50+ Advanced Phrases For English Conversations

6 Mar 202016:33

TLDRThis video script by Emma from mmmEnglish is a valuable resource for intermediate to advanced English learners seeking to enhance their conversational skills. It introduces fifty practical phrases for various conversational situations, such as interrupting politely, changing topics, and discussing controversial issues with finesse. The script emphasizes the importance of being prepared with conversational tools to navigate shifts in dialogue and maintain engagement. It also highlights the significance of inviting others' opinions to extend conversations and the art of agreeing and disagreeing respectfully. The video concludes with tips on gracefully ending conversations, encouraging learners to practice these tools in real-life contexts and to explore further resources like The Ladies' Project for continued improvement.


  • 🌟 Improve English conversation skills with 50 useful phrases.
  • 💡 Invite others' opinions by asking open-ended questions like 'What do you think about that?' or 'How do you feel about it?'.
  • 🤝 Politely interrupt with phrases such as 'Sorry, may I interrupt you for just a moment?' or 'Excuse me, I've got something to say'.
  • 🔄 Get back on track in conversations with 'So anyway, getting back to my story...' or 'Where were we?'.
  • 📝 Double-check understanding with phrases like 'So what you're asking is...' or 'In other words, what you're saying is...'.
  • 👍 Express agreement with 'I completely agree with you!' or 'I couldn't agree more'.
  • 🤔 Show partial agreement with 'I see what you mean but...' or 'I agree with you up to a point, however...'.
  • 🙅‍♀️ Disagree politely using 'I'm afraid I don't agree with you' or 'Respectfully, I have to disagree'.
  • 🚫 Change topics smoothly with 'That reminds me...' or 'Oh, by the way, did I tell you about this?'.
  • 💬 Introduce controversial topics with 'I know not everyone agrees with me but...' or 'It might be an unpopular opinion, but I strongly believe...'.
  • 🏁 End conversations gracefully with 'Well, I'd best be off! It's been great chatting' or 'I'll see you soon'.

Q & A

  • What is the target audience for the video?

    -The video is aimed at intermediate to advanced English learners who wish to improve their conversational skills.

  • What types of phrases and expressions will be shared in the video?

    -The video will share fifty useful phrases and expressions that are essential for various situations in English conversations, such as interrupting, changing topics, and ending conversations.

  • How can one politely ask for someone's opinion in a conversation?

    -One can politely ask for someone's opinion by saying 'What do you think about that?', 'What's your opinion?', 'How do you feel about it?', or more formally, 'I would like to hear your thoughts on that' or 'I'm interested to hear your opinion about this'.

  • What are some polite ways to interrupt someone in a conversation?

    -Some polite ways to interrupt include saying 'Sorry', 'Excuse me', 'Do you mind if I add to that?', 'Can I jump in here?', 'Sorry to interrupt but I've got something to say', or 'Sorry for interrupting, I just needed to share something with you'.

  • How can one steer a conversation back on track if it goes off topic?

    -To get the conversation back on track, one can say 'So anyway, getting back to my story..', 'As I was saying...', 'Where was I?', or 'You were talking about apples!' followed by a return to the original topic.

  • What expressions can be used to confirm understanding during a conversation?

    -To confirm understanding, one can say 'So what you're asking is...', 'So, what you want to know is...', 'Do you mean?' followed by paraphrasing what was heard, or 'In other words, what you're saying is...'.

  • How can one express agreement in an English conversation?

    -To express agreement, one can say 'Yes! Absolutely!', 'I completely agree with you', or 'I couldn't agree more' to show strong concurrence with the other person's point.

  • What are some ways to somewhat disagree with someone in a conversation?

    -To somewhat disagree, one can say 'I see what you mean but...', 'I understand your point of view but...', 'I can see where you're coming from but...', or 'I agree with you up to a point, however...'.

  • How can one change the topic in a conversation?

    -"That reminds me...", "Speaking about/or speaking of that...", "Oh, by the way, did I tell you about this?", "Oh, while I remember...", or "Before I forget, I've got something I want to say." are useful expressions to change the topic in a conversation.

  • What should one do to maintain a positive and open conversation when discussing controversial topics?

    -"When discussing controversial topics, one can say 'I know not everyone agrees with me but this is what I think', 'I know this is a contentious issue', or 'It might be an unpopular opinion, but I strongly believe...' to maintain a respectful and open dialogue.

  • How can one politely end a conversation?

    -"To politely end a conversation, one can say 'Well, I'd best be off! It's been great chatting', 'Anyway, I'd better get back to it', 'I'm so glad I ran into you. It's been great catching up', or 'I'll see you soon'.



