Inside Argentina's Most Dangerous Neighborhood ($40 per month rent)
TLDRيحكي النص عن رحلة تفقدية في حي شهير في بوينوس أيريس يسمى فيلا 31، يُعرف بكونه محفوفًا. يُظهر النص ال況 الحياتية للسكان، وكيف يعيشون في هذا الحي، ويُشير إلى وجود مشاكل مثل العنف والمخدرات. يُظهر النص أيضًا محاولات الحكومة لتحسين الظروف وتحسين الأمان، ويُشير إلى أن الأوضاع قد تحسن مع مرور الزمن. يُذكر في النص أيضًا قصة رجل يعيش في الشارع منذ 4 سنوات بسبب النزاعات مع العائلة، ويُشير إلى أنه كان يعيش حياة غير قانونية سابقًا. يُشير النص إلى وجود فرق كبيرة بين الحي المهمشين والمناطق الغنية المجاورة، ويشير إلى أن الأوضاع ليست دائمًا ب全额 الأمان ولكنها ليست ب全额 الخطر أيضًا. يُشير النص إلى أن الاقتصاد في الأرجنتين يعاني من الأزمة، ومع ذلك يُشير إلى أن السكان لديهم روحًا وثقافةً رائعة.
- 🏠 **Villa 31**: The neighborhood, known as Villa 31, is notorious and considered one of the most dangerous in Argentina.
- 🚴 **Biking for Safety**: It's advised to bike through the area for a quick escape in case of trouble.
- 💉 **Drug Use**: Residents are seen using 'Paco', a cheap derivative of cocaine, to escape their harsh realities.
- 🌐 **Living Conditions**: Many residents do not pay for utilities like water or electricity, and some buildings are makeshift, constructed under highways.
- 📈 **Economic Struggles**: The area has seen improvements over time, but the economic situation in Argentina, with one of the world's highest inflation rates, is challenging.
- 👮 **Police Interactions**: There are accounts of police harassment and the need for discretion when discussing certain topics.
- 🏡 **Housing Issues**: Ownership and renting in Villa 31 is complex due to many houses being built illegally.
- 👨👩👧 **Community Life**: Despite hardships, there's a sense of community with shared activities like barbecues and football.
- 🚒 **Emergency Services**: Firefighters discuss the frequency of people falling from buildings and the risks of poor electrical infrastructure.
- 🌆 **Urban Contrast**: Villa 31 is situated near the financial district, highlighting the stark contrast in living conditions within the city.
- 🤝 **Cultural Exchange**: The video features interactions with locals, including a street photographer and a former prisoner, offering insights into their lives and perspectives.
Q & A
المكان الذي يعيش فيه الناس يبدو أنه في قلب الحي، هل يعيش الناس هناك بأمان؟
-المكان يشتبه أنه محفوف بالخطر، حيث تم التحدث عن الضرورة لاستخدام الدراجات الدراجية لكي يتمكن الناس من الابتعاد بسرعة في حالة حدوث أي شيء. ومع ذلك، تشير بعض التصريحات إلى أن الوضع أصبح أكثر أمانًا مع مرور الزمن.
ما هو الدواء الذي يستخدمه الناس في هذا الحي؟
-يتم الإشارة إلى استخدام ما يُعرف بـ "باكو"، وهو مشتق شبيح للكوكاين يستخدم لجعل الأشخاص ينسوا قضاياهم السيئة.
هل يعيش الناس في هذا الحي بدون دفع أي خدمات مثل الكهرباء أو المياه؟
-نعم، تشير الأحداث إلى أن بعض السكان يعيشون بدون دفع لخدمات مثل الكهرباء أو المياه، حيث تم التحدث عن ال自然而然 لهذه الخدمات.
ما هي التكلفة لشراء منزل في هذا الحي؟
-تشير الأحداث إلى أن تكلفة شراء المنزل تتراوح حول 50,000 دولار، وقد استغرقت الشخص عدة سنوات لجمع هذا المبلغ.
هل يشعر السكان بالأمان في هذا الحي؟
-المشاعر متغيرةة، حيث يشعر بعض الناس بالأمان وnonnulla الآخرين يرى الحي خطيرًا. ومع ذلك، يشير البعض إلى أن الوضع أصبح أكثر أمانًا مع مرور الزمن.
ماذا تشير إلى الأحداث المتعلقة بالإيذاء في هذا الحي؟
-تشير الأحداث إلى وجود مشاكل مع الإيذاء، حيث تم التحدث عن ال自然而然 لخدمات الكهرباء والمياه، ووجود ممارسات غير قانونية لاستغلال الكهرباء.
