Affinity Designer 2 Trace Image 2024 - The best free tool so far

4 Feb 202406:10

TLDRThe video discusses the shift from a free map Tracer to a subscription-based vectorizer AI service, highlighting the cost implications for professional and casual users. It introduces SVG converter as a free alternative for vectorizing images, which operates locally in the browser. The video demonstrates the vectorization process with different types of images, including black and white, color, and gradient images, noting the need for manual editing in some cases. The SVG converter's editing feature is praised for allowing users to correct segmented images before finalizing the vectorization. The video also compares the results with Vectorizer AI and briefly mentions Logoist 5 as another vectorization tool. The host concludes by recommending SVG converter for its free and effective vectorization capabilities.


  • 💰 Vectorizer AI, previously free, now requires a subscription costing 'n' bucks a month, which may be worth it for professional use but not for casual users.
  • 🌐 Introducing SVG Converter as a free alternative for vectorization that works directly in the browser without uploading to a server.
  • 🖼️ SVG Converter allows users to adjust settings such as black and white mode and smoothness, providing a good result for simple images.
  • 🎨 For more complex images, SVG Converter may require additional work to refine the vectorized result, unlike Vectorizer AI which uses AI for enhancement.
  • 🔍 SVG Converter has an 'edit image' feature that lets users manually correct issues in the segmented image before vectorization.
  • ⏱️ Processing times in SVG Converter can vary depending on the complexity of the image, with more complicated images taking longer.
  • 📚 The final vectorized images can be opened in Affinity Designer for further editing and refinement.
  • 🤖 Logoist 5 is highlighted as another tool with a decent vectorizer, offering good out-of-the-box results and better gradient support.
  • 🛠️ Logoist 5's editor is powerful and might serve as an alternative to Affinity Designer, allowing users to view and modify the document structure before exporting.
  • 📈 The script suggests that SVG Converter is likely to remain free, contrasting with Vectorizer AI's subscription model.
  • 🔗 The video description will provide links to several alternatives, both free and paid, for vectorization.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the free alternative to Vectorizer AI mentioned in the transcript?

    -The free alternative to Vectorizer AI mentioned is called SVG converter.

  • How does the SVG converter handle the vectorization process?

    -The SVG converter handles vectorization locally on the user's browser without uploading anything to a server. It allows users to adjust settings such as black and white mode and smoothness, and provides an option to edit the segmented image for better results.

  • What is a limitation of the SVG converter compared to Vectorizer AI?

    -A limitation of the SVG converter compared to Vectorizer AI is that it does not use AI to enhance vectors, resulting in less smooth and clean lines in the vectorized images.

  • How can users fix artifacts in the SVG converter's vectorization result?

    -Users can fix artifacts by using the 'edit image' button to open the segmented image, zooming into the problem area, selecting the right color, and using the fill color tool to correct the image before vectorizing again.

  • What file format is saved when downloading a vectorized image from the SVG converter?

    -The downloaded file is saved in SVG format in the user's downloads folder.

  • How does the SVG converter perform with images that have gradients?

    -The SVG converter can handle images with gradients, but it does not recognize gradients as a single entity and splits them into multiple paths, which may require additional work to refine.

  • What is the name of another vectorization tool mentioned in the transcript?

    -Another vectorization tool mentioned is Logoist 5.

  • What is the advantage of using Logoist 5 for vectorization?

    -Logoist 5 has a powerful editor and provides better gradient support and vector enhancement out of the box compared to SVG converter.

  • What is the process for opening a vectorized SVG file in Affinity Designer?

    -After downloading the SVG file, it can be opened in Affinity Designer where layers may need to be cleaned up, and curves combined into a compound curve for a streamlined design.

  • What does the user suggest about the future of the SVG converter's pricing model?

    -The user suggests that, unlike Vectorizer AI, the SVG converter is likely to remain free in the future.

  • What does the user recommend for viewers at the end of the transcript?

    -The user recommends viewers to hit the like and subscribe buttons and mentions that there are many alternatives to the discussed tools, providing links in the description for further exploration.



📈 Free Alternative to Vectorizer AI: SVG Converter

The video begins with the host lamenting the transition of the best free map Tracer to a subscription-based service, Vectorizer AI, which costs a monthly fee. They argue that while this might be worth it for professionals, casual users may not find it cost-effective. As an alternative, the host introduces SVG converter, a free tool that performs vectorization without uploading images to a server, thus offering privacy and security. The SVG converter is demonstrated by uploading a black and white image, adjusting settings for better results, and downloading the vectorized SVG file. The host also discusses the limitations of SVG converter compared to Vectorizer AI, particularly in handling gradients and complex images, and shows how to edit the segmented image for improved results. The video concludes with a brief comparison to Vectorizer AI and a mention of the potential for the tool to remain free in the future.


