I've never been this MAD in my life.. *caught on camera*
TLDRفي هذا النص من تدوينة الفيديو، يُظهر نوح وشيرمان كيف يحاولان أن يفسدو حياة صديقهم الأفضل، برايndon، بطريقة مشوقة. يبدأ النص بدخولهما إلى منزل برايند بدون إذن، ويُشير إلى أنهما يخططان لجعل يومه سيء للغاية. يُشير إلى أن الأحداث التالية ستتضمن ال Torture ويُعد هذا مشوقًا لبرايند. يُشير إلى أن الأحداث ستتضمن مقاطع موسيقية عالية الصوت وتأثيرات مروعة، ويُذكر أن الأحداث ستجعل الجمهور يرى برايند بطريقة لم يرها من قبل. يُشير إلى أن الأحداث ستتضمن أيضًا مقاطع مضحكة وأحداث مشوقة أخرى، ويُشير إلى أن الأحداث ستجعل برايند يشعر بالسخرية والسخرية من قبل الأصدقاء. يُشير إلى أن الأحداث ستتضمن أيضًا مقاطع مضحكة وأحداث مشوقة أخرى، ويُشير إلى أن الأحداث ستجعل برايند يشعر بالسخرية والسخرية من قبل الأصدقاء. يُشير إلى أن الأحداث ستتضمن أيضًا مقاطع مضحكة وأحداث مشوقة أخرى، ويُشير إلى أن الأحداث ستجعل برايند يشعر بالسخرية والسخرية من قبل الأصدقاء.
- 🎥 Noah و Shermen يبدأون فيديوهم اليوم بتدبير صديقهم الأفضل، براندون، بدون إذن.
- 😈 يخطط Brian لتدبير براندون بطريقة شرورية تتضمن العديد من الحيل.
- 🚗 يظهر أن Noah و Shermen يملكون سيارة جديدة، ويبدو أنهم يستمتعون بتدبير براندون بصوت مرتفع.
- 🎶 يحاولون استيقاظ براندون بموسيقى عالية الصوت، مما يثير غضبه.
- 🤣 يحاولون إحضار براندون إلى الأسفل مع موسيقى من تيليفزيون.
- 🚗 يشير إلى أن Noah و Shermen يحاولون تدبير براندون بتدبير سيارة غالية الثمن.
- 🍩 يخططون لجلب براندون بعض الطعام، ولكن يقررون التزوير واللعب معه بدلاً من ذلك.
- 🤯 يحاولون التزوير براندون بتقديمه بوجبة غير نظيفة ومشروب غير مناسب.
- 👶 يشير إلى أن Noah و Shermen يجلبون طفلًا صغيرًا لتدبير براندون.
- 🚗 ي不满 براندون من تصرف Noah و Shermen مع سيارته، ويحاول السيطرة على الوضع.
- 🎤 يحاول Brian التزوير على براندون بنسخة مصورة من لوح Tony Hawk، مما يثير غضبه.
Q & A
-Brian 是视频中的一个主要角色,被朋友们称为'最好的朋友'可能是因为他与朋友们有着非常亲密的关系,他们之间可以开玩笑,甚至进行一些恶作剧,这显示了他们之间深厚的友情和信任。
Noah 和 Sherman 为什么要在没有得到 Brandon 允许的情况下去他家?
-Noah 和 Sherman 去 Brandon 家是为了给他一个惊喜,或者更准确地说是一个恶作剧。他们计划用各种方式来'折磨'他,这是他们当天计划的一部分。
视频中提到的'T 行'是什么意思?
-在视频中,'T 行'可能是指某种排列或者队形,或者可能是一个特定地点的名称。具体含义需要结合上下文来理解,但视频中没有给出足够的信息来明确这一点。
视频中提到的'Dunkin Donuts'是什么?
-Dunkin Donuts 是一家国际知名的快餐连锁品牌,以售卖甜甜圈和咖啡而闻名。视频中的人物提到要给某人买 Dunkin Donuts,可能是作为对他的一种补偿或者是一个恶作剧的一部分。
为什么视频中的人物要给 Brian 一个'Tony Hawk 滑板'?
