I Survived 24 Hours Straight
TLDRمصور يوتيوب يشجع على البقاء على قيد الحياة في تحديات غريبة، مثل البقاء حيا في ال fossa الجبلية لمدة 24 ساعة، و24 ساعة في الـ Bermuda Triangle، و50 ساعة في الـ 2D. اليوم يتقدم بحدث أكبر، يجري تحديات البقاء لفترة أطول على القناة. يبدأ بجري 4 ميل، ثم يتحدث عن تغيرات الطقس في تكساس وتأثيرها على التحديات. يظهر مهاراته في الجري، وكيف يتعامل مع الظروف الباردة والRAINING. يحتفل بذكرى الزواج مع زوجته، ويشارك في لعبة Ultimate Frisbee، ويتحدث عن مدى استفادته من الرياضة والسعادة التي تجلبها. يتناول موضوع التصوير اليومي كوسيلة لتعزيز الوعي باللحظة والبقاء في الحاضر. يختتم الفيديو بدعوة للإيجابية والاستمتاع بالحياة، ويشكر مشاهديه على الدعم والتفاعل.
- 🎥 يشير اليوتيوبر إلى أن مقاطع الفيديو الشهيرة غالبًا ما تتضمن تحديات البقاء الخطيرة.
- 🌟 يعلن اليوتيوبر أنه سيتخذ تحديات البقاء إلى مستوى أعظم في مقطع الفيديو الحالي.
- 🏃♂️ يصف اليوتيوبر تحدياته اليومية بما في ذلك الجري في ظروف باردة وممطرة.
- 🥤 يُظهر اليوتيوبر مزيدًا من الاهتمام بصحة ال飲料 من خلال تقديم علبة ماء مع قضيب ومشروبات بروتين.
- 🏃♂️ يشير إلى أن اليوتيوبر يجري الجري على مسافة 40 ميل في أسبوع ثم لا يجري في الأسبوع التالي، مما يُعتبر طريقة مبتكرة للتدريب.
- 🐶 يُشير إلى اليوتيوبر إلى علاقة قوية بينه وبين كلبه سبوك، وتشير إلى أن سبوك يستمتع بمشاهدة اليوتيوبر يتناول طعامه.
- 🍽️ يُظهر اليوتيوبر كيف ي準備 وجبات لونه الخضراء مثل البو ستيكر في الميكروويف.
- 🌱 يُشير إلى اليوتيوبر إلى معجبته بنظام ال生态系统 الصغير الذي أُعطيه من قبل هالي، وهو يحتوي على عشب حقيقي.
- 🏈 يُشير إلى اليوتيوبر إلى أنّه متحمسًا للعب لعبة الفرايسبوك، حتى ولو أنه ليس جيدًا في اللعبة.
- 🥤 يُشير إلى اليوتيوبر إلى تsponsorship مع Celsius، وأنه يستعد لتجربة نكهة جديدة من مشروبهم.
- 📸 يُشير إلى اليوتيوبر إلى أهمية التصوير لتذكر اللحظات الهامة في يومه وتكون مرجعًا لتاريخه.
- 🎉 يُشير إلى اليوتيوبر إلى شغفه باليوم الذي كان مليء بالنشاطات والأصدقاء، وينصح الجمهور بإيجاد الفرح في الحياة البسيطة.
Q & A
ماذا يقصد يوتيوبر بـ 'I survived' في عنوان الفيديو؟
-يقصد بـ 'I survived' أنه سيحاول مواجهة تحدي يعيشه لفترة زمنية محددة، وهو في هذا السياق يحاول البقاء بالحياة في ظروف صعبة.
ماذا تشير إلى عبارة 'day in my life videos'؟
-تشير إلى نوع من مقاطع الفيديو التي تظهر يومًا من حياة الشخص الشخصية، عادة ما تكون هذه الفيديوهات تفاعلية وتظهر جوانب من الحياة اليومية.
