Collins on Trump's statement outside court: He did say one thing that is accurate

15 Apr 202409:19

TLDRDonald Trump enters the courtroom with his legal team, calling the case against him an assault on America and politically motivated. Despite his claims, the case is led by the Manhattan District Attorney and has been indicted by a jury. This historic trial sees a former president facing criminal charges, with Trump potentially facing jail time if convicted. The challenge of jury selection in a largely Democratic city and Trump's approach to the proceedings are highlighted.


  • 🚨 Donald Trump enters the courtroom with his legal team, marking a significant moment in American legal history.
  • 💥 Trump describes the legal proceedings against him as an 'assault on America' and claims that the case is politically motivated.
  • 🎓 Legal scholars and individuals who do not support Trump also acknowledge that the case seems baseless and should not have been brought forward.
  • 🏛️ The case is not related to President Joe Biden, contrary to Trump's assertions, and was initiated by the Manhattan District Attorney.
  • 🔍 Jury selection is a critical phase of the trial, and Trump's presence itself could influence potential jurors' opinions.
  • 🧐 Trump's approach to the trial has campaign-like elements, mentioning his status as the presumptive Republican nominee for the 2024 election.
  • 📝 The former president's behavior in the courtroom, especially during jury selection, will be closely watched and could affect the trial's outcome.
  • ⚖️ This is Trump's first criminal trial, and he faces the possibility of jail time if convicted, unlike previous civil cases.
  • 👥 The jury selection process will involve hundreds of potential jurors, and the case is about Trump's alleged hush-money payments.
  • 🏛️ The trial is taking place in New York, and despite the city's predominantly Democratic leanings, the jury will be selected solely from Manhattan residents.

Q & A

  • Who is entering the courtroom accompanied by his legal team?

    -Donald Trump is entering the courtroom accompanied by his legal team.

  • What does Donald Trump describe the case against him as?

    -Donald Trump describes the case against him as an assault on America and political persecution.

  • What does Trump claim about the case that is accurate?

    -Trump claims that the case is historic, as it is a first for a former president facing criminal charges.

  • Who is the lead attorney for Donald Trump in this case?

    -Todd Blanch is the lead attorney for Donald Trump in this case.

  • What is the role of the Manhattan District Attorney in this case?

    -The Manhattan District Attorney brought the case against Trump, and a jury indicted him and agreed to proceed with the case.

  • What is unique about this criminal trial for Donald Trump?

    -This is the first criminal trial for Donald Trump, and it is the first time he faces the possibility of jail if convicted.

  • How might Trump's presence in the courtroom affect the jury selection process?

    -Trump's presence in the courtroom could affect the jury selection process as he has a significant presence and might influence potential jurors' opinions.

  • What is the significance of the jury selection process in this trial?

    -The jury selection process is significant because it will determine the impartiality of the jurors, which is crucial for a fair trial, especially given the high-profile nature of the case and the political implications.

  • What was Bill Brennan's experience with a prospective juror who had strong feelings against Trump?

    -Bill Brennan encountered a prospective juror who expressed strong negative feelings towards Trump but claimed she could put those feelings aside and be fair if instructed by the judge on the law.

  • What is the main concern for the defense during the jury selection process?

    -The main concern for the defense is to ensure a fair jury, which could be challenging given the demographics of Manhattan and the high-profile nature of the case.

  • What advice does Bill Brennan give for the defense during jury selection?

    -Bill Brennan advises the defense to take it slow, focus on each individual questionnaire, and not worry about how long it takes, as it is crucial to find a fair and impartial jury.



📢 Donald Trump's Arrival at Criminal Trial

The first paragraph describes Donald Trump's entrance into the courtroom with his legal team. Trump characterizes the case against him as an assault on America and a politically motivated persecution. He asserts that legal scholars consider the case to be nonsense and should never have been initiated. Trump also mentions his status as the presumptive Republican nominee for the 2024 election and expresses pride in being present at the trial. The paragraph also notes that this is a historic case, as it involves a former president facing criminal charges. The case was brought by the Manhattan District Attorney, and a jury has been selected to hear the case. The focus is on the political implications of the trial and Trump's approach to it from a campaign perspective.


👥 Jury Selection in Trump's Criminal Trial

The second paragraph discusses the challenges of jury selection in Trump's criminal trial, particularly given that Manhattan and its surrounding boroughs are not known for their support of Trump. The speaker, Bill Brennan, who served as an attorney on a previous Trump Organization case, shares his insights on the process. He emphasizes the importance of taking time with each potential juror and not rushing the process. Brennan also corrects a misconception about the geographical area from which the jury is selected, noting that only residents of Manhattan are eligible, not the surrounding boroughs. He recounts a personal experience with a prospective juror who expressed strong negative feelings towards Trump but was willing to set those feelings aside to serve fairly. Brennan highlights the need to be cautious of jurors who may have ulterior motives for joining the jury.