-视频中的人物给 Brian 一个'Tony Hawk 滑板'可能是为了恶作剧,他们买了一个普通的滑板并尝试模仿 Tony Hawk 的签名,然后计划在 Brian 面前毁掉这个签名,以此来观察他的反应。
视频中的'Apple 面试'是一个真实的事件吗?
-视频中的'Apple 面试'其实是一个恶作剧。朋友们为了让 Brian 感到紧张和惊讶,假装他有一个重要的面试,但实际上这一切都是他们计划的一部分。
为什么视频中的人物要给 Brian 一个'30 under 30'的奖项?
-视频中的人物给 Brian '30 under 30'的奖项是为了庆祝他的成就,这可能是一个真正的荣誉,也可能是他们恶作剧的一部分,目的是为了给他一个特别的惊喜。
-Nick 在视频中可能是 Brian 的朋友或者同事,他在这个恶作剧中扮演了一个关键角色,可能是他告诉 Brian 有关'Apple 面试'的信息,从而使 Brian 相信这个假面试是真的。
为什么视频中的人物要给 Brian 一个'金鱼'作为礼物?
-视频中的人物给 Brian 一个'金鱼'作为礼物可能是为了增加恶作剧的幽默效果,他们可能认为给一个成年人一个金鱼作为礼物既意外又好笑。
视频中的'Forbes 30 under 30'是什么?
-Forbes '30 under 30' 是《福布斯》杂志每年评选的一个奖项,旨在表彰在不同领域中30岁以下有杰出贡献的年轻人。视频中提到 Brian 被选为 '30 under 30',这表明他在某个领域取得了显著的成就。
😀 Surprise Prank on Best Friend Begins
The video starts with Noah and Sherman announcing their plan to play a prank on their best friend, Brandon, without his permission. They reveal that Brian has been absent from YouTube for 37 days and they want to show why his absence might be a good thing. The duo has a whole series of mischievous activities planned, which they promise will be diabolical and will reveal Brian in a way never seen before. They also hint at heading to another friend's house, Rug's, to start their day of pranks.
😜 Pranks Escalate with a Fake Car and a Disgusting Drink
The pranks continue with the group playing loud music to wake Brandon up and pretending to have a new car. They then decide to get Brandon food, but instead of his requested coffee, they prepare a bizarre concoction involving a hot dog with chili sauce and cheese, and a hot chocolate. The group also plays around with Brandon's car and discusses getting him a pet, ultimately deciding on a goldfish. The video shows them causing chaos and having a good time at Brandon's expense.
🎁 Fake Tony Hawk Signature Prank and a Mock Interview
The pranksters伪造 (forge) a Tony Hawk signature on a regular skateboard to mimic the one Brian owns, aiming to prank him by scribbling over it. They also set up a fake interview for Brian, telling him it's for Apple Inc., and ask him absurd questions to throw him off. The interview is filled with ridiculous questions and comments designed to confuse and frustrate Brian, who is unaware that the interview is a setup.
😤 Brian's Reaction to the Prank and the Big Reveal
Brian starts to realize that the interview is not genuine and confronts the pranksters. They continue to mess with him until finally revealing that it was all a prank. They explain that the real reason for the day's events is to celebrate Brian's recent achievement of being listed in Forbes' 30 under 30. The group then shifts to a more positive note, congratulating Brian on his accomplishment.
🎉 Final Gift and a Promise for a Legit Interview
As a final prank, the group gives Brian a 'gift' by letting him take over the video and do his outro, which is a rare occurrence. They express their affection for Brian despite the day's torment and jokingly ask for a real interview. They end the video by heading to a subway, promising to get Brian a legitimate interview, and encourage viewers to subscribe for more content.
💡Forbes 30 Under 30
💡Live Streaming
💡Social Media
Noah and Sherman surprise their friend Brian at his house without permission to start a day of pranks and chaos.
They plan to torture Brian in every way possible, making it the worst day of his life.
Brian is woken up by loud music and a prank involving a fake car and a spilled drink.
Noah and Sherman pretend to have a surprise for Brian, building up his expectations.
They trick Brian into thinking he has a big interview with a prestigious company like Apple.