ما هي التحديات التي نجح في مواجهةها يوتيوبر قبل هذا الفيديو؟
-لقد نجح في مواجهة عدة تحديات مثل البقاء حيا بعد الدفن الحي، البقاء 24 ساعة في المثلث البيرمودشي، والبقاء 50 ساعة في عالم 2D.
ما هي الظروف المناخية التي تواجهها يوتيوبر في هذا الفيديو؟
-يواجه يوتيوبر ظروف باردة بسبب الهواء البارد الذي نفّذ من قبل، والحرارة تتراوح حوالي 49 درجة فهرنهايت، وقد يأتي مع المطر.
ماذا يشير إلى 'fancy water jug' في النص؟
-يشير إلى حوض ماء ذو تصميم مميز يحتوي على قضيبًا ومصنوعة من الفولاذ الصلب، مما يجعله يبدون فريدًا وفخرًا.
ما هي الرياضة التي يمارسها يوتيوبر في هذا الفيديو؟
-يمارس يوتيوبر رياضة الفلاي ديسك، وهو يلعبها في الهواء الطلق.
ماذا تعني عبارة 'high IQ or low IQ' في سياق النص؟
-هذه العبارة تستخدم لوصف تقنية الجري التي يمارسها يوتيوبر، حيث يجري 40 ميل في أسبوع ثم لا يجري في الأسبوع التالي، مما يثير مناقشة حول الذكاء العالي أو الدني.
ماذا يشير إلى 'Celsius' في النص؟
-يشير إلى منتج شراب نقص الحرارة، والذي يروج له في الفيديو ويتم تذوق جديد من طعمه.
ما هي العادة التي أدت إلى تغيير في أسلوب تصوير الفيديوهات ليوتوبر؟
-العادة الجديدة هي التقاط صور طوال اليوم ل纪ئل الفيديوهات، وهو يحاول من خلالها أن يكون أكثر وجودًا ويقترب من واقع الحياة.
ماذا يشير إلى 'secret channel' في النص؟
-يشير إلى قناة يوتيوب الخاصة غير العلنية لليوتيوبر، التي يستخدمها لمشاركة مقاطع الفيديو بشكل خاص وخاص.
ما هي الرسالة الأساسية التي يحاول الютيوبر إ达ها في هذا الفيديو؟
-الرسالة الأساسية هي التشجيع على الاستمرار في المحاولة والاستمتاع باليوم، والاستمتاع ببعض الأشياء الصغيرة في الحياة.
🏃♂️ Surviving the Ultimate Survival Challenge
The YouTuber Ryan introduces his latest survival challenge, which he claims will be the biggest the platform has ever seen. He mentions past challenges such as being buried alive and surviving in the Bermuda Triangle. The current challenge involves running in cold weather conditions, with temperatures around 49 degrees Fahrenheit, possibly with rain. Ryan highlights his upgraded drinks, including a water jug with a straw and a stainless steel coffee protein shake. He emphasizes the importance of not just surviving but thriving in harsh conditions.
🏈 A Day Filled with Running and Ultimate Frisbee
Ryan shares his experience of running 40 miles one week and then taking the next week off, asking viewers if they think this is a high or low IQ approach to training. He completes the first mile comfortably and discusses his running method. During the second mile, he maintains a relaxed pace and talks about his day. He humorously addresses a potential threat to his day, which turns out to be a joke. Ryan also mentions his recent anniversary, his obsession with a tiny ecosystem gift, and his preference for green. He describes making pot stickers for lunch and playing Ultimate Frisbee in the mud. He is sponsored by Celsius, a drink company, and tries a new flavor of their product. Despite not being good at Ultimate Frisbee, he enjoys the game and encourages viewers to try it. Ryan also reflects on his day, which was filled with fun and friends, and emphasizes the importance of being present and finding joy in life.
