When Karens Mess With The Wrong People..
TLDRهذا النص يحتوي على تسلسل من الأحداث التي تحدث في مقاطع فيديو تظهر سلوكيات "كارين" و"كيفين" الغير مقبولة. يبدأ النص بموظف متجر ال万圣节 يبدأ في سلوك عنصري ضد زبون، ثم ينتقل إلى زوج يحاولون إزالة إعلانات الأشخاص المفقودين، ورجل يعقد الطابور ويرفض الاعتذار. يحتوي النص على العديد من الأمثلة الأخرى مثل الشخص الذي يحاول أن يأكل تاكوس بسلام، ولكن يواجه سلوك غير مناسب، وشخص يحاول أن يستغل السلطة بشكل غير مناسب. يتضمن النص أيضًا حالات من العنف الجسدي والاعتداء على الموظفين والأمانيين، وسلوكيات تصرفية أخرى تثير الغضب وال不満. يشير النص إلى أهمية الاحترام وعدم التعرض للآخرين للتمييز وعدم التعامل مع الآخرين بطريقة غير professionnelle.
- 😡 **种族歧视**: 一位万圣节商店员工对顾客进行了种族主义的激烈言论。
- 🤬 **顾客行为**: 一对夫妇撕下了失踪人员的海报,并与拍摄者发生了激烈的争吵。
- 😤 **顾客不满**: 一位顾客在商店中对员工进行了指责,质疑其服务并要求取消会员资格。
- 🤔 **公众场合的个人行为**: 一位男士在公共汽车上大声播放音乐,引起了另一位顾客的不满。
- 😨 **情感冲突**: 一名男子的前女友通过车窗恳求他复合,而男子似乎不愿意。
- 🙏 **宗教信仰**: 一位女士在超市里以耶稣的名义要求他人尊重她购物的通道。
- 😠 **邻里纠纷**: 一位邻居对另一位邻居的车道使用和环保行为表示不满。
- 🤐 **醉酒行为**: 一名醉酒的男子在公共场合大声喧哗,引起了旁人的注意。
- 👮♂️ **执法问题**: 一位保安在处理一个带有偏见的顾客时表现出专业素养。
- 🚓 **警察与公民的互动**: 警察在调查一个在关闭商铺停车场吃晚餐的男子,尽管男子不合作,警察仍试图了解情况。
- 🥊 **身体冲突**: 一位名叫Karen的女士在与保安的争执中发生了身体冲突。
Q & A
ماذا حدث في الأحداث الأولى التي ذكرت في النص؟
-في الأحداث الأولى، حدثت نقاش صارم بين موظف متجر الهالوين والعميل بسبب العنصرية. الموظف اتهم العميل بالإساءة العنصرية، وطلب منه المغادرة من المتجر ودعوة الشرطة.
ما الحدث الذي أثار الغضب في الزوجين الذين أخذوا اللوحات؟
-الزوجين أثاروا الغضب بإزالة إعلانات تشير إلى أناس مفقدين ومؤيدين، وهو ما أدى إلى نقاش مع الشخص الذي كان يصورهم.
ماذا حدث في الحدث الذي ي牵涉 إلى الشخص الذي ينتظر في الطابور؟
-الشخص الذي كان ينتظر في الطابور يحاول أن يغفر لموظف المطعم الذي أدى إلى إلحاقه بضرر، ولكن يشير إلى أن هناك شكوك حول مدى حنانه الحقيقي.
ماذا حدث في الحدث الذي يشير إلى الشخص الذي يحاول أن يمنع الآخرين من الدخول إلى الaisle؟
-الشخص يحاول أن يمنع الآخرين من الدخول إلى الaisle في المتجر حتى يتمكن من شراء ما يريد ومغادرة المكان، وهو يشير إلى أن يكون بالقرب من علاقته مع يسوع المسيح.
ماذا حدث في الحدث الذي يشير إلى الشخص الذي يحاول أن يغير مكان الإقامة؟
-الشخص يحاول تغيير مكان الإقامة بسبب النزاعات مع الجار، الذي يزعم أن الجار يحاول惹怒ه عن طريق تغيير الحديقة واستخدام سيارة محمولة.
