A Near Death Experience Sent This Man Into the Centre of a Black Hole

8 May 202404:20

TLDRRobert recounts a near-death experience (NDE) that led him to the edge of a black hole. Suffering from extreme keto acidosis, he was rushed to a hospital where he hyperventilated to expel the dangerous carbon dioxide. During his NDE, he was taken to what felt like the event horizon of a black hole, witnessing a scientifically accurate representation of its swirling gases and accretion cloud. He experienced a sudden influx of universal knowledge, feeling a profound sense of peace and happiness. An ancestral figure, possibly the first colonist of Earth from another world, appeared to guide him back, warning him of the potential for his body to be used for military testing if he did not return. After two weeks in a coma, Robert awoke, with doctors having stabilized him after his temporary death. His consciousness, seemingly elsewhere during this period, returned to his body, leaving him with a remarkable story of life, death, and the mysteries of the universe.


  • 🌌 The individual experienced a near-death experience (NDE) that led him to the edge of a black hole, described in scientifically accurate terms.
  • 🚑 He was suffering from extreme ketoacidosis, which caused his body to begin dissolving and led to hyperventilation.
  • 🏥 His girlfriend rushed him to a VA hospital where he passed out, and doctors determined that he was expelling a high percentage of carbon dioxide, which saved his life.
  • ✨ During the NDE, he felt as if he was at the event horizon of a black hole, with swirling gases and an accretion cloud.
  • 🧠 He received a sudden 'data dump' into his brain, gaining access to all knowledge in the universe and having his life's questions answered.
  • 😌 He experienced a profound sense of peace, happiness, and the disappearance of all anger he had carried in life.
  • 👴 He encountered a figure who claimed to be an ancestor, far older than his grandfather, possibly from the first colonization of Earth.
  • 🛡️ This ancestor was described as wearing a black, form-fitting suit with metal plates and a helmet resembling a stylized skull.
  • ⚠️ The ancestor warned him that he was not meant to stay and guided him back, cautioning against the potential misuse of his body by the government.
  • 🏩 Upon awakening, he found that his body had been in a coma and his consciousness had been absent, only to return after two weeks.
  • ⏳ The doctors were able to resuscitate and stabilize him, and he awoke as if his consciousness had been elsewhere during the coma.

Q & A

  • What was the cause of Robert's near-death experience?

    -Robert's near-death experience was caused by extreme keto acidosis, which led to the dissolution of his internal organs and hyperventilation.

  • What percentage of carbon dioxide was Robert able to expel during his hyperventilation?

    -Robert was able to expel around 95% of the carbon dioxide, which was significantly higher than the average person's ability to expel about 40%.

  • What did Robert describe seeing during his near-death experience?

    -Robert described seeing something like the Event Horizon of a black hole with swirling gases and an accretion cloud distorted by intense gravity.

  • What kind of knowledge did Robert receive during his near-death experience?

    -Robert received a sudden data dump into his brain, with all knowledge in the universe becoming available to him and all his life's questions being answered.

  • How did Robert's emotions change during his near-death experience?

    -Robert initially felt contempt, but then he felt peaceful. All the anger he carried in life was suddenly gone, and he felt truly happy.

  • Who did Robert encounter during his near-death experience?

    -Robert encountered an ancestor who was part of the first colonists on Earth. This figure was described as wearing a black, form-fitting suit with metal plates and a helmet that resembled a stylized skull.

  • Why was the ancestor chosen to guide Robert back?

    -The ancestor was chosen to guide Robert back because Robert had no emotional connection to him, which would prevent him from being inclined to stay in the near-death state.

  • What warning did the ancestor give Robert about his physical body?

    -The ancestor warned Robert that his body was being worked on at a VA facility and that the government might use his dead body for military testing if he did not return.

  • What did the ancestor mean by 'Fate worse than death'?

    -The ancestor referred to the possibility of Robert being kept alive against his will by scientists experimenting on him, which would be a literal living nightmare with no rights to his life.

  • How long was Robert in a coma after his near-death experience?

    -Robert was in a coma for two weeks after his near-death experience.

  • What was the state of Robert's consciousness during his coma?

    -During the coma, Robert's consciousness was gone, and it was as if his brain was functioning without the 'software' to run it.



