How we KNOW the dates for the Old Testament!
TLDRХронология Библии поразительна, однако проблема заключается в привязке древних дат к григорианскому календарю. Видео рассказывает о важности археологических находок, таких как библиотека Ашшурбанапала в Ниневии, и как ученые использовали записи солнечного затмения для определения точных дат в ассирийской и библейской хронологиях. Особое внимание уделено первому царям 6:1 и определению даты исхода. В видео также обсуждается влияние пророка Ионы на нинивитян и возможная связь солнечного затмения с его проповедью.
- 🕰️ Библейская хронология предоставляет меры времени, но связывание с грегорианским календарем является проблемным.
- 🗺️ В Mosul были проведены раскопки, где были найдены древниеassyрийские памятники, включая дворец Ашер-банапала.
- 📚 В библиотеке Ашер-банапала обнаружено множество клинописных табличек, которые стали ключом к расшифровке ассирийской истории.
- 👤 Генри Роллисон, изучая клинописные таблички, выявил ежегодные списки, которые стали основой для хронологии Ассирии.
- 📅 Списки, известные как эпонимные списки, представляли собой хронологию Ассирии, но без связи с грегорианским календарем.
- 🏛️ В First Kings 6:1 дано упоминание о 480 годах после Исхода и сооружении храма в четвертом году царствования Соломона.
- 👑 Ученый 17 века, Джеймс Ушер, предложил свою хронологию, в которой дата Исхода была установлена на 1491 год до н.э.
- 🌟 Джордж Смит, изучая эпонимные списки, нашел упоминание солнечной эклипсы 763 года до н.э., что дало точную дату для ассирийской хронологии.
- 🔗 Связав ассирийскую и библейскую хронологию через совместное событие (поход Сакариа в Иудею), стало возможно определить более точные даты для библейских событий.
- ☀️ Солнечная эклипса 763 года до н.э., видимая в Ниневии, может быть связана с проповедью пророка Иона в Ниневии.
- 🗣️ Проповедь Иона и солнечная эклипса могут быть связаны с репентанием народа Ниневи и избавлением от наказания, как это описано в Книге Ионы.
Q & A
Какая проблема связывает древнюю хронологию Библии с грегорианским календарем?
-Проблема заключается в том, как связать даты из древних календарей с грегорианским календарем, который мы используем сегодня, особенно для дат, относящихся к периоду до Рождества Христово (BC).
Какие меры времени дает Библия?
-Библия предоставляет различные меры времени в разных частях текста, включая эпохи, годы и даже месяцы, например, в 1 Царств 6:1 упоминается 480-летний промежуток времени с выхода израильтян из Египта до начала строительства храма в Иерусалиме.
Какие события описывает путешествие в город Мосул?
-В путешествии в Мосул рассказчик описывает свои затруднения из-за конфликта, который не позволил ему войти в город два месяца назад, а также радость от того, что теперь они находятся в городе и собираются исследовать руины Ниневи.
Какие археологические находки были сделаны на кургане Куник?
-На кургане Куник были найдены остатки дворца ашербонапала, включая каменные релиефа с изображениями различных сцен, а также десятки тысяч табличек разных форм и размеров, которые были отправлены в Британский музей для изучения и перевода.
Что такое эпонимные списки и как они помогли в определении хронологии Ассирии?
-Эпонимные списки, или ламу-листы, были официальными документами, где каждый год Ассирии был назван в честь правительственного чиновника, который был надзирающим в тот год. Эти списки помогли в создании годовую хронологию Ассирии.
Как Г. Смит определил точную дату солнечного эклипса в 763 году до н.э.?
-Смит нашел табличку, на которой описан солнечный эклипс, и зная приблизительную дату и место наблюдения (Ниневе), смог с помощью астрономических данных точно определить дату солнечного эклипса 15 июня 763 года до н.э.
Как связать хронологию Ассирии с хронологией Библии?
-Для связывания двух хронологий необходим общий событие. В данном случае это поход ассирийского короля Сеннахериба в Иудею в 701 году до н.э., который упоминается и в Библии в качестве 14-го года царствования царя Езекии.
🗺️ Библейская хронология и календарная проблема
В этом параграфе рассматривается проблема связывания древней хронологии библии с современным Грегорианским календарем. Автор обсуждает значимость установления точных дат для событий Старого Завета, таких как исход из Египта, и важность их корреляции с Грегорианским календарем. Также упоминается поездка в Багдад и Мосул, где автор и его команда изучили развалины Ниневии и раскопки, проведенные Остином Генри Лардом и Хармо Россом в 1849 году.
