Art is Hard. The Deceit, Egotism, and Jealousy of "AI Art" (ft. @shadiversity )

14 Oct 202342:46

TLDRThe video script discusses the contentious issue of generative AI and its impact on the art industry. The speaker criticizes a certain YouTuber, referred to as 'shadin the Conqueror,' for his support of AI theft and for his disregard of the hard work and creativity of artists. The speaker argues that the use of AI to generate art, especially when it involves unauthorized use of artists' works, is unethical and detrimental to the value of original creations. The video also touches on the broader theme of entitlement and the erosion of property rights in the digital age.


  • 🎨 The speaker expresses frustration with individuals who claim professional artistry without creating original work, highlighting the importance of genuine skill and creativity.
  • 💡 The conversation brings up the topic of generative AI and its impact on the arts, raising concerns about the ethics of using AI to create content without proper attribution or consent.
  • 🚫 The script criticizes certain YouTubers and authors for promoting and benefiting from theft of intellectual property, arguing that this behavior is harmful to the artistic community.
  • 📚 The author Ian Kirkpatrick discusses his own experiences as an author and his stance against entitlement and theft in the creative industry, emphasizing the value of hard work and originality.
  • 🌐 The video script touches on the broader issue of content theft and plagiarism in the digital age, where the ease of sharing and accessing information can lead to unethical practices.
  • 💌 The speaker acknowledges the support of their audience and the creative community, inviting participation and contribution through writing contests and featuring indie authors.
  • 🤝 The importance of collaboration and mutual respect among artists is stressed, with the speaker sharing their own journey and the growth they've experienced through learning and practice.
  • 🚨 The script serves as a call to action for artists and creators to protect their work and stand up against theft and exploitation, while also encouraging continued creation and sharing.
  • 🌟 The speaker's personal journey reflects the transformative power of art, as they discuss the development of their characters and the stories they bring to life through their work.
  • 💪 The video script ultimately promotes a message of hope and resilience in the face of challenges and discouragement, urging artists to continue creating and sharing their unique visions.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue the speaker is addressing in the video?

    -The speaker is addressing the issue of generative AI being used to create art and literature without the consent or compensation of the original artists and authors, which they equate to theft of intellectual property.

  • How does the speaker feel about the individual named Shad?

    -The speaker feels negatively about Shad, accusing him of being dishonest, selfish, and supportive of theft through the use of generative AI to create content without proper attribution or consent.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the use of generative AI in the arts?

    -The speaker is critical of the use of generative AI in the arts, especially when it involves using the work of artists and authors without their consent or compensation. They believe it undermines the value of original creative work.

  • What does the speaker suggest is the motivation behind Shad's support for generative AI theft?

    -The speaker suggests that Shad's motivation is financial gain and ego, as he sees the use of generative AI as a way to produce content without having to put in the effort to create it himself.

  • How does the speaker describe their own experience with art and creativity?

    -The speaker describes themselves as an artist and author who has been involved in the arts since before undergraduate school, studying theater, creative writing, and forensic psychology. They express a deep passion for creating and connecting with others through art.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the impact of generative AI on the art market?

    -The speaker believes that the widespread use of generative AI to create art could flood the market with stolen content, potentially harming genuine artists who create original work.

  • What does the speaker suggest is the appropriate response to those who engage in generative AI theft?

    -The speaker suggests that those engaging in generative AI theft should be confronted with the consequences of their actions, and they should reflect on the harm they've caused to others, ultimately changing their ways.

  • How does the speaker view the role of artists in society?

    -The speaker views artists as individuals who inspire and encourage others, fostering a community of creativity and mutual support. They believe artists should be respected for their unique visions and contributions to society.

  • What is the speaker's advice to artists who may be discouraged by the rise of generative AI theft?

    -The speaker advises artists to continue creating and sharing their work, despite the challenges posed by generative AI theft. They encourage artists to learn from one another and to persevere in the face of adversity.

  • What does the speaker believe is the ultimate outcome for individuals like Shad who engage in generative AI theft?

    -The speaker believes that individuals like Shad, who engage in generative AI theft, will eventually face downfall due to their dishonesty and lack of genuine creativity. They suggest that pride and ego will lead to their undoing.



