The CORRECT way to use Google Gemini - Updated for 2024!

Jeff Su
23 Jan 202409:57

TLDRThe video script offers a comprehensive guide on utilizing Google Bard's features to enhance productivity. It covers setting preferences for a better user experience, using the '@' shortcut for commands related to Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, and YouTube. The video highlights Bard's ability to search emails, analyze documents, and extract information from images and videos efficiently. It also discusses workarounds for handling PDFs and emphasizes the user-friendly aspects of Bard, such as default prompt structures, response modification, voice interaction, and content sharing. The tutorial aims to help users maximize their use of Google Bard for various tasks, from simplifying email management to distilling insights from complex data.


  • 🔧 To optimize Google Bard settings, enable Dark theme and Real-time response for improved user experience.
  • 🔍 For Gmail, use the @ shortcut followed by 'gmail email' and specific search terms to find relevant emails efficiently.
  • 🛫 Utilize Bard to locate flight confirmation emails by searching for terms like 'Flight confirmation emails from this year'.
  • 📚 In Google Drive, employ vague search queries such as 'documents related to SAT prep' to retrieve specific files, like PDFs, easily.
  • 📄 With Google Docs, use the '@ Google Docs' command followed by the document name and specific actions to analyze and summarize content.
  • ⏱️ Include time frames in your prompts for Google Docs to have Bard consider the most recent version of a document when providing information.
  • 🖼️ Use the image upload feature in Bard to distill important information from complex visuals and gain key insights from a senior business analyst's perspective.
  • 🖼️ Convert non-editable table data from PDFs into editable Google Sheets by pasting a screenshot into Bard and requesting a table format.
  • 🌐 For PDF analysis, either use an online hosted PDF link or upload the PDF to Google Drive and use the '@ Google Drive' command to extract information.
  • 🎥 Leverage YouTube integration in Bard to analyze video content, identify target audiences, and extract user insights for better content understanding.
  • 📈 Utilize default prompt structures provided by Google Bard to improve your own prompting skills and create more effective interactions.

Q & A

  • What is the first step to correctly use Google Bard?

    -The first step is to ensure the right settings are enabled by clicking on the gear icon and enabling the Dark theme and real-time response.

  • Why is it important to enable Google Workspace and YouTube extensions when using a personal Google account with Google Bard?

    -Enabling these extensions allows Google Bard to interact with Gmail, Google Drive, and YouTube directly, providing quicker and more efficient responses to user queries related to these services.

  • How does Google Bard improve email searching in Gmail?

    -Google Bard can understand specific search contexts and provide more accurate results. For example, when searching for emails related to 'Spotify earnings', Bard will filter out irrelevant results better than a manual search with operators.

  • What is a practical example of how Google Bard can assist with finding confirmation emails?

    -Google Bard can quickly find all flight confirmation emails from a specific year without the need for labels or filtering through unrelated results, which would be time-consuming in Gmail.

  • How does Google Bard handle searching for documents in Google Drive?

    -Bard can understand vague queries and provide precise results. For instance, asking for 'all documents related to SAT prep' in PDF format will yield the exact files, unlike a general search in Google Drive that may return irrelevant results.

  • What is a unique feature of Google Bard when working with Google Docs?

    -Bard can analyze the content of a specific document and perform tasks such as summarizing the top three takeaways, which can save time and enhance productivity.

  • How can Google Bard assist with image data analysis?

    -Bard can extract key takeaways from an image presented to it, assuming the role of a senior business analyst, and provide insights based on the data points in the image.

  • What are the two workarounds for analyzing PDFs in Google Bard?

    -One can paste a link to an online PDF for Bard to analyze, or upload the PDF to Google Drive and use the 'at Google Drive' command to pull information and take action for that file.

  • How does Google Bard enhance the analysis of YouTube videos?

    -Bard can analyze a video's performance, target audience, and user insights by using the 'at YouTube' command with a video URL, providing a summary and actionable insights that would be difficult to gather manually.

  • What are the benefits of using the default prompt structures provided by Google Bard?

    -The default prompt structures help users improve their own prompting skills by providing examples of clear and effective communication, essentially serving as training wheels for more advanced and precise interactions with Bard.

  • How can users share their prompts and responses generated by Google Bard?

    -Users can share their prompts and responses publicly by clicking the share button, generating a more informative headline, and then sharing the link with others.



🔧 Optimizing Google Bard Settings and Extensions

The paragraph discusses the initial setup and optimization of Google Bard for a more efficient user experience. It emphasizes the importance of enabling Dark theme and real-time response for quicker interactions. The speaker also recommends enabling Google Workspace and YouTube extensions and disabling other extensions that may slow down the workflow. The paragraph highlights the usefulness of the '@' shortcut for commands related to Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, and YouTube. It provides examples of how Bard can search emails and documents more effectively than manual searches, saving time and effort.


