MIGRATION part2: Civil position

Love Enlightenment
1 Mar 202404:26


TLDRThe video script discusses the controversial topic of migration policy, which the speaker perceives as a deep state strategy that has detrimental effects on the host countries. The speaker condemns the policy for causing spiritual and physical harm to the native population, who are portrayed as hostages in their own homes. The narrative suggests that political leaders are exploiting migrants to maintain power, disregarding the interests of their citizens. The speaker calls for unity among the indigenous people to form governments that prioritize their welfare over that of foreigners. The situation is likened to a locust invasion, leading to cultural displacement and the potential disappearance of nations. The script emphasizes the urgency of the situation, urging the audience to support leaders who resist the migration policy and unite the native population, in order to protect their rights and cultural heritage.


  • 🚫 The migration policy is criticized for causing spiritual and sometimes physical harm to thousands of people who feel like hostages in their own homes.
  • 🌍 The rapid development of events necessitates more than just energetic work; it requires physical action to defend against what is perceived as an 'invasion'.
  • 🤔 The script suggests that political leaders may be opening their countries to migrants to secure votes and maintain power, disregarding the interests of their citizens.
  • 🏛 It is implied that indigenous people find it increasingly difficult to remove leaders they are dissatisfied with due to the influence of migrants.
  • 🔄 The only solution proposed is the unification of a country's indigenous inhabitants to create governments that protect their interests over those of foreigners.
  • 🌾 The migration situation is compared to a locust invasion that can destroy crops and lead to starvation, implying a threat to the cultural and societal well-being of developed countries.
  • 👥 The gradual displacement of cultural heritage and traditions can lead to the disappearance of nations, causing spiritual starvation.
  • ⏳ There is a sense of urgency as the 'dragon reptiles' are in a hurry, suggesting that there is a limited time to act against the perceived negative effects of migration policy.
  • 🌟 The awakened part of the Earth's population is seeking leaders who can resist the migration policy and unite the indigenous population.
  • 📢 It is time for individuals to show their civil position and not allow the 'puppets of the deep state' to control their lives and rights.
  • 💌 The message concludes with a call for support for those already acting in the direction of resisting the migration policy and uniting the people.

Q & A

  • What is the primary concern expressed in the transcript regarding migration policy?

    -The primary concern is that migration policy is seen as a threat to the cultural heritage and traditions of indigenous people, leading to their spiritual starvation and the potential disappearance of their nations.

  • How does the transcript describe the situation of people in developed countries facing migration?

    -It compares the situation to an invasion, where the inhabitants feel they have no choice but to physically defend themselves and their families from what they perceive as an 'invasion of foreigners'.

  • What does the transcript suggest as a solution to the perceived crisis of migration?

    -The solution proposed is the unification of the indigenous inhabitants of countries to create governments that protect their interests over those of foreigners.

  • How does the transcript characterize the political leaders who support migration?

    -The leaders are characterized as using migrants to bolster their own political power and support in upcoming elections, disregarding the interests of their citizens.

  • What metaphor is used to describe the effect of migration on developed countries in the transcript?

    -The metaphor of locusts invading agricultural lands, capable of destroying entire crops and leading to starvation, is used to describe the effect of migration.

  • What is the transcript's stance on the need for action against the migration policy?

    -The transcript suggests that mere energetic work is not enough and that physical action is necessary to defend against the perceived invasion of foreigners.

  • Who does the transcript suggest should be supported in the face of migration policy?

    -The transcript suggests supporting leaders who are capable of resisting the migration policy of globalists and uniting the indigenous population.

  • What does the transcript imply about the urgency of the situation?

    -The transcript implies that the situation is urgent, as the 'dragon reptiles' are in a hurry and the vibrations of the planet are increasing quickly, indicating a need for immediate action.

  • How does the transcript frame the current state of dissatisfaction among indigenous people?

    -It frames the dissatisfaction as a result of leaders who have lost popularity and are increasingly difficult to remove from power, despite the indigenous people's discontent.

