AI Powered Strategies To Make $274/Day Selling On Amazon (Step By Step)

MyWifeQuitHerJob Ecommerce Channel
18 Jul 202311:30

TLDRIn the video, Steve Chu outlines a step-by-step guide on leveraging AI to quickly start selling on Amazon. He emphasizes the importance of choosing a niche based on personal interest or expertise and suggests using AI tools like Chat GPT for product ideas and Jungle Scout for market research. Chu also discusses the process of differentiating products, finding suppliers through platforms like Alibaba, and creating a high-converting Amazon listing with strategic use of keywords. His approach highlights the efficiency of AI in streamlining the e-commerce startup process.


  • 🚀 Leverage AI to find profitable products and create high-converting Amazon listings for efficient online selling.
  • 🎯 Start by identifying a niche or product based on personal interest or expertise to gain an unfair advantage in the market.
  • 💡 Use AI, like Chat GPT, for brainstorming product ideas when stuck, ensuring they are unique and not just replicas of existing items.
  • 🔍 Validate product demand and potential profitability with tools like Jungle Scout to understand the market size and competition.
  • 🌟 Differentiate your product by focusing on unique features, design, material quality, and customization options.
  • 🛍️ Find reliable suppliers through platforms like Alibaba, attending trade shows, or hiring sourcing agents to negotiate the best deals.
  • 📝 Maintain clear communication and agreements with suppliers regarding product specifications, pricing, and quality assurance.
  • 📈 Sign up for a professional seller's account on Amazon to access advanced features that can boost sales and manage inventory effectively.
  • 🌐 Utilize tools like for brainstorming brand names and securing domain and social media handles for your product.
  • 🔑 Conduct thorough keyword research using Jungle Scout's Keyword Scout to understand customer search patterns on Amazon.
  • 📝 Craft compelling product listings on Amazon by incorporating researched keywords into the title and bullet points to enhance visibility and sales.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about the quickest way to start selling on Amazon using AI, covering steps from finding profitable products to setting up a high-converting listing.

  • Who is the speaker of the video and what are his credentials?

    -The speaker is Steve Chu, who runs two seven-figure businesses, has an eCommerce blog, and is the author of The Wall Street Journal best-selling book 'The Family First Entrepreneur'.

  • Why is Amazon a good platform for selling physical products?

    -Amazon is a good platform because it has a large built-in audience of shoppers who are already looking to buy products. It doesn't require a website or technical knowledge, just a product to sell and a camera.

  • How does one begin to find a product or niche to sell on Amazon?

    -One should start by looking at their interests or areas of expertise. It's beneficial to sell a product in an area where one has some knowledge or an unfair advantage.

  • What role does AI play in the process of selling on Amazon?

    -AI, specifically chat GPT, can help in brainstorming product ideas, making the product unique, and even creating a well-written Amazon listing by incorporating researched keywords naturally.

  • What tool is suggested for gauging demand and potential earnings for a product on Amazon?

    -Jungle Scout is the recommended tool for gauging demand and potential earnings. It allows users to search for a product on Amazon and see sales data using its Chrome tool.

  • How can one differentiate their product from others on Amazon?

    -One can differentiate their product by offering it in various colors, patterns, or styles, providing customization options, using high-quality materials, incorporating unique features like an LED light, and ensuring strong magnets.

  • What is a good way to find a supplier for the product?

    -One can find a supplier through websites like Alibaba, attending trade shows like The Canton Fair, or hiring a sourcing agent who is an expert in finding and vetting suppliers.

  • What are the key components of a successful Amazon listing?

    -The key components of a successful Amazon listing include a well-researched and keyword-rich title, bullet points, high-quality photos, and a unique value proposition that sets the product apart from competitors.

  • How can one ensure their product stands out in a crowded Amazon marketplace?

    -To stand out, one should focus on creating a unique product that offers something different from existing options, use high-quality materials, offer customization, and ensure excellent customer service.

  • What tool is recommended for brainstorming brand names and checking domain availability? is recommended for brainstorming brand names, checking domain availability, and securing social media handles related to the brand.



🚀 Starting to Sell on Amazon with AI Assistance

This paragraph introduces the video's focus on leveraging AI to quickly start selling on Amazon. Steve Chu, the speaker, shares his experience running successful online businesses and authoring a best-selling book. He emphasizes that selling physical products online is an effective way to earn a substantial income and Amazon's built-in audience makes it easier. The first step is finding a profitable product, which can be aided by AI. Steve suggests using one's interests and expertise to select a niche, and gives examples of his students' successful niches. He also demonstrates how AI can suggest product ideas, like unique fishing-related items, and stresses the importance of not selling 'me too' products.


🔍 Identifying Product Demand and Differentiation

The second paragraph delves into determining the demand for a product and differentiating it from competitors. Steve explains how to use Jungle Scout to assess product sales on Amazon and suggests improving upon existing products to offer something unique. He uses the example of a magnetic wristband for fishermen, discussing how to enhance its features based on market research and AI suggestions. Steve also covers finding a supplier through platforms like Alibaba or trade shows and the importance of communication and agreement with the supplier to ensure product quality and profitable pricing.


