Advanced English Conversation Lesson

Speak English With Vanessa
17 Feb 202348:39

TLDRIn this engaging video, Vanessa introduces an authentic English conversation with David, who shares his adventurous teenage experiences. The lesson focuses on key vocabulary and expressions, including 'back then,' 'off we go,' and 'ingenious,' among others. Vanessa and her husband Dan break down these terms and demonstrate their usage in real-life contexts. The video also covers the phrasal verb 'come by,' its meanings, and its application in daily conversations. To enhance pronunciation, Vanessa guides viewers through the intricacies of American English speech, emphasizing the importance of practice and listening skills. The video concludes with an invitation to join the Fearless Fluency Club for a comprehensive learning experience and a special offer during Valentine's Day week.


  • 🌟 Vanessa introduces a conversation with David, who shares his adventurous teenage experiences.
  • 🎒 David's story begins with him living in New Jersey, being in a rock and roll band, and deciding to move to Florida with friends.
  • 🚐 David and his friends traveled to Florida in a customized Chevy van, seeking a new beginning after the band broke up.
  • 🌴 Upon reaching Florida, David reminisces about the small-town charm of Fort Lauderdale in the '70s, contrasting it with the present day.
  • 🏝 David talks about camping in an undeveloped piece of land in Key West, which was filled with mangrove swamps and woods.
  • 🏕️ To hide their camp from the police, David and his friends found a dense jungle and created a hidden spot using hibiscus bushes.
  • 🌿 The group made their camping spot inconspicuous by cutting a path with switchbacks, making it difficult for others to find their way in.
  • 🎉 Vanessa and Dan break down important vocabulary and expressions from David's story to help English learners understand and practice real-life conversations.
  • 📚 Vanessa offers a free PDF worksheet with vocabulary, definitions, sample sentences, phrasal verbs, and pronunciation points for learners to master the lesson.
  • 💡 The Fearless Fluency Club is introduced as a comprehensive course to help learners speak English confidently, with real-life scenarios and a supportive community.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the conversation between Vanessa and David?

    -The main focus of the conversation is David's adventurous teenage years, particularly his experiences traveling to Florida and living in Key West.

  • How does Vanessa introduce the concept of 'back then' and 'back in those days'?

    -Vanessa introduces 'back then' and 'back in those days' as expressions used to talk about a time in the past that is different from the present, often used when comparing past and current lifestyles or experiences.

  • What does the expression 'off we go' or 'we are off' signify?

    -The expression 'off we go' or 'we are off' is a casual way to indicate that someone is leaving somewhere, usually implying excitement or spontaneity about the upcoming event or journey.

  • How does the phrase 'and so on' function in conversation?

    -The phrase 'and so on' is used to continue a list of items or actions without having to list everything explicitly, indicating that the pattern or series continues.

  • What does 'scour' mean in the context of the conversation?

    -In the context of the conversation, 'scour' means to search thoroughly for something, often used when looking for something lost or trying to find something specific in a large area.

  • What is the meaning of 'hollow out' and how is it used in the script?

    -'Hollow out' is a phrasal verb that means to remove the inside of something to create a hollow space, used in the script to describe how David and his friends created a hidden spot in the hibiscus bush.

  • How does Vanessa describe the use of 'ingenious' in conversation?

    -Vanessa describes 'ingenious' as an adjective used to describe something that is very clever, brilliant, or smart. It is typically used for ideas or creations, rather than directly referring to a person.

  • What are the two meanings of the phrasal verb 'to come by' discussed in the script?

    -The two meanings of 'to come by' discussed are: 1) to go to someone's house, usually unexpectedly or casually, and 2) to find or acquire something, often by chance or with difficulty.

  • How does Vanessa emphasize the importance of pronunciation practice in the Fearless Fluency Club?

    -Vanessa emphasizes that pronunciation practice is crucial for speaking clearly and confidently. She encourages learners to speak out loud, repeat after her, and practice the sentences to improve their listening and speaking skills.

  • What additional resources does the Fearless Fluency Club offer to its members?

    -The Fearless Fluency Club offers MP3 versions, full subtitles, PDF transcripts for study purposes, a special story segment combining vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, and access to a community of English learners for practice and motivation.

  • How does Vanessa conclude the lesson and what does she encourage learners to do?

    -Vanessa concludes the lesson by encouraging learners to join the Fearless Fluency Club, especially during the Valentine's Day week for a discount, and to continue practicing and engaging with the English learning community.



📚 Introduction to English Conversation and Storytelling

Vanessa introduces the video by sharing her passion for storytelling and English conversation. She sets the stage for an engaging discussion with David, who will share tales from his adventurous teenage years. Vanessa emphasizes the importance of speaking about topics one is passionate about and introduces the structure of the lesson, which includes vocabulary and phrasal verb breakdowns, as well as pronunciation practice. She also promotes a free PDF worksheet and the Fearless Fluency Club, a popular course designed to help learners confidently speak real American English.


🚐 David's Journey to Florida and Early Experiences

David recounts his decision to leave New Jersey and travel to Florida with friends in a Chevy van. He explains how his experiences in Florida during the early seventies were shaped by his love for the laid-back lifestyle and the natural beauty of the region. David shares his memories of Fort Lauderdale and the changes it underwent over the years. He also describes the allure of Key West and the unique experience of camping in an undeveloped piece of land, which was protected by the EPA.


🌿 Hiding in the Florida Wilderness

David continues his story by detailing how he and his friends found a secluded spot to camp in the wilds of Key West. With the help of locals, they discovered a dense jungle where they could set up their camp hidden from plain sight. David shares the creative measures they took to camouflage their presence, including constructing a 'hibiscus bat cave' to conceal his van. The story highlights the adventurous spirit of youth and the desire to live in harmony with nature.


