Webinário IMPA Tech (2023)

Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
7 Dec 202378:45

TLDRThe Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) hosted a webinar to discuss the new undergraduate program in Mathematics of Technology and Innovation (INATEC). Directed by Marcelo Viana and featuring scientist Lucas Deb, the webinar aimed to clarify doubts about the program, its structure, and application process. INATEC, set to begin in April 2024, will offer a hands-on, technology-focused curriculum, with an emphasis on integrating students into the job market and fostering innovation. The program will be based in Rio de Janeiro's technological hub, with plans for student housing and a collaborative environment. Scholarships and partnerships with leading institutions are also in the pipeline, promising a rich educational experience for students passionate about math and its applications.


  • 📅 The Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação (IMPA) is launching a new undergraduate program called the Instituto de Matemática, Tecnologia e Inovação (INATEC), set to begin in April 2024.
  • 🏫 INATEC will be located in Rio de Janeiro, at a technological hub created by the city's government, with a focus on professional training and market insertion for talented students from all over Brazil.
  • 🎓 The program is designed for students who have completed high school, with no minimum or maximum age requirements, and is open to those who have or have not completed a previous degree.
  • 🏅 Medalists from five specific Olympiads (OBMep, OBM, OBI, OBQ, and OBF) are given special consideration in the selection process, with no limits on the year of achievement.
  • 🌐 The course is presencial (in-person) and will take place in a fully integrated manner, combining theoretical classes with practical applications, such as coding and problem-solving.
  • 🏢 INATEC will offer a residency program for students, with apartments provided by the city of Rio de Janeiro, ensuring affordable and convenient housing options.
  • 📚 The curriculum is structured to provide a solid foundation in mathematics and its applications, with a basic cycle followed by electives and specializations in the second year.
  • 🤝 INATEC envisions partnerships with both national and international institutions, aiming to provide students with opportunities for exchanges and internships.
  • 🎓 The diploma will be in Mathematics of Technology and Innovation, encompassing the four main focuses of the program: mathematics, physics, computer science, and data science.
  • 📈 The program aims to address the high demand for professionals skilled in mathematical modeling and data analysis in various industries, ensuring strong employability prospects for graduates.
  • 📌 The selection process for INATEC includes an online registration, a focus on the candidate's academic performance, and the potential for a tailored admission process for exceptional students.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the Instituto de Matemática, Tecnologia e Inovação (IMPA) webinário?

    -The main focus of the webinário is to address doubts about the IMPA's new undergraduate program in Mathematics of Technology and Innovation (INATEC), discuss its motivation, format, admission requirements, and future prospects for students.

  • What motivated the creation of the INATEC course at IMPA?

    -The creation of the INATEC course was motivated by the historical evolution of the IMPA, which has always sought new challenges. The institute was approached by the city hall of Rio de Janeiro to collaborate in the creation of an innovation center, leading to the development of a professional undergraduate course focused on training talented young individuals to solve problems and generate wealth using mathematics.

  • How is the INATEC course structured in terms of theoretical and practical components?

    -The course is structured to include approximately 3 hours of theoretical class time and 4 hours of tutoring per day. This balance ensures that students not only learn the theoretical aspects of mathematics but also have opportunities to apply their knowledge practically, such as creating mathematical programs related to the material they are learning.

  • What are the admission requirements for the INATEC course?

    -The only requirement for admission to INATEC is the completion of high school education at the time of registration. There are no age limits or restrictions for applicants who have already completed a degree. The selection process is based on the results of the National High School Examination (Enem) and other national-level exams.

  • How does the INATEC course support students in terms of accommodation and living expenses?

    -INATEC plans to provide accommodation for students in apartments that will be ceded by the city hall of Rio de Janeiro. Additionally, the institute will offer meal assistance and financial aid for other expenses such as transportation, with the overall support estimated to be worth approximately R$5,200 per month per student.

  • What are the future prospects for INATEC graduates in terms of academic and professional paths?

    -INATEC graduates have the opportunity to pursue academic paths such as postgraduate studies leading to a Master's or Doctorate degree, as the curriculum is designed to align with postgraduate offerings. Professionally, students will be well-equipped to enter the job market, especially in the technology sector, due to the practical and industry-focused training they receive during the course.

  • How does the INATEC course incorporate interdisciplinary learning and collaboration with industry?

    -The INATEC course includes a significant component of projects and challenges proposed by the industry, allowing students to work directly with companies on real-world problems. This hands-on experience fosters a multidisciplinary approach to learning and strengthens the connection between academic knowledge and its application in the professional world.

  • What is the role of the human and social sciences in the INATEC curriculum?

    -The INATEC curriculum includes seven subjects in the area of humanities to ensure a well-rounded education. This includes subjects like linguistics, writing, English, philosophy, history of science, and sociology, aiming to provide students with a broader perspective and enhance their communication and critical thinking skills.

