10 May 202315:26

TLDRIn this tutorial from, Richard McMahon provides guidance on how to prepare for an artificial intelligence job interview. He covers the importance of answering motivational, behavioral, and technical questions effectively. McMahon offers two key tips for each type of question, including discussing skills, qualifications, and significant achievements to demonstrate dedication and capability. He also provides example answers to common AI interview questions, such as the differences between AI, machine learning, and deep learning, and the various types of AI. Additionally, he advises on handling questions about weaknesses and why one wants to work in AI, emphasizing the importance of aligning responses with the job description and showcasing strengths that add monetary value to the organization. The tutorial concludes with a resource for downloading a comprehensive guide of 22 AI job interview questions and answers, along with tips for asking insightful questions at the end of an interview.


  • 📝 Prepare a strong introduction: Practice your 'tell me about yourself' response to showcase your communication skills and relevant experience.
  • 🌟 Highlight your achievements: Discuss significant accomplishments to demonstrate your dedication and capability to excel in your work.
  • 🤖 Understand AI motivations: Emphasize long-term commitment and interest in AI, not just because it's a trend, to show your genuine passion for the field.
  • 💰 Acknowledge earning potential: Recognize the financial incentives in AI while maintaining that your primary motivation is innovation and challenge.
  • 🔍 Align strengths with job description: Ensure the skills you claim are both relevant to the position and can add monetary value to the company.
  • 💡 Add creative value: Offer strengths that can generate new ideas and cost-effective solutions to increase business turnover.
  • 📚 Know the basics of AI: Be familiar with the differences between artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning.
  • 🚀 Showcase technical knowledge: Be ready to explain various types of AI and their applications.
  • 🚫 Avoid job description weaknesses: Do not mention weaknesses that directly conflict with the job requirements.
  • 💬 Be prepared with questions: Have smart questions to ask at the end of the interview that show your interest and potential value to the company.
  • 🔗 Do thorough research: Understand the company's culture and goals to convey why you're a good fit and how you can contribute to their success.

Q & A

  • What is the first question Richard McMahon suggests preparing for in an AI job interview?

    -The first question Richard McMahon suggests preparing for is 'Tell me about yourself.' This question is important because it sets the tone for the rest of the interview and showcases the candidate's communication skills.

  • What are the two key tips Richard McMahon provides for answering the 'Tell me about yourself' question effectively?

    -The two key tips are: (1) Discuss the skills you can bring to the position, your qualifications, and experience, and (2) Talk about one significant achievement in your work or personal life, demonstrating your dedication to achieving great things.

  • What is the importance of aligning your strengths with the AI job description during the interview?

    -Aligning your strengths with the AI job description is crucial because it shows that you have the specific skills and qualities the company is looking for, making you a more suitable candidate for the position.

  • How does Richard McMahon suggest demonstrating the monetary value of your strengths in the AI position?

    -Richard McMahon suggests demonstrating the monetary value of your strengths by highlighting how your creative mindset can generate new AI-driven ideas to increase business turnover and how a cost-conscious approach can help save money for the company.

  • What is the difference between weak AI and strong AI as explained in the script?

    -Weak AI has a narrow application and is good at specific tasks without human-level intelligence, using supervised and unsupervised learning. Strong AI, on the other hand, has a wider application, a higher level of intelligence similar to humans, and uses clustering and association for data processing, with robotics being an example.

  • What are some common AI applications mentioned in the script?

    -Some common AI applications mentioned include virtual personal assistants like Siri and Alexa, fraud detection in finance, image and video recognition in security, speech recognition for transcribing audio and dictation, autonomous vehicles, customer service chatbots, predictive analytics, medical diagnosis, and predictive maintenance in manufacturing.

  • Why is it important to research the company before an AI job interview?

    -Researching the company before an AI job interview is important because it shows your genuine interest in the company and allows you to tailor your answers to align with the company's values, goals, and culture, making you a more attractive candidate.

  • What is the recommended approach to answering the question about your biggest weakness in an AI job interview?

    -The recommended approach is to choose a weakness that does not match any of the skills listed in the job description and to frame it in a way that shows self-awareness and a willingness to improve, such as finding it difficult to say no to people, which demonstrates a willingness to help others.

  • What are the three main reasons Richard McMahon suggests for wanting to work in artificial intelligence?

    -The three main reasons are: (1) Thriving on new technology and the numerous opportunities it presents, (2) The chance to create innovative ideas that shape human interaction with technology, and (3) The good earning potential in the AI industry.

  • What does Richard McMahon recommend doing after the AI job interview?

    -Richard McMahon recommends visiting his website,, to download a full set of 22 AI job interview questions and top scoring answers in a PDF guide. He also suggests subscribing to his channel, liking the video, and connecting with him on LinkedIn.

  • Why is it beneficial to ask questions at the end of an AI job interview?

    -Asking questions at the end of an AI job interview shows your engagement and interest in the role and the company. It also demonstrates your proactive nature and can help you stand out from other candidates who may not ask any questions.



😀 Introduction to AI Job Interview Preparation

Richard McMahon introduces himself as the presenter from and outlines the content of the tutorial. He promises to help viewers prepare for an artificial intelligence job interview by covering motivational, behavioral, and technical questions. Tips for answering each type of question will be provided, along with example answers. McMahon also offers a PDF guide containing 22 AI job interview questions and answers for download. He encourages viewers to subscribe to his channel for more useful content.