🎨 Logoist 5: A Robust Vectorization Tool

In the second paragraph, the host surprises the audience by introducing Logoist 5, a tool they recently purchased for testing. The video demonstrates the vectorization process in Logoist 5, starting from the startup screen where the user can select a file for vectorization. The host praises the tool's ability to produce better results out of the box and its superior gradient support. After vectorization, the result opens in a powerful editor that allows users to view and modify the document structure before exporting. The host also mentions the option to export the final design as an SVG file and import it into Affinity Designer for further processing. The video ends with a call to action for viewers to like and subscribe to the channel.




A 'Tracer' in the context of the video refers to a software tool that converts raster images (like photos or scanned documents) into vector images. Vector images are more scalable and can be resized without loss of quality, making them ideal for professional design work. The video discusses the transition of a popular tracer from a free tool to a subscription-based service and introduces an alternative.

💡Vectorizer AI

Vectorizer AI is a service mentioned in the video that used to offer free vectorization but has now switched to a subscription model. It uses artificial intelligence to enhance the quality of vector images, producing straight and curved lines that are more aesthetically pleasing and professional. The video compares this service with a free alternative.

💡SVG Converter

SVG Converter is a free online tool introduced in the video as an alternative to Vectorizer AI. It allows users to upload images and convert them into SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format, which is a type of vector image file. The tool is appreciated for its local processing, meaning it doesn't upload data to a server, thus maintaining user privacy.

💡Black and White Switch

The 'Black and White Switch' is a feature within the SVG Converter tool that allows users to toggle the image to be treated as a black and white image during the vectorization process. This can be useful for simplifying the image and enhancing the vectorization results for certain types of images, as demonstrated in the video.


In the context of vectorization, 'Smoothness' refers to the level of detail and the curves' quality in the resulting vector image. The SVG Converter tool offers an option to adjust the smoothness, which can affect the final appearance of the vectorized image, making it either smoother or more detailed according to the user's preference.


Gradients are smooth transitions between two or more colors that are often used in images to add depth and visual interest. The video discusses how the SVG Converter tool handles gradients, noting that it may split them into multiple paths, which can require additional editing to achieve a more natural look in the final vector image.


Artifacts in the context of image processing refer to visual imperfections or unwanted effects that appear in the image as a result of the conversion process. The video mentions that the SVG Converter may produce artifacts when vectorizing complex images, but it provides an editing feature to correct these issues.

💡Edit Image Button

The 'Edit Image Button' is a feature within the SVG Converter tool that allows users to manually edit the segmented image before the final vectorization. This can be used to correct errors, adjust colors, and improve the overall quality of the vectorized image, as shown in the video.

💡Affinity Designer

Affinity Designer is a professional graphic design software mentioned in the video where the vectorized SVG files are opened for further editing and refinement. It is used for tasks like combining layers, creating compound curves, and cleaning up the design, which is a common step after vectorization.

💡Logosist 5

Logosist 5 is a vector design software that the video's presenter has recently purchased for testing. It includes a vectorizer that the presenter found to be of decent quality, with options to fine-tune the output. The software is noted for its powerful editor and potential as an alternative to Affinity Designer for certain tasks.

💡Subscription Model

A 'Subscription Model' is a type of payment structure where users pay a recurring fee to access a service or product. The video discusses the shift of Vectorizer AI to a subscription model as opposed to its previous free usage, which impacts the decision of whether or not the tool is worth the cost for casual users.


The best free map Tracer is no longer free, requiring a subscription for use.

SVG converter is introduced as a free alternative for vectorization.

SVG converter performs vectorization locally on the user's browser without uploading to a server.

The vectorization process in SVG converter is demonstrated with a black and white image.

Users can adjust smoothness settings in SVG converter for better results.

Vectorizer AI is praised for its AI-enhanced vectorization, producing clean lines.

SVG converter does not provide AI-enhanced vectors but still offers satisfactory results.

Gradients are not well recognized by SVG converter, which splits them into multiple paths.

Complicated images may take longer to process in SVG converter due to their complexity.

Artifacts can be manually corrected in SVG converter using the edit image button.

The segmented image allows for detailed correction of vectorization issues.

Affinity Designer is used to open and clean up the downloaded SVG files.

The number of curves in vectorization can be reduced for a cleaner result.

Logoist 5 is highlighted as a recently purchased tool with a decent vectorizer.

Logoist 5 provides options to fine-tune the vectorization output.

Logoist 5's editor is powerful and may serve as an alternative to Affinity Designer.

The document structure in Logoist 5 can be viewed and modified before exporting.

The SVG file from Logoist 5 can be imported into Affinity Designer for further processing.