هل يعيش الناس في هذا الحي بطريقة قانونية؟
-تشير الأحداث إلى وجود مشاكل قانونية، حيث تم التحدث عن المنازل التي تم بناءها بشكل غير قانوني وعدم وجود وثائق ملكية.
ماذا تشير إلى الأحداث المتعلقة بالإيواء في هذا الحي؟
-تشير الأحداث إلى وجود مشاكل مع الإيواء، حيث تم التحدث عن حالات سقوط الناس من الأدوار وضرورة التدخل الطبي في بعض الأحيان.
ما هي العوامل التي تؤثر على الأوضاع الأمنية في هذا الحي؟
-تشير الأحداث إلى أن الأمور الأمنية ت受影响 بكثير من العوامل، مثل وجود ممارسات غير قانونية ومشاكل مع الإيواء، بالإضافة إلى وجود مشاكل مع الاستخدام غير القانونية للمواد المخدرة.
هل يشعر السكان بالسعادة في هذا الحي؟
-نعم، تشير الأحداث إلى أن بعض السكان يشعرون بالرضا والسعادة مع الحياة في هذا الحي، وهم يستمتعون بأنشطة مثل اللعب في كرة القدم وال烧烤.
ماذا تشير إلى الأحداث المتعلقة بالإيواء الحكومية في هذا الحي؟
-تشير الأحداث إلى محاولات الحكومة لتحسين الوضع في هذا الحي، مثل بناء منازل جديدة ونقل السكان من المناطق الأكثر 위险ة.
ما هي الأوضاع الاقتصادية في الأرجنتين؟
-تشير الأحداث إلى وجود تحديات اقتصادية كبيرة في الأرجنتين، حيث تم التحدث عن الارتفاع الكبير في معدل ال.inflation وتأثير هذا على الأوضاع الأمنية والاجتماعية.
🚨 探索阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的危险社区
视频的第一部分介绍了进入布宜诺斯艾利斯一个被认为危险的社区——Villa 31。这里位于一个巨大的高速公路下方,一些房屋就建在高速公路内部。社区中存在毒品问题,人们使用一种名为Paco的可卡因衍生物来忘却烦恼。访问者被建议骑自行车快速通过以避免危险。此外,还提到了当地居民的生活条件,他们不支付水电费用,生活状况堪忧。
🏠 社区的生活与挑战
👮♂️ 社区安全与日常生活
🤔 对社区声誉的反思
🌆 贫富差距与社区现实
📈 阿根廷的经济挑战与希望
💡Villa 31
💡البطاله السكانية
💡التغيير الاجتماعي
💡السكان الغير قانونيين
💡العنف الداخلي
💡الدفاع الذاتي
💡التصوير الشارعي
The neighborhood, known as Villa 31, is located under a highway and is considered one of the most dangerous areas in Argentina.
It is advised to bike through the area for a quick escape in case of danger.
Locals are seen using 'Paco', a cheap cocaine derivative, to forget their troubles.
Many residents do not pay for utilities such as water or electricity, with some services being hijacked.
The government has been working on developing the area to improve safety and living conditions.
There are high-security measures like cages on buildings, which are unusual even for slum areas.
Some residents have been relocated from under the highway to new houses built with government assistance.
Despite the dangerous reputation, some long-term residents feel the area has become safer over the years.
A local woman named Maria shared her story of leaving Bolivia due to violence and seeking a better life.
The community has a sense of unity, often gathering for barbecues and football games.
There are challenges with renting in the area, especially for families with children.
Many houses in the neighborhood are built illegally, making it difficult to obtain official ownership papers.
The local fire station operates from two stacked shipping containers and responds to frequent incidents of people falling from buildings.
Electrical cables in the area are a hazard, causing fires especially during peak usage seasons.
Alejandro, a local business owner, was relocated and received help from the government but feels his business has suffered since the move.
The economic situation in Argentina is dire, with inflation around 120%, causing significant hardship for the population.
Despite the neighborhood's reputation, the video suggests that it may be safer than perceived, though still having areas of concern.
