illustrator gives tips on how to tell if art is AI generated

14 Jan 202418:31

TLDRIn the transcript, artist Patrick, aka Veno, discusses the challenges of distinguishing AI-generated art from human-created art. He shares his methods for identifying AI art by examining the volume of output, the lack of understanding in details, and the repetitive nature of AI-generated content. Patrick expresses concern that AI art could undermine the value and legitimacy of human artistry, leading to a potential loss of respect for skilled artists.


  • 🎨 High Volume Output: AI artists tend to produce and post artwork at a much higher volume than human artists, often daily or weekly.
  • 🔍 Profile Analysis: Examining an artist's profile for a large number of artworks can be a strong indicator of AI-generated content.
  • 🗡️ AI Spew: AI-generated art often features excessive and nonsensical details, especially in decorative or intricate elements like sword handles.
  • 👢 Inconsistency in Detail: AI art may show a lack of understanding of realistic proportions and can miss out on small but significant details like the thickness of a boot.
  • 🔄 Repetitive Patterns: AI struggles with originality and tends to repeat patterns or elements excessively in its artworks.
  • 👤 Character Rendering: AI often generates characters with exaggerated features, such as overly sexualized women, which is a common trope in AI art.
  • 🌳 Nature vs. Artifice: AI-generated landscapes or backgrounds may contrast sharply in style and detail with the foreground subjects, indicating a lack of cohesive artistic intent.
  • 🎨 Mixed Style Usage: AI art can exhibit an odd blending of styles and techniques that may not make sense or be aesthetically pleasing to the human eye.
  • ⚙️ Subject Matter Focus: AI-generated art often focuses on popular or sensational subject matter, like science fiction or fantasy, without depth or substance.
  • 👁️ Detail Recognition: AI-generated art may struggle with rendering realistic details, such as folds in clothing, which lack the intentionality and purpose of a human artist's work.
  • 🌐 Impact on Art Culture: The rise of AI art could lead to a devaluation of human artistic efforts and a decrease in public respect for genuine artwork and artists.

Q & A

  • How long has Patrick, also known as Veno, been studying art?

    -Patrick has been studying art for a significant period, almost seven years, with a particular focus on digital painting which he started during his sophomore year in college, amounting to about four or five years of experience in digital art.

  • What is the main frustration Patrick has with the art community online?

    -Patrick's primary frustration is seeing people online mislabeling or misattributing art as being created by AI or not being AI art. This confusion seems to stem from a lack of understanding of the characteristics and outputs of AI-generated art versus human-created art.

  • What is the best tip Patrick gives to identify AI artists?

    -The best tip Patrick offers for identifying AI artists is to examine the artist's profile and the volume of their work. AI artists tend to output a high volume of artwork, posting pieces that would normally take a human artist weeks or months to complete on a daily or weekly basis.

  • What does Patrick refer to as 'AI spew'?

    -'AI spew' is a term Patrick uses to describe the disorganized and noisy details often found in AI-generated art. It refers to the odd, unsymmetrical, and organic-looking elements that lack the intentionality and coherence of human artistry.

  • How does Patrick differentiate between AI-generated and human-generated art in terms of details?

    -Patrick notes that AI-generated art often misses or overemphasizes random details and lacks understanding of the context or purpose behind those details. In contrast, human artists have an intentional and meaningful approach to the details, which align with the subject matter and overall composition.

  • What common mistake does Patrick mention people make regarding AI and mixed media?

    -People often mistake AI-generated art for mixed media due to the different styles and levels of detail present in the artwork. However, Patrick explains that mixed media usage, where there is a clear distinction between the background and foreground styles, is not an indication of AI art.

  • What are some stylistic inconsistencies that Patrick points out in AI-generated art?

    -Patrick highlights inconsistencies such as abrupt shifts from brushy rendering to photorealistic details, odd blending of styles, and repetitive patterns that lack purpose or understanding of the subject matter. These inconsistencies reveal a lack of the intentional and cohesive vision that characterizes human artistry.

