50 RARELY used words as PROMPTS for Midjourney

19 Mar 202422:03

TLDRThe video presents a unique exploration of 50 rarely used words as prompts for the AI tool Midjourney version 6. The creator, 'th', selected words that are seldom encountered and tested their interpretations through the AI, aiming to generate visually striking images. Four specific prompts—'princess drawing', 'futurism', 'mechanical angel', and 'orb'—were crafted to combine elements of fantasy, sci-fi, and humor. The results varied, with some producing sculptures and others offering rare visual gems. The words were showcased in a non-alphabetical order based on the creator's preference, offering a fresh take on AI-generated art and sparking curiosity about the potential of such prompts.


  • 🌐 The video showcases how the AI, Midjourney version 6, interprets 50 rarely used words as prompts.
  • 🎨 The creator, Th, selected four specific prompts to see how the AI would generate images: 'princess drawing', 'futurism', 'mechanical angel', and 'orb'.
  • 🤖 The AI sometimes produced sculptures or statues instead of the expected sci-fi images for the 'mechanical angel' prompt.
  • 📚 The words were presented in an order based on the creator's preference rather than alphabetical or random order.
  • ✨ The video includes words that describe unique concepts, such as 'decahedron' for a polyhedron with 12 pentagonal faces.
  • 💫 Words like 'scintillating' and 'phosphines' evoke imagery of light and brilliance, influencing the AI's artistic output.
  • 🏰 'Sultio' refers to the secluded living quarters of a Sultan's wives and concubines, adding cultural elements to the AI's interpretation.
  • 🌌 The script covers a wide range of themes from celestial bodies, like in 'syzygy', to psychological states, such as 'solipsistic'.
  • 🌈 'Ombre' and 'tenebrism' are among the words that relate to art and design, potentially guiding the AI towards creating visually striking images.
  • 🌿 Nature and its patterns, exemplified by 'Marini patterns' and 'helico', are also explored through the AI's generated content.
  • 🎭 The video concludes with 'oroboros', symbolizing the cyclical nature of life and the infinite, which could inspire the AI to create images reflecting continuity and renewal.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of the video titled '50 RARELY used words as PROMPTS for Midjourney'?

    -The purpose of the video is to demonstrate how the Midjourney version 6 interprets 50 rarely used words by running these words as prompts and generating images from them.

  • What was the reason for choosing the word 'princess' as one of the prompts in the video?

    -The word 'princess' was chosen to generate some really pretty images, aiming to create aesthetically pleasing visuals.

  • Why was the word 'futurism' included in the prompts?

    -The word 'futurism' was included to add a sci-fi element to the mix of images generated by Midjourney.

  • What was the intention behind using the word 'mechanical angel' as a prompt?

    -The intention was to combine fantasy with sci-fi elements, although the result was a series of sculptures or statues.

  • What does the word 'decahedron' represent and how many faces does it have?

    -A decahedron is a polyhedron composed of 12 flat faces, each of which is a regular pentagon. It is one of the Platonic solids with congruent regular polygonal faces and the same number of faces meeting at each vertex.

  • What is the meaning of 'stratified' and how is it commonly seen in nature?

    -Stratified refers to something arranged in multiple parallel layers or strata, with one layer lying on top of another. This is commonly seen in sedimentary rocks formed from accumulated deposits over time.

  • What is the term 'phosphines' related to and what do they appear as?

    -Phosphines are luminous shapes, spots, or patterns of light that are perceived without any actual light entering the eye. They can manifest as rings, zigzags, or amorphous glowing forms perceived in the visual field when the eyes are closed or in very low light conditions.

  • What does the word 'quintessence' represent in the context of the video?

    -Quintessence represents the pure and highly concentrated essence or extract of something, capturing the intrinsic and indispensable qualities that are the most fundamental nature or most vital part of that thing.

  • What is the significance of the word 'solio' in the Ottoman Empire?

    -Solio refers to the sequestered quarters or palace in the Ottoman Empire where the wives, concubines, and female servants of a Turkish Sultan resided, isolated from the outside world in a highly structured polygamous household and court.

  • What is the meaning of 'tesselate' and how is it applied in art or design?