💡تحديات البقاء على قيد الحياة
💡الحيوانات الأليفة
💡التصوير الذاتي
💡التصوير السينمائي
YouTuber Ryan is taking on a 24-hour survival challenge, which he claims will be the biggest the platform has ever seen.
The challenge takes place in cold weather conditions, around 49 degrees Fahrenheit, after a cold front blew through Texas.
Ryan has upgraded his drinks for the challenge, including a water jug with a straw and a stainless steel container for coffee and protein shakes.
He plans to run 4 miles, despite the harsh weather, as part of his survival strategy.
Ryan jokes about the challenge, indicating it's more of a 'day in the life' vlog, but also calls it a 'conceptual Banger'.
He completes the first mile of his run comfortably, despite the cold.
Ryan discusses his running method, alternating between running 40 miles one week and then zero the next.
He humorously addresses a potential threat to his day, which turns out to be a harmless situation.
Ryan makes pot stickers in the microwave for lunch and shares his recent anniversary gift, a tiny ecosystem with real moss.
He expresses his love for cold weather in Texas, comparing the cold and rainy conditions to London.
Ryan plays Ultimate Frisbee in the mud, despite not being very good at the sport, emphasizing the fun aspect over skill.
He is sponsored by Celsius, a brand launching a new flavor, and conducts a blind taste test for his audience.
Ryan reflects on his day, mentioning that he played poorly in Ultimate Frisbee but enjoyed the experience.
He documents his day by taking photos, aiming to be more present and reflective.
Ryan is working on three more main channel videos for the rest of the year and appreciates his 'secret channel' audience.
He encourages viewers to find the little joys in life and to treat themselves, ending his video with a motivational message.
I am a YouTuber YouTubers are known for
doing some of the craziest survival
challenges of all time I survived being
buried alive I survived 24 hours in the
Bermuda Triangle I survived 50 hours in
2D well today I'm taking it up a notch
the biggest I survived challenge this
platform has ever seen that's right
I survived 24 hours
great now you might be wondering hey
Ryan isn't that just a vlog no this is
big this is this is viral this is a
viral video it's a conceptual Banger you
might notice that today resembles a lot
of my past day in my life videos which
I'm gonna go run four miles however
here's the here's the challenge here's
the survive survival thing a cold front
just blew through Texas like two days
ago so now it's cold outside it's colder
outside I think it's 49 degrees right
now Fahrenheit pretty harsh conditions
yeah it might be raining as well so I am
pretty tough here are my fun drinks look
at the upgrades this is a big deal we've
got a water jug I mean this is fancy
look at this look at that it's got a
straw it's got this fancy stainless
steel you know for coffee protein shake
easy let's get in this work and let's
not just survive but thrive
that's right hour two we are absolutely
destroying this challenge but now it's
time to run
all right guys pretty cold out here
what do you guys think barely surviving
Zach ran 10 miles on Saturday I love the
past everybody got it that's the move
guys so just do that what do you guys
think about my method of running 40
miles one week and then zero the next
week high IQ or low iqxl no mid no mid
IQ all right mile one complete yeah
pretty pretty comfortable Pace here just
kind of out and about pretty cold all
right guys this actually might be my
biggest threat for the day oh these guys
are scary oh no
uh good morning good morning
good morning good morning
mile two
literally same conditions feeling pretty
good kind of just having a conversation
at this point Mile Three is where I got
crazy I'm just kidding it's
still very relaxed take the heart rate
I'm filming this as a joke but now I
don't know how to stop joking about it I
don't know what I'm doing in the next
clip but I'm just gonna make sure that
it's serious so
oh yes I'm sorry that was so dramatic my
eyebrows pretty much look the same maybe
I should start telling them hey
just take them off go crazy get wild
they're not noticeable anyway I don't
know why but now when I make Vlogs I
just hope they need to get my eyebrows
waxed it just seems it seems
I was gonna say appropriate it's not
look at this guy oh Spock got a haircut
Spock I got eyebrows waxed he's not too
excited about it spocky look cute dude
he's really tucked in there anyways I