📚 Археологические открытия в Ниневе и дешифрация клинописных табличек
Автор делится информацией о трех величайших археологических открытиях, включая библиотеку ассирского короля Ашшербанапала. Рассказчик упоминает обнаружение тысяч табличек в разной форме и размере, которые были отправлены в Британский музей для изучения и дешифровки. Также упоминается вклад академика Генри Роллисона в дешифрацию клинописных текстов и его роль в установлении хронологии ассирского периода.
🌗 Использование солнечных затмений для определения точных дат в истории
В этом параграфе автор рассматривает значимость солнечных затмений в археологии и хронологии. Рассказчик описывает процесс, как Джордж Смит, используя данные о солнечных затмениях, смог определить конкретную дату солнечного затмения 763 года до н.э., что стало ключевым для определения точных дат в ассирийской и библейской хронологиях. Также автор делится своими личными воспоминаниями о солнечном затмении, которое он наблюдал в Саудовской Аравии в 1976 году.
🔗 Связывание ассирийской и библейской хронологий
Автор объясняет, как с помощью общего события - восхода ассирийского короля Сакиб на престол в 705 году до н.э. - была установлена связь между ассирийской и библейской хронологиями. Это позволило определить более точные даты для библейских событий, включая дату Исхода, которая была пересмотрена с 1491 года до н.э. до 1446 года до н.э. на основе новых археологических данных.
🌌 Предсказание пришествия пророка Иона и солнечное затмение 763 года до н.э.
В этом параграфе автор рассматривает гипотезу о том, что солнечное затмение 763 года до н.э., видимое из Ниневии, могло сопровождать пророческую миссию Иона в Ниневию. Автор подчеркивает, что хотя библия не прямо говорит об этом событии, солнечное затмение может быть связано с вызовом к покаянию, который был направлен к народу Ниневии пророком Ионой.
🙏 Покаяние Ниневии и отклик на проповедь Иисуса
Автор сравнивает реакцию народа Ниневии на пророческую миссию Иона с реакцией жителей Иерусалима на проповедь Иисуса. Упоминается, что в отличие от жителей Ниневии, которые покаялись и были избавлены от гнева Божьего, жители Иерусалима отвергли послание Иисуса, что привело к разрушению города в 70 году н.э. Автор призывает зрителей откликнуться на истины, которые Иисус принес, чтобы получить проститу и спасение.
💡Хронономия Библии
💡Григорианский календарь
💡Древние календари
💡Эпонимные списки
💡Солнечное затмение
💡Пророк Иона
💡Изгнание из Египта
The Bible provides a chronology with measures of time, but correlating it with the Gregorian calendar is challenging.
BC dates are tied to the Gregorian calendar, but linking ancient dates to it is essential for biblical chronology.
The journey to Mosul and Nineveh, where Austin Henry Lard began excavations in 1849, is highlighted as a significant archaeological endeavor.
Harmo Rossom's discovery at the mound of Kouyunjik led to a major archaeological find in the north palace of Asher banapal.
The discovery of tens of thousands of clay tablets at Asher banapal's palace is one of the top three archaeological discoveries of all time.
Henry Rawlinson is known as the father of Assyriology for his role in deciphering cuneiform and identifying eponym lists.
Eponym lists or limmu lists provided a year-to-year chronology of Assyrian history, but they were initially not linked to the Gregorian calendar.
First Kings 6:1 offers a measure of time with 480 years between the Exodus and the building of the temple in Jerusalem.
Archbishop James Ussher estimated BC dates for the Old Testament, including the year 1012 BC as the fourth year of Solomon's reign.
George Smith's translation of the Assyrian eponym canon and the discovery of a solar eclipse provided an absolute date for Assyrian chronology.
The solar eclipse of June 15th, 763 BC, mentioned in a tablet, gave a specific date to Assyrian history and helped synchronize it with biblical chronology.
Smith's work on the Assyrian eponym canon and the synchronization with biblical chronology led to a new date for the Exodus, 1446 BC.
The 763 BC solar eclipse might have accompanied the preaching of the prophet Jonah in Nineveh, as per the book of Jonah.
The repentance of Nineveh in response to Jonah's message contrasts with the rejection of Jesus' message by Jerusalem, as mentioned in Luke 11.
The video encourages viewers to respond to Jesus' message for salvation, contrasting the outcomes of Nineveh and Jerusalem.
