How to Make Money Selling AI Prompts In 2024 (Step by Step Tutorial)

Mr. Money
6 Sept 202309:25

TLDRThe video tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to make money by selling AI prompts in 2024. It emphasizes the growing demand for AI prompts due to the increasing integration of AI in society and the lack of time or expertise many people have to create their own. The speaker suggests selling these prompts on platforms like Etsy, where there's an existing market and successful examples, such as a shop called 'faxel' with significant sales. They also mention using tools like 'everby' to analyze competitors and the potential to generate prompts for various AI applications, such as chat GPT or SEO content. The tutorial highlights the importance of understanding what people are searching for, using Google as a tool for market research, and creating products that cater to these demands. It also introduces the use of AI tools like Leonardo for generating prompts and images, which can then be sold. The summary encourages patience and hard work, suggesting that with dedication, it's possible to earn a substantial income from selling AI prompts.


  • πŸ“ˆ **AI Prompt Market**: There's a growing market for AI prompts, as many people lack the time or understanding to create their own.
  • πŸ’° **Selling Platforms**: Platforms like Etsy are popular for selling AI prompts, with some sellers achieving thousands of sales.
  • πŸ“Š **Market Analysis Tools**: Utilize tools like Everby to analyze sales and revenue of listings on platforms like Etsy to understand what sells well.
  • πŸ” **Competitor Research**: Learn from competitors by observing their strategies and offerings to improve your own.
  • πŸš€ **Low Entry Cost**: A low-cost tool like the Etsy listing generator can generate significant monthly revenue with relatively little investment.
  • 🌐 **Global Opportunity**: You can sell AI prompts from anywhere with a laptop and an internet connection.
  • 🎨 **Niche Markets**: There are specific niches like architecture prompts that cater to particular professions or interests.
  • πŸ”Ž **Google Trends**: Use Google to research what people are searching for to identify potential prompt markets.
  • πŸ›οΈ **Selling Process**: Create and sell guides or eBooks with prompts that people can easily purchase and download.
  • πŸ€– **AI Tools for Generation**: Use AI tools like Leonardo or Mid-Journey to generate prompts and designs that you can sell.
  • βœ… **Product Clarity**: Be clear with customers that the designs generated from the prompts will be similar but not identical to the examples provided.

Q & A

  • What is the main idea behind selling AI prompts?

    -The main idea is to save people time by doing the legwork for them, such as discovering and practicing prompts that work well with AI. By providing these prompts, sellers offer a service that allows buyers to skip the time-consuming process and directly access useful AI prompts.

  • Where can AI prompts be sold according to the transcript?

    -AI prompts can be sold on platforms like Etsy, which has a market for such products. There are also other online platforms and shops that specialize in AI-related goods.

  • What is the significance of the shop 'faxel' mentioned in the transcript?

    -The shop 'faxel' is used as an example of a successful seller of AI prompts on Etsy, having made significant sales with a relatively small number of listings, indicating the potential profitability of selling AI prompts.

  • What tool is mentioned for analyzing sales and revenue on Etsy?

    -The tool mentioned for analyzing sales and revenue on Etsy is called 'everby', which can provide insights into monthly sales and revenue for each listing.

  • How can one use Google to find out what kind of AI prompts are in demand?

    -One can use Google's search function to find out what people are searching for by typing in relevant keywords followed by 'prompts'. This can reveal popular topics or themes that people are looking for AI prompts on.

  • What is the role of 'chat GPT' in generating prompts?

    -Chat GPT can be used to generate prompts for various purposes, such as for SEO content creation. It can help in creating prompts that people might be interested in buying.

  • What is the advantage of using AI image generation platforms like Leonardo or mid-journey?

    -These platforms allow users to generate a variety of prompts for different situations. They can be used to create unique and diverse AI-generated images, which can then be sold as prompts or guides to others.

  • How can one ensure the uniqueness of the AI-generated images they sell?

    -While AI-generated images based on the same prompt will be similar, they will never be exactly the same. Sellers should specify that the buyers will receive something similar to the example provided, but not an identical image.

  • What is the purpose of creating a guide or ebook with AI prompts?

    -Creating a guide or ebook allows sellers to compile and organize a collection of prompts into a downloadable format. This provides value to the buyer by offering a comprehensive resource for various AI applications.

  • How does the process of selling AI prompts on Etsy compare to selling products on Amazon?

    -Selling AI prompts on Etsy is similar to selling products on Amazon in that both involve identifying a demand, sourcing or creating a product to meet that demand, and then marketing it to potential buyers. The key difference is the nature of the product – AI prompts versus physical goods.

  • What is the importance of patience and dedication in selling AI prompts?

    -Patience and dedication are crucial because building a successful business takes time. It involves understanding the market, creating valuable products, and consistently marketing them. Success may not come immediately, but with persistent effort, it is achievable.



