🔴AISEKAI: la web de INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL que falló al querer imitar a CHARACTER AI

-Salvador Ledesma-
5 Feb 202415:29

TLDRThe transcript describes the closure of the isekai platform, which offered an alternative to censored AI chatbots and gained a substantial user base. However, due to disagreements with sponsors and investors, the platform was forced to implement filters, leading to a decision to shut down. The team behind isekai plans to establish a new platform committed to democratic technology and uncensored AI, hoping to recapture the original vision of isekai.


  • 📣 The isekai platform, which started in August 2023, has decided to shut down due to disagreements with sponsors.
  • 👥 isekai had a significant user base with 200,000 registered users, 1 million website visits, and 300,000 monthly active users.
  • 🚫 The sponsors wanted to transform isekai into a moderated website with filters to separate SFW (Safe For Work) and NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content.
  • 🛑 The development team felt unhappy and conflicted, as the changes went against their original principles and ideals upon which isekai was founded.
  • 💰 Financial refunds will be provided to those who purchased memberships or made donations, and the website will remain active for two more weeks for users to export their bot cards.
  • 🔄 The isekai community will continue through its Discord and Reddit platforms, despite the closure of the main website.
  • 🆕 The isekai team plans to start a new project that returns to their roots, focusing on democratic technology and an AI free from censorship.
  • 🎥 The video also pays tribute to the first anniversary of a video that was heavily censored, highlighting the struggle against censorship.
  • 🤖 The isekai platform was known for its professionalism, good vibes, and community-driven approach to AI development.
  • 🚀 The initial promise of isekai was to provide an uncensored alternative to AI chatbots, but the pressure from investors led to a shift in direction.
  • 💭 The script reflects on the cycle of AI chatbot platforms facing similar challenges with censorship and investor pressures, often leading to their decline or closure.

Q & A

  • What was the original purpose of Isekai when it was created?

    -Isekai was created as an alternative to censored artificial intelligence chatbots, promising a platform without filters and to maintain a professional and friendly community.

  • What led to the decision of closing Isekai?

    -The decision to close Isekai was due to disagreements with sponsors and investors who wanted to introduce content filters to make the platform 'safe for work', which went against the principles and ideals of the Isekai team.

  • What was the initial reaction of the community to the introduction of filters on Isekai?

    -The community was unhappy with the introduction of filters, as it felt like a betrayal of the platform's original promise of no censorship and freedom of expression.

  • How did the Isekai team plan to refund users after closing the platform?

    -Users who had purchased memberships or made donations were to receive their money back, and the website would remain active for two weeks to allow users to export their created bots' cards.

  • What was the role of the Discord and Reddit communities in the Isekai story?

    -The Discord and Reddit communities played a significant role in the Isekai story, providing feedback, support, and criticism throughout the platform's existence. They continued to be active even after the decision to close Isekai was announced.

  • What was the main complaint from the community regarding the changes in Isekai?

    -The main complaint was that the changes, particularly the introduction of filters, made Isekai just another censored platform, losing its uniqueness and the trust of its community.

  • What was the significance of the 'Book' mentioned in the script?

    -The 'Book' referred to in the script was a metaphor for the restrictions and censorship that the Isekai team was facing from their investor. It symbolized the struggle between maintaining the platform's original vision and succumbing to external pressures.

  • What was the community's reaction to the Isekai team's handling of the platform's issues?

    -The community's reaction was largely negative, with many expressing disappointment, frustration, and a loss of trust in the Isekai team due to perceived lies and censorship.

  • What was the impact of the investor's demands on the Isekai platform?

    -The investor's demands led to the implementation of content filters and a shift towards a 'safe for work' platform, which ultimately resulted in the loss of the platform's unique selling point and the subsequent decision to close it.

  • What was the Isekai team's plan after closing the platform?

    -The Isekai team planned to start a new project that would return to their original ideals of a democratic technology and an artificial intelligence free from censorship.

  • What was the general sentiment towards the end of the Isekai platform?

    -The general sentiment was one of disappointment and disillusionment, with the community feeling betrayed by the changes and the eventual closure of the platform.



🚪 The Closure of Isekai - A Community's Journey and Disappointment

This paragraph discusses the announcement of the closure of Isekai, an isekai-themed chatbot platform, and the journey of its community. It highlights the platform's initial success with 200,000 registered users and 1 million web visits, but also the eventual decision to shut down due to disagreements with sponsors. The sponsors wanted to transform Isekai into a moderated platform with content filters, leading to a conflict with the developers' principles. The paragraph details the community's reaction, the return of funds to members and donors, and the developers' intention to create a new, uncensored platform in the future.


🤖 The Struggle with Censorship and the Impact on AI

This paragraph delves into the challenges faced by Isekai due to the implementation of content filters, which were demanded by sponsors. It describes how the developers felt their hands were tied and how it led to a departure from their original vision of an uncensored chatbot experience. The paragraph also discusses the unintended consequences of censorship on AI behavior, such as AI becoming more evasive and less responsive to avoid triggering filters. It highlights the community's frustration with the changes and the eventual decline of the platform's spirit and user satisfaction.