📝 Creating a High-Converting Amazon Listing with AI

The final paragraph discusses the process of creating an Amazon listing to sell the product. Steve explains the necessity of having a professional seller's account and choosing a brand name, for which he recommends using for brainstorming. He then talks about researching keywords related to the product using Jungle Scout's Keyword Scout and incorporating those keywords into the product title and bullet points. Steve suggests using AI, specifically Chat GPT with the browse plugin, to craft a compelling Amazon listing based on similar products. He concludes by encouraging viewers to learn more about finding the best suppliers for their products.



💡Amazon Selling

Amazon Selling refers to the process of listing and selling products on the Amazon platform. It is the central theme of the video, which provides a step-by-step guide on how to leverage AI to quickly start selling on Amazon. The video emphasizes the benefits of Amazon's large built-in audience and the ease of selling without needing a website or technical knowledge.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is used as a tool to assist in finding profitable products to sell, creating high-converting listings, and streamlining the selling process on Amazon. AI is portrayed as a powerful ally in the e-commerce journey.

💡Product Selection

Product Selection is the process of choosing the right products to sell in a market or a niche. It is a crucial step in starting an Amazon business, as the video emphasizes the importance of selling products in areas where one has expertise or an unfair advantage. The video provides strategies for brainstorming and validating product ideas.


Suppliers are the individuals or companies that provide the products a seller needs to stock and sell. Finding reliable suppliers is a key aspect of the Amazon selling process. The video discusses various methods for finding suppliers, such as using Alibaba or attending trade shows, and emphasizes the importance of communication and agreement with suppliers.

💡Product Differentiation

Product Differentiation is the strategy of distinguishing a product from others in the market to make it more appealing to customers. It is essential for standing out on Amazon, as the video advises against selling 'me-too' products. The video suggests using AI to brainstorm ways to make a product unique, such as offering different colors, materials, or additional features.

💡Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout is a suite of tools designed for Amazon sellers to help with product research, tracking sales, and estimating potential profits. It is used in the video to gauge product demand and monitor sales data, providing insights that can guide sellers in their decision-making process.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI-based chatbot that can generate human-like text based on prompts. In the video, Chat GPT is used to brainstorm product ideas, create unique selling propositions, and even draft Amazon product listings by incorporating researched keywords in a natural-sounding manner.


Branding refers to the process of creating a unique name and image for a product in the minds of consumers. It is crucial for building recognition and loyalty. The video emphasizes the importance of choosing a brand name, registering the domain, and ensuring the trademark is available. Tools like are recommended for efficient branding.

💡Amazon Listing

An Amazon Listing is the online description of a product for sale on Amazon. It includes the product title, images, bullet points, and description. The video highlights the importance of optimizing the listing with relevant keywords to ensure discoverability on Amazon and create a high-converting listing that appeals to potential customers.


E-Commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. The video is centered around e-commerce on the Amazon platform, providing strategies for starting and growing an online business through the sale of physical products.


The video outlines the quickest way to start selling on Amazon by leveraging AI, providing a step-by-step guide.

Steve Chu, the speaker, runs two seven-figure businesses and has authored a Wall Street Journal best-selling book.

A six-figure income can be achieved by selling physical products online, especially with Amazon's built-in audience.

AI and Chat GPT can significantly reduce the time to start selling on Amazon by assisting in product selection and listing creation.

Selecting a product or niche based on personal interest or expertise increases the chances of success on Amazon.

Chat GPT can generate product ideas, such as unique fishing-related products, based on user interests.

Jungle Scout is a tool that can determine the demand and potential profitability of a product on Amazon.

Differentiating products from competitors on Amazon is crucial to avoid selling 'me-too' products.

AI can suggest ways to make a product unique, such as customizing magnetic wristbands with colors, patterns, and engravings.

Finding a supplier is essential and can be done through platforms like Alibaba or by attending trade shows.

It's important to request samples from suppliers to ensure product quality and negotiate terms like minimum order quantities and pricing.

Maintaining clear communication with suppliers and having a written agreement is vital for smooth operations.

Sign up for a professional seller's account on Amazon and use tools like to brainstorm brand names and secure domains and social media handles.

Understanding Amazon's search-based e-commerce marketplace is key to optimizing product listings for discoverability.

Jungle Scout's Keyword Scout tool helps identify the most searched for keywords related to a product.

Chat GPT can assist in crafting an Amazon listing by incorporating researched keywords into a well-written, natural-sounding title and bullet points.

Once the product is manufactured and the Amazon listing is active, sellers can begin selling and generating income.

Leveraging AI streamlines the process of finding a product to sell, creating a brand, and setting up an Amazon listing, enabling rapid entry into the market.