💡 Tips for AI Job Interview Success

The paragraph provides two key tips for answering interview questions effectively. First, align your strengths with the job description and second, highlight how your strengths can add monetary value to the company. Example answers are given for questions about strengths, AI applications, and the difference between weak and strong AI. The response to a question about the biggest weakness is also detailed, emphasizing a willingness to take on work while needing to manage capacity effectively. Technical questions about AI types and differences are addressed with clear explanations.


📚 Example Answers for Common AI Interview Questions

This paragraph offers example answers to common AI interview questions, such as the difference between AI, machine learning, and deep learning, and the various types of AI. It also includes a motivational question about why the candidate wants to work for the company, with a response that emphasizes research into the company and a desire to contribute to its innovative culture. The paragraph concludes with a call to action to download the full set of interview questions and answers from and additional tips for interview preparation.


🤝 Final Thoughts and Next Steps

The final paragraph encourages viewers to download the comprehensive guide from, which includes all the answers provided in the tutorial and more. It also advises on asking smart questions at the end of the interview to demonstrate value to the company. The presenter provides his LinkedIn for professional networking and thanks viewers for watching, wishing them success in their AI job interviews.



💡Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is the central theme as it discusses job interview preparation for roles within this industry. The script mentions AI in various contexts such as AI-driven software apps, machine learning, and deep learning, emphasizing its significance in modern technology and job markets.

💡Job Interview

A job interview is a formal meeting between a potential employer and a candidate where they assess the candidate's suitability for a job. The video script provides guidance on how to prepare for an AI job interview, highlighting the importance of understanding the role and demonstrating relevant skills and experiences.

💡Motivational Interview Questions

Motivational interview questions are those that aim to understand a candidate's motivations, interests, and drivers. In the script, Richard McMahon suggests preparing answers for such questions to showcase one's commitment and enthusiasm for AI, which is crucial for standing out in the competitive job market.

💡Behavioral Interview Questions

Behavioral interview questions focus on past actions and behaviors to predict how a candidate might act in the future. The video emphasizes the importance of preparing for these types of questions by discussing how one's experiences and problem-solving skills can be relevant to AI job roles.

💡Technical Based Questions

Technical based questions assess a candidate's knowledge and skills related to a specific field, in this case, AI. The script provides an example of how to answer questions about the differences between AI, machine learning, and deep learning, which are central to demonstrating technical competence for an AI job.

💡Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subset of AI that involves the use of data and algorithms to enable machines to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. The video explains that machine learning can adapt with minimal human interference and is a key component of AI roles.

💡Deep Learning

Deep learning is a branch of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to mimic the human brain's learning process. It is mentioned in the script as a type of AI that is particularly focused on pattern recognition and is a critical skill for those pursuing careers in AI.

💡Weak AI

Weak AI, as described in the script, refers to AI systems that are designed and trained for a particular task and do not possess general intelligence. Examples given include virtual personal assistants like Siri and Alexa, which are designed for specific uses within limited contexts.

💡Strong AI

Strong AI, also discussed in the video, refers to AI systems that possess the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks at a human level. While the script notes that strong AI is not yet a reality, it is a goal in the field, with robotics being a domain where such capabilities are sought.

💡AI Applications

AI applications are the practical uses of AI technology in various industries and aspects of life. The script provides examples such as virtual personal assistance, fraud detection in finance, security surveillance, speech recognition, autonomous vehicles, customer service chatbots, and predictive analytics, illustrating the broad impact of AI.

💡Interview Preparation

Interview preparation involves a range of activities that a candidate undertakes to increase their chances of success in a job interview. The video script offers specific strategies for preparing for an AI job interview, including understanding the company, practicing responses to common questions, and knowing one's strengths and weaknesses.


Richard McMahon provides a tutorial on preparing for an artificial intelligence job interview.

The importance of preparing for motivational, behavioral, and technical interview questions is emphasized.

Tip: Discuss skills, qualifications, and a significant achievement when answering 'tell me about yourself'.

Example answer provided for the question 'tell me about yourself', showcasing strong communication skills.

The next question to prepare for is 'why do you want to work in artificial intelligence'.

Discuss the opportunities AI presents and the earning potential when answering why you want to work in AI.

Align your strengths with the AI job description and provide strengths that add monetary value to the company.

Technical questions such as the difference between artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning are common.

Weak AI vs. strong AI: Understanding the scope and capabilities of each is crucial for AI interviews.

When asked about weaknesses, avoid mentioning anything that matches the job description.

Giving examples of AI applications and common uses is a frequent question in AI job interviews.

Research the company and state your motivations for wanting to work for them in your interview.

A full set of 22 AI job interview questions and answers is available for download in a PDF guide.

Additional tips for preparing for an AI job interview and questions to ask at the end are provided on

Asking smart questions at the end of the interview demonstrates you would be a great asset to the company.

Subscribing to the channel and liking the video is encouraged to support the creation of more content.

Connecting with Richard McMahon on LinkedIn is an opportunity for networking with like-minded professionals.