๐Ÿ‘€ AI vs Human: Who's Got the Better EYE CONTACT on Camera? ๐Ÿ‘€

Mark Bowden
26 Jan 202307:50

TLDRMark Bowden, an expert in human behavior and body language, discusses the importance of eye contact in communication, highlighting its role in building trust and relationships. He compares traditional methods of maintaining eye contact with the use of AI and an Nvidia graphics card for more effective virtual engagement. Bowden also introduces the concept of the 'uncanny valley,' where human-like robots or AI can elicit unease due to their near-human appearance and behavior, prompting viewers to consider the balance between technology and natural human interaction.


  • ๐Ÿ‘€ Eye contact is crucial for increasing dopamine and oxytocin levels, leading to more optimistic interactions.
  • ๐ŸŽฅ Traditional methods of maintaining eye contact involve positioning the camera at the center of the screen and using a plexigam or similar device.
  • ๐Ÿ“ Mark Bowden uses a Post-It note with a smiley face as a visual cue to maintain eye contact with the camera during presentations.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก AI technology can now assist in maintaining eye contact by visually guiding the presenter's gaze towards the camera's center, regardless of its physical location.
  • ๐Ÿ’ป To utilize AI for eye contact, an Nvidia graphics card and the Nvidia Broadcast software are required, which can be expensive but also beneficial for high-definition video capabilities.
  • ๐ŸŽฎ The mentioned Nvidia graphics card is not only useful for professional presentations but also sought after by gamers for enhancing gaming experiences.
  • ๐Ÿช™ The concept of 'uncanny valley' is introduced, a hypothesis suggesting that human-like robots or AI can initially elicit positive responses until they become too human-like, causing unease.
  • ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Effective communication relies on a balance between engaging content delivery and maintaining eye contact, which can be affected by the use of scripts and AI.
  • ๐Ÿ’ญ The decision between using old school methods or AI for eye contact depends on the individual's preference and the context of the interaction.
  • ๐Ÿš€ As AI technology advances, it is expected that the capabilities for maintaining eye contact and other interactive features will continue to improve.

Q & A

  • What is Mark Bowden's area of expertise?

    -Mark Bowden is an expert in human behavior and body language.

  • Why does Mark emphasize the importance of eye contact during interactions?

    -Mark emphasizes the importance of eye contact because it increases levels of dopamine and oxytocin, leading to more optimistic interactions and better connection with the audience.

  • How does Mark use the old school method to maintain eye contact with his audience?

    -Mark uses the old school method by positioning his camera at the center of the screen and using a plexigam to ensure he maintains eye contact with the camera, simulating direct eye contact with his audience.

  • What is the purpose of the smiley face Post-It note trick that Mark uses?

    -The smiley face Post-It note trick is used to draw Mark's attention towards the camera, helping him maintain eye contact with the audience even when he is not directly looking at the screen.

  • What is the new way Mark mentions to achieve eye contact with the camera?

    -The new way Mark mentions is using AI technology that has the capability to visually move his eyes towards the center of the camera, regardless of the camera's position, using Nvidia graphics card and its broadcast software.

  • What type of hardware is required to use the AI method for eye contact?

    -An RTX Nvidia graphics card is required to use the AI method for eye contact, as it supports the necessary graphics capabilities and the Nvidia broadcast software.

  • What is the uncanny valley, as mentioned in the script?

    -The uncanny valley is a hypothesis in the field of human-robot interaction, suggesting that as a robot's appearance and behavior become more human-like, people's emotional response becomes increasingly positive until a point where the robot's human-like mimicry elicits a sense of unease or revulsion, because the viewer cannot identify the differences between the robot and a real human.

  • How might the AI-assisted eye contact feel to the viewer?

    -The AI-assisted eye contact might feel uncanny or not perfectly human to the viewer, especially if there are slight deviations from natural human behavior, which can cause a sense of unease or discomfort.

  • What is Mark's recommendation for viewers who are interested in improving their on-camera presence?

    -Mark suggests that viewers have two options: either invest in an Nvidia graphics card and use the Nvidia broadcast app for AI-assisted eye contact or simply position their camera using the plexigam method to maintain direct eye contact with the audience.

  • What does Mark suggest is the best way to connect with the audience?

    -Mark suggests that the best way to connect with the audience might be to be competent in the content, thinking about it as it emerges in one's own mind, and trying to connect with what the audience needs and wants, even if it means having occasional flubs and stutters, as this approach might feel more human and authentic.



๐Ÿ‘€ The Art of Eye Contact: Old School vs AI

In this paragraph, Mark Bowden, an expert in human behavior and body language, discusses the importance of eye contact in communication. He shares his personal technique of maintaining eye contact with the camera by placing it at the center of his screen and using a plexigam. He also highlights the benefits of eye contact, such as increasing dopamine and oxytocin levels, which in turn makes the viewer more optimistic. Mark then introduces a new AI technology that can manipulate the viewer's gaze towards the center of the camera, regardless of the camera's position. This technology, however, requires an expensive Nvidia graphics card and the Nvidia broadcast software. He notes that while this AI method might seem uncanny and less human-like, it could be useful in situations where referencing materials on the screen is necessary.