  • How does the INATEC course address the needs of students from different regions of Brazil?

    -INATEC is designed to be open to students from all over Brazil, with a particular focus on attracting talented individuals from diverse backgrounds. The course provides accommodation and financial support to help students from different regions integrate into the program and succeed in their studies.

  • What are the plans for the INATEC course regarding international partnerships and exchanges?

    -While the details are still being finalized, the INATEC course aims to establish partnerships with top institutions, both nationally and internationally, to offer students opportunities for exchanges and collaborations that align with the program's goals of innovation and technological advancement.

  • How will the INATEC course ensure the successful integration of students into the job market?

    -The INATEC course will have an employability office dedicated to facilitating the job placement of its graduates. Given the strong focus on practical skills and industry collaboration, the course is designed to provide students with the necessary qualifications and experience to excel in the technology sector and other related fields.



🎶 Introduction and Music 🎶

The paragraph begins with a series of musical notations indicating the presence of background music. It also includes the sound of applause, suggesting an introduction to an event or speaker. There is no substantial content to summarize beyond the musical and auditory elements.


🌟 Welcome and Introductions 🌟

The second paragraph introduces Carla Russo, a communication consultant from IMPA, who expresses her excitement to host a webinar addressing doubts about the upcoming IMPC. She introduces Marcelo Viana, the general director of IMPA, and Lucas Deb, a project scientist from the Institute. Carla emphasizes the importance of the audience's contributions and instructs participants to send questions and their details for proper recognition.


📊 Motivation Behind the IMPC 📊

Marcelo Viana shares the motivation behind creating the IMPC, a graduate course in Mathematics of Technology and Innovation. He explains that the course aims to train professionals capable of using mathematics to solve problems and generate wealth. The course is a response to a challenge from Rio de Janeiro's city hall to collaborate on a graduate program, and it is designed to prepare talented young individuals for the job market.


🏫 Course Format and Admission Requirements 🏫

Lucas Deb discusses the course format, confirming that it will be a full-time, in-person program. He explains that the curriculum will include a mix of theoretical classes and practical exercises, such as coding. Marcelo Viana addresses questions about who can enroll, clarifying that the only requirement is the completion of high school, and there are no age restrictions or limits for those who have already completed a degree.


🏅 Olympiad Medalists and Transfer Students 🏅

The discussion focuses on the special consideration given to medalists from five different Olympiads in the selection process. Marcelo explains that there are no time limits on when the medals were earned. The conversation also touches on the possibility of a transfer process for students from other institutions and the use of Enem results for admission.


🎓 Program Emphasis and Double Degree Opportunities 🎓

Lucas Deb talks about the program's basic cycle, which lays the foundation in mathematics and its applications. He mentions the possibility of choosing different emphases after the first year and a half, allowing students to explore areas like data science and computation. The conversation also explores the potential for double degrees and the flexibility to switch emphases if desired.


🌐 Vision for Academic and Career Paths 🌐

Marcelo Viana and Lucas Deb discuss the vision for students who wish to pursue an academic career. They explain that the program is designed to align with master's degree offerings, particularly in mathematics, providing a strong foundation for further studies. They also discuss the potential for students to engage in industry projects, fostering connections that could lead to future employment.


🎨 Humanities and Artistic Formation 🎨

The conversation highlights the importance of humanities and artistic subjects within the curriculum. Seven such disciplines are planned, including linguistics, writing, and English, to ensure students have a well-rounded education. The aim is to form complete individuals with a scientific, technological, human, social, and artistic dimension.


🏢 Student Accommodation and Support 🏢

Marcelo Viana addresses questions about student accommodation, explaining that the Rio de Janeiro city hall will provide apartments for students. He also discusses the temporary accommodation in a hotel during the first year. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of creating a sense of community among students from diverse backgrounds and the support structures in place to facilitate their transition to living in Rio de Janeiro.


📅 Registration and Selection Process 📅

The paragraph discusses the registration process, emphasizing that it is online and does not require physical presence in Rio de Janeiro. It also outlines the selection process, mentioning the use of Enem results and the consideration of medals from five Olympiads. The selection process is expected to be finalized by December 28th, and the results will be published on January 29th.


🤝 Partnerships and International Outlook 🤝

The conversation turns to the potential for partnerships, both international and within Brazil. The aim is to establish exchanges with top institutions, particularly those with similar characteristics to the inatec. The discussion also touches on the desire to offer students opportunities for international exchange, emphasizing the program's international ambitions.


🏫 Inatec Infrastructure and Facilities 🏫

The paragraph outlines the physical infrastructure of the inatec, including a 10,000 square meter building provided by the Rio de Janeiro city hall. The IMPA will occupy half of this space, with the other half dedicated to the city's innovation center. Shared areas include an auditorium, a refectory, and an integration plaza. The inatec will also have a digital library, laboratories, and classrooms.