Support for the channel is appreciated through subscriptions, donations, and book purchases, as mentioned at the end of the video.
the Bible's chronology is amazing like
everything else about the Bible it gives
us all these measures of time throughout
a chronology the problem has been to tie
that ancient chronology to the calendar
that we use today the Gregorian calendar
BC stands for before Christ and so BC
dates are tied to the Gregorian calendar
so how do we link the dates from the
ancient calendars with the Gregorian
calendar this is is very important how
did we get BC dates for the Old
Testament so we've flown into Baghdad
and we have driven up and now we are in
the city of mosul we're quite excited
about it because it's taken two months
for us to get in here we were here 2
months ago and they wouldn't let us in
because we were Americans and they were
having um all kinds of conflict up here
but they've lifted that and so we're
back and we're very excited because now
we're in the city of mosul we're going
to make our way over and spend some time
in the ruins of
Nineveh so we are inside the ancient
walls of Nineveh and we're walking
across Nineveh as Jonah did in ancient
times but we're walking across to the
ancient mound of cunic where Austin
Henry lard started his excavations in
1849 and then after he retired then
harmo rossom took over and made a
discovery and we're going to go look at
where he made this discovery this is my
dear friend
Omar and uh these are our weapons for
the wild dogs that are around here he's
a better shot than I am we'll see all
right we are here on the North corner of
the mound of cunic and we're going to go
up on top
now this is the north Palace of Asher
paal this is the place where one of the
rarest and most impactful archaeological
discover of all time was made the
discovery of an absolute
date remember that you can support me in
this channel by hitting the Subscribe
button thanks to everyone who has
ordered a copy of my book where God came
down the archaeological evidence thanks
also for those of you who have left a
review on Amazon I greatly appreciate it
I will leave a link in the description
where you can order a copy of my book
also I'll leave a link in the
description where you can make a
donation uh any donations would be
greatly appreciated that will help in
the production of future videos so in
1853 harmo rossom was over here on the
north side of the mound of cunic with a
band of diggers and they were digging
down right in this area and they didn't
know it at the time but lining these
walls that you see here were Stone
reliefs with all kinds of scenes carved
into them and so the men were digging
down digging down and once they got deep
enough what happened was there was a
collapse of dirt that collapsed down and
all of a sudden revealed this stone
relief with a king standing there on a
chariot and they didn't know which king
this was at the time it wasn't until
much later that it was determined that
this was Asher bopal but all the men
started dancing around rossom with their
war cry and rejoicing because they had
discovered another Palace up on the
mound of cunic which ended up being the
Palace of Asher bopal so after they
realized that they were in a palace they
continued digging down deeper and deeper
and on the floors down in these rooms
they started finding literally tens of
thousands of tablets of all different
shapes and sizes and so these were
shipped back to the British Museum and
formed this huge pile of caor tablets
that needed to be studied and read and
translated it's been raining like crazy
here look at
that it's a storage
jar look at these look at these huge
Stone Pavements that are just laying
here this is
amazing this is the
location of definitely I would put it in
the top three archaeological discoveries
of all time the discovery of the library
of Asher
banipal this is the Assyrian King Asher
bonana Paul II he is the one who keeps a
library in his Palace in
Neva so all these tablets that you see
here are just a small sample of the
documents that came out of Asher bonap
paal's library at Neva as this pile of
cfor tablets from Neva began to grow in
the British museum one of the employees
there was a scholar named Henry
rollinson who is known today as the
father of aerology because of his role
in deciphering caor so he was going
through these tablets and on multiple
tablets he began to to see this
chronology of Assyrian history rollinson
wrote in a newspaper article on May 31st
1862 I am glad to be able to announce
that amid the many thousand crumbling
tablets from Nineveh and now in the
British museum there were a considerable
number of fragments bearing lists of
names and having the appearance of
official documents these official
documents that rollinson began to
identify became known as epony lists or
lamu lists and this is because each year
was named after a person the government
official that was over that
year so this is an example of what are
called the epony tablets this is an
example of a published eponym list what
appears in the column labeled eponym is
a list of names each is the name of a
single year and each year is the name of
a person who is an official over that
year the second column is the title of
the person the year is named after and
in the third column are the major events
that happened in that year emerged from
these lists was a year-to-year
chronology for a period of Assyrian