💡Donald Trump

Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States, who served from 2017 to 2021. In the context of the video, he is mentioned as being involved in a legal case, walking into the courtroom with his legal team. His presence and the case against him are central to the narrative of the video, highlighting the unprecedented nature of a former president facing criminal charges.


A courtroom is a room in which legal trials and associated legal proceedings take place. In the video, the courtroom is the setting where Donald Trump enters accompanied by his legal team, making it a significant location for the unfolding events. It is also where the jury selection for his trial will occur, underscoring its importance in the American judicial process.

💡legal team

A legal team refers to a group of lawyers who represent a client in a legal matter. In this video, Donald Trump's legal team is with him as he enters the courtroom, indicating their role in defending him against the charges brought against him. The composition and strategy of a legal team can significantly impact the outcome of a trial, which is a key focus in the discussion surrounding this case.

💡assault on America

The phrase 'assault on America' is used metaphorically in the video to describe the situation that Donald Trump believes he is facing. It implies that he views the legal proceedings against him as an attack on the country's values or institutions. This expression is used to emphasize the gravity of the situation from his perspective and to rally public opinion, as it suggests that the case against him is part of a larger struggle or conflict.

💡political persecution

Political persecution refers to the unfair treatment or oppression of an individual or group due to their political beliefs or affiliations. In the video, this term is used by Trump and others to describe the legal case against him, suggesting that it is motivated by political bias rather than legal merit. This framing is intended to question the legitimacy of the charges and to appeal to those who may share his political views or be suspicious of the opposing party's intentions.

💡Manhattan District attorney

The Manhattan District Attorney is the chief prosecutor for the borough of Manhattan in New York City. In the context of the video, the Manhattan District Attorney is the official who has brought the case against Donald Trump. This role is significant because it represents the legal authority and process that has led to the trial, and the individual serving in this position has the power to bring charges against individuals, including high-profile figures like the former president.

💡jury selection

Jury selection, also known as voir dire, is the process by which potential jurors are chosen for a trial. In the video, this is a critical component of the legal proceedings, as it involves selecting a group of individuals who will ultimately decide the outcome of the case. The process is important because it aims to ensure an impartial jury, which is fundamental to a fair trial in the American legal system.

💡criminal charges

Criminal charges refer to the accusations brought against an individual or entity for committing a crime. In the video, the mention of criminal charges highlights the seriousness of the legal case against Donald Trump, as it distinguishes this situation from civil matters. The stakes are higher in criminal cases, as they can result in penalties such as fines or imprisonment, which underscores the significance of this trial for the former president.

💡presidential nominee

A presidential nominee is a candidate chosen by a political party to run for the office of President in an election. In the video, Donald Trump is referred to as the presumptive Republican nominee for the 2024 election, indicating his expected role as the party's candidate. This mention is relevant as it provides context for Trump's potential motivations and the political implications of the trial, suggesting that his legal situation could influence his political future and the strategies of his party.


Decorum refers to the appropriate behavior or protocol in a given situation, especially in formal or official settings. In the video, the term is used to discuss Donald Trump's conduct in the courtroom, as his behavior could potentially impact the outcome of the trial. It is important because it highlights the expectations for conduct in a court of law and raises questions about how Trump's known behavior might align with or diverge from these norms.


A jury is a group of people sworn to render a verdict in a trial, based on evidence presented. In the context of the video, the jury's role is central to the legal process, as they will be tasked with determining the truth of the charges against Donald Trump. The composition and impartiality of the jury are crucial, as their decision will have significant consequences for the outcome of the case and for Trump's future.


Donald Trump enters the courtroom with his legal team.

Trump describes the case as an assault on America and claims it is politically motivated.

Legal scholars reportedly say the case is nonsense and should not have been brought.

Trump alleges that the case is a form of political persecution and has never been seen before.

Despite his claims, some acknowledge the case is historic as a former president faces criminal charges.

The case was brought by the Manhattan District Attorney, not President Joe Biden.

Trump mentions his status as the presumptive Republican nominee in the 2024 election.

This is Trump's first criminal trial, unlike previous civil cases.

Trump faces the possibility of jail time if convicted.

The jury selection process is crucial and will be closely watched.

Trump's presence in the courtroom could impact the jury selection and trial proceedings.

The trial is taking place in New York, where Trump's support may not be as strong as in other areas.

The jury will be selected from Manhattan, not the entire city or surrounding boroughs.

Judge Mershon is described as serious, smart, and courteous.

The process of selecting a fair and unbiased jury is discussed, including the challenges of doing so in a largely Democratic city.

Anecdote about a prospective juror's strong feelings against Trump and the judge's response.

Concerns about jurors with ulterior motives to settle scores with Trump.