🎓 Diploma and Future Prospects 🎓

The discussion concludes with a focus on the diploma that students will receive upon completion of the program. The diploma will be in Mathematics of Technology and Innovation, encompassing all four emphases of the program. The conversation also touches on the high employability expected of graduates and the potential for the program to evolve and expand in the future.


🎉 Final Remarks and Closing 🎉

The webinar concludes with final remarks from Carla, Marcelo, and Lucas. They summarize the key points discussed during the session and encourage participants to review the information provided on the inatec website and social media channels. They also highlight the online nature of the registration process and the upcoming selection and admission procedures.




The Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) is a renowned research and graduate education institution in Brazil. In the video, it is highlighted as the organizer of the webinar and the creator of the new undergraduate program in technology and innovation, named INATEC.


The Instituto Nacional de Matemática e Tecnologia (INATEC) is an upcoming undergraduate program focused on mathematics, technology, and innovation. It is designed to train talented young individuals to use mathematical skills to solve problems and contribute to the development of wealth in the job market.


A webinar is an online seminar or educational session that allows participants to learn and interact from remote locations. In this context, the webinar is hosted by IMPA to address questions and clarify doubts about the INATEC program.

💡Undergraduate Program

An undergraduate program is a level of higher education that leads to a bachelor's degree. In the video, the focus is on the new undergraduate program in mathematics of technology and innovation offered by INATEC, which aims to prepare students for professional roles in the tech industry.

💡Technology and Innovation

Technology and innovation refer to the application of scientific knowledge to create new or improve existing products, services, and systems. In the context of the video, INATEC's program is designed to nurture students' skills in these areas, preparing them for careers that drive technological advancement and innovation.

💡Course Format

The course format refers to the structure and delivery method of an educational program. In the video, the course format of INATEC is discussed as being residential and full-time, with a combination of theoretical and practical components.

💡Admission Requirements

Admission requirements are the criteria or qualifications that an applicant must meet to be considered for acceptance into an educational program. In the video, the admission requirements for INATEC are outlined, including the completion of high school and potential considerations for students with disabilities.

💡Scholarships and Financial Aid

Scholarships and financial aid are forms of financial support given to students to help them pay for their education. In the video, the IMPA discusses the types of support it plans to offer INATEC students, including housing, meal plans, and financial assistance for other expenses.


The curriculum refers to the complete range of courses and subjects offered by an educational institution. In the video, the curriculum of INATEC is described as having a basic cycle that covers foundational mathematical knowledge and its interaction with technology and other fields.

💡Focus Areas

Focus areas refer to the specialized fields or subjects that a student chooses to concentrate on within a broader educational program. In the context of INATEC, students can choose from four different emphasis areas after completing the basic cycle of the program.

💡Residential Program

A residential program is an educational model where students live on or near the campus while attending classes. The video emphasizes that INATEC will be a residential program, fostering a sense of community among students from diverse backgrounds across Brazil.


Carla Russo from IMPA's communication department is excited to host the webinar to address doubts about the IMPC.

Marcelo Viana, the general director of IMPA, and Lucas Deb, a project scientist at the Institute, are present to answer questions about the new course.

The main motivation for creating the undergraduate course in Mathematics of Technology and Innovation is to train professionals capable of using mathematics to solve problems and generate wealth.

The course will be based in Rio de Janeiro at a technological hub created by the city's government, ready to receive students in 2024.

The only requirement to enroll in the INATEC is to have completed high school by the time of registration for the selective process.

The selection process for INATEC has a dedicated part for medalists of five different Olympiads, with no limits on the year the medals were awarded.

The course will be presential in Rio de Janeiro, with a focus on practical application and problem-solving through theoretical and monitory classes.

There will be a process for transferring students from other institutions and universities, with up to 100 vacancies available.

The curriculum includes a basic cycle with subjects that develop a solid understanding of mathematics and its interaction with four areas of interest.

Students will have the opportunity to specialize in one of four areas: pure mathematics, applied mathematics, physics, or computer science.

The curriculum is designed to allow students to change their focus if they discover new interests during their studies.

The INATEC will provide housing for students, with apartments being prepared by the city hall of Rio de Janeiro.

The INATEC aims to form well-rounded individuals with a complete dimension in their scientific, technological, human, and social formation.

The INATEC has an employment office to collaborate with graduates and facilitate their employability, ensuring a smooth transition into the job market.

The INATEC is open to students from all over Brazil, with a focus on attracting students passionate about mathematics and its applications.

The course begins on April 2nd, 2024, and the selection process will consider Enem results from 2021, 2022, or 2023.