ماذا حدث في الحدث الذي يشير إلى الشخص الذي يحاول أن يمنع الآخرين من الدخول إلى الشارع؟
-الشخص يحاول أن يمنع الآخرين من الدخول إلى الشارع، وهو يشير إلى أن يكون متحمسًا جدًا حول البيئة والانبعاثات، ويحاول أن يشير إلى أن الجار يسبب إزعاجًا به.
ماذا حدث في الحدث الذي يشير إلى الشخص الذي يحاول أن يمنع الآخرين من الدخول إلى المتجر؟
-الشخص يحاول أن يمنع الآخرين من الدخول إلى المتجر، وهو يحاول أن يبرر هذا بالإشارة إلى أن الآخرين يحاولون أن ي惹怒ه.
ماذا حدث في الحدث الذي يشير إلى الشخص الذي يحاول أن يمنع الآخرين من الدخول إلى المطعم؟
-الشخص يحاول أن يمنع الآخرين من الدخول إلى المطعم، وهو يحاول أن يبرر هذا بالإشارة إلى أن الآخرين يحاولون أن ي惹怒ه.
ماذا حدث في الحدث الذي يشير إلى الشخص الذي يحاول أن يمنع الآخرين من الدخول إلى المكان الذي يحاول أن يشتري فيه الأشياء؟
-الشخص يحاول أن يمنع الآخرين من الدخول إلى المكان الذي يحاول أن يشتري فيه الأشياء، وهو يشير إلى أن يكون بالقرب من علاقته مع يسوع المسيح.
ماذا حدث في الحدث الذي يشير إلى الشخص الذي يحاول أن يمنع الآخرين من الدخول إلى الشارع؟
-الشخص يحاول أن يمنع الآخرين من الدخول إلى الشارع، وهو يحاول أن يبرر هذا بالإشارة إلى أن الجار يحاول惹怒ه عن طريق تغيير الحديقة واستخدام سيارة محمولة.
ماذا حدث في الحدث الذي يشير إلى الشخص الذي يحاول أن يمنع الآخرين من الدخول إلى المطعم؟
-الشخص يحاول أن يمنع الآخرين من الدخول إلى المطعم، وهو يحاول أن يبرر هذا بالإشارة إلى أن الآخرين يحاولون أن ي惹怒ه.
😡 Halloween Store Racism Incident
The first paragraph details a disturbing incident at a Halloween store where an employee exhibits racist behavior towards a customer. The employee reacts aggressively, telling the customer to leave the store and even suggesting to call the police. The situation is captured on camera, and the customer, who has a quote by Malcolm X on their wall, stands their ground, asserting their rights as an American citizen. The employee's repeated use of racial slurs and the customer's calm response highlight the tension and injustice of the encounter.
🤬 Karen and Kevin's Public Outbursts
This paragraph showcases a series of outlandish public behaviors by individuals referred to as 'Karens' and 'Kevins.' There's an account of a couple arguing over posters of missing people, with one individual aggressively claiming ownership. Another scenario involves a person holding up a line in a store and being confronted, leading to a discussion about forgiveness and accountability. The paragraph also includes a man who appears to be intoxicated and confrontational, as well as a woman who uses religious phrases in a tense interaction at a store.
😤 Neighborly Disputes and Drunkenness
The third paragraph covers a range of conflicts, including a neighbor dispute where one person accuses another of trespassing and breaking into their garden. There's also an instance of a man who seems to be under the influence of alcohol, using slurs and acting aggressively towards another individual. The paragraph illustrates how personal disagreements can escalate in public, leading to heated exchanges and potential altercations.
😠 Racial Profiling and Security Guard Confrontation
The fourth paragraph features a tense interaction between a security guard and a customer who feels racially profiled. The customer questions the security guard's authority and identity, as he lacks a uniform or visible identification. The security guard maintains his composure, explaining his role and attempting to de-escalate the situation. The exchange brings up themes of racial bias, the role of security personnel, and the importance of respectful communication.
😓 Uncooperative Behavior and Police Interaction
In the fifth paragraph, a man is seen interacting with law enforcement officers in a parking lot. The man refuses to provide his identification or cooperate with the officers' inquiries, leading to a standoff. The officers attempt to conduct an investigation, but the man remains defiant, questioning the officers' authority and the legitimacy of their questions. The situation highlights issues of public cooperation with law enforcement and the challenges officers face in performing their duties.
