【重要】這一天來得比我們想像的都還快 - 免費新工具 Haiper AI

23 Mar 202409:18

TLDRThe video script discusses the impact of AI-generated videos on the vision-related industry, particularly focusing on the potential of AI to alter the landscape of film and television. It highlights the Hollywood strike involving AI issues and the use of AI to recreate deceased stars and reduce the need for actors. The script emphasizes the importance of understanding AI tools like SORA and provides insights on crafting effective prompts for video generation. It introduces alternative AI tools such as Haiper AI and ChatGPT, offering practical advice on embracing AI to stay competitive in the industry.


  • 🚀 AI-generated videos are significantly impacting the vision-related industry and may change the nature of work.
  • 🔍 The script discusses the potential of AI, such as SORA, in the film and television industry, emphasizing its transformative effects.
  • 💡 Hollywood's strike highlights the concerns over AI's role in replacing actors and the erosion of salaries in the entertainment industry.
  • 🤖 AI tools like SORA and Hyper AI are being developed to generate content, with varying levels of interactivity and user-friendliness.
  • 🎨 Prompts are crucial for directing AI in creating desired outputs, and understanding how to craft effective prompts is essential.
  • 📝 The structure of a prompt typically includes a topic sentence, character or theme description, background and environment, and shooting technique.
  • 📈 Examples of prompts and the resulting AI-generated content are provided to illustrate the simplicity and potential of this technology.
  • 🆓 Hyper AI is mentioned as a free tool that can generate videos, albeit with limitations on the length and frequency of generation.
  • 🌐 ChatGPT's capability to generate images is highlighted, showcasing its potential as an AI tool for content creation.
  • 🔧 The importance of learning and adapting to AI technologies is emphasized to stay relevant in the evolving job market.
  • 🌟 The video script encourages embracing AI and offers resources for learning and practicing with AI tools before they become widely accessible.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video episode?

    -The main topic of the video episode is the impact of AI-generated videos on vision-related work and how to adapt to avoid being eliminated by AI advancements.

  • What was the public's reaction to SORA based on the comments mentioned in the script?

    -The public had mixed reactions to SORA. Many comments pointed out that despite SORA not being launched, it was being praised prematurely and had noticeable flaws in its generated videos.

  • What were the two main reasons for the Hollywood Screen Actors Guild strike last year?

    -The two main reasons for the strike were issues related to salary and concerns about the use of AI technology in the film industry.

  • How is AI technology being used to reduce costs in film production?

    -AI technology is being used to recreate dead movie stars through digital replication and to generate computer-background characters, reducing the need for live actors, especially in fight scenes.

  • What was the outcome of the Hollywood actors' salary negotiations involving AI?

    -The outcome was that if actors' digital images are used, they must be paid for the same workload as they would be in real life, ensuring fair remuneration.

  • How does the script suggest the film industry can interact with AI?

    -The script suggests that film industry professionals should learn how to write effective prompts for AI, such as SORA, to generate desired video content and to understand the limitations and capabilities of AI tools.

  • What is the significance of the 'Prompt' in AI video generation?

    -A 'Prompt' is a clear instruction given to AI to generate specific content. It is crucial for guiding the AI to produce the desired output and maintaining consistency in the generated images.

  • What are some alternative AI video generation tools mentioned in the script besides SORA?

    -The script mentions Haiper AI and ChatGPT as alternative AI video generation tools, which can be used to practice prompt writing and video generation before SORA is launched.

  • How does the script describe the process of writing an effective prompt for AI video generation?

    -An effective prompt should include a topic sentence, character or theme description, background and environment details, and shooting technique. The prompt can vary in length and structure, but important information should be placed at the front.

  • What is the author's recommendation for those who are not proficient in English when using AI tools?

    -The author recommends starting to use AI tools in English, even with the help of translation services like ChatGPT, to keep up with the latest and most powerful AI developments, which are primarily in English.

  • How can the concepts and tools discussed in the script be applied to other industries?

    -The concepts and tools discussed can be applied to any industry that involves text, data analysis, or art. Professionals in these fields can learn to interact with AI and use it to enhance their work, just as film and television workers can.



🎥 Impact of AI on Vision-Related Work and SORA

This paragraph discusses the influence of AI-generated videos on vision-related industries and addresses concerns about the potential of AI to replace human labor. It highlights the significance of AI in the film and television sector, referencing the Hollywood strike over AI issues and the use of AI to recreate deceased actors or reduce the need for human performers. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding AI and its prompts, such as SORA, and suggests learning to work with AI to avoid obsolescence. The paragraph also introduces the concept of 'Prompt' as a crucial tool for communicating with AI to achieve desired outcomes.


🤖 Understanding and Utilizing AI Video Generation Tools

The second paragraph delves into the practical aspects of using AI video generation tools, including the importance of crafting effective prompts to guide AI in creating desired visual content. It introduces Haiper AI as a stable and user-friendly tool for video generation, either through text prompts or a combination of images and text. The speaker shares tips for reducing error rates in video generation and highlights the free nature of Haiper AI, albeit with limitations such as prompt submission intervals. The paragraph also touches on other AI tools like ChatGPT for image generation, encouraging early adoption and practice with these AI systems to stay ahead in the evolving landscape of vision-related work.



