✅ How To 💯 Bypass Originality 3.0 Update

26 Feb 202406:29

TLDRThe speaker discusses the challenges of bypassing Originality 3.0, a new AI detection system that has been met with criticism for its instability and inaccuracies. Despite being an expert, the speaker has struggled to create content that can pass undetected. They explain different scenarios for writers, from 100% human text, which is rare, to 50% human and 100% AI texts, and suggest strategies for each. The speaker also mentions that other tools are being updated to counter Originality 3.0 and shares their own efforts in developing AI rewriting prompts.


  • 🚫 Originality 3.0 has been challenging even for experts in AI detection.
  • 🤖 The speaker, an AI detection expert, has not yet found a way to bypass Originality 3.0 successfully.
  • 📉 The difficulty in bypassing Originality 3.0 is attributed to its unstable nature, giving inconsistent results.
  • 📚 The speaker's own human-written work returned results of 40-50% human and 60% AI, indicating the system's unreliability.
  • 📈 A review update to Originality 3.0 is mentioned, but the speaker found it equally inadequate.
  • 🔄 Three scenarios are presented: 100% human text, 50% human and 50% AI text, and 100% AI text.
  • ✍️ For 50% human text, the advice is to manually or AI-assisted rewrite the non-human part to achieve higher originality scores.
  • 🔧 Tools like Stealth GPT are being used to bypass Originality, with varying degrees of success.
  • 📝 The speaker is working on custom AI rewriting prompts to improve the situation.
  • 🙏 The speaker hopes for a rollback of Originality 3.0 or at least a less sensitive version of it.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the video?

    -The main topic of discussion is the Originality 3.0 update and its impact on content creation and detection.

  • How does the speaker describe their experience with Originality 3.0?

    -The speaker describes their experience as challenging, as they haven't been able to create a prompt that would bypass Originality 3.0 and give good readability levels.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the stability of the Originality 3.0 model?

    -The speaker considers the Originality 3.0 model to be unstable, as it provides inconsistent results even with the same prompt.

  • What are the three scenarios the speaker discusses regarding the Originality 3.0 detection?

    -The three scenarios are: 1) Writing 100% human text, which the speaker doesn't do anymore; 2) Getting a 50% human detection, which is common; and 3) Getting a 100% AI detection, which is also common.

  • What does the speaker suggest doing if the Originality 3.0 detects 50% human content?

    -The speaker suggests either manually rewriting the remaining 50% or using AI to assist in rewriting it.

  • What is the speaker's current solution for dealing with 100% AI detected content?

    -The speaker uses a tool called stealth GPT with the standard engine and low to standard mode for the best readability.

  • How does the speaker evaluate the effectiveness of the stealth GPT tool?

    -The speaker evaluates the effectiveness by checking the output's originality score and its readability, as well as running it through Hemingway and Grammarly for grammar correctness.

  • What is the speaker's hope for the future of Originality 3.0?

    -The speaker hopes that Originality 3.0 will be rolled back or made less sensitive, as they believe it is not ideal in its current state.

  • Which other tools are mentioned as being worked on to bypass Originality 3.0?

    -Stealth Rider, Cognibypass, and Undetected are mentioned as being worked on for updates to bypass Originality 3.0.

  • What is the speaker's advice for those who get a 100% human result with their content?

    -The speaker advises that if someone gets a 100% human result, they are in a favorable position and should be able to proceed without issues.



🤖 Challenges with Originality 3.0

The speaker discusses the challenges of bypassing the Originality 3.0 detection system, a topic that has been widely discussed in the AI and content creation community. Despite being an AI detection expert, the speaker has been unable to create a prompt that can trick Originality 3.0 and still maintain good readability. The speaker's own tests show that even their human-written work is flagged as being 40-50% AI, which they find frustrating. They mention a radio threat code original update to v3.0 and discuss reviews with high AGI ratings, indicating that even original content is not being recognized as fully human. The speaker explains that Originality 3.0 is not stable and varies greatly in its detection results. They also discuss three scenarios for content creators: writing 100% human text, having a 50% human detection result, and having 100% AI content. The speaker shares their own experiences with these scenarios and their attempts to improve the situation, including working on custom AI rewriting prompts and testing different AI tools like stealth GPT.


📝 Strategies for Navigating Originality 3.0

The speaker continues the discussion on Originality 3.0 by providing strategies for dealing with its challenges. They mention that if a content creator writes 100% human text, they are in a fortunate position, but this is rare. For those with a 50% human detection result, the speaker suggests either manually rewriting the non-original part or using AI to assist in the process. They are currently developing custom AI rewriting prompts and testing existing tools like stealth GPT, which they find to be the most stable option at the moment. For content that is 100% AI, the speaker recommends using tools like stealth Rider, Cognibypass, and undetectable, which are working on updates to improve their effectiveness. The speaker expresses hope that Originality 3.0 will be rolled back or made less sensitive and concludes by sharing their ongoing efforts to improve the situation and their appreciation for their audience.



