7 Tools To 💯Pass Turnitin AI Detection

28 May 202316:59

TLDRThe video discusses various tools and techniques to pass Turnitin AI detection, emphasizing the importance of academic integrity and ethical use of information. The creator tests tools like Quill Bots, Spin Bot, and Undetectable.ai, among others, using a sample essay on climate change. The results show mixed AI scores and readability levels, highlighting the balance between bypassing detection and maintaining essay quality.


  • 🎓 The video discusses various tools that claim to help bypass Turnitin AI detection, but emphasizes the importance of academic integrity and original thought.
  • 🚫 The creator condemns cheating and plagiarism, stating that the content is for informational purposes only and should not be used to violate academic policies.
  • 🧠 The video is a response to frequent requests from viewers about how to pass Turnitin AI detection.
  • 🔍 Several tools are tested, including Changability Prompt, Quill Bots, Spinbot, Undetected.ai, Stealth Rider, Rewrite Genius, and The Playground.
  • ✍️ The original essay written on the topic of climate change receives an AI similarity score of 48% and a Hemingway readability grade of 15.
  • 📝 Changability Prompt, when tested, results in a 5% AI score and a Hemingway grade of 5, indicating a more poetic and less readable text.
  • 🤖 Quill Bot, when used in creative mode with synonyms maximized, yields a 0% AI score but a Hemingway grade of 14, suggesting a drop in readability.
  • 🔄 Spinbot, even in its basic form, also returns a 0% AI score, but the Hemingway grade drops to 16, indicating very poor readability.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ Undetected.ai is noted as the only tool in the paraphrasing realm that passes original C.dot AI, with the essay scoring 13% AI and a post-graduate readability.
  • 🚀 Rewrite Genius, with its 'bypass AI detection' feature, results in a 13% AI score and a 12th-grade readability level.
  • 🎡 The Playground tool, after adjustments, produces a 0% AI score essay with a poor readability grade of 16.
  • 📂 All essays will be uploaded to Google Drive for viewers to review and assess the readability levels themselves.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about discussing and reviewing various tools that claim to help pass Turnitin AI detection.

  • What was the的初衷 for creating the video?

    -The creator made the video in response to numerous requests about how to pass Turnitin AI detection, despite condemning cheating and valuing academic integrity.

  • What is the disclaimer provided by the content creator at the beginning of the video?

    -The content creator clarifies that the information shared is for informational purposes only, and that the techniques and methods discussed are not endorsed for use in academic or other contexts where cheating and plagiarism are prohibited.

  • How many tools did the content creator plan to review in the video?

    -The content creator planned to review seven tools in the video.

  • What was the first tool demonstrated in the video?

    -The first tool demonstrated was a paraphrasing prompt available for free on the content creator's website, tricknot.air.

  • What was the AI score of the essay generated using the first tool?

    -The AI score of the essay generated using the first tool was 48.

  • Which tool was mentioned as being able to pass original C.dot AI detection?

    -The undetectable.ai tool was mentioned as being able to pass original C.dot AI detection.

  • What was the AI score for the essay generated using the undetectable.ai tool?

    -The AI score for the essay generated using the undetectable.ai tool was 0%.

  • How did the content creator evaluate the quality of the essays generated by the tools?

    -The content creator evaluated the quality of the essays by using the Hemingway app to assess readability and grade level, and by comparing the AI scores from Turnitin.

  • What was the final verdict on the effectiveness of the tools reviewed in the video?

    -The final verdict was that all the tools, including the paraphrasing prompt, worked to some extent, with many returning a 0% AI score, though the readability varied.

  • How did the content creator conclude the video?

    -The content creator concluded the video by stating that the essay generated using the paraphrasing prompt received a grade 5 for readability, and encouraged viewers to check the essays on Google Drive to decide on the readability level.



🎥 Introduction and Background

The speaker begins by addressing the audience and expressing gratitude towards new subscribers. They reminisce about a previous video that significantly contributed to their channel's growth, which focused on tricking GBD3 detection. The speaker shares that they have received numerous requests about turning in and passing AI detection. Despite their initial condemnation of cheating during their university years and the absence of AI tools at that time, the speaker decides to explore various tools due to the frequent inquiries. They introduce a disclaimer emphasizing the importance of academic integrity and ethical use of the information shared in the video.


📝 Assessing the Original AI-Generated Essay

The speaker evaluates the original AI-generated essay using Hemingway, an online tool that assesses readability and writing quality. The essay receives a score of 48, indicating room for improvement. The Hemingway analysis reveals that the essay has poor readability and is graded at a 15th level. The speaker then discusses their plan to use different tools to enhance the essay, starting with a paraphrasing prompt from their website. They also mention that they will test the tools with only one generation each to save time and will use Hemingway to evaluate the quality of the paraphrased essays.


