Accurately Rating Facial Attractiveness With A.I ? (blackpill)

Nero Angelo
12 Mar 202404:07

TLDRThe video discusses the use of artificial intelligence to rate facial attractiveness, specifically through the website It explores the methods used by the site, which include neoclassical canons and facial symmetry measurements, and applies these to rate the attractiveness of a challenging face, that of Kilian Murphy. The host provides a critique of the website's assessment, highlighting inaccuracies and the limitations of AI in capturing the nuanced concept of facial harmony. The video concludes that while AI tools can be fun, they currently lack the depth required for a comprehensive attractiveness rating, emphasizing that human perception of facial harmony is irreplaceable.


  • 🚀 Artificial Intelligence is being used to develop apps and websites that rate facial attractiveness.
  • 🤔 There are concerns about the trustworthiness and accuracy of these apps in providing facial measurements and attractiveness scores.
  • 📐 The website uses neoclassical canons, which are measurements for proportional evaluations of the face, developed in the 17th and 18th centuries.
  • 🧐 The methods include facial thirds, facial fifths, eye spacing, and symmetry measurements, which are also used by surgeons for planning surgical treatments.
  • 🤨 The golden ratio mask might be used in the assessment process, although it's not explicitly confirmed.
  • 🧑 The website rated a challenging face, Killian Murphy, with a score of 73%, translating to 'good-looking' or 'Chad light'.
  • 🔍 Criticisms of the assessment include inaccuracies such as labeling a wide face as a flaw, which may not be accurate for the individual's facial width to height ratio.
  • 👁 The assessment agreed on good interocular distance and a good nose for the face, but disagreed on the small chin, citing an average chin to face ratio.
  • 🧘 Facial harmony, which is about how well facial features work together, is considered important and cannot be accurately perceived by a computer.
  • 🚫 Current AI-based ratings are not fully comprehensive methods for measuring attractiveness due to the lack of in-depth facial ratios and consideration of ethnicity.
  • 🎭 The importance of facial harmony and the combination of features is emphasized as a key factor in attractiveness, which AI may not fully capture.
  • 💡 The video suggests using such apps and websites for fun rather than relying on them for a definitive measure of attractiveness.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic discussed in the video?

    -The main topic discussed in the video is the use of artificial intelligence in rating facial attractiveness, specifically through a website called

  • What are neoclassical canons?

    -Neoclassical canons are measurements used for proportional evaluations of the face, developed by Arces and Anonomous in the 17th and 18th century. They define the aesthetic proportions of the face.

  • How does measure facial attractiveness? uses a method that includes neoclassical canons, eye spacing, facial thirds, facial fifths, and symmetry measurements, as well as potentially the golden ratio mask.

  • What facial features were evaluated for Kilian Murphy's picture on

    -The website evaluated features such as face width, forehead size, interocular distance, nose size relative to the face, mouth size, chin size, and facial symmetry.

  • What was the final attractiveness score given for Kilian Murphy's face?

    -The final attractiveness score given for Kilian Murphy's face was 73%, which the video suggests translates to 'A7' or 'Chad light'.

  • What are the limitations of using AI to rate facial attractiveness?

    -AI ratings may lack accuracy in certain areas, do not account for ethnicity which can affect the perception of attractiveness, and cannot perceive facial harmony, which is a subjective and human-centric aspect of beauty.

  • What is the importance of facial harmony in attractiveness?

    -Facial harmony is about how well the facial features come together and work together. It allows for some flaws to be perceived as attractive when they fit well with the rest of the face, contributing to a person's unique and appealing appearance.

  • Why should AI and app ratings for attractiveness be used cautiously?

    -AI and app ratings should be used cautiously because they may not capture the full complexity of human attractiveness, including ethnic differences and the nuanced concept of facial harmony.

  • What is the suggested use for AI-based attractiveness apps and websites?

    -The video suggests using AI-based attractiveness apps and websites for fun rather than relying on them as a definitive measure of one's attractiveness.

  • How does the video presenter rate attractiveness beyond the AI's evaluation?

    -The presenter considers factors such as plus factors of attractiveness, ethnicity, symmetry, and most importantly, facial harmony, which they believe a computer cannot accurately assess.

  • What does the presenter think about the use of AI in evaluating facial attractiveness?

    -The presenter believes that while AI can provide some insights, it is not a fully comprehensive method to measure attractiveness due to its current limitations in understanding the subtleties of human perception of beauty.

  • What is the final advice given by the presenter regarding the use of AI for attractiveness ratings?