💡Originality 3.0

Originality 3.0 is a term used in the video to describe an update to a copyrighting detection system. This system is designed to identify and rate the originality of content, with a focus on determining the human-to-AI contribution ratio. The video discusses the challenges faced by content creators in bypassing this system to achieve high originality scores, as the update seems to be quite sensitive and inconsistent, even flagging 100% human-written content as AI-generated at times. The speaker shares their own experiences and those of others in dealing with this new version of the detection tool.


Perplexity, in the context of the video, refers to an AI model's uncertainty or complexity when trying to predict the next word in a sequence. The speaker mentions asking 'Perplexity' for advice on bypassing Originality 3.0, which resulted in receiving three of their own videos as a response. This illustrates the high level of difficulty in finding a solution to the challenges posed by the updated detection system.

💡AI detection

AI detection, as discussed in the video, pertains to the process of identifying whether content has been generated by artificial intelligence or是由人类创作的. The speaker identifies themselves as an AI detection expert and discusses the challenges of creating content that can evade detection by systems like Originality 3.0. The goal is to produce content that is perceived as fully human-written to avoid penalties or flags from copyrighting detection tools.

💡Human-written work

Human-written work refers to content that is composed entirely by humans, without the assistance of AI or other automated tools. In the context of the video, the speaker expresses frustration that their own human-written work is being incorrectly flagged as AI-generated by Originality 3.0, which is causing difficulties for content creators who aim to produce original and authentic material.

💡Radio threat code

The term 'radio threat code' is not explicitly defined in the video script, but it seems to be a metaphorical reference to the challenges and 'threats' that content creators face in the radio or broader media industry due to the implementation of AI detection systems like Originality 3.0. It suggests the need for vigilance and strategic action to protect one's work and maintain originality in the face of advanced detection mechanisms.

💡Stealth GPT

Stealth GPT is mentioned in the video as a tool or service that content creators are using to bypass the AI detection systems like Originality 3.0. It appears to be a type of AI that is designed to generate content which can evade the scrutiny of these systems, allowing for a higher originality score. The speaker shares their experience using Stealth GPT and its effectiveness in increasing the originality score of their content.

💡Bypass tool

A bypass tool, in the context of this video, refers to a software or method used to circumvent the AI detection systems such as Originality 3.0. The goal of using a bypass tool is to manipulate or rewrite content in such a way that it is no longer flagged as AI-generated, thus achieving a higher originality score. The speaker discusses using a bypass tool in conjunction with Stealth GPT to improve the originality of their content.


Readability refers to the ease with which a text can be understood by readers. In the video, the speaker mentions using modes like 'low' and 'standard' in Stealth GPT to optimize the readability of the generated content. High readability is important not only for evading AI detection systems but also for ensuring that the content is accessible and comprehensible to human readers.

💡Correctness score

A correctness score is a measure of the grammatical accuracy of a text. In the context of the video, the speaker uses tools like Grammarly to check the correctness of the content generated by Stealth GPT after bypassing Originality 3.0. Achieving a high correctness score is important to ensure that the content is not only original but also free from grammatical errors, enhancing its overall quality.


Rewrite in the video context refers to the process of revising and rephrasing a portion of the text to change its originality percentage from AI-generated to human-like. This is necessary when the content is flagged as partially or fully AI-generated by systems like Originality 3.0. The speaker discusses both manual rewriting and using AI tools to assist in this process, aiming to maintain the originality of the content while correcting the flagged sections.


In the video, 'Cog' is mentioned as one of the tools or services that are being updated to address the challenges posed by Originality 3.0. It is implied that Cog, along with Stealth GPT and other tools, is being worked on to improve its effectiveness in helping content creators bypass the AI detection system and achieve higher originality scores.


Originality 3.0 has been the talk of the week in the copyrighting detection niche.

The speaker, an AI detection expert, has not been able to create a prompt that bypasses Originality 3.0.

Originality 3.0 is considered difficult to bypass due to its instability.

The speaker's own human-written work returned results of 40-50% human and 60% AI, indicating the model's unreliability.

A review with 84% AI-gen rating and another with 94% shows the inconsistency of Originality 3.0.

The speaker has received emails about bypassing Originality 3.0 but acknowledges the difficulty.

Three scenarios are presented for dealing with Originality 3.0: 100% human, 50% human, and 100% AI.

For 50% human content, the advice is to rewrite the non-original 50% manually or with AI.

Stealth GPT is mentioned as the most stable tool currently for bypassing Originality 3.0.

The speaker is working on custom AI rewriting prompts but are not yet ready for public sharing.

Using Stealth GPT's bypass tool can result in a 96% original score on Originality 3.0.

Despite a high original score, the content generated by bypass tools may still have grammatical errors.

For content that is 50% human, rewriting the non-original part and re-using the bypass tool can achieve a near 100% original score.

The speaker expresses hope for a rollback of the Originality 3.0 update due to its inadequacies.

Other tools like Stealth Rider and Cognibypass are also working on updates to improve their bypassing capabilities.

The speaker is testing the reliability and correctness of bypass tools after their updates.

The video aims to provide helpful insights on dealing with the challenges posed by Originality 3.0.