history the problem however was that
none of these years were linked to the
more modern Gregorian calendar and
therefore none of the BC dates for these
Assyrian years were known so assigning
BC dates to the biblical chronology also
was a problem and biblical chronology is
a big subject I just want to take a a
bite of it in this video I want to focus
on the chronology of a single verse in
the Bible and that verse being First
Kings 61 if we can understand how
chronology works for First Kings 61 then
we can take that understanding and apply
it out to biblical chronology for the
rest of the Bible First Kings 61 says in
the 480th year after the Israelites came
out of Egypt in the fourth year of
Solomon's Reign Over Israel in the month
of ziv the second month he began to
build the Temple of the Lord so the
whole Bible gives us these different
measures of time across the whole
biblical chronology a great example of
this is First Kings 61 which gives us a
measure of time of 480 years between
these two significant events of the
Exodus and the building of the temple in
Jerusalem we know what year year the
temple began to be built in Jerusalem it
was the fourth year of Solomon we know
what month the problem is is we don't
know what BC date is the fourth year of
King Solomon's Reign the way that they
measured time in ancient times is
different than the way that we measure
it today so how do we get a BC date for
the fourth year of King Solomon's Reign
because if we have one then all we have
to do is add 480 years and then we'll
have a BC date for The Exodus so the one
who came up with a chronology that had a
solution to this dilemma was the
Archbishop and Scholar that lived back
in the 17th century ad named James Usher
and in
1650 he published a book on his
chronology of the world so what he did
is he went way back in later history
when dates were known and correlated
with the ancient calendar and then from
those known dates he counted backwards
through time into the Old Testament
period and in this way he was able to
estimate BC dates for the Old Testament
and so he came up with the year 1012 BC
as being the fourth year of Solomon's
Reign and then since uh Solomon began to
build the temple in the 480th year
meaning 479 full years had passed he
added 479 to 1012 BC and came up with
the date of The Exodus 1491 BC this then
became the generally accepted date for
The Exodus 1491 BC and that was the case
for the next over 200 years with this
big pile and all these inscriptions and
all these tablets uh rollinson was
overwhelmed and so he hired a young man
named George Smith because George Smith
had mastered CA form and so rollinson
had identified seven of these eponym
cannons none of them were complete and
so one of the tasks that George Smith
had was to go and do a translation of
each one of these epony lists and then
draw the information from all of those
incomplete lists to make a master eponym
list that listed out year toye a
chronology for the Assyrian history
Smith would eventually publish his work
in 1875 in his book entitled the
Assyrian eponym Cannon starting on page
57 is the list of Assyrian eponyms with
the dates and events drawn up from the
seven copies of the Canon and other
sources I want to use this list to
illustrate how Smith developed it over
time so he was in the process of doing
this in
1867 he was translating the eponym Canon
number five out of these seven and he
was going through and making his
translation of it this is the Assyrian
eponym Canon 5 today labeled as k51 in
the British museum collection the name
Smith translated as asdu serab which was
later changed to burale was the name of
the Year named after the governor of
Goen and in the next column the events
that took place in that year including
that the sun was eclipsed so it was 1853
three that rossom found that tablet in
this hole and then it wasn't until 1867
that George Smith is sitting reading it
translating it in the British Museum and
he read about the solar eclipse he just
needed to know two things where was that
solar eclipse observed from Nineveh
Assyria and when just generally when
around the 8th Century BC then he could
go look at the solar eclipses that had
happened in and around the 8th Century
BC and easily find the one that would
have engulfed Nineveh in darkness and so
he found something very rare in
archaeology he found a date that was
known with certainty and that date was
June 15th 763 BC so what is a solar
eclipse and how does it give us a
specific date hey everybody this is
Barry here as you may be able to tell I
am not in the Middle East this time but
I am here in the middle of nowhere Texas
watching the April 2024 Eclipse as you
can see or well not see I guess it's
gotten a lot darker and we've almost
reached the point of totality when the
moon is completely covering the Sun so I
don't even know you probably can't even
see me right now because of how dark it
is that would be so freaky if I was just
a ancient Assyrian dude sitting around
not expecting that and then all of a
sudden goes pitch black on you you can't
see anything I can I can understand why
that would be taken as a a bad Omen that
makes sense that was crazy I will see
you guys back in a rock so why does it
matter that George Smith found a a
tablet talking about a solar eclipse
well I was just in Texas and saw the
solar eclipse and the thing is everybody
knew when it was going to be everybody
