The Death of PoE 3.24 Necropolis League is Heartbreaking

Talkative Tri
7 May 202417:04

TLDRThe video discusses the unfortunate demise of Path of Exile's Necropolis League, known as patch 3.24, which has left a significant portion of its player base disappointed. The league, launched on March 29th, 2024, introduced numerous innovative ideas but suffered from poor execution and subsequent unpopular updates. The video explores the reasons behind the league's failure, the impact on the remaining players, and the challenges faced by Grinding Gear Games in maintaining player engagement and satisfaction. It also contemplates potential solutions to prevent similar situations in future leagues, emphasizing the importance of balancing innovation with player expectations and the stability of the game economy.


  • 💀 The Necropolis League (patch 3.24) in Path of Exile is considered 'dead' by most players due to its poor retention rate.
  • 😔 The league's quick demise is saddening for those who enjoyed it and affects the overall player experience with slower trades and less community engagement.
  • 🧩 The Necropolis League introduced many new ideas, some of which were not well-received or were broken, requiring fixes post-launch.
  • 📈 Tier 17 maps and other new features like the graveyard crafting and Scarab rework were intended to innovate but led to balancing issues.
  • 🔄 A series of patches attempted to address balance issues and exploitative strategies, but these changes themselves caused dissatisfaction among players.
  • 📉 The economy of the game was disrupted by certain farming strategies that were later patched out, affecting the wealth and item availability for players.
  • 🤔 The rapid and drastic changes in response to player feedback and exploits have raised questions about the game's development and balance philosophy.
  • 👥 The dissatisfaction with the league has led to a divide in the community, with some players leaving and others feeling left behind by the changes.
  • 🔧 Grinding Gear Games, the developer, faces a challenge in how to manage future updates and maintain player interest and trust.
  • 🌐 The community's reaction to the league's changes has highlighted the impact of player behavior and comparison on game enjoyment.
  • 🚨 A call for a more measured approach to game updates is suggested to prevent future leagues from facing a similar fate.

Q & A

  • What is the general consensus on the Necropolis League in Path of Exile?

    -The Necropolis League, also known as patch 3.24, is considered by the majority of Path of Exile players to be one of the least enjoyable leagues with one of the worst retention rates in the game's history.

  • Why was the Necropolis League less popular among Path of Exile players?

    -The Necropolis League was less popular due to a combination of factors including its original design, poor execution of some ideas, and subsequent changes made post-launch that affected the game balance and economy.

  • What were some of the new ideas introduced in the Necropolis League?

    -The Necropolis League introduced several new concepts such as tier 17 maps, the all-flame and lantern of Aramore buffs, multiple Atlas passive trees, loot table splitting, powerful graveyard crafting, and a significant Scarab rework.

  • What happened after the Necropolis League's release that contributed to its downfall?

    -Post-launch, several issues arose including overpowered farming strategies that were later nerfed, bugs that allowed for rapid leveling and currency generation, and a series of hotfixes that attempted to address balance issues but also frustrated players.

  • How did the changes to the game affect the player base?

    -The changes led to a rapid decline in the player base as strategies that were initially exploited were patched out, leaving many players feeling left behind and contributing to dissatisfaction with the game.

  • What was the impact of the B update on the Necropolis League?

    -The B update significantly buffed graveyard crafting, added the ability to modify tier 17 maps using chaos orbs, and made several other adjustments that were intended to improve the league but had mixed results.

  • What was the 't17 cheese strategy' mentioned in the script?

    -The 't17 cheese strategy' was an exploit where players could use certain modifiers and mechanics to quickly defeat tier 17 map bosses, allowing for rapid progression and rewards.

  • Why were players upset with the changes made to the game post-Necropolis League launch?

    -Players were upset because the changes disrupted the game's economy, made previously powerful items less valuable, and removed strategies that some players had heavily invested in, leading to a sense of unfairness and frustration.

  • What is the role of Grinding Gear Games in the development and changes of Path of Exile?

    -Grinding Gear Games is the developer of Path of Exile and is responsible for creating new content, making balance changes, and addressing issues as they arise in the game.

  • What are some of the lessons that can be learned from the Necropolis League's issues?

    -The issues with the Necropolis League highlight the importance of careful planning and testing of new features, the need to consider the impact of changes on the game's economy and player satisfaction, and the challenges of maintaining a balance between innovation and stability in game development.



🕰️ The Fall of Necropolis League

The Necropolis League in Path of Exile, patch 3.24, has seen a rapid decline in player retention, rivaling the least popular leagues in the game's history. Despite the introduction of numerous creative concepts, several of these ideas were poorly executed or broken, leading to dissatisfaction among the player base. The video discusses the reasons behind the league's downfall, the sadness it brings to those who enjoyed it, and the potential steps to prevent similar situations in the future. The timeline of post-launch issues and subsequent patches highlights the challenges faced by the developers, Grinding Gear Games, in maintaining player interest and game balance.


🛠️ Patch History and Economic Impact

This section delves into the specific patches and hotfixes that attempted to address the issues within the Necropolis League. It covers the introduction of tier 17 maps, the Atlas passive trees, and the Scarab rework, which were intended to enhance the endgame experience but led to unforeseen consequences. The economic impact of certain farming strategies is highlighted, with players exploiting game mechanics to gain significant wealth, which in turn affected the in-game economy and player satisfaction. The narrative follows the sequence of patches from 3.24.0 to 3.2.4 hotfix 5, detailing the developers' efforts to rectify the situation and the community's reaction to these changes.