🎨 Artistic Skill and Professional Standards

The speaker discusses their proficiency in art, asserting that they meet professional standards. They differentiate between skill and the desire to work professionally. The speaker also addresses the challenges faced by many skilled artists who struggle to work in the field. Additionally, they introduce themselves as Ian Kirk Goggins, an author, and streamer, and announce their intention to discuss a controversial topic involving a YouTuber's views on art theft and generative AI.


💡 Generative AI and Art Theft Controversy

The speaker delves into a debate surrounding generative AI and art theft, criticizing a YouTuber known as Shad for their controversial stance. They argue that Shad is dismissive of the hard work and creativity involved in art, instead promoting the idea of theft as a means to produce art. The speaker also highlights the importance of supporting genuine artists and creators, and condemns the unauthorized use of others' work, calling it theft and a violation of artists' rights.


🚫 Critique of Shad's Advocacy for Theft

The speaker expresses strong disapproval of Shad's advocacy for art theft, accusing him of being dishonest and self-serving. They argue that Shad's support for generative AI theft is a display of disrespect towards artists and their work. The speaker also criticizes Shad for exploiting the work of others to gain profit and attention, emphasizing the need for originality and respect for intellectual property in the art world.


🌟 The Value of Originality and Skill in Art

The speaker passionately argues for the value of originality and skill in art, sharing their personal journey and growth as an artist. They emphasize that true artistry cannot be replicated by generative AI and that the unique character and personality of artwork can only be achieved through human creativity and effort. The speaker also discusses the limitations of AI in creating new and unique characters, asserting that AI can only produce what has already been fed into it.


📚 The Impact of AI on the Writing and Art Industry

The speaker explores the broader implications of AI on both the writing and art industries, citing examples of how pirated books are used to train AI systems. They express concern over the lack of consent from authors and artists whose works are exploited in this manner. The speaker also criticizes the normalization of theft in the digital space and the potential for AI to flood the market with stolen content, ultimately undermining the value and uniqueness of original creations.


🖌️ The Passion for Art and the Disregard for Theft

The speaker reflects on their personal passion for art and the disheartening trend of theft and dishonesty in the creative community. They express disappointment in those who exploit the work of others for personal gain, particularly focusing on Shad's actions and attitudes. The speaker calls for a return to integrity, hard work, and respect for the creative process, and laments the negative impact that such actions have on emerging artists who may be discouraged from sharing their work.


🎭 Personal Journey in the Arts and Education

The speaker shares their personal background in the arts, including their education in theater, creative writing, and forensic psychology. They discuss the challenges of navigating political opinions in academic settings and the pressure to conform to certain viewpoints. The speaker emphasizes their commitment to the arts and the importance of maintaining integrity and honesty in creative work, regardless of political or popular opinion.


💔 Disillusionment with the Art Community

The speaker expresses disillusionment with the art community, particularly with those who criticize and steal from artists. They highlight the hypocrisy of individuals who claim to support the arts but engage in actions that undermine and disrespect the creative work of others. The speaker also addresses the impact of this behavior on their own motivation to create and share their work, and extends empathy to other artists who may feel similarly discouraged.


🔍 The Tragedy of Unrecognized Talent

The speaker laments the tragedy of unrecognized talent and the devaluation of art due to theft and dishonesty. They express concern for the future of the arts and the potential loss of genuine creativity in the face of AI-generated content. The speaker calls for a renewed appreciation for the hard work and skill of artists and encourages others to continue creating despite the challenges.




Artistry refers to the skill and creativity involved in producing art. In the video, the speaker discusses their own level of artistry, suggesting it is at a professional standard. The term is also used to contrast the speaker's personal art skills with the output of generative AI, which the speaker argues lacks the personal touch and character of human-made art.

💡Professional Standard

A professional standard implies a level of competence, quality, and proficiency that is expected in a particular field or occupation. In the context of the video, the speaker asserts that they have achieved a professional standard in their artistry, indicating a high level of skill and expertise in their creative work.


