A GENIUS Way to use ChatGPT for Presentations!

Jeff Su
2 Apr 202407:38

TLDRDiscover a genius method to leverage ChatGPT for creating presentations efficiently. The video demonstrates how to use a senior business analyst's perspective to craft a presentation on the gaming industry's shift towards console and PC gaming. It highlights the SCQA framework for structuring a 10-slide presentation and automates slide generation with a Google Apps Script. The tutorial also includes tips on refining the presentation's aesthetics and using AI tools like Perplexity AI for content research, ultimately streamlining the process of building persuasive presentations.


  • 🚀 Utilize ChatGPT to efficiently generate a presentation outline and automate slide creation.
  • 🎯 Define a clear goal for the presentation, such as convincing a client to adopt a new strategy.
  • 📈 Adopt the SCQA framework (Situation, Complication, Question, Answer) to structure the presentation slides.
  • 👨‍💼 Assume the role of an expert to provide a credible and authoritative outline for the presentation.
  • 💻 Integrate a Google Apps Script to automate the process of generating slides from the outline.
  • 🔍 Research data and evidence using AI tools like Perplexity AI to support the presentation points.
  • 🛠️ Customize the slides with a professional template for visual appeal and better engagement.
  • 📋 Ensure that all text strings in the code are defined as variables for flexibility and ease of use.
  • 🔗 Test the generated script in a new Google Slides presentation and grant necessary permissions.
  • 💡 Troubleshoot any errors that arise during script execution and revise the script accordingly.
  • 🎨 Apply layouts and themes to enhance the aesthetics and professionalism of the slides.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the presentation mentioned in the script?

    -The main purpose of the presentation is to convince a mobile gaming app developer to develop cross-platform games on console and PC, as the growth in the mobile market has plateaued.

  • What is the SCQA framework used by top consulting firms?

    -The SCQA framework stands for Situation, Complication, Question, and Answer. It is a method used to structure presentations in a clear and logical manner.

  • How does the script suggest using ChatGPT to improve the presentation creation process?

    -The script suggests using ChatGPT to generate a structured outline for a presentation, saving time during the initial brainstorming phase, and automating the slide generation process.

  • What is the role of the senior business analyst in this context?

    -The role of the senior business analyst is to prepare a presentation on how console and PC will be the next drivers of the gaming industry, based on their experience and expertise.

  • How does the script propose to automate the slide generation process within Google Slides?

    -The script proposes to write a Google Apps Script that, when clicked from a custom menu button within a Google Slides presentation, automatically generates the slides based on the outline and supporting details provided.

  • What is the importance of the five clarifying questions asked by ChatGPT?

    -The five clarifying questions are important to ensure that the generated outline is comprehensive and considers all relevant aspects, such as client capabilities and the competitive landscape.

  • How does the script address potential errors in the Google Apps Script?

    -The script suggests that if an error occurs, the user should copy the error message, return to ChatGPT, and provide the error details for troubleshooting and receiving a revised script.

  • What is the purpose of the Google Slides template shared in the script?

    -The Google Slides template is shared to help users improve the aesthetics of their presentations, making them more visually appealing and professional.

  • How does the script suggest populating the slides with actual content?

    -The script suggests using an AI research tool like Perplexity AI to find evidence and sources to support the points made in each slide.

  • What is the final step in the presentation creation process as described in the script?

    -The final step is to apply a chosen theme and layout to the slides, adjusting the text boxes and content as necessary to ensure a polished and cohesive presentation.



🚀 Automating Presentation Creation with AI

The paragraph introduces the process of using AI to quickly generate a structured Google Slides presentation. It begins with the user opening a blank presentation and then using an AI tool to create an outline for a presentation on the gaming industry. The user outlines the task for the AI, which is to generate a 10-slide presentation using the SCQA framework to convince a client to develop cross-platform games due to the saturation of the mobile gaming market. The AI then asks clarifying questions to ensure a comprehensive outline, saving the user time in the brainstorming phase.


🛠️ Enhancing Presentations with Custom Google Apps Script

This paragraph delves into the next step of the process, which is to automate the generation of slides using a Google Apps Script. The user is guided through writing a script that can be triggered from within Google Slides to automatically create slides based on the previously generated outline. The script is supposed to define all text strings as variables and use real functions applicable to Google Slides. The user is then instructed on how to implement the script, including granting permissions and troubleshooting potential errors. The paragraph concludes with a mention of the user's ability to customize the presentation further with a template and layout adjustments.