😔 Emotional and Community Response

The rapid demise of the Necropolis League has had a profound emotional impact on the community, including the video creator and fellow players. The swift exodus of players has led to a less enjoyable experience for those remaining, with slower trades and diminished community engagement. The video discusses the challenges faced by Grinding Gear Games in developing content that resonates with the player base and the difficulty in managing player expectations and satisfaction. It also touches on the personal impact of seeing friends and content creators express dissatisfaction with the game, reflecting a broader sense of disappointment within the community.


🚀 Moving Forward: Lessons and Future Strategies

The final paragraph contemplates the future of Path of Exile and the lessons that can be learned from the Necropolis League's failure. It suggests that Grinding Gear Games may be shifting their approach to game development, possibly making more significant changes during a league's lifecycle. The video creator proposes that while it's essential to address issues that affect server stability, other changes should be limited to preserve the integrity of the game experience. The section concludes with a call for community feedback on the Necropolis League's issues and an invitation for viewers to subscribe for more in-depth analysis of Path of Exile and other games.



💡Necropolis League

The Necropolis League is a specific game event in the popular action role-playing game, Path of Exile. It is characterized by its unique mechanics and features, which are introduced to provide a fresh experience for players. In the video, the Necropolis League is described as having a poor retention rate and is considered 'dead' by the majority of players, indicating a significant decline in its popularity and player engagement.

💡Retention Rate

Retention rate in the context of online gaming refers to the percentage of players who continue to play a game or participate in a specific event after an initial period. A high retention rate suggests that players find the game engaging and continue to play, while a low rate, as mentioned in the video, indicates dissatisfaction or a lack of interest. The Necropolis League's low retention rate is a central issue discussed in the video.

💡Grinding Gear Games

Grinding Gear Games is the developer of Path of Exile. They are responsible for creating and maintaining the game, including the introduction of new leagues, features, and patches. In the video, the developer's decisions and the impact of their updates on the Necropolis League are a significant point of discussion, particularly in relation to the league's decline in popularity.

💡Tier 17 Maps

Tier 17 Maps are a type of endgame content in Path of Exile that were introduced in the Necropolis League. They are designed to serve as a progression step between Tier 16 maps and the pinnacle of endgame challenges, such as Uber bosses. The video discusses how these maps were initially problematic and required adjustments, which affected the overall player experience.

💡Scarab Rework

The Scarab Rework refers to a significant change made to the Scarab mechanics in Path of Exile as part of the Necropolis League. Scarabs are in-game items that can be used to enhance maps and provide various benefits. The rework aimed to mix up the endgame, but as discussed in the video, it led to unintended consequences and required further adjustments.

💡Divination Cards

Divination Cards are special items in Path of Exile that can be used to obtain various rewards when turned in at specified locations. They are often used as part of crafting and trading within the game's economy. The video mentions how certain strategies in the Necropolis League led to an influx of these cards, affecting the in-game market and player wealth.

💡Atlas Passive Trees

Atlas Passive Trees are a feature in Path of Exile that allows players to customize their endgame experience by choosing from various passive skill nodes on the Atlas of Worlds. The video discusses the introduction of three new Atlas passive trees in the Necropolis League, which were intended to offer greater customization but also contributed to balance issues.

💡Pinnacle of Purity

The Pinnacle of Purity is a unique item in Path of Exile that provides powerful buffs to monster packs when used. It is mentioned in the video as one of the new ideas introduced in the Necropolis League that had a significant impact on gameplay, with some players finding it too powerful and requiring rebalancing.

💡Lantern of Aramore

The Lantern of Aramore is another unique item that was part of the Necropolis League. It is used to buff monster packs with various stats and rewards. The video discusses how the Lantern of Aramore was involved in an unintended leveling strategy that was patched by Grinding Gear Games due to its unintended consequences.

💡Einhar and Huck

Einhar and Huck are NPCs (Non-Player Characters) in Path of Exile who are associated with certain game mechanics. In the context of the video, they are mentioned in relation to a strategy that allowed players to quickly defeat bosses in Tier 17 maps, which was later patched to prevent the exploit.


Hotfixes are quick patches released by game developers to address urgent issues or exploits in a game. In the video, multiple hotfixes are mentioned that were released by Grinding Gear Games to fix various problems that arose after the launch of the Necropolis League, highlighting the challenges in maintaining game balance and player satisfaction.


Necropolis League, patch 3.24, is considered dead by the majority of Path of Exile players.

Necropolis has one of the worst retention rates in Path of Exile's history.

The league's poor reception is compared to the beloved Affliction league.

Many players disliked the Necropolis league, affecting the enjoyment of Path of Exile.

Necropolis was filled with creative concepts, some of which were not well-received.

Post-launch issues contributed to the league's downfall more than the launch content.

Tier 17 maps and other new features were introduced but had issues.

Graveyard crafting and the Scarab rework were significant additions.

3.24.18 patch addressed various issues, including a leveling exploit.

Hotfixes attempted to balance the game but upset many players.

The economy was disrupted by strategies that were later patched out.

Players felt the game became too focused on currency earned per hour.

The rapid death of a league negatively impacts the player experience.

Grinding Gear Games faced challenges in satisfying the player base.

Content creators and friends of the narrator have expressed dissatisfaction with the game.

The community's fear of missing out contributed to the league's early demise.

Grinding Gear Games may shift their approach to game development.

The narrator suggests focusing on large changes and minimal alterations mid-league.