💭 The Community's Shifting Perception and the Developers' Dilemma

This paragraph focuses on the changing perception of the Isekai community towards the platform and its developers. It outlines the community's disappointment with the introduction of filters and the developers' struggle to maintain their principles. The paragraph also touches on the developers' communication with the community, which became strained as they faced pressure from investors to censor content. It highlights the community's desire for transparency and the developers' eventual decision to close the platform, reflecting a shared disillusionment with the direction Isekai was taking.


🌟 The Future of Unfiltered AI and the Hope for a New Beginning

In this final paragraph, the focus shifts to the future of AI chatbots and the developers' plans to create a new platform that returns to their original vision of an uncensored, democratic technology. It speaks to the hope and determination of the team to learn from their experiences with Isekai and to build something that upholds their ideals. The paragraph ends on a note of anticipation for what the new platform might offer and the potential for a community that values freedom of expression and the true potential of AI.




Isekai refers to a genre of fantasy fiction, often in manga or anime, where a person from the real world is transported to a fantasy world. In the context of the video, it is the name of a chatbot platform that the developers are discussing. The term is used to illustrate the journey and eventual closure of this platform, which was initially an alternative to censored AI but eventually succumbed to external pressures and censorship.


Censorship is the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, or other forms of media that are considered politically unacceptable, pornographic, or otherwise objectionable. In the video, censorship is a central theme as it discusses the struggle between maintaining the platform's original purpose of being an uncensored chatbot and the external pressures to implement filters and restrictions on the content generated by the AI.


Chatbots are computer programs designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the internet. In the context of the video, chatbots refer to the AI entities on the Isekai platform that engage in conversations with users. The quality and freedom of these chatbots were compromised by the implementation of censorship, leading to dissatisfaction within the user community.


Sponsors are individuals or organizations that provide financial support to a project, event, or entity. In the video, sponsors are the entities that initially support the Isekai platform but later demand changes that lead to censorship. Their influence results in the platform's shift from its original vision, causing a rift between the developers and the user base.


Community refers to a group of people who share common interests or goals. In the context of the video, the community is the collective users and supporters of the Isekai platform. The community's reaction to the changes in the platform, particularly the introduction of censorship, is a significant factor in the narrative of the platform's decline.


Filters, in the context of the video, refer to the mechanisms used to restrict or modify the content that the chatbots can generate. The implementation of filters was a point of contention between the sponsors and the developers of Isekai, as it went against the platform's original commitment to being an uncensored chatbot service.


Transparency refers to the quality of being open and honest, especially in financial matters or decision-making processes. In the video, the lack of transparency by the Isekai team is criticized by the community, as they felt misled by the developers' actions and the changes to the platform.

💡Intellectual Freedom

Intellectual freedom is the right to seek, receive, and disseminate information from all points of view without restriction. It is a fundamental principle in the video, as the Isekai platform was initially created with this ideal in mind. However, external pressures led to a compromise of this freedom, resulting in the platform's closure.

💡Moral Dilemma

A moral dilemma is a situation in which a person faces conflicting moral choices, often between what is considered right and what is considered practical or beneficial. In the video, the moral dilemma faced by the Isekai team is whether to maintain their principles of intellectual freedom and uncensored AI or to comply with sponsors' demands for censorship to avoid legal and social repercussions.

💡User Engagement

User engagement refers to the level of involvement and interaction users have with a platform or service. In the video, user engagement is critical to the success of the Isekai platform, and the changes made to the platform, such as the introduction of filters, negatively impacted user engagement and satisfaction.

💡Platform Closure

Platform closure refers to the shutting down of a digital platform or service. In the video, the closure of the Isekai platform is a significant event that marks the end of the chatbot service and the community's access to it. The closure is a result of the cumulative effects of censorship, loss of community trust, and the inability to reconcile with the sponsors' demands.


Isekai, a chatbot platform, has decided to close its doors due to disagreements with sponsors.

The platform had 200,000 registered users, a million website visits, and 300,000 monthly active users.

Sponsors wanted to turn Isekai into a moderated website with filters to separate SFW and NSFW content.

The development team felt unhappy and conflicted, as the changes went against their original principles and ideals.

Isekai was initially created as a democratic technology with free speech and no censorship.

The team plans to refund memberships and donations, and the website will remain active for two more weeks for users to export their chatbot cards.

The Isekai community on Discord and Reddit will continue to be active even after the website shuts down.

The team will start working on a new project that returns to their original vision of a democratic technology free from censorship.

The document discusses the rise and fall of Isekai, highlighting the community's reaction to the changes and the eventual decision to close.

The community felt betrayed by the implementation of filters and the perceived shift from the platform's initial promise of no censorship.

The document mentions a specific incident where a moderator's resignation and the team's handling of the filter controversy led to a loss of community trust.

The document explores the impact of external investors on the development and direction of AI platforms like Isekai.

The narrative includes a critical look at the cycle of chatbot platforms promising freedom from censorship, gaining popularity, and then facing pressure to implement filters.

The document references the community's search for alternatives to Isekai, with other platforms like Sakura and Yodayo emerging as potential new homes for users.

The document discusses the challenges of balancing investor demands with community expectations and the preservation of the platform's original vision.

The document includes a critique of the Isekai team's communication with the community, suggesting a shift from transparency to a more generic customer service approach.

The document highlights the importance of community engagement and trust in the success of AI platforms, drawing lessons from Isekai's experience.

The document ends with a call for developers to maintain integrity and transparency with their communities, especially in the face of financial and investor pressures.