😱 Assaults and Unruly Customer Behavior
The sixth and final paragraph describes multiple instances of unruly behavior by customers, including an elderly woman defending her cookies, a man being accused of forgetting part of a food order, and a customer who spits on a security guard. Each scenario portrays a different aspect of aggressive or inappropriate conduct in customer service settings, from verbal abuse to physical assault, showcasing the challenges faced by service industry workers.
Halloween store employee goes on a racist rant towards a customer
Couple takes down posters of missing people and argues with person filming
Man holds up line at store and argues with employee about membership issue
Woman gets upset with man playing loud music on bus
Ex-girlfriend begs man to take her back through car window
Woman claims man broke into her garden and argues with him about it
Man appears drunk and throws around slurs while confronting someone
Woman argues with McDonald's employee and refuses to cooperate with police
Security guard calmly handles situation with unruly customer
Woman barks at man trying to eat his tacos in a parking lot
Man refuses to give police his information and argues with them
Woman punches security guard and spits on another person
Customer complains about missing food and claims employee spat on her
Woman argues with cookie store employee about waiting to be served
Man gets upset with neighbor over her driving a large vehicle and causing emissions
Woman gets into neighbor's driveway to be offended at him and argues about property issues
Man argues with another man in a parking lot about a traffic issue and threatens him
when Karen's act out fantastic freakouts
comes calling so sit back and try to
relax as we bring you the craziest
Karens and Kevin of this week starting
off things get scary for all the wrong
reasons when this Halloween store
employee goes on a racist rant towards a
customer is that why I have a 27t quote
by Malcolm X on the side of my
wall you are now because
you're and I got that on
camera get the out of my store you
call the
police I said
you're because get your
finger because
if can you call the can you call the
police the police TW this couple took
down posters of missing people being
held hostage and the person holding the
camera just goes
off this is mine I paid money for this
and you're not going to do it I'm a
citizen here and this is American
citizens you got it you're not going to
do it get the out of here this is
American citizens got kidnapped
you get the out of here put your face
get the out of here American
citizens American citizens got
kidnapped guy holds up the line and
supposedly forgives the employees there
for hurting him
but I have my
doubts are you sorry for what you did to
me are you sorry for what you did to me
or are you
not you canel my 26e membership you did
that well then who did
it for what reason you're the only one
that interacted and you admitted failure
failure good job good job recording it
nice why not absolutely he just he wants
entertainment so come here ands this
lady all the time not the first time he
sadly have to take that to your grave I
choose to forgive you for the hurt and
cause of all the pain to me and my
family I hope you don't hurt any other
people in this world with your behavior
enough if you want to hit me hit me
buddy if you want to do something to me
do it okay
go ahead go
ahead I forgive you for hurting me you
me all right it's because you're white
them what he wants to hear right realiz
she's screwed up she realizes that she
hurt he already said it several
times I don't recommend you touching him
saying is this a represent that you have
here you're going to record me I'll
you this is going to
go I know you want everything to calm
down but he's brought
everybody this guy right here has called
drunk so I'm going to get in my car I'm
going to call the police or I'm going to
have a DUI on me now get new drunk get a
new get a new
right here it's okay he well he left
problem solved never mind was there any
typ nope nothing he's good he was just
streaming no I don't I don't he's who's
the one that
called I understand sir who called
inside sir they called inside but he's
okay did uh any aggression no just
screaming he's just screaming okay scre
now that's than you that's all extra
he's just was mad at Tria but they
called cuz they were scared but he's out
of here that's it got his seat Bel on
he's leaving right now for the segment
of Karen versus Kevin a Kevin playing
music loudly on the bus for everyone to
hear versus a Karen howling back at him
who will
win what you want
to what's up what are you doing what are
you doing to everyone else here
else you think you can do what you don't
want some to do to you you think you can
do a man's ex-girlfriend begs him to
take her back through a car window I
suppose we can only speculate why he
broke it off ignoring me hello bro what
did I do
bro what the you didn't get away from my
car I can't hear you thank you I can't
you what did I do to you I'm not open
the door she can hear me perfectly fine
can't hear you she can hear me perfectly
fine he
you bro please can you come back can you
please come back I don't know why you
left me can you please come back yeah
use it see I see why taken away from me
because of you because of me making open
the door before the police
get why are you doing this what the
isong with
