中,评论员对Tempo Arts有什么建议?
-评论员建议Tempo Arts需要在防守上做得更好,并且要更加多样化。
在比赛的哪个阶段,Tempo Arts第二次击倒了对手?
-在比赛的第二回合,Tempo Arts第二次击倒了对手。
Argentinian King在比赛前对对手说了什么挑衅的话?
-Argentinian King在比赛前挑衅对手说,他不会在这场比赛中击败对手,而是会用对手的母亲来解决问题。
评论员是如何描述Ryan Taylor在比赛后的状态的?
-评论员描述Ryan Taylor在比赛后的状态为'他的腿已经没有了力量',暗示他已经站不稳了。
在Julie Poco和Barbie的比赛中,谁最终获胜?
-Julie Poco最终获胜,并且继续保持她的不败纪录和游轮级冠军头衔。
评论员对Julie Poco和Barbie比赛的评价是什么?
-评论员认为Julie Poco和Barbie的比赛是他们所见过的最好的女子拳击比赛之一。
在Sal Pappy和Ferrari的比赛中,Ferrari被判罚了什么?
Sal Pappy和Ferrari的比赛最终结果是什么?
-Sal Pappy最终通过技术性击倒赢得了比赛,Ferrari在比赛过程中因为多次故意用头部撞击对手而被判负。
🥊 重量级拳王争霸赛
本段描述了一场重量级拳王争霸赛,Tempo Arts作为卫冕冠军,迎战首次亮相的Ben Knights。解说员预测Tempo将在第二回合以击倒对手获胜。比赛中,Tempo的直拳表现出色,而Ben Knights的防守不佳,最终在第二回合被击倒两次,Tempo成功卫冕。此外,还提到了另一场备受期待的比赛,Argentinian King与Pulier的对决,以及Ryan Taylor与老友对决的激烈场面。
🥊 精彩激烈的拳击对决
第二段继续描述了多场拳击比赛的激烈对决。首先提到了Ryan Taylor与对手的较量,Ryan展现了极强的抗击打能力,但最终还是败北。接着是King Kenny与对手Adam的对决,King Kenny以出色的表现结束了比赛。随后,Cruiserweight Champion Julie Poco与挑战者Barbie的比赛成为焦点,两位选手展现了精彩的技巧和坚韧的斗志,最终Julie Poco成功卫冕。
🥊 拳击比赛的高潮与转折
第三段讲述了Sal Papy与Ferrari之间的激烈对决。Ferrari在比赛初期表现强势,但随着比赛的进行,Papy逐渐找到了自己的节奏。尽管Ferrari试图通过头部领先和近身缠斗来控制比赛,但Papy的反击和战术调整让他占据了上风。最终,Ferrari在教练团队的判断下选择放弃比赛,Papy因此获得了胜利。
重量级冠军Tempo Arts首次卫冕,对阵X系列新选手Ben Knights。
Tempo Arts在第二轮以一记左钩拳将对手击倒,成功卫冕。
Ben Knights在比赛第二回合表现出放弃的肢体语言,最终被击倒。
Tempo Arts的防守需要改进,以应对像Ben这样的对手。
Argentinian King在对手连续退出后,由Pulier在最后一分钟替补上场。
裁判Gregor Los、Lee Merto和George Milky一致判定Argentinian King获胜。
Ryan Taylor在与Birmingham beef的比赛中,展现了极强的抗击打能力。
Ryan Taylor在第三回合被对手的跳跃拳击倒,但仍然坚持比赛。
Adam Bo在比赛中多次尝试重击,但未能成功突破对手的防守。
King Kenny以一场统治性的表现结束了比赛,击败了对手。
女子拳击比赛中,Julie Poco与Barbie的对决充满激情,双方都展现了出色的技巧。
Julie Poco以一记右手拳击中Barbie,使其站立不稳。
裁判的评分显示Julie Poco以微弱优势保持了她的不败纪录和冠军头衔。
Sal Pupy在与Ferrari的对决中展现了坚韧的斗志,尽管对手采取了一些不光彩的战术。
Sal Pupy在比赛的最后阶段以一系列组合拳结束了对手的抵抗,赢得了比赛。
boxing on the Zone sponsored by William
Hill X series 14 this is a massive
massive card in the UK and the fans are
always hyped they're always ready for it
back with a a bang and and this is just
beginning our heavyweight champion Tempo
Arts making his first defense against
x-s series debutant Ben Knights now you
keep saying second round knockout I'm
curious can you elaborate exactly on the
punch that puts him away uh I've already
seen happen mate like knocking out
in the second round know it too knocking
you know it too mate I'm going to knock
you out second round look at that I mean
the jab from Tempo just sticking it his
face it's high
level oh this isn't going to last much
longer Ben doesn't want to be there he's
giving up he's giving up he needs to
show something
here body language very poor ter I'm
just afraid they're going to do that
over here and he's going to fall through
the ropes and take out the announce
table like about
nice if I'm Tempo you got to be a bit
more diverse if I'm Ben that left hook
again the right overhand it's going to
counter that upper cut
beautifully they're going to call that a
knockdown saying the ropes kept him up I
mean I agree with
that yeah he's a great guy like from
everyone who who knows him he's got a
greato sorry interrupt but there you
have it the second knockdown of the
fight Tempo just
unfazed when he watches this back I
think you want to work on that defense
yeah in order to tame a beast likee
Tempo you need to kind of bring that out
of yourself true Jordan Ben just has it
and that is it and still X series
Misfits heavyweight champion Tempo Arch
tonight the highly anticipated
Argentinian King has had four different
opponents pull out but pulier saves the
day at the final minute I'm not going to
pull it out with this fight no I'm going
to pull it out with your mom after the
fight he respecting my country my mom
and um I'm going to break his
tomorrow he's just following him around
the rurry
go this could be he cracked him
there let go let go and and atin King's
biggest challenge here feels like the
range He's just never quite found it
throughout the whole fight he's always
missing that was a beautiful uppercut
yeah pulley got caught too big uppercut
and let's see if the king could bounce I
think pulley's still hurt I think P made
that a lot easier for him to find the
range when he put his chain on a plate
for him there he got two c yeah well
he's definitely doing the the aggressing
right now he's he's trying to lead off
that front foot and he's getting caugh
not a good shot for pulley a back
hand that timing has always been one of
pulley's biggest
weapons I love how he's using it here
oh py has got to dig
deep resting on the ropes is not a good
look going to say that I think P's
winning the round but VIs
oh he just got cut the
old wasling on there all right let's see
it's all to the judges now and it's
going to be I think a 3-2 decision
either way judge Gregor Los scores the
bout 49-
46 judge Lee merto scores the bout 50 to
46 judge George milky scores the bout 49
to the 46 and your winner by unanimous
fundo the
Argentinian what wow
Hernandez one had it five rounds to none
that seems a bit insane to me a beef