  • What subject matters does Patrick mention AI art tends to favor?

    -AI art tends to favor certain subject matters such as depictions of women, often in a sexualized manner, as well as themes like rebellion, Sci-Fi, and fantasy. These subjects are chosen for their surface appeal rather than any deeper artistic exploration or narrative.

  • How does Patrick feel about the impact of AI art on the art community?

    -Patrick is concerned that AI art could undermine the value and legitimacy of real artwork. He worries that the ease with which AI generates art might lead to a lack of respect for the hard work and skill of human artists, potentially diminishing the cultural significance of art.

  • What is Patrick's perspective on the future of AI in the art world?

    -Patrick believes that the lasting impact of AI art could be detrimental to the art community. He fears that it might lead to a general skepticism about the authenticity of artwork, especially when it comes to the works of highly skilled and respected artists, whom he considers to be 'titans' in their field.

  • How does Patrick's own art practice reflect his views on AI art?

    -Patrick's own art practice, which includes a diverse range of styles and subjects, demonstrates a consistent and evolving artistic vision that is informed by his passion and commitment to his craft. This stands in stark contrast to the soulless and derivative nature of AI-generated art, which he believes lacks the depth and intentionality of human creativity.



🎨 Identifying AI Art Through Output Volume and Quality

The speaker, Patrick, an experienced digital artist, discusses methods to discern AI-generated art from human-created art. He emphasizes that AI artists typically produce a high volume of work that would take a human artist much longer to complete, posting frequently and in large quantities. Patrick also describes 'AI spew,' where AI-generated images have excessive and mismatched details, particularly in decorative elements like sword handles. He uses the example of a sword to illustrate how AI struggles with the intricacies of design, resulting in a noisy, unsymmetrical output. Patrick expresses frustration with the online art community mislabeling AI creations as 'real' art.


🖌️ Distinguishing AI Art by Style and Detail Discrepancies

Patrick continues his discussion on identifying AI art by pointing out inconsistencies in style and detail. He notes that AI often produces images with a mix of flat, mechanical elements and overly detailed, painterly backgrounds. The speaker critiques the AI's inability to render mechanical aspects properly and its tendency to create oddly organic shapes. He also addresses the AI's struggle with repetitive details and its overemphasis on certain features, such as the overfolding of fabric. Patrick argues that AI preys on viewers' lack of understanding of how things work in the world, leading to a misinterpretation of the art's authenticity.


👤 Subject Matter and Style Consistency in AI Art

In this paragraph, Patrick talks about the subject matter and style preferences of AI art, which often focus on exaggerated themes like 'booby women' or 'random badass' characters. He critiques the lack of substance and originality in AI-generated content, using the example of a sci-fi character that appears to have no backstory or context. Patrick points out that AI art lacks the depth and intentionality of human-created art, with details often appearing out of place or without purpose. He also mentions the AI's tendency to produce low-resolution, poorly detailed images with abrupt changes in style and value. Patrick concludes by reiterating the importance of examining an artist's entire body of work to determine the authenticity of their creations.


💡 The Impact of AI Art on the Art Community

Patrick reflects on the potential negative impact of AI art on the art community. He shares his own art journey and the evolution of his style over the years, emphasizing the time and dedication required to produce quality art. Patrick expresses concern that AI art, created by those who may not fully understand or appreciate the art form, could undermine the value and legitimacy of human artists' work. He fears that the public may begin to doubt the authenticity of art created by accomplished artists, viewing it as AI-generated. Patrick sees AI art as a threat to the respect and admiration that skilled artists deserve, and he laments the potential loss of cultural appreciation for the arts due to the rise of AI-generated content.



💡Digital Painting

Digital painting refers to the creation of artwork using digital tools and software, as opposed to traditional mediums like canvas and oil paints. In the video, the speaker has been studying digital painting for a significant amount of time, indicating their expertise and passion for this form of art. This keyword is central to understanding the speaker's authority on the subject of art and AI-generated images.