youo can you bro what's wrong with you
talk what's wrong with you what did I
hello he's calling the
police bro what did I
do what the did I do to
you I think I'm going get you just how
you got
me can you come
back I feel like if Jesus saw this lady
he'd be like like yeah I got nothing to
do with that I command you in Jesus
Christ get off
this off off back off you need to and
Jesus Christ
might back off get off you are a demon
get off
and that's right until I can buy
something and then I will happily leave
I reuke you all and cast you into the L
of Fire Jesus Christ mighty
name stay off this aisle until I can buy
something have respect for Jesus Christ
Saints I don't understand what is
happening she doesn't want anybody on
the aisle until she can get what she
wants and leave the aisle Jesus Christ
so she's rebuking everyone that enters
aisle and now we have a Karen going out
of her way to get into her neighbor's
driveway just so she can be offended at
him you can't make this stuff
up want know what she doing
now excuse me hello oh for God's sake
really yeah yeah really what's what's
this then what's you're you're my side
of the house again you're doing it to
war me up on purpose aren't you I'm not
whing up on purp he so just so happens
out of nowhere you know how I feel about
the environment and emissions
and first it's first you rip up all your
grass and replace it with stupid Astro
tur and now all of a sudden we've got a
big drink fuel drinking monster tanking
at in a blon driveway well yeah it's my
well yeah it's my
car you've done it on purpose I've not
done anything on purpose yet H this for
the day I've not hired nothing for the
day this a h car no it's not it's my car
so this is your car permanently this is
my car permanently yeah that's real
mature real mature to that level you've
spent that amount of money on it just to
wind me up no is it new or is it
pre-owned it's pre-owned okay well
you've at least done something right
okay you half half a point there but
anything else how much does this cost
you in fuel to fill up it doesn't matter
what it cost me it's it's a hybrid it's
a hybrid I bet you take this just to do
the short runaround don't you don't even
have a bicycle no who who who rides a
bike loads of people ride bikes what
like who people um Postman polic have
you got a bike I've got and I would ride
anywhere within a 20 M radius oh well
well there's my point
exactly what's your point exactly yeah
not normal people Norm normal people do
not have bikes nor responsible people
would do that so so hold a minute so
firstly the other day yeah you broke
into my garden I haven't broken in you
keep keep saying broken in haven't
broken in and now you're over here yeah
I don't I don't break in I'm climbing
over it's a difference no no no no but
it's not it's not a difference nothing's
broken it is broken fine I haven't
intruded I haven't trespassed this is
probably public right away no no but no
no no no but it's not you're filming me
no I'm I'm not fing you I'm I'm I'm I'm
fing my car right okay you've got and
got a car just just to spite me no but
I'm not spting you you are I'm not
honestly it's ridiculous you know you
what you're excuse me you're an absolute
of for what reason
and I've got a right mind you know what
if you keep pushing and pushing and
pushing I might move what what move
where away away from you somewhere
somewhere where people are respectful
well sorry but well apology not accepted
you broke into my garden the other day
what will it be next honestly what is it
going to be you're just going to keep
doing stuff to wind me up are you going
to but what do you want no wonder people
don't want to bring children into this
world cuz people like you destroying the
the wind is going everywhere your hair
is sending to a mess it's a free blow
dry I don't need to put I don't need to
use any electricity you should try it
this next dude sounds drunk and he
starts throwing out one slur for every
drink he's thrown
back go ahead I pulled over go ahead I'm
scar of you got the can you leave me
alone no can you leave me alone yeah
everybody sees this alcohol in his hand
he keeps asking if this person knows who
he is well we do now but not for the
reasons he wishes we
what you do
what you
what how go when the cars have
problem why are you
mate what you got a problem you know I
am what you about problem what do you
mean problem it's not for that what you
what in the boat like
that I pulled I went round
yeah yeah what's your problem you're go
you got a problem you yeah yeah you have
get your hel off then I'll grow up you
fo you know I am fo you know I am you
what you know I am do I care you want
when you pull up come on who are you
then running Pickering Who Running
Pickering oh running Pickering who the
that yeah me no wow brilliant found out
then go then off
then some
what come on what
what what let's have a knle l what's
that going to prove you I'm going to
knock you out why yeah
yeah less of a knuckle fight then what
would a be sure you then W I am oh you
are you about yeah F me who you are get
on oh do you mean know you you are you
said who you are you
wronging come on you said you wrong
fering or some idiot I don't know what
you're R about see that smash tell you
you right yeah yo why cuz you're an
idiot why am I you a fight or what I
didn't say I wanted to fight
listen caus one then I a caused one one
you that one I went CED one you see you