from Birmingham is the tale for our next
fight with British rapping sensation
missed meeting an old friend turned foe
in Ryan Taylor here at 14 all I'm
letting you know this is the biggest
threat you've had in your life may the
best man
win softt at all not soft at all not
soft at all that's what he promised he
would knock
down that is a
knockdown well we might be getting
appointed up because he went to hit him
after he dropped them though right
that's illegal he's not calling it a
knockdown that is illegal Absolut
they're going absolutely nuts here you
can feel the tension you can cut it with
a knife
sh my goodness oh my God the power and
R's legs have gone he's on rber his legs
gone he dropped him with a jump
unbelievable I've never seen an
atmosphere like this they're going M
this is mental in here what's Ryan
thinking right now he's really got to
take a deep breath in cultes are scaming
on him get your Hanzo get your
Hanzo he's going down like Birmingham
city big right from Miss again this may
be over any seconds R can barely stand
up Ryan Taylor's got some balls he's got
balls of steel not going to get him the
win here 36 seconds
welcome to misf M he has completely
annihilated ran Taylor my son's 14
started going to Misfits because he's a
massive KSI fan I become a fan he asked
me to try and get on I'm on now I'm
going to knock out some of him and all
his schoolmates idolized they absolutely
you're not knock when I knock you out
your children are going to get bullied
at school bro that's what's going to
happen first right answer for my kids
I hope you understand that
okay okay very disrespectful the game's
the game it's the fight game welcome to
it he's going to leave himself open he's
having tough time getting through that
jab a lot of swings and misses for
Adam Bo Adam still throwing bombs he
just can't find a way through
and just got countered
again down
again for King Kenny he knows it's just
a matter of
time and there it is it's time now Ken
and he's ending it it is over King Kitty
a dominating performance here in London
now the home main of Misfits 14 is a
matchup that fans have been wanting
since August of last year undefeated
Cruiserweight Champion Julie Poco meets
undefeated Challenger Barbie here in
London somebody's o has to go Barbie's
got to use that jab keeper distance
range but it's un immediately it is this
is fireworks here Brian couple of
Cracker Jacks from POA
barie is no joke here
Julie about Julie and that right hand
from POA stood Barbie right back up this
a tough round to
score and now Barbie's on the inside and
chasing that SP you got to stay on
up she got to get keep moving backwards
left to your
left and it blasted poke his mouthpiece
out youve seen oh was that a slip or
she's losing her legs I wasn't sure that
her mouth be full out now oh no oh my
goodness this is unbelievable
incredible unbelievable one of the best
rounds of women's boxing we've ever seen
in X Series judge Gregor loac scores the
B 50-
45 judge Sheamus scores the bout 50-
46 judge George milky scores the about
50 to
45 and your winner
and still the misfit boxing Cruise
aweight world
Bo salt puppy Ferrari that one seems to
be the one that is the most that is a
big big fight man I'm not a fighter I
have killer mindset I'm a real killer
I'm ready to die you better kill me in
that ring you're going to lose I'm going
to knock you out but maybe Ferrari has
gassed himself out a little bit bles
take a t the thing about terrari is he's
used to fighting 5 minute rounds oh and
he's dangerous forari Ferrari SLP though
he's fine he's fine oh the C and a knock
down and his head's leading straight
into Sal Pap used cover and blood around
his chest now oh but look at Sal papy
try to time the left straight it's not
easy though cuz this guy's leading with
his head it's dangerous actually he's
trying to grind his head deler trying to
grind his head Ferrari
showing off some very unsavory moves
there he's literally going in for the
head he's going to take a point he's
doing it he is doing it he's leading
with the head
oh they call that a slip not a
knockdown and Ferrari almost went
through the ROP St to left
now swing
it and there's your Tak
down puppy mixing up the corner oh W
incredible action
hold lot of brawling here shot popping
continuing it's just a matter of time
unless he can land one of these big wild
shots he going to be and he
gets this guy come on now
that's egregious that is just egregious
come on now have
some but listen it gives him time to
breathe little more messier than I like
to see so papy and I think they're going
to throw in the towel is it all over
yeah it's all over give it up you're not
willing to stand up it's over mate it's
over just quit man this guy would rather
do a take down and quit come on now
that's it quit on his stool so puy made
quit boxing on the Zone sponsored by
William Hill
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