knew that it was going to be April 8th
they knew down to roughly the minute
that it was going to be depending on
where you were at so why can we predict
eclipses so accurately
well first let's talk about what an
eclipse actually is an eclipse occurs
when the moon comes between the Earth
and the
Sun and basically casts a shadow on the
earth now you can see from the Moon
orbiting the Earth that this actually
happens quite frequently about once a
month so why don't we get an eclipse
every month well from a two-dimensional
view it looks like we should but we get
the answer when we look at the third
dimension you see the moon's orbit
around the Earth is actually at a
tilt that means that the moon not only
has to be between the Sun and the Earth
but it also has to be at the right place
in its orbit
height-wise otherwise it's too
high or too low to cast a shadow on the
earth now there are a couple more
factors if you really want to get into
the details but that's roughly how
eclipses work and because we know pretty
much exactly how the moon orbits the the
Earth and how the Earth orbits the sun
we can predict pretty much down to the
second when eclipses will be not only
can we predict when it'll be but we can
also predict where it'll be on the
surface of the Earth and just like we
can look forward and predict when
eclipses are going to be we can look
backwards and tell when they were in
fact NASA has a page on their website
dedicated to future and past eclipses
and if you go to - 762 then you'll see
the one that went over
Neva the reason it's negative 762
instead of 763 BC is because they're
using astronomical years and we use
Gregorian years but it's the same
Eclipse so because George Smith knew
when roughly the eclipse happened around
the 8th Century BC and he knew where it
was seen from Nineveh he could look back
and using astronomical data pinpoint the
exact Eclipse um that was recorded in
that tablet and that was the eclipse on
June 15th 763
BC and that is incredibly significant
because that gave an absolute date to at
least part of Assyrian chronology and
ultimately biblical chronology so
because my son and I were working on
this project we had the NASA catalog of
solar eclipses and this lists out the
solar eclipses that are still to come uh
in the future all the way out to about
the year 3000 ad and the ones that have
already happened all the way back in
time to about 2000 BC so I have this
catalog and I remember that I saw a
solar eclipse when I was a kid and so to
identify this in the catalog I needed to
know where I saw it from and I I knew
that it was from Saudi Arabia that's
where I grew up my dad worked for the
oil company there and then the general
time period I knew that I had seen it at
some point in the 1970s though I didn't
know the exact year much less the month
or the day and so it was a simple
process of going back in this catalog to
the 1970s start looking at the solar
eclipses that happened in that decade
and then identifying the solar eclipse
that was observable from Saudi Arabia
and I found it easily I saw that solar
eclipse on April 29th
1976 and so it was an amazing thing for
me to find personally in my own life an
exact date that I could attach memories
to and this is exactly I realized how
George Smith did it now Smith knew the
epim year mentioning the eclipse of the
sun was 763 BC because there was a
complete list of years this one known
year meant that all the other years
could be worked out up and down the
chronology in other words the one date
led to to working out all the other
dates in this way over a span of some
244 years of Assyrian history every year
became known from about 892 through 648
BC the result was that now the BC dates
for the Assyrian chronology were now
known and so the question then was that
now that the Assyrian chronology had
been worked out with BC dates was there
any way to sink the assy chronology
together with the biblical chronology
and in order to do this you need a
shared event between those two histories
now that Smith knew that the year that
the Assyrian King sakb had ascended the
throne at Nineveh was 705 BC he
therefore also knew that four years
later when the record says sakb LED an
expedition to Palestine that this was
701 BC now keep in mind that in the
1800s when Smith was compiling and
Publishing his material ancient Judah
was known as Palestine so he translated
sakib's expedition to Judah as an
expedition to Palestine so that the
readers would know where the text was
referring to 2 Kings 1813 says in the
14th year of King hezekiah's Reign sakb
king of Assyria attacked all the
Fortified cities of Judah and captured
them so bam that was it the 14th year of
King hezekiah's reign in the Bible is
the same year as sakib's fourth year in
the Assyrian chronology so this is the
tayor prism and this gives Sak's own
account of his invasion of the kingdom
of Judah 701 BC transferred over to the
biblical chronology and in the same way
it had worked with the Assyrian
chronology by knowing the one date now
the other dates for the biblical
chronology could be worked out from that
one date now I should mention that there
is more than one shared event between
the Assyrian and biblical
chronologies uh but I am only using one
as an example so you can understand how
it works I hope to cover the others in
future videos so all you have to do is
take the 14th year of King Hezekiah his