Entitlement refers to a feeling of deserving certain rights or privileges, sometimes without having earned them. In the video, the speaker discusses the concept of entitlement in the context of artists and creators, suggesting that some individuals may feel they are owed success or recognition without putting in the necessary effort.

💡Generative AI

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that are capable of creating new content, such as images, music, or text, based on patterns learned from existing data. The video addresses the controversy surrounding generative AI in the context of art creation, with the speaker arguing that AI-generated art lacks the character and personal touch of human-made art.


Theft is the act of taking someone else's property without permission or legal right. In the video, the speaker accuses certain individuals and AI systems of 'theft' in the context of art creation, arguing that using AI to generate art based on existing works without the creator's consent is unethical and wrong.


In the context of the video, 'character' refers to the unique personality, traits, or qualities that define an individual or a creation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of character in art, suggesting that AI-generated art lacks the depth and personal touch that comes from an artist's own character and experiences.


Anatomy is the branch of biology concerned with the structure of organisms, especially the human body. In the video, 'Anatomy' is used to refer to the technical skill of accurately representing the human body in art. The speaker mentions 'Anatomy' as one of their strengths, indicating a proficiency in drawing the human figure realistically.

💡Indie Author

An indie author is a self-published writer who has taken the traditional publishing route and released their work independently, often using digital platforms. In the video, the speaker mentions indie authors as a group they support and feature on their channel, highlighting their efforts to promote lesser-known creators and their work.

💡Pirated Books

Pirated books are copies of literary works that have been reproduced and distributed without the permission of the copyright holder, usually for financial gain. In the video, the speaker discusses the use of pirated books in training generative AI systems, expressing concern over the ethical implications and the infringement of intellectual property rights.

💡Property Rights

Property rights refer to the legal rights an individual has over their property, including the right to use, sell, or transfer ownership. In the video, the speaker argues that certain individuals, like 'Shad', disregard property rights by using AI to take and profit from other people's creative work without permission.


Honesty is the quality of being truthful, sincere, and free from deceit. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of honesty in art and creativity, suggesting that certain individuals, like 'Shad', lack honesty in their approach to creating and sharing content.


The speaker discusses their professional level artistry and the challenges faced by artists who meet the skill criteria but are unable to work professionally.

An argument is presented about the necessity of honesty and respect for individual strengths in the field of art, particularly in relation to anatomy and character design.

The speaker introduces themselves as Ian Kirk Patty K, an author, idiot, and loon streamer, and sets the stage for a discussion on entitlement and artistic integrity.

The importance of supporting indie authors and not claiming ownership over user-generated content is emphasized, highlighting a community-focused approach.

The speaker criticizes the concept of generative AI and its impact on original artwork, questioning the ethics of using stolen data sets for profit.

The issue of theft in the arts is passionately addressed, with the speaker arguing against the notion that stealing can be justified or excused.

The speaker calls out a specific YouTuber, shadin, for their controversial stance on theft and the use of generative AI in art, accusing them of dishonesty and self-serving behavior.

A detailed critique of shadin's use of AI-assisted art is provided, challenging the claim that data set updates are equivalent to skill improvement.

The speaker shares their personal journey in art, emphasizing the importance of growth, reflection, and the stories behind their characters.

The impact of theft on the art world is discussed, with the speaker expressing concern over the potential devaluation of original artwork and the discouragement of artists.

The speaker addresses the broader implications of theft and dishonesty in society, drawing parallels to criminal behavior and a lack of empathy.

The speaker criticizes shadin's book and its portrayal of a power fantasy, arguing that it reflects shadin's own desire for easy success without effort or consequences.

The issue of stolen data in AI training is highlighted, with examples of authors like Stephen King and Michael Crichton having their works used without consent.

The speaker calls for a recognition of the hard work and skill involved in creating original art, rejecting the idea that AI-generated content can replace the artist's unique touch.

The speaker shares their own struggles and experiences in the arts, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and the value of honest creation.

The dangers of a society that normalizes theft and dishonesty are discussed, with the speaker urging for a return to values of hard work, integrity, and respect for others' work.

The speaker concludes with a message of hope and encouragement for artists, urging them to continue creating despite the challenges and discouragement they may face.