Loser Upgrades Winner's FC MOBILE Account: RkReddy vs @deMysterio
TLDRفي هذا النص المترجم، يُعرض مبارة تحدٍ بين الأصدقاء التقليديين في لعبة FC Mobile. يُقدم الضيف المميز، de Mysterio، بطولة مميزة وأسلوب مضحك، ويواجه صديق القناة في مبارتين في المنزل. يُحدد القواعد ببساطة، وسيلعب كل منهما مباراة واحدة في المنزل ويتم مقارنة مجموع الأهداف لتحديد الفائز. يُعد الفوز بمثابة تحفيز، حيث يحصل الفائز على الاحتفاظ بكل شيء، لكن الفاشل يجب أن يضحي بشيء. يُظهر de Mysterio فريقه الذي يُعتبر فريدًا وقويًا، ويتضمن أفضل اللاعبين. يُظهر الصديق فريقه الذي يُعتبر أقل تقييمًا، لكن يتضمن اللاعبين المثاليين. بعد إظهار الفرق، يبدأ اللعب ويظهر أن de Mysterio يلعب بأداء عالٍ، لكن الصديق يحقق هدفًا في النصف الأول. في النصف الثاني، يُحاول de Mysterio اللعب بشكل أفضل لكن الصديق يحقق هدفين ويصبح الفائز في النهاية. يُعلن الصديق فوزه ويطلب من de Mysterio التخلص من بطله الأفضل، Drogba، في النهاية.
- 😀 هذا هو القناة التي يشارك فيها الصديق العزيز De Mysterio، وهو من أفضل مبدعي المحتوى في FC Mobile.
- 🎮 سيتم إجراء مباريات head-to-head في لعبة FC Mobile، حيث يلعب كل منهما مباراة واحدة في المنزل.
- 🏆 اللاعب الذي يسجل أغلب الأهداف في مجموع المباريات سيكون الفائز ويحافظ على كل شيء، لكن الفاشل سيفقد شيء ما.
- 🤔 De Mysterio يعد نفسه متحملا لكن يشعر بالقلق من أجل مباريات head-to-head.
- 🤝 إذا فاز De Mysterio، فسيحصل على ترقية حساب الصديق، وإذا فاز الصديق فسيتخلص من اللاعب Drogba.
- 🤔 تشير النص إلى أن الصديق يعاني من أداء سيئ في head-to-head هذا الموسم.
- 👀 تم إظهار تشكيلة De Mysterio، تتضمن حارس الهدف Manuel Neuer، ووسط الملعب McGregor، وMichael Bak، وSunil Chetri، وآخرون.
- 🤔 تشير النص إلى أن فريق الصديق يتضمن لاعبين بتقييم منخفض لكن يلعبون بشكل مثالي.
- 🤩 يبدو أن الصديق متحمس للعب مباريات head-to-head مع De Mysterio.
- 😅 يبدو أن الصديق يحاول الاستغلال من فراغات في منتصف الميدان لصالح De Mysterio، لكن النتيجة الأولى كانت بدون هدف.
- 😅 في المباراة الثانية، يلعب الصديق في المنزل ويحاول الاستغلال من الأخطاء التي يراها في فريق De Mysterio.
- 😢 في النهاية، فاز الصديق ويتطلب من De Mysterio تلقي Drogba من阵容.
Q & A
ما هي القناة التي يتحدث عنها الشخص؟
-القناة هي قناة يوتيوب لشخص يلعب لعبة FC Mobile ويحترف في إعداد محتوى للعبة.
من هو الضيف المميز في القناة هذه المرة؟
-الضيف المميز هو د. ميستريو، الذي يُعتبر من أعز أصدقاء الشخص في FC Mobile وواحد من أفضل مبدعي المحتوى في اللعبة.
