How To Use Tensor Art AI

23 Aug 202303:43

TLDRThis video tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to use Tensor Art AI, a generative photo program that converts text prompts into visually stunning AI-generated images. The process begins with signing into the Tensor AI account using Google or Discord, or a verified email address. Once logged in, users can choose from existing generations or remix an image by clicking the 'remix' button. The program allows users to add new models, such as Lora, and adjust sliders to influence the generation process. Custom settings can be set for aspect ratio, width, height, and sampling methods. After setting the desired parameters, users can generate new images that will appear on their feed and the community feed, encouraging community collaboration. The video emphasizes the high-quality output and the creative possibilities offered by Tensor Art AI, which is available for free.


  • 🎨 **Tensor Art AI Introduction**: Tensor Art AI is an AI image generative program that turns text prompts into AI-generated images.
  • 📸 **Image Quality**: The program produces high-quality images with various styles and variations.
  • 🔑 **Account Sign-In**: Users can sign in using a Google, Discord account, or a verified email address.
  • 🔄 **Remix Feature**: Users can remix existing images by hovering and clicking the remix button to generate images with the same prompts.
  • 📈 **Model Customization**: Users can add a new Lora model to the generation and adjust sliders to control the model's impact.
  • ⚙️ **Settings Adjustment**: There are various settings to modify, such as aspect ratio, width, height, and sampling methods.
  • 🛠️ **Personal Settings**: Users can set their own values for the model and generate images with customized prompts and settings.
  • 📊 **Community Feed**: Each generation appears on the Tensor Art community feed, promoting community collaboration.
  • 🔍 **Vae Adjustment**: The VAE can be changed to alter how the program interprets prompts.
  • ⏱️ **Tinkering**: Users can spend hours exploring and adjusting the numerous settings available in the program.
  • 🌐 **Community Contribution**: Encourages users to explore and contribute to the growing AI generation community.
  • 🆓 **Free to Use**: Tensor Art AI is free and creates beautiful AI-generated images.

Q & A

  • What is Tensor Art AI?

    -Tensor Art AI is an AI image generative program that transforms text prompts into beautiful AI-generated images.

  • How do you sign in to Tensor Art AI?

    -You can sign in to Tensor Art AI by clicking on the 'sign in' button on the upper right corner and using a Google, Discord account, or a verified email address.

  • What is the purpose of the 'remix' button in Tensor Art AI?

    -The 'remix' button allows you to use an existing image as a starting point for a new generation, showing you the details of that image such as the models and prompts used.

  • How can you add a new Lora model to a generation in Tensor Art AI?

    -You can add a new Lora model by clicking 'add Lora' and selecting from the available choices. You can then adjust sliders to set how much this model will impact your generation.

  • What settings can you change in Tensor Art AI to customize your image generation?

    -You can change various settings such as aspect ratio, width, height, sampling methods, and more to customize your image generation.

  • What happens after you generate an image with new prompts and settings in Tensor Art AI?

    -The newly generated image appears on your feed on the right-hand side, showing the changes made with the new prompts and settings.

  • How does changing the VAE affect the image generation process in Tensor Art AI?

    -Changing the VAE allows you to edit how the program will access and interpret your prompts, which can significantly alter the style and outcome of the generated image.

  • What is the role of the community feed in Tensor Art AI?

    -The community feed in Tensor Art AI serves as a platform for sharing and exploring AI-generated images created by the community, promoting collaboration and inspiration.

  • Is there a cost associated with using Tensor Art AI?

    -No, using Tensor Art AI is absolutely free, allowing users to create beautiful AI-generated images without any financial barriers.

  • How can I contribute to the Tensor Art AI community?

    -You can contribute to the Tensor Art AI community by exploring, sharing, and creating AI-generated images, thereby adding to the ever-growing collection of community-generated content.

  • What are some of the different styles and variations I can expect to create with Tensor Art AI?

    -With Tensor Art AI, you can expect to create images with a wide range of styles and variations, limited only by your creativity and the different models and settings available in the program.

  • How can I learn more about Tensor Art AI and its features?

    -You can learn more about Tensor Art AI and its features by watching tutorials, exploring the platform, and engaging with the community to understand the different options and capabilities.