  • What is the transcript's view on the cultural impact of migration?

    -The transcript views the cultural impact of migration as detrimental, leading to the displacement and potential disappearance of the cultural heritage and traditions of entire peoples.

  • What is the message conveyed to the 'children' in the transcript?

    -The message is to continue the conversation about the migration policy, consider the situation comprehensively, and show civil position to prevent the 'puppets of the deep state' from depriving them of their rights.



😔 The Impact of Migration Policy on Society

This paragraph discusses the negative effects of migration policy on the host countries, describing the situation as a hostage crisis where people feel invaded by strangers in their own homes. It suggests that political leaders are using migrants to secure votes and remain in power, despite the dissatisfaction of their citizens. The paragraph calls for unity among the indigenous population to create governments that protect their interests over those of foreigners, likening the situation to a locust invasion that threatens cultural heritage and traditions, leading to spiritual starvation and the potential disappearance of nations. The speaker urges the audience to support leaders who resist the migration policy and unite the people.



💡Migration Policy

Migration Policy refers to the set of rules and regulations that a country establishes to manage the movement of people across its borders. In the context of the video, it is portrayed negatively, suggesting that it leads to a perceived invasion of foreigners and a threat to the cultural identity and well-being of the host country's citizens.


The term 'hostages' is used metaphorically to describe the situation of people who feel trapped or powerless in their own homes due to the presence of foreigners, as a result of migration policies. It implies a sense of victimhood and helplessness, which is central to the video's narrative of the plight of indigenous inhabitants.

💡Deep State

The 'Deep State' is a conspiracy theory that suggests a hidden network of influential members within government and other sectors, believed to be secretly manipulating or controlling national policy. In the video, it is linked to the migration policy, suggesting that political leaders are acting in their own interests rather than those of the citizens.

💡Cultural Heritage

Cultural Heritage denotes the traditions, customs, and values that are passed down through generations and form the identity of a group of people. The video suggests that migration policies are leading to the displacement of cultural heritage, which is seen as a form of spiritual starvation and a threat to the existence of nations.

💡Spiritual Starvation

Spiritual Starvation is a concept used to describe the feeling of emptiness or loss that comes from the erosion or loss of one's cultural or spiritual identity. In the video, it is linked to the impact of migration, suggesting that the influx of foreigners is causing a loss of cultural identity among the indigenous population.

💡Invasion of Foreigners

The phrase 'Invasion of Foreigners' is used to describe the large-scale arrival of people from other countries, which is perceived as a threat by some members of the host society. The video presents this as a physical and spiritual threat to the well-being and identity of the local population.


Globalists are individuals or groups who advocate for increased global cooperation and integration. In the video, they are portrayed negatively, as being responsible for a migration policy that is seen as detrimental to the interests of the indigenous population.

💡Indigenous Inhabitants

Indigenous Inhabitants refers to the original or native people of a particular region or country. The video emphasizes the need to unite these individuals to protect their interests and cultural identity, which are perceived to be under threat from migration policies.

💡Civil Position

Civil Position in this context seems to refer to the stance or action that citizens should take in response to the perceived threats of migration policies. It suggests that mere energetic work is not enough and that physical action is necessary to defend against the perceived invasion.

💡Spiritual Disappearance

Spiritual Disappearance is used to describe the loss of cultural and spiritual identity that can occur when traditional ways of life are disrupted or replaced. The video argues that this is a consequence of migration policies, leading to the erosion of national identities.

💡Unjustified Privileges

Unjustified Privileges refers to special rights or advantages given to certain groups without a fair basis. In the video, it is suggested that migrants are receiving such privileges at the expense of the indigenous population, which is seen as unfair and detrimental to the host society.


Migration policy is criticized for condemning thousands of people spiritually and physically, making them feel like hostages in their own homes.

The situation is developing quickly, and energetic work alone is not enough to address the rapid changes.

Political leaders are accused of using migration policy to stay in power by appealing to migrants for support in elections.