📄 Advanced Google Bard Use Cases

This paragraph delves into various practical use cases of Google Bard that can significantly enhance productivity. It covers how Bard can analyze and summarize documents, extract key takeaways, and even understand specific user instructions when interacting with Google Docs. The paragraph also discusses the image upload feature, which allows users to analyze and distill information from images or charts. Additionally, it explores the ability of Bard to reverse-engineer text prompts from AI-generated images, facilitating the creation of similar images using other platforms like DALL-E.



💡Google Bard

Google Bard is an AI-powered tool designed to enhance productivity and streamline workflows by integrating with various Google services. In the video, it is showcased as a versatile assistant that can perform tasks such as email searches, document analysis, and even image interpretation, all through natural language commands.

💡Dark theme

The dark theme is a user interface setting that changes the color scheme to a darker palette, often preferred for reducing eye strain and power consumption in low-light environments. In the context of the video, enabling the dark theme is suggested as a preference for users who are not 'internet peasants,' indicating a more modern and visually comfortable experience.

💡Real-time responses

Real-time responses refer to the immediate feedback or actions provided by a system without any significant delay. In the video, this feature of Google Bard is emphasized to improve efficiency and speed up interactions, allowing users to receive information and complete tasks much faster.


Extensions are add-on software components that enhance the functionality of a primary application. In the video, the focus is on enabling certain extensions for Google Workspace and YouTube to maximize the utility of Google Bard, although it is noted that extensions are not yet available for Google business accounts.


Gmail is a free email service provided by Google that allows users to send and receive messages across the internet. In the video, Gmail is used as an example of how Google Bard can assist in searching and managing emails related to specific topics, providing a more targeted and efficient email handling process.

💡Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud storage service that allows users to store, share, and collaborate on files and documents. In the video, Google Drive is highlighted as a platform where Google Bard can perform advanced searches and analyze documents, making it easier for users to locate and work with specific files.

💡Google Docs

Google Docs is a word processing service that is part of Google Workspace, allowing users to create, edit, and collaborate on documents in real-time. In the video, Google Docs is used to illustrate how Google Bard can analyze and summarize documents based on their content, providing users with quick insights and takeaways.

💡Image upload feature

The image upload feature refers to the capability of uploading and analyzing images within an AI platform. In the context of the video, Google Bard's image upload feature is used to extract and interpret data from charts or other visual content, transforming it into a more manageable and analyzable format.


PDF, or Portable Document Format, is a file format used to present documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. In the video, PDFs are discussed in relation to their use with Google Bard, noting that while direct uploads are not possible, there are workarounds to analyze and extract information from PDF files through Google Drive or by using links to online hosted documents.


YouTube is a video-sharing platform where users can upload, share, and view videos. In the video, YouTube is integrated with Google Bard to provide functionalities such as video recommendation, analysis of video content, and extraction of insights and actionable steps from video material.

💡User-friendly features

User-friendly features are design elements and functionalities that make a software application or tool easy to use and navigate, enhancing the user experience. In the video, Google Bard's user-friendly features are highlighted, such as default prompt structures, response modification options, and voice interaction, all aimed at making the AI more accessible and intuitive to use.


Google Bard's dark theme and real-time response settings enhance user experience and efficiency.

For Gmail, Google Bard allows users to search for emails related to specific topics, providing more accurate results than manual searches.

Bard simplifies finding confirmation emails by filtering out irrelevant results, even when using labels in Gmail.

In Google Drive, Bard understands context and finds relevant documents, such as SAT prep materials, despite vague queries.

Google Docs integration with Bard enables users to analyze specific documents and extract key takeaways.

Bard can consider the latest updated documents when analyzing information, such as the most recent job position in a resume.

The image upload feature in Bard allows users to distill important information from complex data points for analysis.

Bard can transform non-editable formats, like PDF tables, into editable Google spreadsheets, saving significant time.

Text-to-image models can be reverse-engineered in Bard to recreate similar images using alternative AI platforms.

Although direct PDF uploads are not supported, Bard can analyze online PDFs or documents uploaded to Google Drive.

YouTube integration with Bard offers video analysis, identifying target audiences, user insights, and reasons for high engagement.

Bard's Vision functionality allows users to extract key takeaways and actionable steps from lengthy videos without needing to watch them in full.

Google provides default prompt structures to help users improve their own prompting skills and understand complex topics.

Users can modify Bard's responses to suit their preferences, such as length, tone, and format.

Bard offers voice interaction for users who prefer speaking their prompts and listening to the output.

Sharing capabilities in Bard allow users to publicly share prompts and responses, with the option to generate informative headlines for the shared links.

Users can save and reference high-quality prompts for future use through Bard's pinning feature.