AI Vocals: The Music Revolution Begins

Doctor Mix
22 Mar 202416:05

TLDRIn this video, the host introduces the next generation of AI singing technology, showcasing its capabilities by creating a soulful rendition of 'I Feel for You' by Shaka Kan. The video demonstrates the ability to select different singers, combine vocal styles, and adjust pitch and expression. The host also experiments with recording their own voice and transforming it into a different vocal style, highlighting the technology's potential as a tool for musicians.


  • 🎤 Introduction to next-generation AI singing technology that is described as mindblowing.
  • 🎵 The AI can generate and manipulate various singing voices, both male and female, and combine them in unique ways.
  • 🎶 The process involves recording MIDI and adjusting vocal pitch and range to fit the desired sound, such as soprano.
  • 🎧 The AI can add expressivity to the vocals, including breaths and vibratos, to mimic the style of a real singer.
  • 🎼 The user can input notes by singing into the system, which then translates into AI-generated music with the desired inflections.
  • 🎷 The AI singing technology can transform a user's voice to match different vocal styles, such as a powerful ballad or a high-pitched note.
  • 🎹 The host demonstrates the AI's capabilities by attempting to recreate the singing style of famous songs like 'You've Got a Friend' and the theme from 'Titanic'.
  • 🚀 The AI technology is seen as a tool for musicians, not a replacement, encouraging creative exploration.
  • 🌐 The video is sponsored by Ace Studio, who provides the AI technology showcased in the video.
  • 📈 The host expresses amazement at the AI's ability to fine-tune and adjust vocal performances to a high level of quality.
  • 🔗 The audience is encouraged to visit Dr Mix's website for exclusive content and further exploration of AI singing technology.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the demonstration of the next generation of AI singing technology and its capabilities.

  • What is the name of the song that the host chooses to demonstrate the AI singing technology with?

    -The host chooses to demonstrate the AI singing technology with the song 'I Feel for You' by Shaka Kan.

  • How can users select different singers in the AI technology?

    -Users can select different singers, both male and female, and combine them in unique combinations within the AI technology.

  • What does the host do to create a MIDI file for the AI to sing?

    -The host records some music, specifically a MIDI file, to play the AI singing through.

  • What vocal range does the host decide to use for the AI singer?

    -The host decides to use a soprano range for the AI singer, adjusting the pitch up by five semitones.

  • How does the host add expressivity to the AI singing?

    -The host adds expressivity to the AI singing by adjusting the pitch, adding vibrato, and inserting breaths where appropriate.

  • What is the second song the host attempts to demonstrate with the AI singing technology?

    -The second song the host attempts to demonstrate with the AI singing technology is 'You've Got a Friend' by James Taylor.

  • How does the host react to the AI's performance of the second song?

    -The host is amazed by the AI's performance, noting the difference between the AI's rendition and their own singing.

  • What is the final song the host decides to perform with the AI?

    -The final song the host decides to perform with the AI is 'My Heart Will Go On' by Celine Dion.

  • What additional effect does the host add to the AI's performance of the final song?

    -The host adds reverb to the AI's performance of the final song to enhance the sound.

  • What exclusive content does the host offer to those who register on Dr

    -Those who register on Dr will receive the entire session of the AI singing demonstration for free.



🎤 Introduction to AI Singing Technology

The paragraph introduces the viewer to the next generation of AI singing technology, highlighting its mind-blowing capabilities. The speaker expresses hope for the audience's well-being and shares excitement about demonstrating the technology. The video is sponsored by Ace Studio, and the speaker discusses the process of using AI to create soulful singing, including choosing different singers and experimenting with unique combinations. The speaker also talks about recording music and adjusting vocal ranges to achieve the desired sound, mentioning the technical aspects of exporting and importing MIDI files.


🎵 Experimenting with Expressivity and Vocal Editing

In this paragraph, the focus is on experimenting with the expressivity of AI-generated vocals. The speaker discusses adding breaths and energy to the AI's singing, emphasizing the amazing aspect of this technology. They explore adjusting the key and adding vibrato to the AI's voice, showcasing the ability to fine-tune the performance. The speaker also compares AI-generated vocals to a real singer's performance, highlighting the differences and the potential of AI as a tool for musicians.