that I went CED one I was just turning
the cor and you was bling
you what I'll put you in an INF will
yeah you big and yeah you great are you
yeah yeah yeah get yourself a pet on the
back yeah I will yeah I'll show you on
YouTube later on what
yeah that little thing you what what
with that yeah put on YouTube all
right it's more than just the fries that
are getting heated at this McDonald's
inv Vancouver talking to
you I not talking to you you can't do
like that right I'm not talking for you
like you right now like he's not talking
with you right I'm not talking to you as
well you shut up you don't have
the you don't have
the hey my baby is here you guys need to
and now we've come to my favorite video
in the whole compilation this security
guard handles the situation like an
absolute Pro when a customer with a chip
on his shoulder begins filling
him I mean I don't know I'm just I'm
just I'm just a little annoyed do you
have a badge number do you have a do you
have a do you have a badge
number what so you don't know what a
badge number is okay ifom service okay
so I have to ask customer service for
your badge number
my B number so you don't know what a
is I don't know talk so what country are
from so you don't want to say it huh so
what's your
name so you don't have a name why you
questioning me cuz I'm questioning you
because you're like it seems like you're
standing over me while I'm just trying
to shop I mean I'm not I just have to
take care of the store okay but the
store means like following me around no
no no following you make me how was when
came no you weren't you weren't right
there you were not right there you were
over there when I I was walking there I
mean but I I go over one way then you
follow me that way and then you was
thinking like that you was thinking like
that I have to take it well there's
other people there's other people in the
store I mean there's there's other
people in the store too there's what
there's other people in the store
too you was thinking maybe I was I was
after you because I'm black how do I
have I'm black also no no you're not
black you're from Africa you have a
different you you have a different
culture you have a different why do you
have to think like that because you
treat me like that we have black we are
human beings no you don't you don't act
like that you don't act like that you
don't act like that why would I we have
the same colors we speak the same
language but have you haven't you
haven't had the same history you haven't
had the same history the same history
everybody have different history you
might not know my history I might not
know your history so you don't have to
think like that I mean so how am I
supposed to think think because you are
black me now you just assaulted me now
that's assulting battery no no no no no
no you now this is another assaulting
battery no how do I to you I customer
assaulting battery that's what the you
are here to shop okay yeah so why do I
have to we have to treat you like a
customer if you need help I can help you
if I can help you I direct you to the
customer service my job is to just take
care of the store watch that's just
it okay but no but no badge number you
don't you don't even know your boss name
either why why why do you think like
that if why do I think like that because
that's how you treat me me that's how
you treat me no no treat you how okay
you thought I was monitoring you that's
that's what it appeared like oh my God
no you don't have to think like that you
know when you came I was there so I just
have to go from there sometimes I go to
the phont the but then I go over this
way and then you go over where I'm at
and then I go another way then you have
to go after you because because you you
stereotype me you are a customer I don't
have to do that what I can can do is
when you need help for me I need so
something if I can get it for you I
direct it to the customer service and
watch that's just my
duty okay
I okay but but you're out of you're out
of you're out of uniform you have no
name tag and you have no ID I mean no
badge number I mean no badge no badge
number gu private security gu okay so
you can do what you want so you don't
have to have a name and then what law
says that oh my God why are you talking
like this because I I mean I've been
racially profiled by people like you
they hire I mean white people hire a
black person to come profile black
people and now why do I have to do that
to Black my life so now this is the
third this is the third time you
assulted and bed me this is the third
time so you don't know what the law is
you don't know what the soing battery is
so that's the fourth time brother you
don't have to come on you are you here
to shop you can shop and do whatever buy
what you want want go to the casha say
yourself that's not none of my business
okay I'm just have to take care of start
out my duty here if you need any help
ask me if I can help you I but I don't
know your name you have no badge number
private security so you think your
immunity your immun laws in right so
this is the fifth time you something
better let do my duty let me do my I
have to take care of this St all right
if the manager s me talking to customer
he have to qu me what what am I talking
about I don't know what's going on at
the front there I just have to go around
if you need H up you can contact me or
talk to H up the customer