made these in the microwave for lunch
they're like pot stickers so good also
Haley and I's anniversary was recently
and she got me this look at that
it's like a tiny ecosystem look at this
that Moss is real it literally is living
in there I've been obsessed with that
stuff I've been I've been so obsessed
with it my favorite color is green
coincidence I notice I feel better when
I drink water anyways the weather today
is stinky this is stinky weather I love
when it gets cold in Texas but I really
like cold when it's not raining whenever
it's cold and raining I feel like I'm
I'm in London
because that's the only place that I'm
aware of that is cold and rainy now I
love London don't get me wrong I love it
but here in Texas we don't have
beautiful 700 year old buildings to
Revel at and to tuck away into
yo these pot stickers oh now I got
Spock's attention look at him he's
coming look at him what do you want
Spock I thought you were taking a nap
you little rascal you can't eat these
guys I'm gonna Chow Down on these pot
stickers and then I'm gonna go play
Ultimate Frisbee in mud
Welcome to My Crazy Life
Haley will you hold this real quick all
right so we're playing ultimate Frisbee
watch this
now we like to play outside frisbee all
the time thanks Haley so
however I'm very excited you guys saw in
my last Vlog I'm sponsored by Celsius
which is kind of nuts you guys know
Celsius yeah yeah yes what if I told you
guys they're launching a new flavor
okay I'm gonna give you guys all one
blind taste test tell me what you think
okay this is the flavor
I haven't tried it yet so I'm gonna try
it real quick
that's good that's good thanks thanks
on three
one two three
actually it's so good so good this is a
brand new flavor uh we're getting
energized right before Ultimate Frisbee
now this is a fun drink
so I'm actually pretty bad at Ultimate
Frisbee I do enjoy it a lot it's a good
exercise look at that lockdown defense
though come on if there are any recruits
watching this video that are looking to
recruit you know uh uh six foot four 225
pound Beast uh I'm definitely not your
guy but you know what who's having the
most fun I think that's the real the
real winners who's having the most fun
is that I think that's how they measure
that so if you haven't tried it try to
play Ultimate Frisbee it's super it's a
good time I love it
I was barely surviving did you just say
what I think you said she likes me I got
a margarita pizza as you can see a lot
of vegetables on the plate I'm very
veggie oriented Haley what is that hey
hey I'm gonna eat those veggies I'm
gonna eat those what a day
today was jam-packed but it was really
good by the way I played really bad
today in Ultimate Frisbee I gave up like
eight touchdowns
yeah the only reason I didn't get cut
from my team is because I'm pretty much
the one that tries to organize this
thing so
um not sure if they're allowed to
they could if they won I was close to
getting cut I love days like these good
times good friends I always get super
reflective at night time and that's
because I'm trying to be more reflective
at night time it's a choice I don't know
about you guys but I feel like I have a
really hard time like
remembering my life and being present so
what I've started doing you can barely
see it but I started like taking photos
throughout the day I didn't really get
everything but I'm
why am I so obnoxious I just I did I
literally played so bad I'm just trying
to document my days more honestly I've
been done with this for like an hour I'm
actually just watching American football
I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to show
so anyways right now I'm super excited
I'm working on three more main Channel
videos for the rest of the year and as
you guys know this is my secret channel
so don't tell anybody but anyways secret
channel uh what can I call you guys
secret Channel voyagers I appreciate you
guys so much this is a great outlet for
me creatively emotionally
mentally I know the title of this video
but hey seriously I know how hard it can
be to get through a day so give yourself
a pat on the back and have a fun drink
treat yourself to that find the little
joys in life you know what I feel like
I'm giving a speech at a graduation I'm
sorry I seriously appreciate you guys so
much I love you guys hope you guys have
a great week say hi to somebody anyways
I'm done my speech is over howdy I just
said howdy as a departure I'm turning
off this phone before you make me
4.8 / 5 (46 votes)


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