An Autonomous AI Assistant That Actually Works!

Shu Omi
21 Jul 202307:33

TLDRThe video introduces Hyperwrite Personal Assistant, an AI developed by Hyperwrite that can perform various tasks such as sending emails, researching topics, shopping, hiring, journaling, finding events, gift ideas, booking flights and hotels, and generating content ideas. Despite being in alpha and having some bugs, it showcases impressive capabilities, though it requires specific instructions to avoid unintended actions. The assistant can save time but requires proofreading and confirmation before finalizing tasks. The video also features a sponsorship for Rosebud, an AI-powered journaling app that uses the 'Rose, Bud, Thorn' framework to guide users through daily reflection and personal growth. The assistant's speed and the need for precision in instructions are noted as areas for improvement.


  • 🚀 The AI assistant is developed by Hyperwrite and is capable of performing tasks like sending emails, researching, and booking flights.
  • 📧 For email management, the AI can draft responses in the user's writing style after learning from examples, but requires proofreading before sending.
  • 🔍 In research tasks, the AI can find articles and summarize findings, which can be useful for creating content like blog posts.
  • 🛍️ The assistant can aid in shopping by finding top-rated products, adding them to a cart, and seeking confirmation before purchase.
  • 💼 It can assist in hiring by listing potential candidates for a job along with their profiles, saving time and effort in the hiring process.
  • 📓 The AI-powered journaling app Rosebud uses a framework to guide users through daily reflection and suggests personal goals for growth.
  • 🎉 For leisure activities, the assistant can find local events and add them to a note for the user to consider for the weekend.
  • 🎁 When gift shopping, the AI can suggest gift ideas based on the recipient's preferences, making the process less daunting.
  • ✈️ The assistant excels at booking flights and hotels, finding the best prices and creating itineraries, which is beneficial for busy travelers.
  • 📝 For content creation, the AI can compile lists of upcoming tech products or top software, streamlining the research process.
  • 🛠️ Despite being in alpha, the AI assistant shows promise but requires specificity in instructions to avoid unwanted actions like unsolicited emails.
  • ⏱️ The AI assistant's speed is currently a bit slow, taking longer to complete tasks than a human might, but multitasking can mitigate this issue.

Q & A

  • What is the main function of the AI assistant mentioned in the transcript?

    -The AI assistant is designed to perform various tasks on behalf of the user, such as sending emails, finding job candidates, booking flights, and conducting research.

  • Which company developed the AI assistant featured in the transcript?

    -The AI assistant was developed by Hyperwrite.

  • What is the current stage of development for the Hyperwrite Personal Assistant?

    -The Hyperwrite Personal Assistant is still in the alpha stage, which means it has some bugs and features that do not work yet.

  • How does the AI assistant help with email management?

    -The AI assistant can be instructed to go to Gmail, check the inbox, organize emails, and draft responses in the user's writing style.

  • What is the user's concern regarding the AI assistant's email drafting feature?

    -The user is concerned about the quality of the responses and the potential for the assistant to send emails without the user's permission.

  • How can the AI assistant assist in researching for a blog post?

    -The AI assistant can find articles on a specified topic, summarize the findings, and place the summary in the user's note app.

  • What is an example of a shopping-related task the AI assistant can perform?

    -The AI assistant can find top-rated circulators and desk fans, add them to the cart, and check with the user before making a purchase.

  • How can the AI assistant help with the hiring process?

    -The AI assistant can list a few candidates who are good at a specific job, such as video editing, and provide links to their profiles in the user's note app.

  • What is the name of the AI-powered daily journaling app mentioned in the transcript?

    -The AI-powered daily journaling app mentioned is called Rosebud.

  • What are the three questions that the Rosebud app asks users daily?

    -The three questions are Rose (positive event), Bud (opportunity to look forward to), and Thorn (challenges faced).

  • How does the AI assistant help with planning trips?

    -The AI assistant can search for flights and hotels based on the user's preferences, create an itinerary, and find fun activities or places to visit.

  • What is one potential issue with the AI assistant's current capabilities?

    -One potential issue is that the assistant requires very specific instructions to perform tasks as desired, and if the request is vague, it may not function as intended.



😀 Personal AI Assistant Capabilities

The video introduces a personal AI assistant developed by Hyperwrite, which is capable of performing various tasks such as sending emails, researching topics, booking flights, and more. The assistant is still in its alpha stage, so it has some bugs and limitations. It can help with email responses by drafting replies in the user's writing style, although the quality may require proofreading. The assistant can also conduct research, find top-rated products for purchase, list job candidates, and even help with journaling through an AI-powered app called Rosebud. The assistant's ability to learn and adapt to the user's preferences is highlighted, as well as the potential for it to save time and improve efficiency in various tasks.