Instead, they conduct a fake interview with ridiculous, insulting questions to humiliate Brian.
Brian is led to believe he is hated by the entire world and has failed at YouTube.
Noah and Sherman pretend to be impressed by Brian's nonexistent rapping skills.
They give Brian a regular skateboard, pretending it is signed by Tony Hawk, and then scribble over it.
Brian is covered in hot cheeto crumbs and mustard as part of the ongoing pranks.
Noah and Sherman pretend to bring a baby into Brian's house, causing further chaos.
They create a fake scenario where Brian has angered the entire Call of Duty community.
Brian is led to believe he has made a huge donation to a high school and called students 'peasants'.
The prank culminates with Brian being covered in paint and left in a mess.
In the end, Noah and Sherman reveal it was all an elaborate prank to celebrate Brian's Forbes 30 Under 30 recognition.
Brian handles the pranks and chaos with good humor, showing his strong friendship with Noah and Sherman.
The video ends with a promise to get Brian a legitimate interview in the future.
you guys probably weren't expecting us
to begin this video you're probably very
confused right now I'm Noah I'm Sherman
today we're going to be absolutely
ruining our best friend's life where are
we Brandon's house I don't know why that
mean we just decided to start at
Brandon's house he didn't give us
permission to be here but I mean that's
kind of the vibe for the day right
basically Brian texted me about 2 days
ago and he said that it has been
approximately 37 days since I've been in
a YouTube video he said that you guys
miss me I wanted to come back and pretty
much show him why it's better for me to
not be in the videos from start to
finish we have every single thing in the
book to absolutely torture him it is
going to be diabolical you guys are
definitely going to see Brian in a way
that you've never seen him before you
think Brandon's
home now it's time to really start the
mission head to rug's house it's about
to be very interesting bro since when
did you get a new car I didn't that's
not even mine oh you're ring it yeah
it's on T row oh
we're probably the worst way to wake up
is with loud music bring him downstairs
I'm have an intro song volume up bro
remember that one episode in SpongeBob
when all the stereos
are hey bro it's time to get up bro stop
hold on let me turn the lights on good
morning bro what are you doing come on
there's no time to waste are you doing
what the
hell what
come on my birthday come on hurry
up is this
real hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey
let's get our guy in here you want to
dance hey czy I don't even know what's
happening I just woke up YouTube fans
man Big Ups hey bro just played an outro
IR bro wait wa wait wait is this a dream
is this really happening I don't know
what I just might be the worst day of
your life
what oh guys come on
oh he's going around he's going around
he's going
around every door the back one oh it's
what just leave just leave just leave
bro what are you guys doing what just
happened we about a te house up another
one of those mocking videos eh you think
I actually get mad at those huh why are
you here I'm winded this is a big eye
opener for me bro needs to take care of
his hey I'm not gonna lie I do have a
big interview today so with who I can't
say what like a few hours honestly
because like he thinks we're doing a
totally different video we're doing like
a surprising thing surprising you with
me that's a great gift right there I
love that no but realistically we should
get him some food right get me some
coffee we got you really Donuts I would
love that let's just put it in the car
for now we'll bring it back all right
all right I'll text you my order though
you only need two we got it stop oh my
God God bro this Duo right here by the
way guys is insanely dangerous you don't
you don't want to be in the same room
with these two bro it's the worst day of
your guys' lives stop all right hey for
real I'm going to text my order I'mma
block him hold on you're going to block
him I'm going block him so he can't text
me his
order ran wanted Dunkin Donuts so we're
here at a p.m. me and you want coffee
yeah let's give him like a slurpie
okay why not for punch I like the the
direction you're headed it's just not
extreme enough it isn't yeah what can I
see what the okay all right hot dogs
need condiments what is that chili chili
sauce and then cheese obviously I feel
like that'd be a good
option yeah sweeten it up a little bit
it's not that good it's just
chili I feel bad for not putting in
coffee though here's hot
chocolate dude wait that's a good dis
scy it is that's why I did
it that's perfect if this Falls in my
car I promise you they won't take the
back after we mess him up with this one
we're going to need a backup yeah we're
going to be like all right here's your
real one and it'll be even