service okay
I wasn't expecting for women barking at
men to be a recurring theme in this
video yet here we are what you're ugly
bro ugly as you're ugly
as you piece of say hi for Tik Tok
what's up you little what's up you
little oh oh now you're doing the little
middle finger but you wanted to cat call
huh woo suck when Karens get any amount
of power you can expect them to abuse it
in the most ridiculous ways like on a
man who's just trying to enjoy his tacos
you just give my Deputy your information
why can't I just eat my dinner why can't
you just give my Deputy your information
if that's all you're doing what's your
name in badge number Corporal Deputy ha
I'm Corporal Haynes and my badge number
is 612
okay are you from here can I put my
window up and you eat my dinner no
because we're conducting an
investigation now can I give you like 2
inches just like I did him no we're
conducting an investigation now I'm
going to give you like 2 in a window and
you're going to be satisfied with that
no I'm not we're conducting an
now because you're being uncooperative
for no reason you're in an empty parking
lot with closed businesses you're
refusing us to give us any kind of
information we don't know why you're
here you don't know who you are w're
able to identify you
so try to figure out what who and why
you're why you're
that doesn't explain anything to me
you're a bad
cop well you're okay that's your
opinion so can you send a picture of um
email it's
is there reason that you picked an empty
clothes part want to eat your tacos how
far away is Taco Bell oh you can see it
this is going to be better for the video
you can see Taco Bell is there a reason
that you picked this park out though are
you from here it's right next to Taco
Bell are you from here it's right next
to Taco Bell are you from here like you
could have go I'll gave you that one I
answered that one no you didn't are you
are you like you couldn't go home I'm
not going to answer any of your
okay we wait for another Super that's
that's and he's going to tell me or
she's going to tell me I'm free to go
and you guys going to feel like
idiots how you doing sir howdy what you
got going on brother I'm not going to
answer any questions you're not answer
any questions no sir okay we know you
part to close business right can I show
yeah you're familiar with this
brand no you would identify that brand
as Taco Bell okay I see yeah I see you
see the consumed Taco Bell in the bag
yeah all right we're doing some
detective work here right okay and if
you if you turn behind you mhm there's a
Taco Bell and so I drove from Taco Bell
and I and then I ate my Taco Bell okay
and I was in the process of eating my
Taco Bell when I was stopped by your
officer so am I free to go well not
right now we're trying to get your
information from you sir what's your
name and batch number it's Sergeant
bow um this is a closed business
considered Ling proud you can't be part
of a closed business if you're eating
your food or whatnot simple thing is
when they ask for identification you're
supposed to provide
it am I free to go no you got
identification on
you I'm literally not going to answer
any of your questions so am I free to go
right I'm going start
it all right you have the right remain
silent anything you say may be used as
evidence against you you have the right
to talk to an attorney and have him or
her with you now or anytime during
questioning if you cannot afford an
attorney one will be appointed to
represent you if anytime you wish to
stop talking or have an attorney present
all questioning will be stopped at your
request do you understand these
rights sir do you understand these
rights I'm going to ask you one more
time do you understand these rights I'm
not going to answer any questions with
that things get physical when this Karen
punches a security
guard she's just pinched the
drink you pay for the drink you hav't
pay for the
drink what you
what you doing you big fat C
security who you think you are you big
SEC you have a for the
drink what are you
doing there's no name for
Ling I'm talking to she's just pinched
and she's just hit baby a
baby she's hit a baby listen go [ __ ] in
there no what are you doing what you
doing don't do this grandma isn't
letting anyone mess around when it comes
to her cookies you want a cookie
yeah thank you
no what are you Ching
me it's shoot spit get H that's how it
goes in the streets baby
so that the guy with the glass is BR two
bags of food to our car I said he forgot
our drinks so he brought gave us one bag
took the second big back and only came
back with two drinks so where's the
second big of food that we
paid yeah you the
one um actually I'm not even sure cuz we
only got
I think it's two MC chickens at
least but two MC
chick are you kidding
me he just spit on me I'm not doing
this sorry the first one was a mistake
so second one yeah I will was on
purpose well I just want so service
please here nobody first one was a
I am sorry about the first one so you're
saying the second one
was well after I've already been not giv
my food
twice I got a
video okay so they complain get exactly
what they want and they still destroy
the store and assault the
employees there's no reason to spit on
anybody she was and you're
condoning no ma'am I'm 30 years old I'm
not about to
fight we got this on video we going to
call the
car I got you on
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