AI ART IS EVERYWHERE... and nobody notices | ✩ How to tell if it's AI art ✩

Bizzie Bean
1 Sept 202311:49

TLDRThe video script discusses the prevalence of AI-generated art in the Lo-Fi music community and expresses concern over its impact on real artists. The speaker criticizes the use of AI art without disclosure and highlights the importance of supporting human creativity. They provide tips on identifying AI art, such as examining hands, details, textures, and armor/clothing patterns, and call for accountability in the use of AI in the art world. The video also touches on the broader implications for artists' jobs and the need to protect and value original human artwork.


  • 🎵 The speaker enjoys Lo-Fi music for its non-distracting background qualities, especially during work or creative sessions.
  • 🎨 The appreciation for Lo-Fi music extends to the associated artworks, with a preference for human-created art over AI-generated pieces.
  • 🚫 The speaker expresses concern about the use of AI art, particularly when it is not disclosed as such, viewing it as a disservice to human artists.
  • 🌐 AI art is prevalent and often goes unrecognized, leading to a lack of awareness about the origin of the artworks people consume.
  • 👀 The video aims to educate viewers on how to identify AI art, to support and uplift human artists rather than machines.
  • 🤖 AI art is criticized for its shortcomings, such as incorrect depictions of hands and fingers, which can be a telltale sign of its artificial creation.
  • 🔍 Detailed examination of artworks can reveal the imperfections of AI art, such as misplaced jewelry or illogical textures.
  • 🛡️ AI-generated armor and clothing often exhibit pattern and symmetry issues, showing a lack of understanding of practical design.
  • 💡 Artists can use their own work to feed AI algorithms, creating original pieces that are a collaboration between human and machine.
  • 📚 The speaker encourages further reading on the topic and supports petitions to protect artists' rights in the face of AI art proliferation.
  • 🙏 The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to support human artists and to continue creating, emphasizing the irreplaceable value of human creativity.

Q & A

  • Why does the speaker enjoy listening to Lo-Fi music while working?

    -The speaker enjoys Lo-Fi music because it serves as non-distracting background music that helps them get into the mood for long, creative sessions, such as drawing.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the use of AI art in Lo-Fi music channels?

    -The speaker is critical of the use of AI art in Lo-Fi music channels, especially when it is not disclosed that the art is AI-generated. They believe it takes opportunities away from real artists and can be seen as dishonest.

  • How does the speaker feel about the artworks with 6 fingers in the mentioned Lo-Fi channel?

    -The speaker finds the 6-fingered artwork problematic as it highlights the limitations of AI art in accurately depicting human anatomy, which a real artist would typically get right.

  • What is the speaker's main concern regarding AI art?

    -The speaker's main concern is that AI art can mislead viewers into thinking the works are created by humans, and it may devalue the effort and skill of real artists.

  • How does the speaker suggest identifying AI art?

    -The speaker suggests looking for inconsistencies in hands and fingers, details, textures, and patterns in armor or clothing as indicators that the art might be AI-generated.

  • What is the speaker's view on AI art being used for commercial purposes without disclosure?

    -The speaker strongly opposes the use of AI art for commercial purposes without disclosure, considering it a form of stealing from real artists who deserve credit for their work.

  • What examples of big companies using AI art does the speaker mention?

    -The speaker mentions Amazon, which was accused of using an AI-generated image for their Fallout promotion, and Adobe Stock, which is suspected of using artists' names and works in their data set without consent.

  • What advice does the speaker give to those who enjoy creating art?

    -The speaker advises learning to improve one's own drawing skills or hiring a professional artist to create original works, rather than relying on AI-generated art.

  • What action does the speaker suggest for people to support artists in the face of AI art?

    -The speaker suggests signing online petitions aimed at protecting artists and their work, and raising awareness about the importance of recognizing and valuing original human-created art.

  • How does the speaker conclude their thoughts on AI and art?

    -The speaker concludes by emphasizing the strength of human creativity over AI, stating that as long as artists continue to create and improve, their work will remain superior and irreplaceable by AI-generated art.



🎵 The Impact of AI Art on Traditional Art

This paragraph discusses the speaker's love for Lo-Fi music and its accompanying artwork. However, the focus shifts to the use of AI-generated art in Lo-Fi channels, which the speaker finds problematic. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and supporting the work of real artists, and criticizes the use of AI art without disclosure. The speaker also expresses concern about the potential devaluation of human artistry due to the prevalence of AI-generated art.


🖌️ Identifying AI Art and its Pitfalls

The speaker provides insights into how to identify AI-generated art, highlighting common mistakes such as incorrect depictions of hands and fingers, lack of detail, and unusual textures. The paragraph also touches on the issues with AI art, such as the lack of intention behind the details and the potential legal and ethical concerns surrounding the use of AI-generated images, especially in commercial contexts.