The video ends with a note on the creator's illness, which prevented further exploration of Argentina.
so we've come to this area where we're
under a huge Highway that goes through
this neighborhood some of the houses are
like built there the highway is inside a
there so we're going into some of the
more dangerous areas now apparently it's
best to bike through these areas so you
can get away quickly if anything
happens what's the tattoo on your head
represent these guys all sitting in the
gutter here at doing something called
Paco drugs make him forget about any
troubl so we've arrived at this local
couple's house we have to go up these
stairs right up to the top and then
we're going to see the the living
here no they don't pay rain they don't
pay water services or any electricity
services they don't pay
anything he used to Banks Banks today
we're going to be venturing into one of
the most notorious neighborhoods in the
whole of Argentina this neighborhood has
been labeled many times in the past as
the most dangerous place in the whole of
the country so let's go and see what
it's like inside and see how dangerous
it truly
is done in pris the highest
inflation we went with machine guns and
they rob the
bank welcome to buunis arz capital city
of Argentina of course massive City Mega
City 15 16 million people absolutely
huge great to be here wanted to come
here for a long time today we're going
to an interesting neighborhood called
Villa 31 supposed to be quite the
notorious neighborhood huge sprawl
Barrios next to the skyline been told
it's quite dangerous one of the more on
edged parts of this massive City going
to be quite careful in here but also
hopefully go quite deep meet some
interesting people let's go have a
look okay so we're here with Lenny a lot
of you guys might remember Lenny from
Venezuela few years ago and so now we're
in buess arz right Lenny yeah finally
you came here man we're going to walk
here today into the B truno okay and
what kind of heard is this is the main
slum here in the in the capital I really
wanted to know how it is inside I want
to know how is a problem really exciting
of going inside there it's a very
crowded place where everything or a lot
of things is happening all the time a
lot of bad situation could happen here
now many local people wouldn't ever go
in here right if you don't have anything
there to see or if you don't know
anybody there you don't have anything to
do there I mean you are not going to
walk there with no intentions and you
need someone there to guide you or yeah
because easily they they recognize that
you are not from the place that's what I
hear okay I never had gone maybe it's
like working another place here in
buenosaires and it would be a surprise
so we've met a man here in Matias so
you're living outside this restaurant
here he has a trouble in childhood hard
childhood so from CH from the children
he has been uh in in this situation
living outside in the street would you
mind telling us what happened in your
childhood it happens everything what
anything parents leaving here alone abon
he was abandoned okay and do people just
give you food
here people give him some food uh
restaurant uh he's talking about the
police show the police the police
sometimes K him wherever he he's staying
so it's kind of difficult for him to to
be in this situation are there a lot of
people around here using
drugs no look at yeah he use a drug here
called Paco oh he uses it yeah he he um
this is it's very cheap for what I hear
and that's like a cocaine derivative
right waste product of cocaine
production from from does hako make you
like drugs make him forget about any
troubles he has I mean he feels fine and
he can forget by a for a moment about
any bad situation or The Situation he's
living right now how is he treated by
the General
hisf together girlfriend there are
people who treat him good others
obviously take FR him
B Okay so we've just come to the
entrance of this neighborhood that we're
going into you can definitely feel the
atmosphere starting to change a bit it's
a bit uh sketchy feeling at times we've
met our local guide from the
neighborhood and he doesn't want to be
on camera at all so uh yeah he's going
to be showing us around but he says if I
tell you to stop filming stop filming
anyway let's go
inside so all these cables are run off
the mainline and they just hijack the
power so nobody pays for electricity
here so we've come to this area where
we're under a huge kind of Highway that
goes through this neighborhood the the
government I think has been working on
trying to develop it to make it a bit
more safe because some of the uh
building practices here aren't the best
you can see on the other side of this
fence can't get really any closer but
you can see the huge cages on these
buildings here I've been told not to go
up in there and film cuz I asked if I
could go and get some closer shots but
they said there's some guys there that
don't want to be on camera I've never
seen cages like that in all the places
I've been in the world all kinds of
different neighborhoods and I've never
seen quite such high security so this
used to be houses and the government
came and tried to make it a bit more
like functional there's a football pitch
and they move some houses but you can
still see like some of the houses are
like built there maybe this the highway
is inside a room there uh someone who
lives there I don't know but you can see
how the high the houses are cut there I
mean they remove the some some walls and
some spaces to create all this space
they just did this because they want to
remove the people who live behind below
the highway must be very loud in like a
room like I can imagine how could be
living there and have all the cars
passing all the time I hope they don't
have a a crash near there or some car
transpassing the fence to the inside the
yeah right so now we're going for a bit
of a motorbike ride through the
go all right so we're going into some of
the more kind of dangerous areas now but
uh it's best not to uh walk through
there apparently it's best to bike
through these areas so you can get away
quickly if anything happens these guys
all sitting in the gutter here are doing