Indigenous people are finding it increasingly difficult to remove unpopular leaders and resist the influx of migrants.

The solution proposed is to unite the indigenous inhabitants and create governments that protect their interests over those of foreigners.

The current situation in developed countries is compared to an invasion of locusts that can destroy crops and lead to starvation.

Cultural displacement and loss of traditions can lead to spiritual starvation and the disappearance of nations.

The awakened part of the Earth's population is seeking leaders who can resist the criminal migration policy of globalists and unite the indigenous population.

It is time for people to show their civil position and not allow the puppets of the deep state to control their lives and deprive them of their rights.

Support should be given to those who are already acting to resist the migration policy and unite the indigenous population.

The message is from an entity referred to as the 'absolute father' and was received by Marta on December 19th, 2023.

The message condemns the migration policy as spiritually and physically harmful to the indigenous population.

The indigenous population is urged to defend themselves and their families from the perceived invasion of foreigners.

The message suggests that political leaders are prioritizing the interests of migrants over the indigenous population.

The message calls for the creation of governments that prioritize the interests of the indigenous population.

The message warns that the situation is dire and requires immediate action to protect the indigenous population.

The message likens the migration policy to a locust invasion that can lead to the spiritual starvation and disappearance of nations.

The message calls for the support of leaders who are resisting the migration policy and uniting the indigenous population.



migration policy condemns spiritually


and sometimes physically thousands of


people who find themselves hostages to


strangers in their own


homes and in such a situation my dear


ones mere energetic work is not enough


anymore because events are developing




quickly the migration Locust leaves the


inhabitants of developed countries no


choice but to act physically defending


themselves and their families from the


invasion of


foreigners civil


position hello my dear beloved


children so let's continue the


conversation about the so-called


migration policy of the deep


State now let's consider it more


comprehensively not only from an


energetic but also from a physical point


of view its physical aspect is that


those political leaders who open the


floodgates for refugees in their


countries and who do everything to


increase their numbers Every Day Count


on the fact that the migrants they have


benefited from will support their


candidacies in the upcoming


elections thanks to them they try to


stay in power since they have lost


popularity among their


citizens whose interests they have long


ceased to consider


and such a situation is now evident in


dozens of countries


worldwide as a result no matter how


dissatisfied the indigenous people are


with their leaders it becomes


increasingly difficult for them to


remove them from their positions and to


resist the massive influx of


migrants so how can we get out of this


seemingly hopeless


situation the only way out out here is


to unite these country's indigenous


inhabitants and create governments that


will protect their home and their


interests rather than the interests of


foreigners at the expense of the local


population what is happening now in


developed countries resembles the


invasion of locusts into agricultural


lands which is capable of destroying the


entire crop and thereby dooming people


to death by


starvation similarly migration policy


condemns spiritually and sometimes


physically thousands of people who find


themselves hostages to strangers in


their own


homes the gradual displacement of the


cultural heritage and traditions of


entire peoples leads them to spiritual


starvation and therefore to The


Disappearance of them as


Nations and in such such a situation my


dear ones mere energetic work is not


enough anymore because events are


developing too


quickly the migration Locust leaves the


inhabitants of developed countries no


choice but to act physically defending


themselves and their families from the


invasion of


foreigners as you can see the dragon


reptiles are in a hurry realizing they


have almost no time left the vibrations


of your planet are increasing too


quickly and the awakened part of the




population therefore seek leaders


capable of resisting the criminal


migration policy of globalists and


uniting the indigenous population around


them support those who have already


begun to act in this


direction it is time to show your civil


position in order not to allow the


puppets of the deep state


to dispose of your lives and deprive you


of your lawful rights granting


unjustified privileges to those who come


with their Charter into someone else's


Monastery now we will stop today loving


you infinitely absolute father spoke




you received by Marta on December 19th



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Migration PolicyCultural DisplacementGlobalist AgendaIndigenous RightsSocietal ImpactPolitical PowerElection InfluenceCivil DefenseSpiritual StarvationNation IdentityDeep State