    -The presenter advises viewers to take AI-based attractiveness ratings with a grain of salt, emphasizing that they should be used for entertainment rather than as a serious evaluation of one's looks.



🤖 AI and Facial Attractiveness Rating Apps

The video discusses the potential and concerns related to AI-driven smartphone apps or websites that rate facial attractiveness. It raises questions about the trustworthiness of these apps, the methods they use to measure attractiveness, and their ability to provide accurate scores. The video is structured into segments that will explore the methods used by a specific website,, test its rating system, and evaluate its accuracy. The host also offers personalized face evaluation and advice for viewers through a link in the description and invites viewers to share their thoughts in the comments section.



💡Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, it is used to discuss the development of apps or websites that rate facial attractiveness, which is a complex task typically requiring human judgment.

💡Facial Attractiveness Score

A Facial Attractiveness Score is a numerical value assigned by an algorithm or system to represent the perceived attractiveness of a person's face. The video questions the accuracy and trustworthiness of such scores when provided by AI-driven apps or websites.

💡Neoclassical Canons

Neoclassical Canons are a set of aesthetic proportions used for evaluating the physical beauty of a face, which were developed in the 17th and 18th centuries. The video mentions that the website uses a form of these canons to measure facial attractiveness.

💡Facial Proportions

Facial Proportions refer to the size and relationship of various facial features to one another. The video discusses how these proportions, such as the eye spacing and facial thirds, are used by the AI to rate attractiveness.

💡Symmetry Measurement

Symmetry Measurement is a method used to assess the evenness of a face's halves, which is considered an element of attractiveness. The video suggests that might use this method by splitting the face into two parts to evaluate symmetry.

💡Golden Ratio Mask

The Golden Ratio Mask is a tool that uses the golden ratio to determine the aesthetically pleasing proportions of a face. The video speculates that this might be one of the methods used by to rate facial attractiveness.

💡Facial Harmony

Facial Harmony refers to the overall balance and cohesion of facial features, which contributes to perceived attractiveness. The video argues that facial harmony can only be perceived by the human eye and is not something that current AI systems can accurately measure.


Ethnicity is related to a person's racial, cultural, or national group. The video points out that different ethnicities may have different ideal facial ratios, and AI apps may not account for these variations, which could affect the accuracy of attractiveness ratings.

💡Killian Murphy

Killian Murphy is presumably a person whose facial attractiveness was evaluated using the website. The video uses his assessment as an example to discuss the limitations of AI in accurately rating facial attractiveness.

💡Chad Light

Chad Light, or A7, is a colloquial term that might be used to describe someone who is considered to be on the higher end of the attractiveness scale. The video uses this term to discuss the outcome of Killian Murphy's rating on

💡Human Perception

Human Perception is the process by which humans become aware of, interpret, and understand the world around them through their senses. The video emphasizes that human perception, particularly the ability to appreciate facial harmony, is an essential factor in attractiveness that AI cannot replicate.


The rise of artificial intelligence has led to the development of apps that rate facial attractiveness.

Questions remain about the trustworthiness and accuracy of these apps in providing facial measurements and attractiveness scores.

The methods used by algorithms to determine attractiveness are crucial for understanding their reliability. is a website that uses neoclassical canons for proportional evaluations of facial features.

Neoclassical canons were developed in the 17th and 18th centuries and are still referenced by surgeons for surgical planning.

The website measures facial thirds, facial fifths, and eye spacing to determine attractiveness.

Symmetry measurement, where the face is split into two parts, is also used by the website.

The golden ratio mask might be employed to assess facial proportions.

Killian Murphy's face was used as a challenging example to rate on

The website rated Murphy as 'good-looking' with a score of 73%, translating to an A7 or 'Chad light'.

The assessment pointed out specific features such as a wide face, small forehead, good interocular distance, normal mouth size, and good facial symmetry.

The reviewer disagrees with some of the website's assessments, citing inaccuracies in the evaluation of facial width and forehead size.

Facial harmony, which is subjective and can only be perceived by the human eye, is not captured by computer algorithms.

Human ratings consider attractiveness factors, ethnicity, symmetry, and most importantly, facial harmony.

Website and app ratings are not fully comprehensive methods to measure attractiveness due to the lack of in-depth facial ratios and ethnicity considerations.

Apps and websites should be used for fun rather than as definitive measures of attractiveness.

The video invites viewers to share their thoughts on the topic in the comments section.

The video concludes by encouraging viewers to like, subscribe, and look forward to the next video.