ما هي اللعب الذي سيتم تحديًا بين الشخص والضيف؟
-اللعب الذي سيتم تحديًا هو لعبة FC Mobile، حيث سيلعبا مبارتان، وسيحسب مجموع الأهداف في المباريات الجمع为客户.
ماذا يفترض أن يخسره الضيف إذا فاز الشخص؟
-إذا فاز الشخص، فسيعيد الضيف ملعب الشخص 'Drogba'.
ماذا سيفعل الشخص إذا فاز الضيف؟
-إذا فاز الضيف، فسيرفع الشخص حساب الضيف.
ما هي الفرق بين الفريقين في المباراة؟
-فريق الضيف يحتوي على 防御 ممتازة وبعض اللاعبين الغير معروفين مثل McGregor، بينما الفريق الشخص يحتوي على لاعبين مثل Van Dijk وMaldini.
لماذا يستخدم الشخص Sunil Chetri في فريقه؟
-الشخص يستخدم Sunil Chetri لأنه يحترم استخدام الضيف للاعب من同一国度.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية للمباراة الأولى؟
-النتيجة النهائية للمباراة الأولى هي 1-0 في فضل الشخص.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية للمباراة الثانية؟
-النتيجة النهائية للمباراة الثانية هي 2-0 في فضل الشخص، مما يجعلها 3-0 في مجموع الأهداف.
من هو لاعب المباراة بالنسبة للشخص؟
-لاعب المباراة بالنسبة للشخص هو goalkeeper 'Vander'.
ماذا يفترض أن يفعل الضيف بعد الخسارة؟
-بعد الخسارة، يفترض أن يحذف الضيف 'Drogba' من فريقه.
🎮 مباريات اللعب الإلكترونية: المقدمة والانضمام
يرحب المتحدث بجمهوره ويرحب بضيف خاص في قناته، يذكر أنه أحد أعز أصدقائه في لعبة FC Mobile وأحد أفضل مبدعي المحتوى في اللعبة. يذكر المتحدث أن الضيف قد يكون مزعجا بعض الأوقات بنكته لكنه شخص صادق في الداخل. ويرحب بالضيف 'دي ميستيريو' ويسأله عن حالته وذكر أنه كانت هذه هي المرة الثانية لتصوير مقاطع فيديو معهم. ويناقشون اللعب الذي سيلعبوه، يتضمن مبارتين في المنزل ويقارنا مجموع الأهداف في المباريات لمعرفة الناجح. ويذكر المتحدث عن تحديات اللعب وأنه سيلعب في شكل 'head to head' مع الضيف ويذكر ال.rules التي تتضمن أن الفائز يحتفظ بكل شيء لكن الفاشل يجب أن يضحي بشيء. ويذكر الضيف أن سي Tuyecycle Drogba، وهو تضحية كبيرة. ويناقشون عن فريقهما ويتحدث المتحدث عن فريق الضيف ويذكر أنه لديه خط دفاع قوي ولاعبين متميزين في الوسط والمقدمين.
🏆 مباريات اللعب الإلكترونية: الجولة الأولى
يبدأ المتحدث بلعب الجولة الأولى مع الضيف ويذكر أنه سيلعب بمنزله ويتوقع أن يخسر. ويذكر أنه لديه خط الدفاع قوي ويتحدث عن اللاعبين في فريقه ويذكر أن لديه مدافع يلعب بشكل عظيم. ويذكر أن الهدف هو أن يلعب بشكل جيد ويحقق النتيجة الأفضل. ويتحدث عن اللاعبين في فريقه ويذكر أن لديه مهاجمين متميزين ويتوقع أن يلعب بطريقة تجعل الخصم يعاني من الضغط. ويذكر أن اللعب سيلعب دور كبير في النتيجة النهائية ويتحدث عن اللاعبين الذين يلعبون بشكل جيد ويذكر أن الهدف هو أن يلعب بشكل جيد ويحقق النتيجة الأفضل.