worse that looks good just I wanted that
hint of egg flavor like I didn't want it
to completely taste like egg you got car
right yeah I did steal his wallet so we
literally sat in the car for an hour
these are warm now hey is that wait
that's not Duncan we got you a new Tik
Tok hack it's a green tea coffee Nick
I'm sorry I have two doofuses with me
today hold on Nick hold on hold on hold
on yo what the hell's wrong with you
guys bro for
real okay okay okay for real for real
wait this is the real one yes we weren't
supposed to give it to you till hour we
have another idea wait guys what did you
put in here hot dog what wow this is a
beauty isn't it do you guys not get me a
coffee for real no we're going to get
you a goldfish it was between goldfish
tree frog or a
lizard this dude is revving the engine
on a cold start stop bro actually come
on you're actually messing with the car
all the car people are going to be P
Anthony yo oh
yo okay get out just turn it off turn it
Anthony hey oh my God you actually hit
the car so annoying why are you not
paying attention it's expensive
materials catch it it's super stressful
when you're about to be interviewed for
something this big I can't even say what
it's for if you catch this go long if
you no you go
long stay outside bro no you two what
are you laughing at the lambo's parked
in the way of the garage so he can't
even even Clos it up you know us to
actually start it wait
bro oh my
God yes relax you need to breathe I'm
going ask you some questions what's my
name German the verman the best cousin
in the
world oh wait I have an idea cuz he used
to do a lot of these back in the day
like secret rooms no no that oh let's
tear it all down Noah stop no don't
actually mess the internet no the the
whole modem's going to be bro come on
not the internet I already give us two
feet please bro hey you cut it right
yeah dude don't no no e Noah you
eat what Noah dude look at how sick that
look can you please clean that up bro
why would we clean it up get out for
real you know the best drinking G for
all the times you died in fortnite you
to this is not even mocking this is
literally destroying FaZe rugs out oh I
feel a squeak dude see he's walking in
it guys please help me that looks really
fun though yeah right
walking likeyou groupa guys I got
mustard on the
foot wait it was Noah it was Noah right
Noah where are you going where you going
to go you're trash hey hold on hold on
Noah so you're wearing a a Kobe jacket I
am I would never do that yeah of course
what's up with the Nike shorts though e
honestly it's worth it for what we have
planned later there's no more plan
there's no more plan um we brought a
baby you're going to cause absolute
destruction in this house Ryan is a very
bad person cause destruction Oho hold on
there's only one person that could be
named Noah here what's up what you
trying to do yeah run away okay Noah
come here we need you we need you Noah
we need
you Noah hi what's up I want to go to
the pool I want to go to the pool you
have Anthony or Noah do it because like
I have an
interview what why are you pointing at
me guys wait
wait wait where are you going you s
though come here why are you not
listening bro come
here where can I ask you a
question Oh no you're not getting away
from me guys what is that ow hey as cute
as Noah is bro the interviewer gets here
in like 20 minutes I'm literally shaving
and getting ready we're going to be done
with what we need to do in 20 minutes
can you actually come here give me your
hair Jack Carlo give me your hair Jack
Carlo BR thinks he's Jack Carlo hey you
have an electric dude thinks he's Jack
Carlo this lack
llo wait wait what I have to
get go get him go get him go get him no
and don't ever leave him Noah no matter
what he says he is your dad who put you
up to this that guy who's that which one
the one with the camera or that one the
one with the camera
okay where the hell is Noah Noah find
Noah I didn't mentally prepare for this
interview you don't need to yes I do I
don't want to I don't want you have a
kid I don't have a kid don't let him run
down the stairs Brian stop no come here
look look come here give me a
hug hey bro he is cracked out boy Noah
all right look look look ready go to
sleep sleep good night Noah come here
come here no no no no open your eyes no
no can you go to sleep if I take it off
all right come on get up real
quick you don't want you not see a choo
choo train yeah buddy guys stay here
with him for real hey Brian Brian Brian
okay guys so if you guys didn't know
Brian got a signed Tony Hawk skateboard
and the f funniest thing that I ever
thought of I went online and I bought
the same exact board the only difference
is this one is not signed this is just a
regular board so I'm going to try to
mimic the Tony Hawk signature onto this
board and then I'm going to scribble
over it in front of Brian to get his
reaction no I think this might be a
