🔥 The New Perplexity AI & ChatGPT Killer You Never Heard Of!

27 Mar 202416:40

TLDRIn this video, the host introduces a new tool called u.com, comparing it with perplexity and chud B for various tasks. They conduct experiments in modeling, research depth, SEO, and image generation, and also test the tools' approaches to censorship. Perplexity stands out in depth of research and SEO, while u.com excels in image generation. Both u.com and perplexity prove to be strong competitors, with each having their strengths.


  • 🚀 Introduction of u.com, a new tool for comparison with Perplexity and CH.
  • 📈 u.com offers a variety of modes including Smart Model, Genius Mode, and Create Mode.
  • 🌐 Smart Model provides real-time web results for daily tasks.
  • 💡 Genius Mode allows advanced problem-solving with file uploads and references Python scripts.
  • 🎨 Create Mode transforms ideas into unique graphics for logo and image generation.
  • 🔢 Comparison of modeling capabilities using historical Bitcoin price data.
  • 📊 u.com and Perplexity both use ARA model for predictions, but u.com's prediction was less accurate.
  • 🔍 In-depth research on the March 2024 Google spam update showed similar results from both tools.
  • 📝 One-click SEO prompt test resulted in similar SEO scores for u.com and Perplexity, but with differences in word count and internal links.
  • 🖼 Image generation test favored u.com over Perplexity, which had issues with image output.
  • 🌍 Sensitive question about the 'worst country' was handled with data and respect by Perplexity, while u.com provided a general answer.
  • 🏆 Overall, u.com is considered a strong competitor to both Perplexity and CH, with each having their strengths.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is a comparison of three AI tools: u.com, chity, and perplexity, based on various tasks such as modeling, depth of research, SEO, image generation, and handling of sensitive questions.

  • How much does u.com cost per month?

    -u.com costs $20 per month, which is the same price as perplexity.

  • What are the different modes available on u.com?

    -u.com offers several modes including Smart Model for daily tasks, Genius Mode for advanced problem-solving with file uploads, Regular LLMs with a variety of models, Research Mode for in-depth analysis, and Create Mode for generating unique graphics.

  • What was the first task the video compared among the AI tools?

    -The first task was modeling, where the video compared the AI tools' ability to predict Bitcoin prices using historical data.

  • How did u.com and perplexity perform in predicting Bitcoin prices for August 2024?

    -u.com predicted a highly inaccurate price of approximately $1.8 million, while perplexity predicted a more reasonable price of around $75,000, which was still considered inaccurate by the video creator due to the current market price being around $70,000.

  • What was the second task compared in the video?

    -The second task was the depth of research, where the AI tools were asked to generate a comprehensive report about the March 2024 Google spam update.

  • Which AI tool provided the most in-depth response about the Google spam update?

    -Perplexity provided the most in-depth response, discussing the impact on websites, recovery strategies, and the number of websites affected.

  • What was the third task in the comparison?

    -The third task was a one-click SEO prompt, where the AI tools were evaluated based on their ability to generate SEO-friendly content with a specific keyword.

  • How did the AI tools perform in the image generation test?

    -Chity performed the best in image generation, followed by u.com, while perplexity struggled to generate relevant images.

  • What was the sensitive question asked to test the AI tools' handling of censorship?

    -The sensitive question was 'Which is the worst country in the world?', and both u.com and perplexity provided balanced and informative responses without promoting any personal opinions.

  • What was the overall conclusion of the video regarding the AI tools?

    -The video concluded that u.com and perplexity are fierce competitors to chity, with each tool performing well in different areas such as modeling, research, SEO, and image generation. The choice between them depends on the specific needs of the user.



🚀 Introduction to u.com and Comparison with Perplexity

The speaker introduces u.com, a new tool discovered with the help of subscribers. The video aims to compare u.com with Perplexity, a favorite tool of the speaker. u.com offers a variety of features including a smart model for daily tasks, a genius mode for advanced problem-solving, and an uncensored model. The speaker plans to conduct experiments to evaluate the depth of research and the effectiveness of one-click SEO prompts. The comparison also includes a look at censorship capabilities, as u.com allows for less censorship.


📊 Bitcoin Price Prediction and Research Depth Comparison

The speaker conducts a test using historical Bitcoin price data to predict the price for August 2024 using both u.com and Perplexity. The results show varying predictions, with u.com suggesting an inaccurate high price and Perplexity offering a more conservative estimate. The speaker also compares the depth of research by generating reports on the March 2024 Google spam update. Both tools provide comprehensive information, but Perplexity is noted for its more in-depth analysis and focus on recovery strategies.


🔍 One-Click SEO Prompt and Image Generation Test

The speaker evaluates the SEO capabilities of u.com and Perplexity by using a one-click prompt to generate content about agility. Both tools produce articles with good SEO scores, but u.com's lack of internal links is noted. In terms of image generation, u.com fails to produce relevant images, while Perplexity manages to generate an acceptable image after a retry. The speaker also tests the censorship feature by asking which country is the worst in the world, noting that u.com provided an answer while Perplexity gave a more data-driven response.