🛒 AI Assistant for Shopping and Travel Planning

The video continues to explore the functionalities of the AI assistant, focusing on its utility for shopping and travel planning. The assistant can be instructed to find and add items to a cart for the user to review before purchasing, which is particularly useful for finding gifts or managing household needs. It also excels at booking flights and hotels based on the user's preferences and can create an itinerary by finding activities and places to visit. The assistant can also aid content creators by researching and listing upcoming tech products or trending software on platforms like ProductHunt. Despite being in the early stages, the assistant is praised for its potential to save time and streamline various aspects of daily life. However, the video also mentions the need for specificity in instructions to avoid unwanted actions, such as unsolicited email sending. The presenter expresses a mix of excitement and apprehension about the future capabilities of AI.



💡AI Assistant

An AI Assistant is an artificial intelligence software that performs tasks or services for an individual just as a human assistant would. In the video, the AI Assistant is shown to be capable of handling various tasks such as sending emails, researching topics, and booking flights, which demonstrates its utility and potential in automating personal and professional activities.


Hyperwrite is the company mentioned in the script that developed the personal AI assistant being discussed. It represents the innovation in the field of AI where the assistant is not just a concept but an actual working tool, signifying the progress in AI technology and its applications in enhancing productivity and efficiency.

💡Email Drafting

Email drafting refers to the process of creating a written response to an email. In the context of the video, the AI Assistant is instructed to draft responses in the user's writing style, which highlights the assistant's ability to mimic human-like interactions and the importance of specificity in instructions to achieve desired outcomes.


Researching in this video script pertains to the AI Assistant's capability to find and summarize information from various sources. It is showcased when the assistant is asked to find articles on binaural beats and summarize them, which exemplifies the utility of AI in saving time and effort in gathering and organizing information.

💡Shopping Assistance

Shopping assistance here refers to the AI Assistant's ability to aid in online shopping by finding products, adding them to a cart, and seeking confirmation before purchase. This feature is demonstrated when the assistant is asked to find top-rated circulators and desk fans, showcasing how AI can facilitate and streamline the shopping process.

💡Hiring Process

The hiring process involves searching for, screening, interviewing, and selecting candidates for job positions. In the video, the AI Assistant is utilized to find top candidates for a video editing job, which illustrates the potential of AI in automating parts of the hiring process and making it less time-consuming.

💡AI-Powered Journaling App

An AI-Powered Journaling App, as mentioned with the example of Rosebud, is a software application that uses artificial intelligence to enhance the journaling experience. It uses the 'Rose, Bud, Thorn' framework to ask users reflective questions and suggests follow-up questions based on their responses, aiming to promote personal growth and meaningful self-reflection.

💡Event Discovery

Event discovery is the process of finding events or activities happening in a certain area or time frame. The AI Assistant in the video is shown to help the user find events happening in Tokyo during the upcoming weekend, which demonstrates the usefulness of AI in discovering and organizing social or recreational activities.

💡Gift Suggestions

Gift suggestions refer to the process of generating ideas for gifts based on the preferences of the recipient. In the script, the AI Assistant is asked to find gift ideas for a friend, which it does by considering the recipient's likes and dislikes, showcasing the personalized assistance AI can provide.

💡Flight and Hotel Booking

Flight and hotel booking involves the process of reserving travel arrangements. The AI Assistant is capable of searching for flights and hotels based on the user's preferences and even creating an itinerary, which highlights the potential of AI in simplifying and automating travel planning.

💡Content Creation

Content creation is the process of producing original content, such as articles, videos, or blog posts. The AI Assistant assists in this by finding ideas for upcoming tech products or listing the best products on ProductHunt, which saves time on research and aids in generating engaging and relevant content.

💡Alpha Product

An alpha product is a term used in software development to describe a product that is still in the early stages of testing and has not yet been released to the public. The AI Assistant discussed in the video is in the alpha stage, which means it is still being developed and improved, and may contain bugs or incomplete features.


An Autonomous AI Assistant developed by Hyperwrite can perform tasks such as sending emails, finding job candidates, and booking flights.

The AI is using the user's laptop to autonomously complete tasks given by the user.

Hyperwrite Personal Assistant is in alpha stage, with bugs and features that don't work yet.

The assistant can help with email management by checking the inbox, organizing emails, and drafting responses in the user's writing style.

The AI provides logic behind each step of the email drafting process for transparency.

The AI's responses require proofreading before sending and should not be allowed to send emails without user permission.

The AI can conduct research, such as finding articles on binaural beats and summarizing findings.

The assistant can be used for shopping by finding top-rated products, adding them to the cart, and checking with the user before purchase.

The AI can assist in hiring by listing top candidates for a job with links to their profiles.

Rosebud, an AI-powered journaling app, uses AI to facilitate meaningful daily reflection and personal growth.

The AI can find events happening nearby during the weekend and add them to the user's note.

The assistant can help find gift ideas for friends or family based on their preferences.

The AI can book flights and hotels based on user preferences and create an itinerary.

For creators and writers, the AI can find ideas for next content, such as upcoming tech products or the best products on ProductHunt.

The AI assistant is still in early stages but shows promise in its capabilities.

The assistant's speed is a bit slow, taking minutes to complete tasks that could be done manually in seconds.

To work effectively, the AI requires very specific instructions; vague requests may lead to unintended actions.

Despite being an alpha product, the AI assistant offers a valuable experience with room for improvement.