something called Paco which is like a
cocaine derivative like a cheap cocaine
but it's super sketchy they're making
pipes out of old scraps of metal smoking
off cans it's quite blatant I have to
try and be discreet with this camera but
you can
we just met one of our gu's friends and
uh he's jumped on a motorbike and he's
going to do some wheelies for
us put
Madness so you can see here some of the
newer style houses the government have
helped build basically just corrugated
iron with concrete
block so we've arrived at this local
couple's house we have to go up these
stairs right up to the top and then
we're going to see the the living
Nick Nick the dog are
inside nice place it's two
oh she has three
roomes no they don't pay they don't pay
water services or any electricity
services they don't pay anything did she
build the house herself she bought it oh
she bought the house she bought the
house used to pay rent and now she used
to pay rent but now the she is the owner
of the place can I ask the
price $50,000 $50,000 wow must have
taken a long time to save
up for saving all thiseven years she was
earning like $1,000 at at that time so
yeah $1,000 it was a lot of money yeah
that's so much money a
lot I
guess okay Lenny we' come to a local
house here and we've met a lovely lady
Maria how is life living
here is from Bolivia she has been living
here from 20 years ago life here at the
beginning was kind of hard but has been
transforming into sun better so was it
quite dangerous here a few years
ago it was dangerous but with the years
the safety sensation has grown so she
Felts that he can live here without
feeling insecure can you tell us more
the specifics of what the danger was
this kind of trouble in between
criminals Sometimes some other people
came here to look for some guys
specifical guy and say of course there
are this kind of confrontation with guns
kind of dangerous sometimes but just
like any any any other place in in
Argentina that still happens yeah
especially when criminals are drunk
using drugs or alcohol problems why did
you leave
Bolivia another opportunity for her
situations there were bad she is a
mother of two she left her partner
because violence situations with with
him her partner was violent towards her
yeah she told me that she study food
technology in the university in Bolivia
but she couldn't finish the university
right now she's trying to get into work
as a bartender but she needs food
manipulation Workshop is a requirement
that the company is asking her to to do
these papers for for working with this
this is a traditional Argentina barbecue
assado they they used to do this every
Friday Saturday and Sunday they gather
and they share all this beautiful Meats
the the Argentina meat is so good I
really really love it look at
isas never miss never
misser I like it I like it very nice how
is life
they play football together and they
gather for for this meeting because of
football football unites a lot of people
here and well they say that they likes
to live here and they are happy living
so so a lot of the people who were
living underneath that bridge were given
an opportunity by the government to move
into some of these houses they had to
pay for it a little bit but the
government subsidized so you can see
these cage buildings here a big upgrade
from those brick buildings right
underneath the highway honestly speaking
in Brazil Venezuela Haiti I've never
seen such harsh security in a slum or a
baros sort a flla Okay so we've met a
local man Alejandro who owns a business
here right yeah aleandra Liv before
below the highway and he was relocated
here to this buildings he owns this
place did the government helped pay for
the move from underneath the
bridge he got some help from the
government when they had to move I ask
him about how he feels living here in
this new park more clients there over
there the shop is moving is working but
not like he was before when he was
inside why did the government knock down
buildings the government says it was a
risk to live below the building below
below the the bridge but there are still
people living there he says that never
happens to anyone there while they were
living below the r the bridge for him it
wasn't a risk and are you happy with the
current state of
Argentina current situation here with
the economic problems what can we do
have to leave with this government
ruling but at the end they just have to
work work work and more work there's
nothing else that they can do he has his
family so he has to to work like just
like anybody else here living you have
to do whatever you have to do to to to
put your family and be and be happy with
your family this neighborhood I've heard
from argentinians it's known to be a bit
dangerous would you say that's true or
how do you
feel yes you have to be aware like any
other places you visit I mean you have
to be careful with your stuff your phone
don't don't walk with your phone or your
camera just like we are doing right
ale so Lenny how does the rent or the
ownership of these houses work well for
what I hear H if you want to rent it's
complicated because they just want to
rent the owners just want to rent here
to Long people I mean if you have some
children they don't they won't rent you
because they don't it's a problem to
take you out after you
rent family rent and they're protected
by the government yeah so if you have
children it's complicated to rent here
the rent is about
30,000 pesos I guess it's something I
heard is pretty cheap if you want to buy
a house here well you buy but you don't
have any paper cuz a lot of these houses
are illegally built right yeah I mean
the these people has no owner paper yeah
so you can buy it but you don't you
don't have anything that says that it's
your only that if you live there that's
your place
yeah so here is the bomberos we're here
with Javier who's a local fireman here
and here's the local fire station and
it's actually just two shipping
containers stacked on top of each other
are there a lot of fires in this
neighborhood they some fires in the
village sometimes but what they really
had more is people who Falls from who
Fells from the from the houses there are