    -Tesselate means to arrange or layout small pieces, typically tiles or similarly shaped elements, in a repeated pattern across a surface without any gaps or spaces between them, creating a covering of interlocking shapes.

  • What does the word 'syncretism' describe and what is its cultural significance?

    -Syncretism describes the amalgamation or reconciliation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought into a new conglomerate system that incorporates select elements from each. It results from attempting to merge and unify disparate or even contradictory beliefs and practices.



📚 Exploring Rarely Used Words with Mid Journey Version 6

The video script introduces an experiment with the AI tool Mid Journey version 6, which interprets 50 seldom-used words. The creator selected words that are not commonly encountered and ran them through the AI to generate images. The process involved using four specific prompts—'princess drawing', 'futurism', 'mechanical angel', and 'orb'—with each of these words as the starting word. The results varied, with some producing sculptures or statues instead of the expected images. The creator sorted the images by personal preference and ensured that the words had not been previously prompted. The script provides a detailed explanation of each word, starting with 'decahedron', a polyhedron with 12 pentagonal faces, and 'scintillating', which describes something emitting bright, dazzling light.


🌟 Unveiling the Wonders of Obscure Words and Their Visual Interpretations

This section of the script delves into the visual and conceptual interpretations of additional rarely used words by Mid Journey AI. Words like 'stratified', which refers to layers in both geological and social contexts, and 'phosphines', the luminous perceptions without actual light, are explored. Each word is accompanied by a vivid description that attempts to capture its essence. The script continues with words like 'quintessence', the pure essence of something, and 'salio', the secluded living quarters of the Ottoman Empire's royal women. The descriptions are designed to provide a clear understanding of each term and how they might be represented visually through the AI's interpretation.


🌌 Celestial Bodies and Intricate Designs: A Lexicon of Uncommon Words

The script continues to unravel the meanings of more uncommon words, starting with 'Cy', which describes the alignment of celestial bodies, and 'scintillant', something that sparkles or twinkles. It covers a range of terms from anatomical, like 'parietal', to auditory, such as 'susur', a soft rustling sound. The word 'Goos' is introduced as an intricate spiral design, while 'apophenic' refers to the tendency to perceive patterns in random data. The segment also touches on 'apigy', the farthest point of an orbit, and 'palatinate', a territory under an imperial prince's rule, among others. Each term is explained with an emphasis on its unique characteristics and potential visual representation.


🎨 Artistic Techniques and Philosophical Concepts: A Deep Dive into Uncommon Terminology

This part of the script discusses words with artistic and philosophical connotations. 'Anamorphosis' is a technique that creates an illusion of perspective, while 'helico' describes a spiral or coiled shape. 'Solipsistic' refers to the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is certain to exist. The script also explores 'Marini patterns', made from colored glass rods, and 'aqualine', a term for a distinctively curved shape. It includes 'efflorescence', the formation of crystallized salt deposits, and 'sentinel', something that is eternal and everlasting. Each word is detailed to reflect its unique meaning and potential visual imagery when prompted in the AI.


🌿 Nature's Patterns and Mystical Concepts: A Glossary of Esoteric Terms

The script concludes with a final set of esoteric words, starting with 'tenebrism', a painting style characterized by deep shadows and dramatic lighting. 'Arabesque' is an intricate pattern common in Islamic art, while 'scito' is a decorative technique involving scratching a surface to reveal a contrasting layer. The script explains 'photax', related to the Fibonacci sequence in plant arrangements, and 'labyrinthine', describing something complex and maze-like. It also touches on 'llerrant', a term for obsessive romantic desire, and 'auroral', relating to the Northern and Southern Lights. The segment ends with 'chromatherapy', a practice using colored lights for healing, and 'eldritch', something inducing dread or cosmic horror, culminating with the 'ouroboros', a symbol of cyclicality and eternal recreation.




Midjourney refers to a specific version of a generative AI tool that is used to create images based on textual prompts. In the video, the host uses Midjourney version 6 to interpret a set of 50 rarely used words, demonstrating the AI's ability to generate images from obscure prompts. This showcases the theme of exploring creativity and the boundaries of AI-generated art.