🌌 Near-Death Experience and Cosmic Journey

The speaker describes a harrowing near-death experience triggered by extreme ketoacidosis, which led to hyperventilation and a hospital visit. Upon arrival, they passed out but were later informed that their body was trying to expel carbon dioxide caused by the acidosis. Miraculously, they were able to expel a higher percentage of the gas than most, which allowed for their survival. During this time, they had a profound out-of-body experience, where they were taken to what felt like the event horizon of a black hole, witnessing scientifically accurate imagery of swirling gases and an accretion cloud. They were given a sudden 'data dump' of universal knowledge, leading to feelings of peace and happiness. An encounter with a figure, who claimed to be an ancestor and part of the first colonization of Earth, provided guidance and a warning about the potential misuse of their body by the government. The speaker awoke from a coma two weeks after the event, with doctors having stabilized them after a temporary death, and their consciousness having seemingly been elsewhere during the coma.



💡Near Death Experience (NDE)

A near-death experience (NDE) is a profound psychological event that typically occurs when a person is close to death or in a situation of intense physical or emotional danger. In the video, the narrator describes his NDE where he felt his body dissolving and was taken to the edge of a black hole, which is a central theme of the narrative.

💡Keto Acidosis

Ketoacidosis is a life-threatening condition where the body produces high levels of blood acids called ketones, due to the absence of insulin or low insulin levels. The narrator mentions that his body was dissolving due to extreme keto acidosis, which is a medical condition that led to his NDE.


Hyperventilation is a state of breathing that is faster or deeper than normal, which can lead to an imbalance in the body's carbon dioxide levels. The narrator describes hyperventilating as his body's attempt to release excess carbon dioxide caused by keto acidosis.

💡Event Horizon

In astrophysics, the event horizon is the boundary around a black hole beyond which nothing can escape, not even light. The narrator's NDE involved being taken to something like the event horizon of a black hole, which is a significant part of his experience and ties into the scientific concept of black holes.

💡Accretion Disk

An accretion disk is a structure formed by diffuse material in orbital motion around a massive central object, such as a black hole. The narrator describes seeing swirling gases flowing into a central black disc surrounded by an accretion cloud, which is a visual representation of what black holes might look like according to scientific images.

💡Data Dump

A data dump refers to the sudden transfer of a large amount of information. In the context of the video, the narrator experiences a data dump where he feels all knowledge in the universe becomes available to him, suggesting a profound cognitive experience during his NDE.


An ancestor is a person from whom one is descended, typically more remote in the past than a parent or grandparent. The narrator encounters a figure he believes to be an ancestor during his NDE, who guides him back to life, adding a personal and familial dimension to the experience.

💡First Colonist

A first colonist refers to a person who is among the earliest to inhabit a new territory. The figure the narrator meets in his NDE claims to be part of the first colonists of Earth, suggesting an ancient and possibly extraterrestrial origin, which adds a layer of mystery and intrigue to the story.



A coma is a state of unconsciousness where a person cannot be awakened, and fails to respond normally to painful stimuli. The narrator enters a coma after his temporary death, with his consciousness seemingly gone, illustrating the physical aftermath of his NDE.

💡VA Hospital

A VA hospital is a medical facility operated by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, providing care to veterans. The narrator is taken to a VA hospital during his medical emergency, which is where he is resuscitated and later warned about potential misuse of his body for military testing.


Consciousness refers to the state of being aware of and able to think and perceive one's surroundings, thoughts, and emotions. The video discusses the narrator's consciousness as being 'somewhere else' during his coma, indicating a disconnect between his physical body and his sense of self.


A near-death experience (NDE) led to an extraordinary journey into the center of a black hole.

The individual suffered from extreme ketoacidosis, causing his body to begin dissolving.

Hyperventilation was a life-saving response to expel carbon dioxide from the body.

Survival was due to expelling approximately 95% of the generated gas, a rare occurrence.

During the NDE, the individual was taken to what felt like the event horizon of a black hole.

Vivid imagery of swirling gases and an accretion cloud distorted by gravity was experienced.

An invisible path leading into the black hole was described, symbolizing a one-way trip.

A sudden data dump provided the individual with all knowledge in the universe.

The individual felt a profound sense of peace and happiness, releasing all anger from life.

The presence of an ancestor, who appeared to be a first colonist, was felt beside the individual.

The ancestor was described as wearing a form-fitting black suit with a stylized skull helmet.

The ancestor guided the individual back, warning of the potential misuse of his body by the government.

The individual was warned of the possibility of being kept alive against his will for scientific experiments.

The importance of leaving Earth on one's own terms was emphasized during the encounter.

After the NDE, the individual awoke from a coma two weeks later, with doctors having stabilized him.

The individual's consciousness was believed to have been elsewhere during the coma.