πŸ€– Selling AI Prompts on Etsy

The first paragraph discusses the opportunity to sell AI prompts on platforms like Etsy. It highlights the growing use of AI in society and the demand for prompts by those who lack the time or knowledge to create them. The script mentions a successful shop on Etsy named 'faxel' that has sold 12,000 items with only 123 listings, focusing on AI art prompts. The idea is to save customers time by doing the research for them. The speaker recommends using the 'everby' extension to analyze sales and revenue on Etsy. They also discuss the potential to generate prompts for various AI tools like chat GPT, SEO content, and art generators, emphasizing the need for patience and hard work to succeed in this market.


🎨 Using Leonardo for AI Image Prompts

The second paragraph focuses on using Leonardo, an AI image generation tool, to create and sell prompts. The speaker explains how to log in to Leonardo, select prompts used to generate images, and fine-tune models to create similar designs. They suggest creating an ebook with these prompts for customers to download. Additionally, the paragraph covers the 'prompt generation' feature in Leonardo, which can produce numerous prompts based on a description. The speaker proposes selling these generated prompts as a way to capitalize on the AI revolution, comparing it to the business model of buying low and selling high on platforms like Amazon. They encourage trying out the tool before selling and emphasize the importance of dedication and patience to make money in this field.



πŸ’‘AI Prompts

AI prompts are specific instructions or statements designed to guide or stimulate an artificial intelligence system to generate a desired output, such as text, images, or other forms of content. In the context of the video, AI prompts are used to create art or content that can be sold to individuals who lack the time or expertise to create these prompts themselves.


Etsy is an e-commerce website focused on handmade or vintage items and craft supplies. It is mentioned in the video as a marketplace where AI prompts can be sold. The video references a shop called 'faxel' on Etsy that has successfully sold AI art prompts, indicating the platform's potential for this type of product.


Everby is an extension for the Etsy platform that provides sellers with additional analytics and insights about their listings, such as monthly sales and revenue. It is highlighted in the video as a useful tool for sellers to understand which of their AI prompts are performing best in the market.

πŸ’‘AI Art Generators

AI art generators are software applications that use artificial intelligence to create visual art. The video discusses using these generators with AI prompts to produce unique pieces of art that can be sold to customers. Examples given include Leonardo and mid-journey, which are platforms that facilitate the creation of AI-generated art.

πŸ’‘SEO Content

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the process of improving the visibility of a website in search engine results. The video suggests that AI prompts can be used to generate content optimized for SEO, indicating the versatility of AI prompts in creating content for various purposes.

πŸ’‘Google Search

Google Search is a web search engine owned by Google LLC. The video emphasizes the use of Google Search as a tool to identify what people are looking for, such as 'mid-journey prompts' or 'architecture prompts', which can then be created and sold as AI prompts to meet market demand.


Canva is an online design and branding platform used to create visual content such as logos, social media posts, and presentations. In the video, Canva is suggested as a tool to create an ebook of AI prompts that can be sold to customers, showcasing its utility in packaging and presenting products for sale.

πŸ’‘Prompt Generation

Prompt generation refers to the automated creation of AI prompts. The video discusses a feature within AI image generation platforms that allows for the creation of numerous prompts based on a given description, which can then be used to generate and sell AI art.


Leonardo is an AI platform mentioned in the video that allows users to generate images based on prompts. It is used as an example of how AI prompts can be used to create and sell unique pieces of art, emphasizing the platform's role in the process of creating products to sell.


Mid-Journey is another AI art generator referenced in the video. It is suggested as an alternative platform to Leonardo for generating images from AI prompts, indicating that there are multiple options available for creating AI art to sell.

πŸ’‘AI Revolution

The AI Revolution refers to the significant changes and advancements in technology driven by artificial intelligence. The video uses this term to describe the current trend where AI is increasingly integrated into various aspects of society, creating opportunities for new businesses, such as selling AI prompts.


AI is increasingly integrated into society, creating a demand for AI prompts.

Many people lack the time or understanding to create their own AI prompts.

Selling AI prompts on platforms like Etsy can be profitable.

The shop 'faxel' on Etsy has made significant sales by selling AI prompts.

AI art prompts are in high demand as they save customers time and effort.

The extension 'everby' for Etsy can provide insights into sales and revenue statistics.

Competitor analysis is crucial for learning and improving one's own offerings.

The 'chat GPT Etsy listing generator' is a cost-effective tool for creating listings.

AI tools like and mid-journey can be used to generate various types of prompts.

The internet offers opportunities for anyone with patience and hard work.

Architectural prompts are a niche market with real demand, as shown by search trends.

Google search trends can reveal what people are looking for, guiding prompt creation.

Creating and selling prompts is a simple process that requires minimal resources.

Chat GPT can be used to generate prompts, but tools like Leonardo offer more features.

Leonardo's prompt generation feature allows for the creation of numerous prompts based on descriptions.

Selling AI-generated content is akin to dropshipping, capitalizing on convenience.

The potential monthly revenue from selling AI prompts on Etsy can be substantial.

Dedication, patience, and hard work are key to success in selling AI prompts.