🛠️ Testing Paraphrasing Tools

The speaker proceeds to test various paraphrasing tools, starting with the GPD prompt, which is designed to incorporate a human-like style into the essay. They note that the prompt is effective but overly poetic. The essay produced with this prompt receives a Hemingway grade of 5, which is an improvement. Next, they use Quill Bot in creative mode, aiming for a high synonym usage to evade detection. The resulting essay has a 0% AI score but is graded 14 by Hemingway, indicating poor readability. The speaker also tests Spin Bot and achieves another 0% AI score, but the readability is even worse with a Hemingway grade of 16. They then discuss the importance of readability in academic settings, as poor paraphrasing can lead to failure regardless of AI scores.


🔍 Analyzing the Results and Conclusion

The speaker continues to test other tools, including the undetectable.ai, which claims to pass original AI checks. They also mention the importance of choosing a readability level suitable for the intended academic level. The essay processed with undetectable.ai shows a 13% AI score and a post-graduate readability level. The speaker then discusses the Stealth Rider and Rewrite Genius tools, noting that the former is limited in the free version and the latter yields a 13% AI score with a 12th-grade readability level. Finally, they test the Playground tool with specific settings and achieve a 0% AI score, although the readability is poor with a grade 16. The speaker concludes by summarizing the results, expressing surprise that their prompts worked well and that viewers can choose the tool based on their readability preference. They also mention that they will upload all essays to Google Drive for viewers to review and decide on the best approach.




Turnitin is a plagiarism detection software used by educational institutions to check the originality of student submissions. In the context of the video, it is the system that the presenter is discussing ways to bypass, although they emphasize the importance of academic integrity and discourage cheating.

💡AI Detection

AI Detection refers to the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to identify instances of plagiarism or non-original content in written work. In the video, the presenter explores various tools that claim to help in passing AI detection systems like Turnitin.

💡Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity is the commitment to maintaining honest and ethical practices in academic work, which includes avoiding plagiarism and properly citing sources. The video strongly advocates for the upholding of academic integrity and warns against the misuse of the information provided for unethical purposes.


Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work, ideas, or words as one's own without proper attribution. The video discusses the importance of avoiding plagiarism and stresses the value of original thought and proper citation in academic work.


Paraphrasing involves rewording or rephrasing a piece of text using different words while retaining the original meaning. In the video, the presenter tests various tools that aim to paraphrase content in a way that evades AI detection, although they caution against using such methods for unethical purposes.

💡Quill Bot

Quill Bot is an AI-powered writing tool that assists in rewriting and paraphrasing text. In the video, it is one of the tools tested to see if it can successfully change the original content enough to pass Turnitin's AI detection.

💡Spin Bot

Spin Bot is a content paraphrasing tool designed to alter the structure and wording of sentences to create unique content. The video examines its effectiveness in reducing AI detection scores when applied to the original essay text.


Undetected.ai is mentioned as a paraphrasing tool in the video that claims to help content pass originality checks. The presenter evaluates its performance by using it on the sample essay to see if it can achieve a zero AI detection score.

💡Stealth Rewriter

Stealth Rewriter is a rewriting tool that aims to produce content that is undetectable by plagiarism checkers. In the video, the presenter briefly discusses this tool but ultimately decides not to test it due to the limited word count of the free version.


The Playground, as mentioned in the video, is a tool that allows users to experiment with different settings to generate content that may pass AI detection. The presenter uses it with specific temperature and penalty settings to see if the output can avoid being flagged by Turnitin's AI.


Hemingway is a readability tool that assesses the clarity, simplicity, and readability of written content. In the video, the presenter uses Hemingway to evaluate the readability of the essays generated by various paraphrasing tools to understand how changes might affect the quality and understandability of the text.


The video discusses various tools to pass Turnitin AI detection, emphasizing the importance of academic integrity and originality.

The creator of the video condemns cheating but explores these tools due to frequent requests from viewers.

A disclaimer is made stating that the content is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of unethical practices.

The video begins by selecting a generic yet popular essay topic, in this case, climate change.

An initial essay is generated on Chatubility with a word count of 1500 words.

The original essay's AI score is 48%, and Hemingway rates its readability as poor with a grade of 15.

The first tool tested is a GPD prompt, which is available for free on the creator's website.

The GPD prompt significantly reduces the AI score to 13% and improves Hemingway's grade to 5.

Quill Bot is used in creative mode with synonyms maxed out, resulting in a 0% AI score and a Hemingway grade of 14.

Spinbot's basic paraphrase tool also yields a 0% AI score, but the Hemingway grade drops to 16.

Undetectable.ai is introduced as a tool that passes original C dot AI detection, focusing on readability.

The essay processed by undetectable.ai has a 13% AI score and a postgraduate readability level.

Stealth Rider is noted but not tested due to its limitation of 125 words, which is insufficient for the essay.

Rewrite Genius's 'bypass AI detection' feature is tested with mixed results, achieving an AI score of 13% and a Hemingway grade of 12.

The Playground tool is used with specific temperature and penalty settings, aiming for a balance between AI score and readability.

The Playground tool's output has a 0% AI score but is rated as poor and grade 16 by Hemingway.

In conclusion, all tools tested returned a 0% AI score, and the choice depends on the desired readability level.

The creator plans to upload all the essays to Google Drive for viewers to assess readability and make their own decisions.