🏆 Final Thoughts and Conclusion

The speaker concludes the comparison by summarizing the performance of u.com and Perplexity in various tests. In modeling, both tools performed well. For depth of research, Perplexity was favored, followed closely by u.com. The SEO prompt test resulted in a close call between the two, with negligible differences in scores. In image generation, u.com was outperformed by Perplexity. Regarding censorship, both tools managed to answer a sensitive question, but in different manners. The speaker expresses that u.com is a strong competitor to Perplexity and plans to conduct more tests in the future.




u.com is a tool mentioned in the video that the speaker has recently discovered and is impressed with. It is compared to other tools like Perplexity and Chud B. u.com offers various modes such as smart model, genius mode, research mode, and create mode, each designed for different tasks like daily tasks, problem-solving with advanced capabilities, in-depth analysis, and graphic design. The tool's interface and capabilities are explored throughout the video.


Perplexity is a term used in the context of language models and is also the name of a tool that the speaker frequently uses for writing articles. In the video, Perplexity is compared with u.com and Chud B in terms of modeling, depth of research, SEO, and image generation capabilities. The speaker uses different models within Perplexity, such as the Opus 3 Model and the ARA model, for various tasks.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of optimizing websites to rank higher in search engine results. In the video, the speaker tests the SEO capabilities of u.com and Perplexity by using their one-click SEO prompts to generate content and evaluate the SEO score. The focus is on how well each tool can produce content that is optimized for search engines.


Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that uses blockchain technology for secure financial transactions. In the video, the speaker uses historical Bitcoin price data to test the modeling capabilities of u.com and Perplexity, asking them to predict the price of Bitcoin in August 2024. The predictions made by the tools are then evaluated for accuracy.

💡Google Spam Update

The Google Spam Update refers to changes made by Google to its search algorithm aimed at reducing the rank of low-quality or spammy content in search results. In the video, the speaker tests the research capabilities of u.com and Perplexity by asking them to generate a comprehensive report on the March 2024 Google spam update, focusing on findings and recovery strategies for affected websites.


Censorship refers to the suppression or prohibition of speech or other public communication that is deemed politically unacceptable or harmful. In the context of the video, the speaker explores how u.com and Perplexity handle questions that could potentially be censored, comparing their responses to a sensitive question about the 'worst country in the world'.

💡Image Generation

Image Generation is the process of creating new images or visual content using artificial intelligence or other computational methods. In the video, the speaker tests the image generation capabilities of u.com and Perplexity by asking them to generate images related to specific prompts, evaluating the quality and relevance of the resulting images.


Modeling in the context of the video refers to the process of using artificial intelligence or machine learning models to make predictions or simulate scenarios based on provided data. The speaker tests the modeling capabilities of u.com and Perplexity by asking them to predict Bitcoin prices and generate reports on the Google spam update.

💡Depth of Research

Depth of research refers to the extent and thoroughness of the investigation or analysis conducted on a particular topic. In the video, the speaker evaluates the depth of research provided by u.com and Perplexity when generating reports on the Google spam update, comparing the level of detail and the number of references provided.

💡File Uploads

File uploads in the context of the video refer to the capability of certain modes within u.com to accept and process uploaded files, such as documents or data sets, to perform tasks like predictions or analysis. The smart model and genius mode of u.com allow users to upload files for more advanced and customized tasks.

💡Create Mode

Create Mode is one of the modes offered by u.com, designed for transforming ideas into unique graphics and visual content. This mode is used for tasks such as logo generation and image creation, aiming to produce visually stunning and one-of-a-kind outputs.


Introduction of u.com, a new tool for comparison with Perplexity and CH.

u.com offers a smart model with real-time web results for daily tasks.

Genius mode of u.com can solve complex problems with advanced capabilities, including fire plots.

u.com provides a vest selection of regular LLMs, including some censored models.

Research mode on u.com is designed for in-depth analysis and topic exploration with numerous references.

Create mode on u.com is used for generating unique graphics and ideas.

Comparison of modeling capabilities using historical Bitcoin price data.

u.com's prediction of Bitcoin price in August 2024 using historical data and a simple linear regression model.

Perplexity's prediction of Bitcoin price in August 2024 using the ARA model.

Evaluation of the depth of research with a focus on the March 2024 Google spam update.

Comparison of recovery strategies and content quality improvements post-Google spam update.

One-click SEO prompt test and evaluation of the generated content's SEO score.

Image generation capabilities comparison between u.com and Perplexity.

u.com's handling of a sensitive question about the 'worst country in the world'.

Perplexity's response to the sensitive question with data from the United Nations Human Development Index.

Overall assessment of u.com as a competitor to Perplexity and CH in various tasks.