🎒 Vocabulary and Expression Breakdown

Vanessa and her husband Dan delve into the important vocabulary and expressions used in the conversation with David. They discuss phrases like 'back then' and 'back in those days,' explaining their usage and providing examples. The lesson covers expressions such as 'off we go' or 'we are off,' which denote a spontaneous or exciting departure. Vanessa and Dan use a combination of explanation and role-play to help learners understand and remember these expressions, aiming to enrich their English vocabulary.


🌴 David's Experiences and Lessons Learned

David's narrative concludes with his experiences of setting up camp in the Florida wilderness. He talks about the challenges and the ingenuity required to create a hidden campsite, emphasizing the camaraderie and adventure of the experience. Vanessa and Dan then provide a vocabulary lesson, focusing on expressions like 'and so on,' 'to scour,' and 'to hollow out.' They explain the meanings, provide examples, and discuss the contexts in which these expressions can be used. The lesson aims to enhance the viewers' understanding of English expressions and improve their conversational skills.


🤝 Joining the Fearless Fluency Club

Vanessa invites viewers to join the Fearless Fluency Club, a comprehensive course designed to improve English language skills. She shares testimonials from satisfied members and highlights the benefits of the course, such as access to a supportive community of learners and live-streamed lessons. Vanessa encourages viewers to take advantage of a special offer during Valentine's Day week to save on the course fee. She also shares a story about a member who found the course life-changing, emphasizing the club's focus on real-life English and practical learning techniques.




Storytelling is the act of telling stories, often to entertain, inform, or impart cultural values. In the context of the video, it is a key element as Vanessa introduces David, who is passionate about sharing his adventurous teenage years through storytelling. It is a way to connect with the audience and make learning English more engaging and relatable.

💡Conversational English

Conversational English refers to the informal and casual use of the English language in everyday dialogues. The video emphasizes learning real American English conversation through real-life stories and interactions, as opposed to formal or textbook English. It is about acquiring the skills to communicate effectively in various social situations.

💡Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs are a type of verb phrase in English that consists of a verb and a preposition or adverb that, when combined, take on a different meaning from the original verb. They are an essential part of English language learning and are often challenging for non-native speakers. In the video, one specific phrasal verb 'to come by' is discussed in detail.


Pronunciation refers to the way in which words are spoken, specifically the sounds and intonation used. Mastering pronunciation is crucial for clear and effective communication in English. The video includes a lesson on American English pronunciation, focusing on how to naturally say certain expressions and sentences.


Vocabulary encompasses the set of words known to a person or used in a particular context. In language learning, expanding one's vocabulary is essential for expressing ideas and understanding others. The video script includes a vocabulary lesson where important expressions used in the conversation with David are explained and practiced.

💡Fearless Fluency Club

The Fearless Fluency Club is a comprehensive English learning course mentioned in the video, designed to help learners gain confidence in speaking real American English. It includes lessons on vocabulary, grammar, phrasal verbs, and pronunciation, as well as access to a supportive community of English learners and additional resources.

💡Real English

Real English refers to the authentic and practical use of the English language as it is spoken by native speakers in everyday life, rather than the formal or academic English often taught in classrooms. The video emphasizes the importance of learning real English to be able to communicate effectively in various real-world situations.

💡Language Learning

Language learning is the process of acquiring new languages or improving existing language skills. It involves various aspects such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and cultural understanding. The video is centered around language learning, specifically English, and provides strategies and resources to enhance learners' language proficiency.

💡Cultural Insights

Cultural insights refer to the understanding and knowledge of the cultural context and norms associated with a language. These insights are important in language learning as they provide a deeper understanding of the language's usage and help in more effective communication. The video provides cultural insights into American English and the lifestyle of the 1970s through David's story.


Community, in the context of the video, refers to a group of individuals who share a common interest or goal, such as learning English. A supportive community can provide motivation, interaction, and opportunities for practice, which are essential for language learning. The Fearless Fluency Club is presented as a community where learners can connect and improve their English skills together.


Vanessa introduces a real English conversation with David, who shares his adventurous teenage years.

David's story begins with living in New Jersey and being in a rock and roll band in the early seventies.

David and his friends decide to go to Florida in a customized Chevy van after their band breaks up.

Fort Lauderdale had a different, magical appeal for David since his childhood visits.

David describes the significant changes in Florida since the '70s, especially in Fort Lauderdale.

The group's camping experience in an undeveloped land in Key West led to a unique hiding spot.

David and his friends created a 'hibiscus bat cave' to hide their van and tent from potential police encounters.

Vanessa and Dan break down important vocabulary and expressions used in the conversation with David.

The expression 'back then' and 'back in those days' are explained as ways to talk about the past.

The phrase 'off we go' or 'we are off' is discussed as a casual way to express leaving for an exciting or spontaneous event.

The term 'and so on' is detailed as a way to continue a list without listing everything.

The expression 'to scour' is defined as searching thoroughly or cleaning very thoroughly.

The concept of 'hollowing out' is introduced as both a physical action and a figurative feeling.

The adjective 'ingenious' is used to describe something very clever or smart, usually reserved for ideas or special individuals.

The phrasal verb 'to come by' is explained with two meanings: to visit someone casually or to find/acquire something.

Pronunciation exercises focus on the natural rhythm and linking of words in American English.

The Fearless Fluency Club is introduced as a comprehensive course to improve English speaking skills.

The course offers access to a supportive community of English learners and additional resources for practice.

Vanessa encourages learners to practice speaking out loud and engage with the content actively for better language acquisition.