💡AI-generated videos

AI-generated videos refer to the use of artificial intelligence to create video content autonomously. In the context of the video, this technology is poised to significantly impact the vision-related work industry, potentially replacing human roles with AI-generated content. The discussion revolves around how AI, such as SORA and other tools, can generate videos from textual prompts, thereby altering the landscape of film and television production.


SORA is an AI product mentioned in the video that is capable of generating videos from prompts. While it is not yet launched, its existence and potential capabilities are a focal point in the discussion about the future of AI in video production. SORA represents the cutting edge of AI technology that could change the way content is created and consumed, raising concerns about the impact on professionals in the industry.


Prompts are the instructions or inputs given to AI systems to generate specific content. In the context of AI-generated videos, prompts can be textual descriptions or a combination of text and images that guide the AI in creating the desired output. Understanding and mastering the art of crafting effective prompts is crucial for leveraging AI tools like SORA and Haiper AI, as it directly affects the quality and accuracy of the generated content.

💡AI issues

AI issues refer to the challenges and concerns that arise from the integration of artificial intelligence into various industries, particularly in relation to its impact on employment, creativity, and ethical considerations. In the video, AI issues are discussed in the context of the Hollywood Screen Actors Guild strike, where the use of AI in creating digital replicas of actors and reducing the need for human performers is a point of contention.

💡Haiper AI

Haiper AI is an AI tool mentioned in the video that can generate videos from textual or image-based prompts. It is praised for its stability and ease of use, offering a platform for individuals to engage with AI in video production. Haiper AI represents the current state of AI tools available for public use, providing a glimpse into the potential of AI in content creation.


Midjourney is an AI drawing tool mentioned in the video that allows users to generate images based on textual prompts. While it is noted that Midjourney may not always follow the prompts exactly as given, it serves as an example of AI tools that are being used in the creative process, showcasing the evolving capabilities of AI in art and design.


ChatGPT is an AI language model with the ability to generate images based on textual prompts, as mentioned in the video. It is highlighted for its stronger understanding and ability to fulfill user requests more accurately compared to other AI tools like Midjourney. ChatGPT's image generation capabilities represent a significant advancement in AI's comprehension and creativity.

💡Digital replication

Digital replication in the context of the video refers to the use of AI technology to create digital copies or replicas of real-world entities, such as actors or environments. This technology can be used to recreate deceased movie stars or to generate virtual environments, which can have significant implications for the entertainment industry, including the potential to replace human performers with AI-generated characters.

💡3D body scanning

3D body scanning is a technology that captures the shape and appearance of a person or object in three dimensions. In the video, it is mentioned as a method for producers to reduce costs by potentially using AI to generate digital images of performers, which could impact the way actors are compensated and used in film and television.

💡Salary negotiations

Salary negotiations refer to the process of discussing and agreeing upon compensation for work performed. In the context of the video, this term is used to describe the Hollywood Screen Actors Guild's efforts to ensure fair pay for actors when their digital images are used in AI-generated content. The negotiations highlight the ongoing struggle to balance technological advancements with the rights and compensation of human performers.

💡AI tools

AI tools are software applications that utilize artificial intelligence to perform various tasks, such as generating content, analyzing data, or automating processes. In the video, AI tools like SORA, Haiper AI, and ChatGPT are discussed as examples of how AI is being integrated into content creation, particularly in the film and television industry.

💡Professional erosion

Professional erosion refers to the gradual decline or reduction in the need for certain professional roles or skills due to technological advancements, such as AI. In the video, this term is used to describe the potential loss of jobs or the devaluation of professional skills in the film and television industry as AI-generated content becomes more prevalent.


AI-generated videos are set to significantly impact vision-related work.

The video discusses strategies to avoid being eliminated by AI advancements.

SORA, an AI tool, is mentioned as a powerful but not yet launched example of AI in vision-related industries.

AI's role in the film and television industry has been increasing, potentially surpassing our awareness.

The Hollywood strike last year was partly due to AI issues, including the use of digital replication and computer-generated characters.

AI is being considered for cost reduction in film production, including 3D body scanning for actors.

AI's influence on actor salaries is a growing concern in the industry.

The impact of AI extends beyond actors to all industries related to text, data analysis, and art.

The concept of 'Prompt' is introduced as a critical method for interacting with AI.

Different AI tools require different prompt methods, with examples given for ChatGPT and Midjourney.

The importance of detailed and coherent prompts for achieving desired AI outputs is emphasized.

Haiper AI is recommended as a stable video generation tool that accepts both text and image prompts.

ChatGPT is praised for its strong understanding and ability to generate images based on prompts.

The video provides tips for reducing error rates in video generation, such as starting with 'Slow Motion'.

Haiper AI's complete free nature is highlighted, despite its limitations.

The video encourages embracing AI and practicing with available tools in preparation for SORA's launch.

The video suggests that learning to interact with AI in English can be beneficial, even with translation assistance.

The video concludes by encouraging viewers to start experimenting with AI tools to visualize their ideas.