💡Google Slides

Google Slides is a free, web-based presentation application that is a part of the Google Workspace productivity suite. It allows users to create and edit professional-quality presentations directly in their web browsers, and it is closely integrated with other Google applications. In the video, the presenter uses Google Slides as the platform to demonstrate how to generate a presentation with structured outlines and automate the slide creation process.


ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI. It is designed to generate human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the context of the video, ChatGPT is utilized to craft a strong outline for presentations and automate the entire slide generation process, highlighting its capability to assist in content creation and saving time during the brainstorming phase.

💡SCQA Framework

The SCQA framework stands for Situation, Complication, Question, and Answer. It is a structure used to tell a story or present an argument in a clear and logical manner. In the video, the presenter outlines how to use the SCQA framework to create a compelling presentation, where the situation sets the context, the complication introduces the challenge, the question is the central issue, and the answer provides the solution or recommendation.


Cross-platform games refer to video games that are available and can be played across multiple platforms, such as consoles, PCs, and mobile devices. In the video, the main goal of the presentation is to convince a mobile gaming app developer to develop cross-platform games, as the growth in the mobile market has plateaued and there is potential for expansion in the console and PC gaming sectors.

💡Gaming industry

The gaming industry encompasses the development, marketing, and sale of video games. It includes a wide range of platforms, from mobile games to console and PC games. The video discusses the potential for growth in the console and PC gaming sectors as the mobile gaming market becomes saturated, positioning these areas as the next drivers of industry growth.

💡Mobile market saturation

Mobile market saturation refers to a state where the growth in the mobile gaming sector has slowed down due to a high level of penetration and limited room for further expansion. In the video, this concept is used to argue that there is a need for gaming app developers to shift their focus to other platforms, such as consoles and PCs, to continue experiencing growth.

💡Google Apps Script

Google Apps Script is a scripting language based on JavaScript that is used to automate tasks across Google Workspace applications. In the video, the presenter discusses the task of writing a Google Apps Script to automate the generation of slides within a Google Slides presentation, demonstrating how it can streamline and enhance the presentation creation process.

💡Custom menu button

A custom menu button refers to a user-created button that can be added to a Google Slides presentation to perform specific actions or macros. In the context of the video, the presenter guides the audience on how to create such a button that, when clicked, triggers the automatic generation of slides based on a pre-defined outline and structure.

💡Workspace Toolkit

The Workspace Toolkit is a collection of resources and templates designed to enhance productivity and improve the quality of work in Google Workspace applications. In the video, the presenter mentions a free Workspace Toolkit that includes a slide template, which can be used to improve the aesthetics and layout of a presentation.

💡Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI is an AI research tool that helps users find evidence and information to support their arguments or theses. In the video, it is suggested as a tool to populate the slides with actual content by providing evidence of market saturation and increasing competition in the mobile gaming sector, thus strengthening the presentation's说服力.

💡Presentation outline

A presentation outline is a structured plan that organizes the main points and supporting details of a presentation. It serves as a guide for the presenter to ensure that the message is delivered in a logical and coherent manner. In the video, the presenter emphasizes the importance of creating a structured outline using the SCQA framework to effectively convey the argument that console and PC gaming will be the next growth areas for the industry.


The video introduces a method to efficiently create presentations using Google Slides and an AI tool.

The presenter has no technical background and is using a blank Google Slides presentation without add-ons or plugins.

An entire presentation with an action-oriented title for each slide and supporting details is created quickly.

The method involves using an AI tool named ChatGPT to craft a strong outline for any presentation topic.

The SCQA (Situation, Complication, Question, Answer) framework is used to structure the presentation slides.

The AI is prompted with a scenario where the presenter is a senior business analyst preparing a presentation on the gaming industry.

The goal is to convince a client, a mobile gaming app developer, to develop cross-platform games due to the plateauing of mobile market growth.

ChatGPT generates a structured outline for a 10-slide presentation with specific, action-oriented titles and three supporting bullet points per slide.

The presenter asks ChatGPT five questions to improve the response before generating the outline.

A Google Apps Script is requested to automate the slide generation process within Google Slides.

The script should define all text strings as variables and use real Google Slides functions without including placeholders.

The video demonstrates how to fix errors encountered when executing the Google Apps Script.

A custom menu button is added to Google Slides to trigger the automatic generation of slides.

The presenter uses a free slide template to improve the aesthetics of the generated presentation.

The Workspace Toolkit is mentioned as a resource for more presentation templates.

Perplexity AI is recommended as a tool for researching and populating content into the slides.

The video concludes by encouraging viewers to try the method themselves and explore other presentation styles.