breaking point for him where he might
actually try to hurt me here is Tony
one okay good luck with the signature
buddy hey can you do the signature
please I'm actually not good at
signature I can try
it hey Rocky bro what bro can you please
come in the garage real quick okay hold
on I'm trying to get ready bro I know I
know shut up just come to the garage
please bro oh this is freaking lit dog
no I'm saying it's lit hold on oh relax
stop it's over it's over Anthony wait
wait wait wait what Anthony watch out
bro why would you do that no that's no
you're taking it too far stop a prank
Bony Hawk literally signed this skap I
know let me show you that it's a prank
look let me see it
look this is too far stop this is too
far wait no it's too far you guys are
weird you guys are both weird close your
eyes close your eyes close your eyes
turn around bro
phone for me you guys are crazy you guys
are crazy you guys hate me that much you
went to the extremes of getting the same
board and putting his signature you guys
hate me that much we waited like 4 days
for the board oh my God my heart bro I'm
already so stressed now I was so scared
the interview is about to start in like
10 minutes we've been messing with Brian
all day so we're going to actually prep
him so
w the interview fit what yall think we
got the cuff links right here no way
it's like I'm about to go to a wedding
honestly I think the fit looks crazy is
the interviewer here or no no let me
check my phone hey bro bro
bro Noy what the hell is wrong with you
don't come out Anthony no this no this
is too far this is actually way too far
now come here let me get it out try do
again you need to to a relaxing
okay what is wrong with you no no
no oh I could sleep in hot Cheeto crumbs
and be happy I won't lie that's a very
very the floor really I love what you
did with the place white right yeah look
look look it's actually going
away w ow ow see what you did
I ow what you guys don't know is the
whole interview was set up so he's been
keeping everything top secret
confidential but what he's trying to
interview for is Apple Apple we told
Nick to tell Brian that Apple wants to
interview him so he thinks he's going to
an interview for apple and the questions
that we told the lady to ask Brian oh my
God they're so out of pocket he was on
four of 30 under 30 as his homies like
this is how we like celebrate yeah you
know hey now it's time for the grand
finale we've all been waiting for this
one dude please don't touch me I'm
actually scared you're looking so stop
stop do you have paint on your hands or
something I covered this up guys look I
covered the stains up I always got a
plan B you already know got the red
bottoms on life is good interview's in
the backyard I'm going to meet her for
whatever reason you guys decided that
like mocking me or bothering me is the
right day today mhm it's not so please
I'm just asking nicely how am I going to
know come and peace peace and we leave
in peace all right greetings Earthling
hi so nice to meet you nice to meet you
too how are you
good so we just snuck to the backyard to
witness this in real time they're
already beginning it like it smells out
here yeah like the flowers yeah
something definitely he did a looks like
a thre piece but I think two piece is
usually the way to go but wait really I
that's what I've heard manager said this
is big for me he didn't really tell me
the the proper attire I just wanted to
like kind of look good you came ready so
it looks great congratulations on 30
under 30 thank you so much I have a
couple of questions for you so we're
just diving right in we're going to Dive
Right In yeah have you ever thought of
trying something that would maybe be
more fitting for your career path I
wanted to be a basketball player when I
was growing up but I'm pretty short I
personally just love making videos I
love being creative it's something new
every single day day so I feel like I
never really get tired of it feel like I
have a really like strong connection
with my fan base that uh just makes me
love it a lot more on average I think a
lot of people are curious now with like
Tik Tok and Instagram reals how long
does it actually take you to make a
YouTube video sometimes it could take
multiple days usually um with editing
and all that kind of stuff it could take
up to like a week to make a solid video
we're now just waiting for it to take a
turn for the worse you've spoken a lot
about Mr Beast and how he's an
inspiration to you I think you've even
referred to him as a father figure um at
what point did you decide to start doing
spin-offs of his content I definitely
see like where sometimes people will say
that like my content is similar to Mr
Beast and I definitely do look up to him
I think he's changed the entire YouTube
game I don't think I've ever stole a
video I don't have the budget he spends
like millions of dollars on a video I'm
sorry that one caught me off guard I I