🎨 Upholding the Value of Human Artistry

In this paragraph, the speaker advocates for the protection and promotion of human artistry, expressing concern about the potential loss of jobs and the devaluation of art due to the rise of AI-generated art. The speaker encourages individuals to either improve their own artistic skills or hire professional artists, and calls for accountability among companies using AI art. The paragraph concludes with a call to action, urging viewers to support artists and their work, and to sign petitions for artist protection.



💡Lo-Fi music

Lo-Fi music refers to a genre of music that is characterized by its low fidelity, often created with simple equipment or software, and a focus on a relaxed and chill atmosphere. In the video, the speaker enjoys listening to Lo-Fi music while working, as it provides a non-distracting background that helps them get into the mood for a creative session.

💡AI art

AI art, or Artificial Intelligence art, is created by algorithms and machine learning models that generate visual art. It has sparked debates about originality, authorship, and the role of human artists. The video discusses the use of AI art in content creation and the potential ethical implications of using such artworks without acknowledging their AI origin.

💡Artificially created artworks

Artificially created artworks refer to any form of visual art that is produced not by a human artist but by artificial intelligence or other computer-based systems. The video emphasizes the importance of recognizing and differentiating between human-made and AI-generated art to support real artists and respect their creative efforts.


Copyright refers to the legal rights that protect original works of authorship, including artistic works. It grants the creator exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, display, or perform the work. In the context of the video, the speaker is concerned about the misuse of AI-generated art and the potential infringement of copyright laws, as these artworks are often created without the consent of the original artists whose works are used as a basis.

💡Ethical implications

Ethical implications pertain to the moral consequences and considerations of certain actions or decisions. In the video, the ethical implications of using AI-generated art are discussed, focusing on the impact on human artists, the integrity of creative works, and the honesty in content creation.

💡Art style

An art style refers to a distinctive way of creating art, characterized by the use of certain techniques, colors, subjects, or other aesthetic elements. The video highlights the appeal of the 90s anime art style and discusses how AI-generated art can mimic and reproduce such styles, often without acknowledging the original human artists who developed them.

💡Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and language understanding. In the context of the video, AI is used to create visual art, which raises questions about creativity, originality, and the role of human artists.

💡Creative integrity

Creative integrity refers to the adherence to honest and original creative practices, ensuring that the work produced is a true reflection of the creator's vision and effort. The video emphasizes the importance of maintaining creative integrity in the face of technological advancements like AI-generated art, which can compromise the value and authenticity of human artistic expression.

💡Artificially Intelligence (AI) generated images

Artificially Intelligence (AI) generated images are visual representations created by AI algorithms, often using existing artworks as a basis. These images can mimic various art styles and may not always be easily distinguishable from human-created art. The video discusses the ethical concerns and potential misrepresentation associated with using AI-generated images in content creation.

💡Identifying AI art

Identifying AI art involves recognizing visual art that has been created by artificial intelligence rather than by human artists. The video provides tips on how to distinguish AI-generated art, such as examining hands and fingers for accuracy, looking for inconsistencies in details, and spotting unusual textures that may indicate AI involvement.

💡Artistic jobs

Artistic jobs refer to professions where individuals use their creative skills to produce original works of art, design, or other forms of visual expression. The video discusses the potential threat to artistic jobs posed by AI-generated art, which could diminish the demand for human artists and the value of their work.


The speaker enjoys listening to Lo-Fi music while working as it provides a non-distracting background.

Lo-Fi music channels often feature artworks that set the mood for their content, and the speaker appreciates these visuals.

The speaker recently came across a Lo-Fi channel using 90s anime-style AI art, sparking a discussion on AI art.

The use of AI art is not being criticized in this transcript; rather, the issue is with not disclosing the art as AI-generated.

AI art can be identified by mistakes in hands and fingers, which AI often gets wrong.

AI-generated artworks lack intentional details, which can be spotted upon closer examination.

Some AI artworks have a strange texture where elements seem to flow into each other unnaturally.

AI has trouble with symmetry and logical design in armor and clothing for characters.

Big companies like Amazon and Adobe have been accused of using AI art for commercial purposes without supporting real artists.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and supporting original human-created art over AI-generated content.

The video encourages people to learn to create art themselves or hire real artists instead of relying on AI.

Art is not just a hobby but a profession and passion for many, and AI art threatens these jobs and creative efforts.

The speaker calls for accountability and a move away from using AI art, especially in commercial settings.

There are petitions online aimed at protecting artists and their original work from being undermined by AI art.

The speaker expresses a desire for unity among creators to preserve the value and integrity of human-made art.

The video concludes with a reminder that human creativity and skill are irreplaceable by AI.