๐Ÿ’ฌ Balancing Script Reading and Eye Contact

In the second paragraph, Mark Bowden continues his discussion on communication and eye contact by demonstrating the challenge of maintaining eye contact while reading from a script. He uses AI to switch between looking at the camera and glancing at the text, showcasing the technology's ability to assist with eye contact management. Mark then delves into the concept of the 'uncanny valley,' explaining how an almost human-like appearance or behavior can sometimes cause unease or revulsion. He uses this concept to illustrate the potential downsides of relying too heavily on AI for eye contact. Finally, Mark poses a question to the viewer about their preference between old school methods and AI-enhanced communication, leaving it to the audience to decide which approach they find more appealing.



๐Ÿ’กeye contact

Eye contact is a crucial aspect of human communication and interaction, as it allows individuals to connect non-verbally, indicating attentiveness, interest, and engagement in a conversation. In the video, Mark Bowden emphasizes the importance of maintaining eye contact with the camera to create a more optimistic and connected experience for the viewer, drawing parallels to the increase in dopamine and oxytocin levels.


Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays several important roles in the brain, including influencing the pleasure and reward system. In the context of the video, Bowden suggests that increased levels of eye contact can lead to increased dopamine levels, contributing to a more optimistic outlook and a stronger connection with the audience.


Oxytocin is a hormone and neuropeptide that is often referred to as the 'love hormone' or 'cuddle hormone' due to its role in social bonding and trust. In the video, Bowden explains that eye contact not only boosts dopamine but also oxytocin, which helps foster a sense of trust and connection between the speaker and the audience.

๐Ÿ’ก Plexigam

Plexigam is a method mentioned by Mark Bowden for maintaining eye contact with the camera during virtual presentations. It involves hanging the camera in the center of the screen, allowing the speaker to look directly at the camera as if making eye contact with the viewer. This technique helps in creating a more personal and engaging experience for the audience.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, and decision-making. In the video, Bowden discusses using AI technology to enhance eye contact by manipulating graphics to ensure that the speaker's eyes appear to be looking directly at the camera, regardless of where the camera is located.

๐Ÿ’กNvidia graphics card

An Nvidia graphics card is a high-performance hardware component used for rendering images, videos, and animations. In the video, Bowden mentions the need for an Nvidia graphics card to run the AI broadcasting software that enables the advanced eye contact feature. These graphics cards are often used in gaming and professional video editing, providing the necessary power for high-definition video streaming.

๐Ÿ’กuncanny valley

The uncanny valley is a hypothesis in the field of human-robot interaction that suggests a discomfort or revulsion humans feel when an entity, such as a robot or AI, appears almost but not exactly like a real human being. This concept is based on the idea that as the resemblance to humans increases, so does the positive emotional response, until a point is reached where the near-human appearance causes unease.

๐Ÿ’กhuman behavior

Human behavior refers to the actions and reactions of individuals in response to their environment and social interactions. In the video, Mark Bowden, as an expert in human behavior and body language, discusses the impact of eye contact on human communication and the potential effects of AI on this aspect of behavior.

๐Ÿ’กbody language

Body language is the non-verbal communication of emotions, thoughts, and intentions through physical movements, gestures, and posture. In the video, Bowden's expertise in body language is evident as he discusses the importance of eye contact as a form of non-verbal communication that can convey attentiveness, trustworthiness, and emotions.

๐Ÿ’กsocial interaction

Social interaction refers to the process by which people communicate and engage with one another, exchanging information, emotions, and behaviors. In the video, the importance of eye contact in social interaction is highlighted as it helps build trust and establish relationships, which are fundamental aspects of human connection.

๐Ÿ’กnon-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication is the process of conveying a message without the use of words, often through body language, facial expressions, and gestures. In the video, eye contact is presented as a powerful form of non-verbal communication that can indicate interest, trust, and emotional states, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the interaction.


Mark Bowden, an expert in human behavior and body language, discusses the importance of eye contact in communication.

Eye contact increases levels of dopamine and oxytocin, leading to increased optimism.

Bowden uses the old school method of camera placement and a plexigam to maintain eye contact during virtual calls and presentations.

A Post-It note with a smiley face is used as a trick to draw the speaker's eye towards the camera.

A new AI method is introduced that can make the speaker's eyes look towards the center of the camera, regardless of its actual position.

To use the AI method, an Nvidia graphics card and Nvidia broadcast software are required, which are expensive.

The AI method might create an uncanny feeling as it may not perfectly mimic human behavior.

The concept of 'uncanny valley' is introduced, a hypothesis about the emotional response to robots or AI that look and act human-like.

Bowden discusses the importance of eye contact in human communication, indicating attentiveness, interest, trustworthiness, and emotional conveyance.

A comparison is made between maintaining eye contact while reading a script and speaking naturally without a script.

The potential benefits of AI-enhanced eye contact are weighed against the value of natural, human-like communication.

Bowden suggests that despite technological advancements, there is still value in 'old school' methods of communication.

The transcript ends with Bowden posing a question to the audience about their preference for communication style: old school or AI-enhanced.