never called him a father figure but he
is an inspo so it says here that you
used to be hated in your so-called Clan
How Does it Feel That You're Now hated
by the entire world wait what wait the
whole world hates me that's what I have
here I hope that the whole world doesn't
hate me I've done a pretty good job
spreading positivity and love um back in
the day I definitely was hated in like
the Call of Duty Community it's because
I used to join different teams they used
to call them Clan Hoppers I was one of
them but I mean sometimes you got to
just like take the steps on the ladder
to make it to you know your goal so the
hairstyle tell me more about this what
inspired ired you was it more of like a
roll out of bed get into your suit
that's exactly what I did I had two of
my friends come over today unexpectedly
that's us and they were just messing
with me the whole day so I didn't really
have the time to like take a shower or
like prep for this interview prepare for
the big interview no worries your song
Going live let's talk about that so that
was just recently deemed one of the
worst songs to be released
publicly hold on what is this interview
how do you bounce back from that wait
how is it deemed that I didn't see that
on like social media we actually
received a lot of DMS and feedback as we
were getting ready for this interview
this is just the data that we got so I
just want to know how do you Brian
bounce back from that I'm not a rapper I
never claimed to be a rapper I made that
song for fun in a day actually not even
a day like 2 and 1/2 hours we just made
a music video to it cuz like I said in
my content we like to just have fun do
something different every day keep it
refreshing keep it new in the media your
track record is very upsetting for
starters it says here that you've
pledged money to a nearby high school
but when asked about the donation you
said and I quote need to go get a job
and earn that themselves I don't deal
with peasants whoa okay I did not say
that who wrote these questions never
have called anyone a peasant I like to
tell my viewers out there if you see me
in public I'm just a normal person never
ever want to like what was
that hold on this can't be real let's
just move on to the next question we are
live streaming so a lot of the viewers
are Urgent and they want to know all
these questions that they've submitted
you say uh like recording or live
streaming yeah this is live streaming
say hi to your fans I have one last
question for you you used to be at the
top of YouTube game and now here you are
amongst the failures of YouTube okay
hold on no no I heard something from
back here someone's messing with me it
has to be Anthony and
yo please tell me this is like not real
right Anthony was this you just be
honest no again it was so nice to meet
you Brian I'm is going we are live we
are currently on yeah yo why did that
happen bro are you that hated worldwide
do guys come on where do you want to go
a bar or something no no no just tell me
this is all a prank I mean I can tell
you but it's not going to change the
fact that you just got destroyed all
right you guys wouldn't let this happen
all right what do we at have a foot in
the water though who asked these
questions it's not like it's not us why
you it's not it's not the internet right
want know the truth these are real no
kidding bro we pranked you bro bro
there's no way I suspected something
wait wait so is the real interview
happening bro we called Nick
yesterday stop we called Nick yesterday
bro I was so excited for this stop don't
say that bro there there's a real reason
for this why you just got on Forbes 30
under 30 this I did I did I did for you
bro we just had to give you a day's
worth so the celebration is torturing me
like we've been on 30 under 30 we're
like telling you like welcome aboard you
know typ beat I'm not going to lie that
was a w prank bro we went crazy that was
actually czy for the record I like the
suit I knew I look ply so our final gift
to you like this video is actually like
not for my channel it's for yours no way
so you're going to humiliate me in front
of my viewers huh all this happened in
front of your viewers you're wel guys
you should you should do your outro
what's upz it's your Chanel my video
dude no I'm usually like humiliated on
Sherman's videos okay get back in F rug
mode okay okay thank you guys so much
for watching shout out Sherman and Noah
for literally being the two most
annoying people on the planet but I
can't lie I love having them around life
wouldn't be the same without them that's
all I'm going to say can you guys get me
like a legit interview though the subway
across the street from my house they I
swear they'll be down all right guys hey
that's where we're heading make sure you
hit that subscribe button and we'll see
you all at the next video see you
4.7 / 5 (36 votes)

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