a lot of people every time they had to
go as an emergency bring people that
Fells from the floors and how often do
fall two or three sometimes a day a day
oh wow and what do you do with people
like when you pick them
up people the first AIDS if they don't
need to take it to the hospital they
bring it here they have this health uh
Center there they need to be transport
to the hospital they call services
ambulance services there's lots of
cables which look not the best job in
terms of the electricity does that
sometimes cause
fires especially in Winter and in summer
in summer because a lot of air
conditioner are turned on so it hits um
the the the connection the cable
connection you see that this a a spider
net there of electricity cable and they
heat and of course they explode is there
a lot of crime in this neighborhood from
perspective this is like any other
places in in Argentina we had walked
here and we felt comfortable he feels
the same the first time he arrived here
he feels afraid of what to expect here
but at the end now he feels safe here he
come from a place that is 40 minutes
away so he doesn't live here so he has
to come here and work and he feels that
people is very good with them so why
does this neighborhood have such a bad
reputation does he
think the perspective outside comes from
the first years of the of the village of
the barri of the neighborhood because it
used to be dangerous before but now they
feel like it changed I mean they try to
urbanize people are trying to live in
more dignity I guess right so it has
strong for the the neighborhood from
what it was
before okay so we're here with duing
who's been hanging out with us all day
we met him at the start of the day and
he kind of came along and hung out
you're a homeless man is that
he has been living since 4 years ago on
the streets he has some difference with
with his family so well he has to move
and and start living on the streets
and it's hard leeping in the streets
because it's cold sometimes especially
in Winter what's the tattoo on your head
he was the woman who fell in love since
he was a child his mother he has a
special relation with with her and he
decided to tattoo her name do you still
talk with your mother she passed away
how long ago 4 years ago there's another
tattoo on the
cheek this tattoo means he was a de when
another div saw see this he recognized
him yeah you still a safe or that's in
past he read about religion and God so
he tries to do something good helping
another people every time he does
something good for others something good
returns to him and and when he says
Thief what does he mean exactly by
that yeah he he used
to Banks Banks but the transportation
money Transportation yeah the
security truck transport can he
elaborate yeah he he went with machine
guns and and they R the the machine the
the bank
transfer quto anel like how many years
ago9 he went
he got into a situation into a gun fire
and there was a
guy no
no the police guy was
Ked and they they they C him and he
spent how many
years 20 years he went spent there and
20 years in prison oh my
wow man were they done in prison
yeah all were
made my God
man ah the police kill his partner
now he's telling me that his mother was
criminal so what's quite interesting we
come out of that uh slum area over there
and just behind that building there and
you cross and then you here you have the
Main Financial District of buar is one
of the richest neighborhoods in the city
is just there as well right slam bang
next to it that neighborhood there that
we were just in we were being told that
it's safe and things and it's like got a
bad reputation but just honestly
speaking there was a lot of guys doing
Paco didn't feel 100% safe and also our
local guide said there was like specific
streets that we should be careful of
although it might might be safer than it
used to be I wouldn't necessarily call
it 100% safe really kind friendly warm
welcoming local people obviously bunas
arez is like a huge destination for
tourists from all over the world it's
not like this entire city is like
dangerous or anything there's no way
that that's what I'm trying to say there
are some parts like any huge mega City
that aren't the safest but I mean a lot
of it is completely fine and then you
know I'm not breaking news by saying
that been one
look at
this as you can see the reputation of
that neighborhood doesn't exactly
reflect the reality on the ground sure
it's dangerous in places and at one
point we did come across a dangerous guy
cuz our guide knew who he was so we just
went down a different street it is
somewhat dangerous but I think that the
reputation of that neighborhood is far
more drastic than the reality on the
ground but who knows I'm just some guy
that showed up and had a look around
unfortunately this is going to be the
only video I have of Argentina because
after filming this video I got extremely
ill and spent almost a week in my hotel
room just extremely sick I'm not sure
what it was maybe flu and food poisoning
or something but it wasn't good so
exploring ing more of this incredible
country we'll have to wait till next
time there's so much more to this
country obviously full of Vibrance
culture the people are incredible it is
facing an economic crisis at the moment
however the second worst inflation in
the world believe it's around 120%
inflation so the money is just losing so
much value so quickly people are really
suffering in this country so I wish
everybody in Argentina the best and hope
that your country can climb back to some
more stability a huge thank you to Lenny
for showing me around if you want to
check out Lenny's Instagram I highly
recommend it he's a very talented Street
photographer here are some of his photos
so check him out on Instagram here I
also had some leftover clips from this
video a couple of interviews I'll be
putting them up for my patreons a link
down below for that huge thanks to all
my patreons for the constant support and
thank you all for watching I'll see you
soon for another trip and in case I
don't see you good afternoon good
evening and good
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)

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