💡AI Art

AI Art, or Artificial Intelligence Art, is a form of creative expression where the artist uses AI algorithms to generate or assist in creating artwork. The video discusses the distinction between AI-generated art and human-created art, expressing concern over the potential dilution of value for genuine human artistic efforts due to the proliferation of AI art.

💡Output Volume

Output volume refers to the quantity of work produced by an artist or, in this context, an AI. The video emphasizes that AI artists can generate a high volume of artwork in a short period, which is a characteristic that distinguishes them from human artists who typically take longer to complete pieces.

💡AI Spew

AI Spew is a term used by the speaker to describe the chaotic and nonsensical details often found in AI-generated art. It refers to the AI's inability to create coherent and intentional designs, resulting in a clutter of excessive and meaningless details.

💡Repetitive Detail

Repetitive detail in AI-generated art is the tendency for the AI to overuse certain elements or patterns without understanding their purpose or context. This repetition is a sign of the AI's lack of comprehension of the subject matter, leading to a monotonous and unnatural representation.

💡Mixed Media

Mixed media is an art technique that combines various artistic media or materials in a single artwork. The video addresses the confusion between AI-generated images and mixed media, explaining that the latter is a deliberate artistic choice, unlike the former which is a product of AI's lack of understanding.

💡Style Consistency

Style consistency refers to the uniformity and coherence in an artist's work, reflecting their unique approach and aesthetic choices. The video emphasizes that human artists maintain a certain level of style consistency across their works, unlike AI-generated art which often exhibits a disjointed and incoherent visual language.

💡Subject Matter

Subject matter in art refers to the content or topic of an artwork. The video addresses how AI tends to favor certain subject matters, such as exaggerated or sexualized depictions of women, which often lack depth or substance.

💡Art Culture

Art culture encompasses the community, values, and practices surrounding the creation and appreciation of art. The video expresses concern that AI art, made by those disinterested in the art culture, could undermine the value and respect for genuine artistic works and their creators.

💡Legitimacy of Artwork

The legitimacy of artwork refers to its authenticity and the recognition of its value as a genuine creative effort. The video discusses the potential negative impact of AI art on the perception of real artwork, as people may begin to question the authenticity of pieces that are actually created by human artists.


Patrick, also known as Veno, is an artist with seven years of experience in studying digital painting and art.

He started digital painting during his sophomore year in college, which was around five years ago.

Patrick expresses frustration over the online debate of whether AI-generated art is 'real' art.

The best tip to identify AI art is to check the volume of artwork posted on the artist's profile. AI artists tend to output a high volume of art.

AI art often lacks the detailed craftsmanship that human artists put into their work, such as the intricacies of a decorative sword handle.

AI-generated images may have a 'spew' of unnecessary and noisy details that don't contribute to the overall design.

AI art can have inconsistencies, such as a boot that is overly detailed in some parts but lacks essential characteristics in others.

AI often over-details and repeats certain elements more than a human artist would.

Mixed media usage is not a definitive sign of AI art; it's the lack of understanding and coherence in the details that give it away.

AI struggles with rendering realistic folds and creases in fabric due to the complex science behind how materials contort with body movement.

AI-generated art tends to focus on popular and sensational subjects, such as 'booby' women or 'badass' characters, often lacking substance.

AI art can have abrupt shifts in style and detail, creating a jarring effect that is uncharacteristic of human art.

Patrick emphasizes the importance of checking an artist's portfolio to see the progression and consistency in their work.

He shares his own art journey and development over the years, showing the evolution of his style.

Patrick worries that AI art will lead to a devaluation of human artistry and a lack of respect for true artists and their mastery.

He argues that AI art feels soulless because it's created by people who are disinterested in the culture and passion behind art.

Patrick's main concern is that AI art will cause people to doubt the legitimacy of artwork created by highly skilled and passionate human artists.