🎨 Introduction to Tensor Art AI

The video begins with a warm welcome and an introduction to Tensor Art AI, an AI image generative program that transforms text prompts into high-quality images with various styles and variations. The host demonstrates how to sign in using a Google or Discord account or a verified email address to create a Tensor AI program account. The user is then guided through the process of starting AI generation by choosing from existing images, using the remix feature, and examining the details of the generated images, including models and prompts used.



💡Tensor Art AI

Tensor Art AI is an AI image generative program that transforms text prompts into visually appealing images using artificial intelligence. It is a tool that allows users to create unique and high-quality images by inputting textual descriptions of what they want the AI to generate. In the video, the host demonstrates how to use this program to create various styles of images, showcasing its capabilities and ease of use.

💡Text prompts

Text prompts are the textual descriptions or phrases that users input into the Tensor Art AI program to guide the AI in generating an image. These prompts can be quite specific or abstract, and the AI interprets them to create an image that matches the description. In the video, the host mentions using text prompts to instruct the AI on the style and content of the images to be generated.

💡AI generated images

AI generated images are the visual outputs created by AI programs like Tensor Art AI based on the inputted text prompts. These images are not created by human artists but are instead the product of complex algorithms that learn from vast amounts of data to produce original artwork. The video showcases a sample of AI generated images, emphasizing their high quality and variety.

💡Sign in

Signing in refers to the process of logging into the Tensor Art AI platform using a user's existing Google or Discord account or a verified email address. This is a prerequisite step before users can start generating images with the AI program. The video script instructs viewers on how to sign in, which is the first action to take when using Tensor Art AI.

💡Remix button

The remix button is a feature within the Tensor Art AI program that allows users to modify existing AI-generated images. By hovering over an image and clicking the remix button, users can access the details of that image, including the models and prompts used to create it. This feature is demonstrated in the video as a way to start the image generation process by building upon previous creations.

💡Lora model

The Lora model is one of the many models available within the Tensor Art AI program that can be added to influence the style and characteristics of the generated images. Users can choose from various models and adjust sliders to determine the impact of the model on the final image. In the video, the host adds a new Lora model to a generation, showing how it can alter the image's style.


Sliders in the context of Tensor Art AI are user-adjustable controls that allow users to fine-tune the influence of certain models or settings on the AI-generated images. They can be used to set the degree to which a chosen model affects the generation process. The video mentions sliders as a way for users to customize the generation according to their preferences.


Settings in Tensor Art AI include various options that users can customize to affect the output of the AI-generated images. These can include aspect ratio, width, height, and sampling methods. The host in the video discusses setting their own values for these settings to create a unique image, demonstrating the level of control users have over the generation process.


VAE stands for Variational Autoencoder, which is a type of neural network architecture used in AI image generation. In the context of the video, changing the VAE allows users to edit how the program interprets and processes the text prompts. The host suggests that users can spend hours tinkering with different settings, including the VAE, to achieve the desired image.

💡Community feed

The community feed is a shared space within the Tensor Art AI platform where all the AI-generated images created by users are displayed. It serves as a hub for community collaboration and exploration of the images generated by others. The video emphasizes the importance of the community feed in fostering a sense of community and shared creativity among users.


The term 'free' in the context of the video refers to the fact that using Tensor Art AI is available at no cost to the users. This allows a wide range of individuals to access and experiment with AI-generated images without financial barriers. The host highlights the program's free nature as a positive aspect, encouraging more people to try it out.


Tensor Art AI is an AI image generative program that turns text prompts into AI-generated images.

The program offers high-quality image generations with various styles and variations.

To use Tensor Art AI, sign in with a Tensor AI account using Google, Discord, or a verified email address.

Existing generations can be remixed by hovering over an image and clicking the remix button.

Details of generated images, including models and prompts used, are visible upon clicking the remix button.

Adding a new Lora model to a generation allows for customization of the AI generation process.

Multiple basic models are available to choose from, with the ability to adjust sliders for model impact.

Settings can be adjusted to change aspect ratio, width, height, and sampling methods.

After setting values and models, click on 'generate' to create a new image with the chosen settings.

The new generated image will appear on the user's feed with the new prompts and settings.

Changing the VAE allows for editing how the program accesses prompts.

There are numerous settings to explore and experiment with for hours.

Every generation made is visible on the Tensor Art community feed, promoting community collaboration.

Tensor Art AI is free to use and is known for creating beautiful AI-generated images.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use Tensor Art AI.

The program encourages users to explore and contribute to the growing AI generation community.

The video concludes with an invitation to like and subscribe for more content.