🎶 AI Singing in Different Styles and Voices

The speaker continues to explore AI singing technology by attempting to create a sentimental power ballad using the AI. They discuss the possibility of inputting notes by singing into the machine and the process of syncing it with the AI's vocal generation. The speaker also experiments with different vocal styles, such as a sexy male vocal, and demonstrates how the AI can adapt to various singing styles and expressions. The paragraph showcases the versatility of AI in transforming the speaker's voice into different vocal ranges and styles.


🌟 Conclusion and Call to Action for Ace Studio

The final paragraph wraps up the demonstration of AI singing technology, with the speaker reflecting on the potential impact on musicians but reassuring that musicians will continue to play their instruments. The speaker shares their excitement about the technology and encourages the audience to share their thoughts on AI singing. An exclusive piece of content is mentioned, which is available on Dr Mix's website for registered users. The speaker promotes Ace Studio, the sponsor of the video, and encourages the audience to check out the link in the description for more information.



💡AI singing technology

AI singing technology refers to the use of artificial intelligence to generate or enhance vocal performances. In the context of the video, it represents the next generation of AI that can mimic human singing, showcasing a mindblowing advancement in the field. The technology is capable of selecting different singers, combining their voices, and even adjusting vocal ranges to create unique musical experiences.


The term 'soulful' describes music or a performance that is deeply emotional and expressive, often evoking a sense of connection with the listener's feelings or experiences. In the video, the song 'I Feel for You' by Shaka Kan is mentioned as an example of a soulful piece, highlighting the AI's ability to capture and convey the emotional depth of such music.

💡Vocal ranges

Vocal ranges refer to the span of pitches that a singer can comfortably produce with their voice. The script discusses various vocal ranges like bass, tenor, and soprano, and how the AI can be adjusted to match these ranges, ensuring a more authentic and suitable performance for the chosen song or style.


MIDI, or Musical Instrument Digital Interface, is a protocol for communicating musical information between devices. In the video, MIDI is used to input musical compositions into the AI system, allowing for the creation of a backing track and the manipulation of various musical elements to achieve the desired sound.


Vibrato is a musical effect where a singer or instrumentalist varies the pitch of a note to create a pulsating or vibrating sound. The video script mentions adding vibrato to the AI's performance, which contributes to a more natural and expressive vocal output, similar to what a human singer might do.


Expressivity in music refers to the ability to convey emotion and character through performance. The AI's expressivity includes elements like breaths, slides, and other vocal inflections that make the singing sound more human and emotionally engaging. The video emphasizes the importance of these nuances in achieving a convincing AI singing performance.

💡Pitch correction

Pitch correction is the process of adjusting the pitch of a vocal recording to ensure it aligns with the intended musical notes. In the context of the video, the AI can correct pitch imperfections, allowing for a polished vocal performance that hits all the right notes.

💡Key change

A key change in music involves shifting the tonal center of a song to a different key. The video script discusses changing the key to better suit the AI's vocal range, demonstrating the flexibility and adaptability of AI singing technology.

💡Power ballad

A power ballad is a type of music that combines elements of both rock and ballad, typically characterized by strong, emotional vocals and powerful instrumentals. The video script mentions creating a sentimental power ballad using the AI, showcasing its capability to handle different musical styles and emotional depth.

💡AI vocals

AI vocals refer to the use of artificial intelligence to generate or manipulate vocal sounds. In the video, the AI is used to produce and modify vocals, pronouncing words and applying expressions to mimic a human singer's performance. This technology opens up new possibilities for music creation and performance.


In the context of the video, a toolbox metaphorically refers to the collection of resources, techniques, and tools available to musicians for creating music. The AI singing technology is presented as a new tool in this toolbox, emphasizing that it does not replace musicians but rather enhances their creative capabilities.


Introduction to next-generation AI singing technology.

Ace Studio sponsors the video showcasing AI singing capabilities.

Demonstration of choosing different singers and unique vocal combinations.

Recording music with MIDI for AI to play.

Adjusting vocal pitch and range to fit the song.

Adding expressivity to AI vocals, such as breaths and vibrato.

Experimenting with a sentimental power ballad using AI vocals.

Inputting notes by singing into the machine.

Comparison between real and AI-generated singing.

Transformation of vocals with pitch conversion and expression.

Creating an exclusive piece of content on Dr Mix's website.

Applying reverb to enhance the AI singing experience.

Singing the theme from Titanic with AI vocal adjustments.

Encouragement for musicians to embrace AI as a tool.

Invitation for viewers to experience AI singing with Ace Studio.