How To Bypass Originality AI Detection 2024

2 Nov 202304:51

TLDRThe video provides a guide on how to bypass Originality AI detection. The presenter uses an AI called Claud to generate a blog post that sounds human-like, avoiding plagiarism. They follow guidelines such as using conversational language and a casual tone. The process involves pasting a specific prompt into Claud, which then generates a blog post. The presenter emphasizes that while the method aims for 100% originality, there's always a small margin of error. After generating a 987-word blog post, they attempt to pass the Originality AI test and successfully achieve a 100% originality score, effectively bypassing the AI detection.


  • 🚫 Do not attempt to bypass plagiarism detection systems as it is unethical and can have serious academic and professional consequences.
  • ✅ The video discusses methods to bypass Originality AI detection, which is a plagiarism detection tool.
  • 💡 The presenter uses an AI called Claud to generate content that sounds human-like to avoid plagiarism checks.
  • 📝 The video provides guidelines for writing, such as using conversational language and a casual tone.
  • 🔍 It is emphasized that there is always a small margin of error when attempting to bypass such systems, suggesting no method is foolproof.
  • 📝 The presenter demonstrates the process of generating a blog post using Claud and then checking it with Originality AI.
  • 📉 The video claims to achieve a 100% originality score on the AI check, which is misleading and should be taken with skepticism.
  • 💬 The importance of using varied sentence structures, word choices, and complexity is highlighted to mimic human writing.
  • 📑 The video script includes a prompt for generating a blog post, which can be customized by the user.
  • ⏱ The process of generating and checking the content takes time, as shown by the presenter waiting for the AI to finish its task.
  • 📈 The presenter mentions using a free account with credits to perform the check, indicating that there may be costs associated with using such services.
  • ❗ The video concludes by advising viewers to like and subscribe, which is a common practice for content creators to increase engagement.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is teaching viewers how to bypass the Originality AI detection system, which checks for plagiarism, AI writing, and readability.

  • What is the error margin mentioned in the video?

    -The error margin mentioned is 1% to 2%, indicating that there is no absolute guarantee of passing the Originality AI check.

  • Which AI is used in the video to generate human-like text?

    -The AI used in the video to generate human-like text is called Claud.

  • What is the purpose of using the AI Claud in the video?

    -The purpose of using Claud is to generate a blog post that sounds like it was written by a human, to help bypass the Originality AI detection.

  • What are some of the guidelines provided by Claud for writing a human-like blog post?

    -Some of the guidelines include using conversational language, a casual tone, and writing as if addressing a friend.

  • How long is the blog post generated by Claud in the video?

    -The blog post generated by Claud is 987 words long.

  • What is the topic of the blog post generated by Claud?

    -The topic of the blog post is not specified in the transcript, but it is mentioned that the topic can be changed according to the user's preference.

  • What does the video claim about the success rate of bypassing Originality AI?

    -The video claims that the method can bypass Originality AI, but acknowledges that there is no such thing as a 100% pass rate due to the 1% to 2% error margin.

  • How much does it cost to perform a scan on Originality AI using a free account?

    -The scan costs seven credits, and the user in the video is using a free account with a balance of 50 free credits.

  • What was the result of the Originality AI scan after pasting the blog post generated by Claud?

    -The result of the Originality AI scan was 100% original, indicating that the blog post successfully bypassed the detection.

  • What is the final advice given by the video presenter?

    -The final advice is to not claim absolute success in bypassing Originality AI due to the potential error margin, and to thank the viewers for watching, encouraging them to like and subscribe.

  • What is the potential ethical concern with the content of the video?

    -The potential ethical concern is that the video is teaching viewers how to deceive plagiarism detection systems, which could be misused for academic or professional dishonesty.



📝 Bypassing Originality AI with a Human-Sounding Essay

The speaker introduces the video's purpose, which is to teach viewers how to bypass checks on a website called Originality AI, specifically the plagiarism, AI, and readability checks. They acknowledge a small margin of error but aim for a high success rate. The process begins with using an AI named Claud to generate a human-sounding blog post to avoid plagiarism. The speaker provides a prompt to Claud and explains that the generated content will be used to create an essay that can pass the Originality AI checks. The speaker also shares tips for making the writing sound more human, such as using conversational language and a casual tone. Finally, the speaker demonstrates the process of using Claud to generate a 987-word blog post, which is then tested on Originality AI, resulting in a 100% originality score, successfully bypassing the check.



💡Originality AI

Originality AI is a software tool used to detect plagiarism in written works. It compares the text against a large database of content to identify similarities. In the video, the speaker aims to bypass this tool's checks to ensure a text appears original.

💡AI Check

AI Check refers to the process of using artificial intelligence to scan and analyze a piece of writing for its authenticity and originality. The video discusses methods to pass such checks without raising suspicion of plagiarism.

💡Readability Check

Readability Check is a method to evaluate how easily a text can be understood by readers. The video suggests techniques to improve the readability of a text to make it sound more human-like and less like it was generated by AI.

💡Contential Language

Contential Language, likely a misspelling of 'conversational' in the context, refers to using a more casual and natural tone in writing, as one would use when speaking to a friend. This is suggested in the video as a way to make a blog post sound more human and less like AI-generated content.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving proper credit. The video provides strategies to avoid being detected for plagiarism by Originality AI.


Claud is an AI mentioned in the video that generates human-like text based on prompts. It is used to create a blog post that sounds natural and is intended to pass the Originality AI's plagiarism check.

💡Blog Post

A blog post is an individual entry on a blog, typically consisting of commentary or news on a particular topic. In the video, the speaker uses Claud to generate a blog post that can bypass plagiarism detection.

💡Human-like Text

Human-like Text refers to written content that mimics the style and nuances of human writing. The video focuses on creating such text to deceive plagiarism detection software.

💡Error Margin

Error Margin is the range within which the results of a measurement or calculation might vary. In the context of the video, the speaker acknowledges that there might be a small percentage of error when trying to bypass Originality AI.


In the context of the video, 'scan' refers to the action of running the text through Originality AI to check for plagiarism. The speaker pastes the generated blog post into the tool and initiates a scan to test its originality.

💡Free Account

A Free Account is a type of user account that allows access to basic features of a service without charge. The video mentions using a free account with Originality AI, which comes with a certain number of free credits to perform scans.


Credits, in the context of the video, are the virtual currency used within the Originality AI platform to perform scans. The speaker mentions using credits from a free account to conduct the originality check.


The video's goal is to teach viewers how to bypass the Originality AI detection system.

There's a 1-2% error margin when trying to bypass the system completely.

Using an AI called Claud to generate content that sounds like it was written by a human.

Claud provides guidelines to avoid plagiarism and improve essay quality.

Content should use conversational language and a casual tone.

The video demonstrates how to use Claud to generate a blog post that appears human-written.

A specific prompt is given to Claud to generate a 1000-word blog post on a chosen topic.

The generated blog post is 987 words with varied sentence structure and word choices.

The video shows the process of pasting the generated content into Originality AI for a check.

The Originality AI scan costs seven credits, and the user is using a free account.

The generated content passes the Originality AI check with a 100% originality score.

The video acknowledges that there is no such thing as a 100% pass rate due to potential errors.

The method demonstrated is not guaranteed to work every time due to the AI's evolving capabilities.

The video provides a step-by-step guide to bypassing the AI detection with examples.

The user can choose any topic for the blog post, not just the one demonstrated in the video.

The final blog post is 90087 words long, indicating a potential error in the AI's output.

The video concludes by encouraging viewers to like, subscribe, and follow for more content.