🗣️ English Conversation Tools

This paragraph introduces the video's focus on improving English conversation skills for intermediate to advanced learners. Emma from mmmEnglish shares fifty useful phrases for various conversational situations, such as interrupting, changing topics, and ending conversations. The importance of having a range of conversational tools is emphasized to navigate shifts and changes during discussions. The video also mentions strategies for engaging in controversial topics and maintaining conversations for longer periods.


🤔 Asking for Opinions

The second paragraph discusses the strategy of asking for others' opinions to extend conversations. It provides different ways to inquire about someone's thoughts or feelings on a topic, from simple questions like 'What do you think about that?' to more polite and formal expressions. The paragraph also covers how to handle interruptions politely and introduces The Ladies' Project, an online community for women to practice English speaking skills.


🙅‍♀️ Managing Conversation Direction

This paragraph addresses how to manage the direction of a conversation, including getting back on track when the topic has strayed. It offers phrases for redirecting the conversation and checking understanding with the speaker. The paragraph also explores ways to agree and disagree politely, with a focus on expressing one's own opinions while maintaining a respectful dialogue.


🌟 Advanced Conversation Skills

The final paragraph emphasizes the importance of having advanced conversation skills, especially when discussing controversial topics. It provides strategies for introducing personal opinions that may not align with others' and maintaining a positive conversation flow. The paragraph also includes tips on changing the topic when necessary and offers expressions for politely ending a conversation. The video concludes with a reminder to practice these skills and engage with the mmmEnglish community for further learning.



💡English Conversations

The term 'English Conversations' refers to the act of communicating in English through spoken exchanges. It is the central theme of the video, which aims to improve viewers' skills in this area. The video provides specific phrases and expressions to enhance fluency and ease in such conversations.

💡Interrupting Politely

This concept refers to the socially acceptable methods of getting someone's attention during a conversation without being rude. The video teaches various phrases to achieve this, emphasizing the importance of politeness in conversational interactions.

💡Changing Topic

Changing Topic refers to the act of shifting the subject or focus of a conversation to a new area. The video provides strategies for doing this smoothly and without causing confusion or offense.

💡Agreeing and Disagreeing

This concept covers the expressions and strategies used to convey one's level of agreement or disagreement with another person's statement or opinion. The video discusses various phrases to express both agreement, such as 'I completely agree with you!', and disagreement, such as 'I'm afraid I don't agree with you on that'.


Opinions are the personal views or judgments formed about a matter, usually not requiring factual proof. The video emphasizes the importance of inviting and sharing opinions in conversations, which helps extend dialogue and maintain engagement.


Fluency in a language refers to the ability to speak or write smoothly, effortlessly, and with ease. The video aims to enhance the viewer's fluency in English by providing conversational tools and phrases that can be used in various speaking scenarios.

💡Controversial Topics

Controversial Topics are subjects that are widely debated and often lead to differing opinions and strong emotions. The video addresses the need for advanced expressions to discuss such topics without causing conflict or tension.

💡Conversation Tools

Conversation Tools refer to the phrases, expressions, and strategies that facilitate effective communication and interaction. The video provides fifty useful phrases as tools to help viewers navigate conversations more naturally and confidently.


Confidence in the context of the video refers to the self-assurance and belief in one's ability to speak English effectively and engage in conversations. The video aims to boost this by equipping viewers with practical conversational skills.

💡Listening Skills

Listening Skills are the abilities required to understand and interpret spoken language, which are crucial for effective communication. The video teaches expressions that allow listeners to confirm their understanding and respond accurately in conversations.

💡Maintaining Conversations

Maintaining Conversations involves keeping the dialogue going by using appropriate responses, questions, and comments. The video provides techniques and phrases that help viewers sustain and extend conversations, preventing them from ending abruptly.


The video is aimed at intermediate to advanced English learners who wish to enhance their conversational skills.

Emma shares fifty useful phrases for various situations in English conversations.

The importance of having a range of conversational tools to navigate shifts and changes during discussions.

Strategies for inviting others' opinions to extend conversations and make them more engaging.

Polite ways to interrupt someone in a conversation without being rude.

Informal expressions to add an idea to a conversation, such as 'Do you mind if I add to that?'.

The Ladies' Project, an online community for women to practice and improve their English speaking skills.

Tips on how to get a conversation back on track if the topic has been lost.

Ways to confirm understanding in a conversation to ensure accurate responses.

Various expressions to agree with someone in an English conversation.

Phrases to somewhat disagree while maintaining a respectful conversation.

Polite and formal ways to completely disagree in English, using 'I'm afraid I don't agree'.

The importance of being aware of body language in formal situations to avoid appearing rude when disagreeing.

Useful phrases to change the topic in a conversation smoothly.

Advanced conversation skills for discussing controversial topics without causing tension.

Simple expressions to politely end a conversation and move on.

Encouragement for learners to listen for these phrases in movies and podcasts to understand their usage in context.

Emma's invitation for learners to follow her on Instagram and Facebook, and to check out The Ladies' Project.