Reign 701 BC and then the Bible gives us
how many kings ruled over Judah how many
years they reigned and so you just count
uh that number of years back to the
fourth year of Solomon when he began to
build the temple which was 966 BC and
then all you have to do is add 480 to
the 966 and then you have the biblical
date of The Exodus in 1446 BC so up to
this point the generally accepted date
for The Exodus was 1491 BC that was
overturned because of this disc
Discovery and the generally accepted
date for The Exodus became 1446 BC
now you know James Usher deserves a lot
of credit I mean it's pretty amazing
that in 1650 AD that he gave a date of
The Exodus that was within 50 years of
the actual date um hats off to James
Usher and uh but but there's a
difference between James Usher's date
which was an
estimate and this new date which is not
an estimate but it's based off of the
exact date known from a solar eclipse
and then the numbers that are given in
the Bible itself this is why it's called
the biblical date of The Exodus now here
is the question did the 763 BC total
eclipse of the Sun that engulfed Nineveh
in darkness did that eclipse accomp
the preaching of the prophet Jonah when
he was sent here by the Lord to preach
to the ninevites second Kings 14
describes jeroboam II who Reigns in
Israel for 41 years the biblical dates
for the reign of jeroboam I second are
793 through 753 BC this means that the
solar eclipse of 763 BC took place in
the latter part of his Reign this is
very interesting because Jonah is active
as a prophet during jeroboam II's Reign
verse 25 says the god of Israel spoke by
his servant Jonah the son of amiti the
Book of Jonah begins now the word of the
Lord came to Jonah the son of amiti
saying arise go to Nineveh that great
City and call out against it for their
evil has come up before me I don't
believe that it's a coincidence that we
have the total eclipse of the sun
visible from Nineveh and enging it in
darkness at the same time that we have
God call an Israelite Prophet to go to
the city of Nineveh and preach to them a
message of repentance we don't know for
certain we can't know it for sure
because the Bible doesn't say it
specifically but uh it makes a lot of
sense since we know that that eclipse
happened during the ministry of Jonah in
the Bible the darkening of the sun is a
sign of coming judgment Isaiah 13: 9-10
says see the day of the Lord is coming a
cruel day with wrath and fierce anger to
make the land desolate and destroy the
Sinners within it one of the signs of
this judgment day is the rising sun will
be darkened in Matthew 24 we see the
future fulfillment of this Prophecy with
one of the signs of the end times being
that the sun will be darkened Jonah
chapter 3 says Jonah went to Nineveh
proclaiming 40 more days and Nineveh
will be overthrown the ninevites
believed God a fast was proclaimed and
all of them from the greatest to the
least put on sackcloth when God saw what
they did and how they turned from their
evil ways he relented and did not bring
on them the destruction he had
threatened it is not unusual for a
Israelite Prophet to come with a message
of coming destruction and doom and
calling people to repentance what is
very unusual is that those people
respond to that message by repenting and
this is what the ninevites did even the
king repented and so what was it that
caused that repentance what were they
they were terrified about something was
it the actual message of Jonah or was it
something also that accompanied that
message and so when we think of the 763
BC total eclipse of the sun happening at
the same time that me that message is
being brought and it makes a lot of
sense sense Barry you were just in Texas
and you were uh you saw a solar eclipse
I mean what what do you think uh do you
think that the solar eclipse of 763 BC
accompanied the preaching of
Jonah I think that if I were an ancient
Assyrian and a dude came and told me to
repent and then all of a sudden the sun
got dark I would be pretty freaked
out makes sense doesn't it it it does
what Jesus says in Luke 11 is really
incredible because we can contrast the
city of Nineveh the Gentile city of
Nineveh at the time of Jonah with the
city of Jerusalem at the time of
Jesus uh both Jonah and Jesus are
preaching about a coming destruction of
that City and calling the people to
repent uh the nites respond to that
message repent and the city is spared uh
however the jerusalemites for the most
part reject the message of Jesus who is
preaching repent for the Kingdom of
Heaven is near and so the city is
destroyed as Jesus predicts in ad70 uh
we want to be like the ninevites we want
to respond to the message of who Jesus
is and what he has accomplished so that
our sins can be forgiven and so that we
can receive salvation instead of
Destruction so it is extremely helpful
to me and for my team if you will hit
that subscribe button and support us and
the channel also if you want to be part
of the uh production of upcoming videos
then I will leave a link in the
description where you can uh leave a
donation very helpful thank you uh also
I'll leave a link where you can order a
copy of my book where God came down the
archaeological evidence you can watch
another video here and uh thanks so much
for watching and I'll look forward to
seeing you next time
4.9 / 5 (46 votes)

Alexander Björling, DLSR7 conference

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