🥇 مباريات اللعب الإلكترونية: الجولة الثانية والنتيجة النهائية
يبدأ المتحدث بلعب الجولة الثانية ويذكر أنه سيلعب في بيته ويتوقع أن يكون لديه ميزة في اللعب بسبب الرابطة العالية. ويتحدث عن اللاعبين في فريقه ويذكر أنه سيحاول أن يستغل الضعف في خط الدفاع للخصم. ويذكر أنه سيحاول أن يلعب بشكل جيد ويحقق النتيجة الأفضل. ويتحدث عن اللاعبين الذين يلعبون بشكل جيد ويذكر أن الهدف هو أن يلعب بشكل جيد ويحقق النتيجة الأفضل. ويذكر أن النتيجة النهائية هي أن المتحدث فاز وأنه سيجعل الضيف ي Tuyecycle Drogar. ويذكر أن الأفضل في المباريات هو مدافع الخصم 'فاندر' لأنه لعب بشكل عظيم ويحفظ الفريق من الخسارة.
💡FC Mobile
💡Content Creator
💡Head to Head Match
💡Aggregate Score
💡Team Defense
💡Man of the Match
💡Internet Lag
Introduction of special guest, De Mysterio, a close friend and top content creator in FC Mobile.
Debate on whether it's the first or second time De Mysterio has been on the channel.
Announcement of a head-to-head match challenge with De Mysterio.
Rules of the match explained: playing one match at home each, with aggregate score determining the winner.
De Mysterio's potential sacrifice if he loses: recycling his Drogba card.
Host's promise to upgrade De Mysterio's account if he loses.
Reveal of De Mysterio's unique and underrated team lineup.
Discussion of De Mysterio's choice of players and their roles in the team.
Host's decision to use Sunil Chetri in his team, inspired by De Mysterio.
Introduction of the host's team with a focus on gameplay over ratings.
Predictions for the match outcome with humor and banter.
Start of the first head-to-head match with initial reactions.
Dramatic moments and commentary during the first match.
Second match begins with a focus on exploiting internet lag for advantage.
Tense moments and commentary during the second match.
De Mysterio's frustration with the goalkeeper's performance.
Final moments of the match with De Mysterio's potential sacrifice.
Announcement of the winner and De Mysterio's sacrifice of his Drogba card.
Discussion on the man of the match and the overall experience of the matches.
Closing remarks and thanks to the viewers for watching.
yo okay gang what's going on welcome
back to my channel so today guys there's
a special guest on our Channel he's one
of my closest friends in FC mobile and
also he's one of the best content
creators in FC Mobile sometimes he might
be cringey with his jokes but he's a
very genuine guy at heart hey de
Mysterio welcome to my channel man this
is the first time you coming to my
channel so how are you doing brother
first time I mean no is this the second
time you made a video 11 YouTubers my
yeah yeah yeah yeah I remember yeah this
is the second time sorry guys this is
the second time are you ready for the
head tohe match I'm really nervous man
you called for a head tohe and you know
eventually it's like you know hey you
you have to sacrifice a few things man
you have to sacrifice a few things
because I'm going to hopefully went to
gym and lifted a few dumbbells man
because I want your fingers to be
shaking the rules are straightforward de
Mysterio so basically uh I'm going to be
playing one match in home and you're
going to be playing one match in home
we're going to see the aggregate score
and whoever has the most amount of uh
goal scored in the two matches combined
is going to be the winner and you know
what the winner gets to to keep
everything but the loser they have to
sacrifice something man so what are you
going to sacrifice if you lose this
challenge I'm going to recycle Drogba
Drogba oh my God that's a big sacrifice
man all right so if I lose this
challenge I'm going to upgrade your
account so do we have a deal I mean yes
but eventually I have to defeat you yeah
you got to defeat me obviously man you
know that thing comes for free and I'm
sure you're going to defeat me because
I'm in very bad head to form by the way
I have haven't been playing a lot of
head to this season anyways let's begin
by showing our teams first I'm going to
open your team now all right guys so
this is the head-to-head team of De myio
not going to lie that's a quite a unique
team to be honest goalkeeper Manuel lawy
great goalkeeper we've got two amazing
center backs in Vincent company and
Thiago Silva and the right back Carles
huge fan off his and Zam in left pack so
also he's got all his defense in ranks