In the context of AI art generation, prompts are the textual descriptions or words that guide the AI in creating an image. The video script discusses how the host ran these rarely used words as prompts through Midjourney to see how the AI would interpret them, emphasizing the experimental aspect of using unusual words to inspire AI-generated art.


Futurism is a movement and genre in art and literature that emphasizes themes of technology, speed, youth, and objects such as cars and airplanes. In the video, 'futurism' is one of the four prompts chosen by the host to generate images with a sci-fi theme, indicating a desire to include futuristic elements in the AI's artwork.

💡Mechanical Angel

A 'mechanical angel' combines elements of both fantasy and sci-fi, suggesting a blend of the spiritual and the technological. The host chose this prompt to explore the intersection of these two themes in the AI-generated images, although the results were more aligned with sculptures or statues, indicating the unpredictable nature of AI interpretation.


An 'orb' in the video serves as a metaphor for a remembrance to a prompt that the host had started with earlier on the channel. It also represents a running joke at Mid Journey's office hours. The orb prompt resulted in mixed outcomes, but it was chosen to stick with, showing the host's commitment to exploring various themes, even if the results are not always as expected.


A decahedron is a polyhedron with 12 flat faces, each being a regular pentagon. It is one of the five Platonic solids, which are convex polyhedra with congruent regular polygonal faces and the same number of faces meeting at each vertex. The term is used in the script to describe a geometric shape that was likely used as a prompt to generate images with Midjourney.


Stratified refers to something arranged in multiple parallel layers or strata, with one layer lying on top of another. In the video, this term is used to describe the layered structure seen in both natural formations like sedimentary rocks and in certain social structures divided into distinct hierarchical classes or groups, indicating a theme of order and organization.


Quintessence represents the pure and highly concentrated essence or extract of something, capturing its most perfect or typical embodiment. It signifies the intrinsic and indispensable qualities that are the most fundamental nature or most vital part of that thing. In the context of the video, it may suggest the AI's ability to capture the quintessence of a concept in its generated images.


Scintillating describes something that emits bright flashes or sparks of light, creating a dazzling and brilliant effect. It evokes a sense of something shimmering, twinkling, or sparkling with an almost mesmerizing quality. In the video, this term is used to describe the visual effect that the host was aiming for in some of the AI-generated images.


Syncretism is the amalgamation or reconciliation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought into a new conglomerate system. It incorporates select elements from each, resulting from attempts to merge and unify disparate or even contradictory beliefs and practices. In the video, this term could represent the blending of various concepts and themes in the AI's interpretation of the prompts.


Mid Journey version 6 interprets 50 rarely used words.

Words selected are rarely heard of or used in day-to-day basis.

Four prompts were chosen to generate images: princess drawing, futurism, mechanical angel, and orb.

Images sorted by order of preference and uniqueness.

Decahedron is a polyhedron with 12 pentagonal faces.

Scintillating describes a dazzling and radiant display.

Stratified refers to multiple parallel layers.

Phosphines are luminous shapes perceived without actual light entering the eye.

Quintessence represents the pure essence of something.

Sultans' sequestered quarters in the Ottoman Empire were called salio.

Tesselate means arranging elements in a pattern without gaps.

Kamayu is monochrome art using gradations of a single color.

Syncretism is the merging of different religions, cultures, or beliefs.

Cy is the alignment of celestial bodies in a straight line.

Scintillant describes something that sparkles and shimmers.

Parietal relates to the walls or lining of a body cavity.

Susus is a soft whispered rustling sound.

Goos is an ornamental pattern of interweaving bands.

Apophenic is the tendency to perceive patterns in unrelated phenomena.

Apigy is the farthest point of a celestial body's orbit.

Palatinate historically refers to a province under a prince's rule.

Evanescent phenomena vanish rapidly and leave no trace.

Aerosphere is the upper layer of the atmosphere with ionized particles.

Anamorphosis is an artistic technique creating perspective illusions.

Helico describes a spiral or coiled shape.

Solipsistic philosophy asserts only one's own mind is certain to exist.

Marini patterns are made from colored glass rods arranged in a bundle.

Aquiline refers to a prominent convex shape like an eagle's beak.

Alysian fields are the final resting place of the virtuous in Greek mythology.

Efflorescence is the formation of crystallized salt deposits.

Sentinal means existing or remaining forever without end.