so yeah not an easy defense to play
against and he's got McGregor who is
this guy oh my God what's this guy doing
in your team uh D Mysterio who is this
guy he is the surprise Factor you know
he's just everywhere in the Midfield
you're going to pass the ball m is not
there m is there he just time travel man
I don't know what he does nice and he
got Michael Bak oh my God man you got a
nice Midfield as well not going to lie
McGregor I never heard of him before but
his stats they look promising man I mean
yeah if you rank you know train up to 30
he's going to do the job he's got groga
in the cam that's so weird man why you
putting groga in the cam position I mean
eventually like that position is not yet
sorted I was like saving it up for T2
you know someone maybe I'm going to be
adding them up and he's got the goat
Sunil chetri maxed out as well and
luckily Sunil chetri has Cal as his
potion for sure calm left wing right
wing wow respect man for using Sunil
chetry now that you use Sunil chetry
even I'm going to use Sunil chetry in my
team and diabi that's a beautiful card
and finally Kim adami to be honest your
team is quite underrated I mean the
rating is low but the players you used
are perfect by the way I'm so excited to
play a head to-head match but before we
start the head to match let me show you
my team you know this is my second
account so yeah seven you know what's
the difference okay OB is not not
important game play is important but I
want my team to be upgraded you know I'm
gos so yeah good luck getting past
vanders vany and Malini man is going to
be enough okay let's see okay I'm going
to replace Pelle a goat with another
goat which is Sunil chetry I mean goat
of my country so yep Sunil chetry enters
the striker and of course best Lou Diaz
zidan Florian WS rud H and Yep this is
my team bro so what do you think what
what are your predictions by the way no
I think I think you know you're going to
win probably say 21 I don't know maybe
and both matches combined yeah okay I
think I'm going to lose 32 to you I mean
three goals to you and two goals to me I
think eventually you know what you know
we are playing like so far away so you
know the N lag is going to you know play
very important So eventually at the end
of the day we might end up giving the
man of the match price to to the
internet but I I can I can see that you
know you have a little you know space
between your midfielders and your
Defenders so maybe I'm going to try to
capitalize on that yeah good luck with
that bro bro so are you ready let's go
and start the first match all right so
let's dive into the first head toad
match so he has sent me the request so
yep R Ked is losing this one that's for
sure I mean it might end up being a draw
and the next match is going to be a
pressure oh yeah if this is a draw I'm
definitely having some advantage that's
for sure my hands are cold as hell you
you can save the excuses for the ending
man oh my God he scored man he scored oh
thank you thank you w thank you for
me oh
I got lucky one more time bro what's rud
doing there he has just blocked a pass
there n
man oh
oh okay that was a horrible first off by
AR guys I mean I just couldn't do
anything I just couldn't because uh D
Mysterio has all the ball so yeah uh
hopefully in the second half I keep the
clean sheet let's go floran come on come
on oh no man I just wasted all my
chances oh never mind the ball's back
go Ro H it with the goal man let's
freaking go guys let's freaking go
you're losing this one the Mysterio
remember you're losing this one
man oh
yeah that was a beautiful finish from
Road by the way that is that is that is
what I was talking about you know I'm
going to play outstandingly well I'm
going to dribble pass the entire team
I'm probably going to dble pass the
referee as well but you know the
Finishing Touch is where I lack yeah you
you you remind me of the team I support
by the
way H yeah Arsenal it's the same man
every match they have a billion chances
but they couldn't finish a single
one oh okay vand once again saved me I
told you this guy is crazy man so first
leg I played I mean I played away and we
managed to somehow get a result one Zer
down D Mysterio you got to score two
goals in the next match in order to win
this one man or else your drar is chow
chow yeah maybe it's a draw as well all
right if it's a draw we got to play The
Golden Goal by the way all right guys so
time for game number two and this time
I'm playing the home that means I get 8
ping or something around that and B
Myster is going to get like 150 to 200
ping so yeah time to exploit that and
score a lot of goals come on Good Luck
the Mysterio hopefully you get a draw
here not a draw I mean I have to win all
right come on come on George Best come
on score this one score this one no way
re yes Florian wordss with a quick goal
let's freaking go two Z in aggregate by
the way you got to score three goals now
in order to win and two goals if you
score two goals by the way and if it's a
draw you're winning it you know why
because you win it on heav goals yeah
TOA oh oh oh no no no no no no no no no
Edwin Vander sir he's definitely got to
be the man of the match right I mean if
if the goalkeeper acts like his wife is
divorcing him and he needs a he needs to
find a new wife then it's going to be
really difficult for me to score now bro
come on let's stop with the screen jokes
Oh no I got to concentrate I got to
concentrate N I also I was busy laughing
man laughing at my own jokes come on T
chry come on I love to score with you
and it's 20 Z up already 26 minutes gone
what is going on D Mysterio what's wrong
bro no I'm mean I'm just frustrated that
V is saing everything
I mean you know what in this games you
definitely got to have a bit of luck man
yeah I'm not I'm not sad you know you're
losing against one of the best so yeah
that's fine no it's not that you know
I'm losing I mean I'm losing because the
goalkeeper is making loads of saves okay
never mind let me conc on my
attack oh my God I just cannot
concentrate I'm sorry man I'm sorry I'm
not supposed to laugh but I just can't
help it's okay it's okay I just cannot
concentrate I'm just busy like I'm in a
mood of talking trash man having issue
called skill
issue all right oh no way all right so
yeah time to bounce back time to bounce
back I got to score more you are already
bouncing man you're already bouncing
with two goals come on Sunil come on ah
that was off pass man his passing was in
the best to be
honest oh what the heck why I no man
come on come on come on come on I I I I
don't want to another
shot what was that and yeah 32 good
fight man good fight from you to be
honest I mean faster faster was I mean
look at D what was it doing yeah was it
was like as if he is repelling from the
ball he's like go cat cat it
catch that's one of the funniest gos by
the way oh oh my God what the heck what
no way what am I playing bro what am I
playing if you if you score another goal
it's done it's game over for me by the
way because you you're going to be
having four away goals man I somehow
could to keep the draw at least and the
winner is I care ready come on D
Mysterio now you got to discard your
drogar let's go get ready share your
screen man share your screen time to
discard drar yeah let's go I'm happy man
I love seeing you waste some coins I
mean you're
saddest yeah it's done let's go guys so
you all know who the better player in
head to is it's R so yeah the Mysterio
I'm sorry brother it's all jokes by the
way uh so how did you feel how was the
matches and what's your opinion I mean
what do you think did you have fun I'm
the guy I'm the guy who likes to do the
comback so oh yeah that was a lovely
comeback by the way three goals down I
would I would have given up man but you
did a great comeback and yeah Kos do
that please man stop making saves man
you save everything man everything I
should it's it's not fair man it's not
fair who do you think is a man of the
match in the both matches combined I
mean you you also know that you tell me
yeah for me it's Vander definitely
especially in the match number one if he
wasn't there uh I would have lost that
match and yeah the second match would
have been different so yeah a little bit
of luck on my side as well a thanks to
wer and yeah I think we should uh we
should just announce that Vander is the
man of the match then that's it guys uh
thank you so much for watching this
video I hope you all have enjoyed this
and also make sure to subscribe to my
friend the Mysterio the link is in the
description Below have a great day guys
4.9 / 5 (40 votes)

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